#abortion rights


No discussions needed, no counter arguments are valid !

If you are anti-abortion, you are a fascist pig - the Enemy . 


Really baffled why “abortion allows men to have low-stakes consequence-free casual sex” is considered to be like a negative downside to abortion rights, or like a potentially sinister bad reason to support abortion rights.

“Abortion allows women to have low-stakes consequence-free sex” is often the primary argument for why it should exist! Allowing people to plan parenthood, allowing them to pursue their natural urges for love and sex without necessarily having to make huge life-altering commitments to marriage or parenthood upfront.

Besides religious beliefs about the sanctity of life, this is the primary reason conservatives hate abortion. It makes fornication and delayed marriage a low-stakes choice for women. And conservatives hate that! They want women to get married young and be tied down into a family unit as early as possible. Normally, a pregnancy is a powerful force for compelling young women to do that. But abortion makes it optional and voluntary, and they do not like that!

I don’t understand why we would think it’s a bad thing that abortion offers men the same liberty.

Really baffled why “abortion allows men to have low-stakes consequence-free casual sex” is considered to be like a negative downside to abortion rights 

Because these people are conservatives at heart, duh


Free Encryption Trainings

So I know blaze posts are supposed to be silly, but I wanted to do a quick, overly-earnest one. Encryption and online privacy have been in the news this week and so a group I volunteer with is starting a monthly Encryption Training series for 2022, 3rd Mondays at 4-5pm PT, every month this year. It is open to anyone; each session will be half the same overview and half small-group help; the vibe is tactical tech support and it will be pretty interactive. The agenda is below. Please register here. Our first training is this 4-5pm Monday, May 16th, 2022.

Training Description: Are you or someone you love seriously considering how best to protect your private searches and personal information online, in light of current news?

To help our attendees navigate the encrypted tools, technologies, and good habits to protect their data and online activities, we will be hosting monthly 1-hour free Encryption Trainings for all of 2022. The training draw on the technologies highlighted in these 4 guides, amongst others:

  1. Internet Society’s Encryption Training
  2. Electronic Frontier Foundation's Reproductive Healthcare Service Provider, Seeker, or Advocate Guide
  3. Digital Defense Fund’s Keep Your Abortion Private & Secure Guide
  4. Reproductive Legal Helpline's Internet Safety Guide

Please come with your questions, ideas, concerns, and technical issues.


  • 5 mins: Introductions from the trainers (the first month the San Francisco Bay Area Internet Society Chapter President will be teaching; if you would like to learn to run a training, please attend a meeting and volunteer)
  • 25 minutes: Review key tools, technologies, and habits.
  • 25 minutes: Small group help – we will partner attendees up to help evaluate and seek to address your specific encryption and privacy issue.
  • 5 mins: Wrap-up.

You’re welcome to attend several trainings, but you should get what you need out of one.

Register here and please share this series widely.

Note: even though we are starting this series because of the U.S. abortion care context, the trainings are open to anyone from any nation who would like to join, and the tools are available internationally. If you have any requests – a training in a different language, at a different time, on a specific subset of information – please feel free to reach out to me.

PS: I have no interest in debating abortion care here. I spent 5 years as a volunteer clinic escort for Planned Parenthood and have testified in FACE Act cases; people I love are also pro-life. I’ll have discussions with them. But I’ll cheerfully block anyone who wants to pick a fight on this hellsite.




Apropos of recent events, here is an article detailing how to perform a self managed abortion for up to ten weeks from last menstrual cycle

The article links various other abortion care and service sites such as

among many others that can help you find abortion pills as well as instructions, aftercare, and legal aid, should you need it.

image of the top of the wikipedia article linked belowALT

I love this!! For my fellow “prefer to learn by listening” ppl:

Here’s a 30min podcast episode about how you can help members of your community access abortion pills, which are FDA approved and safe and effective to self administer ♥️

It features an interview with the cofounder of Women Help Women/Self-Managed Abortion, Safe and Supported (SASS). They’re also safe and inclusionary for all bodies and identities :) They have secure servers to contact counselors for advice and a secure menstrual tracker app called Euki that teaches about birth control and using abortion pills safely!

Never forget that approx 20% of pregnancies self terminate, potential complications from abortion pills are the same as a regular miscarriage, and these pills being prescription-only has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with regressive puritanical reproductive health policies ♥️

It IS fucked up that we’re losing access to safe clinics. We SHOULD have the right to go to a doctor easily for abortion but even if we don’t: No more scaring each other about coat hangers!!! We don’t have to feel only scared and helpless! We can take care of each other. We should all learn this stuff. It’s basic info about our bodies and our health.


