#abortion is healthcare



This is a reminder that Roe v Wade wasn’t just about abortion.

It was about privacy.

It didn’t state abortion is legal.

It stated that you had the right to do whatever you want, and we can’t determine if you’ve had an abortion without invading your privacy.

To see how abortion bans are a violation of privacy look at the abortion cases in Texas. Neighbors are sueing neighbors because, “You were pregnant. You left the state. Now you’re not. That’s strange. I think you left to have an abortion.”

Do you WANT people in your business like that? Sneakily checking the addresses on your mail to see if you’re ordering abortion meds? To stalk you to the point where they can tell if you’re pregnant and when you’re suddenly not anymore? Companies going through your search history to see if you’re on abortion websites?




Remember that people who aren’t women also need and want abortions. Include and protect trans and intersex people in this conversation. Keep watch for terf rhetoric and dogwhistles. Terfs will use this as ammunition.

And when we push for gender-inclusive language in legal and healthcare contexts, it’s not just because being called the wrong word makes us feel bad. If the language of a healthcare law or regulation uses specifically gendered language, that creates a loophole that can be used to deny trans people coverage. Ask any trans man who’s had to try and find gynecological care, or any trans woman who has ever needed a prostate exam. Yes, it is difficult and often humiliating to be called the wrong words, but what we’re mostly worried about is losing our access to the healthcare we need alltogether.


A lot of people are REALLY WORRIED about the leaked Alito draft, and for good reason. If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, many states will enact trigger laws that revoke the right to safe abortion access. But that doesn’t mean that safe abortions won’t be possible. They’ll just be harder to access.

Fortunately, we aren’t powerless. There are things we can do to help preserve the right to abortion and, if Roe falls, help people get the abortions they need.

Here are some actionable things you can do to help!

Donate to your local abortion fund.

This is a financial commitment, obviously, but these funds are vital to helping people access abortions. There are different types of funds. Practical funds help with transportation, housing, and other practical needs. Clinical funds help with paying for the procedure. Both types of funds are necessary and helpful!

If you’re in a state with protected abortion access, see if there’s a practical fund in your state that you can donate to. These funds make it possible for people for other states to afford travel and lodging in your state. You might also want to consider donating to funds in states or regions that have trigger laws, like the Yellowhammer Abortion Fund, which helps people in Mississippi, Alabama, and the Deep South.

To find an abortion fund in your state, you can google “abortion fund + your state” or open up this google doc that’s a maintained list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T-aDTsZXnKhMcrDmtcD35aWs00gw5piocDhaFy5LKDY/preview?pru=AAABgKwRCFs*fZxkvUyYtHx7T4KXmRnOLA

There’s also https://abortionfunds.org/, but as of right now (2 May 2022, right after the SCOTUS leak happened), their website is down. Too much traffic!

Volunteer with a hotline.

As of writing this, a lot of abortion fund websites are completely overwhelmed. Lots of people are rightfully upset and looking for some way to help. Many of these funds have hotlines that you can help out directly from your own phone! Google “abortion fund + your state (or your region) + hotline” and see what comes up. These hotlines are going to be SWAMPED soon and many orgs are going to be onboarding volunteers very quickly to help deal with the onslaught.

Donate to grassroots causes. 

I love Planned Parenthood as much as the next gal, but donating to them isn’t actually going to help as much right now as donating to an abortion fund. Smaller, grassroots networks are going to be more effective at allocating resources to the people who need it most. Independent clinics are also going to need substantial help. Independent clinics provide the majority of abortion care in the US, and many are the only clinics operating in hostile states. Check out https://keepourclinics.org/ if you’re interested in donating.

Make a list of resources.

There are a lot of people out there who aren’t going to have the time or energy or emotional bandwidth to deal with this dumpster fire. If you have the capacity to do so, then maintain a file somewhere with the following information:

- any abortion funds that serve your area with their contact info- email and phone and links

- any abortion hotlines in your area

- national care hotlines, ESPECIALLY RAINN because this is going to be really, really hard on survivors

-a list of crisis pregnancy centers in your area, clearly marked with their names, contact info, and primary links. Make sure that these are highlighted in a way that separates them from the actual abortion providers because these centers are highly predatory and manipulate people who are distressed and confused. If somebody has access to that list and know who’s operating in an area, it might help them avoid these places!

Have this file ready to go so that you can share it with people who are overwhelmed!

Help the safe havens.

Losing Roe feels inevitable at this point. It might not be, but the world is terrifying. However, some states are safe havens and will maintain abortion access, regardless of what SCOTUS eventually decides. Practical access funds in these states will need help because they will help people traveling from unsafe states to safe states. Refer to this map: https://reproductiverights.org/maps/what-if-roe-fell/

Look for funds in states that are blue or yellow. This means they have expanded access or protection if Roe falls. But be sure to hover over and look at the summary of the protection– for example, Florida has abortion protection, but they just passed a 15-week ban. That’s basically protection in name only!

If you’re not sure which practical fund you’d like to support, I highly suggest the Midwest Access Coalition. MAC is based in Chicago and helps people from all over the Midwest come to the city for reproductive healthcare. A lot of the Midwest is really hostile to abortion, so MAC can help a lot of people. But there are many, many others!

In the coming days and weeks, there will be more to do. There will be marches, protests, and other organized action. But right now, tonight, these are things you can look into doing.

collagesofcollege: Here’s a new protest sign that does not involve the coat hanger since that is tri


Here’s a new protest sign that does not involve the coat hanger since that is triggering and stigmatizing.

[ Image Description: A collage with pieces of red and purple flowers as the background. In the middle is a green heart made up of small rectangle shapes, with a heartbeat line going through it (the flat line that goes up and down in sharp peaks like a heartbeat on a monitor). White words painted over the flowers read: “Abortion is Healthcare.” End Image Description ]

Post link
genderqueerpositivity: (Image description: four color blocks with centered black text, the text saysgenderqueerpositivity: (Image description: four color blocks with centered black text, the text saysgenderqueerpositivity: (Image description: four color blocks with centered black text, the text saysgenderqueerpositivity: (Image description: four color blocks with centered black text, the text says


(Image description: four color blocks with centered black text, the text says “Abortion on demand without apology”, “Respect bodily autonomy”, “My body my choice”, “Reproductive justice now”.)

Standing with all of the folks over in Ireland who are fighting for the right to reproductive choice. #Repealthe8th

Post link


In light of todays (not shocking but still disappointing news, about Roe v.Wade being overturned) I’m sharing the link, as these services will be needed ASAP since 22 states have trigger laws on the books

these are my tweets but I felt like I needed to be clear on here as well.




I literally do not care what the Bible says about any political issue. I am not Christian. Christian scripture should have zero effect on my life or my personal freedoms. 

The fact that I did not mention abortion anywhere in this post, yet the replies and reblogs are filled with Christians trying to “well actually” me and/or resorting to anti-choice insults is… telling, to say the least.

So you agree? Current US laws banning abortion are based on the religious convictions of a select few?