Original thread:


Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.


Republicans from the US  want to force women to give birth to children who will then be shot while going to school.

 A woman is supposed to sacrifice her health and 9 months of her life to carry to term but a Republican can’t be inconvenienced by any sort of gun control.

They 100% care about fetuses more than about actual children. In their opinion an aborted fetus that doesn’t feel anything and doesn’t even know what existence means is more important than a child dying terrified at school.


We’re forcing women to birth children in a country that cannot feed babies or protect children. Tell me again how this whole pro-life thing works?

From The Fight for Roe, one of 25 photos. Agnes Scott College student Jordan Simi (center) participa

FromThe Fight for Roe, one of 25 photos. Agnes Scott College student Jordan Simi (center) participates in a chant during a pro-abortion rights march and rally held in reaction to the leak of a draft U.S. Supreme Court majority opinion preparing for a majority of the court to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision later this year, in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 3, 2022. (Alyssa Pointer / Reuters)

Post link

for anyone who is currently panicked about the Supreme Court overturning roe v. wade:

it hasn’t happened yet.

what was leaked was an initial draft of the majority opinion: it’s the first indication of what the supreme court are leaning towards voting and why. (and by the way, these never get revealed to the public during current cases. this is a huge deal.)

“Justices can and sometimes do change their votes as draft opinions circulate and major decisions can be subject to multiple drafts and vote-trading, sometimes until just days before a decision is unveiled. The court’s holding will not be final until it is published, likely in the next two months.” (X)

it is vital that people understand that it hasn’t happened yet. and don’t get me wrong: this is still very bad. my point isn’t to give people a reason to stop caring. my point is, armed as we are with this leaked information, please please contact your state officials. support abortion rights initiatives as well as you are able.

send the Supreme Court every message we can that making this ruling would go against the public’s wishes. turn public favor vehemently against them.

this hasn’t happened yet. do not resign yourself to this future. do not panic. do not give up.

1. “If you don’t like abortion, then don’t get one.”

This concept doesn’t work on anti-choicers because they preach that abortion is murder and therefore needs to be banned as a societal moral statement.

2. “Abortion is legal.”

Anti-choicers know abortion is legal, that’s why they’re trying to make it illegal. This is essentially saying, “Abortion should be legal because it is already legal.”

3. “People will die if forced to get illegal abortions.”

Anti-choicersdon’t care if people die while “murdering little babies.”

4. “I hope all these ‘pro-life’ people have adopted children, support expanded welfare, support universal health care, etc… .”

The anti-choice movement, for the most part, does not care about children or life. Some anti-choicers adopt children or support universal health care. But the movement’s main goal is to punish people for having sex. That’s why anti-choicers don’t care about welfare. That’s why they don’t care about fertility clinics that destroy unused embryos. That’s why they don’t care that banning abortion doesn’t reduce abortion.

That’s why anti-choicers constantly talk about how people with unwanted pregnancies have to “face the consequences” of their actions: they see children as consequences for bad sexual behavior. What happens after the child is born doesn’t matter, because the person who gave birth to it has already been sufficiently punished.

5. “I hope all these ‘pro-life’ people support access to birth control and comprehensive sex ed.”

See above. The anti-choice movement doesn’t support these things because it’s the sex, not the fetuses, that it truly cares about.

Also, even if we had universal health care, affordable birth control for everyone, and comprehensive sex ed, abortion should still be legal and accessible.

6. “Planned Parenthood does so much more than abortion / Abortions are only 3% of PP’s services.”

Planned Parenthood represents exactly what anti-choicers hate: the choice to have sex without becoming a parent. Abortion is the biggest offender, but it’s the whole concept of having sex “without consequences” (i.e. a child) that anti-choicers hate.

7. “Even if a fetus was legally a person, bodily autonomy would still prevail.”

DON’T  GIVE  THEM  THIS  GROUND! Embryos and most fetuses aren’t sentient, don’t have feelings or thoughts or sensations or are aware that they exist. They are not people. Letting anti-choicers have the “personhood” argument gives them enormous ground to shame pregnant people and pass laws restricting legal abortion out of existence. It also has disastrous consequences for people who have miscarriages.

So what does work?

  • Anti-choicers’ entire platform depends on emotional manipulation with the “protect unborn children” rhetoric. They absolutely hate having the conversation re-centered on what’s actually under attack: the rights of pregnant people, specifically their right to bodily autonomy.
  • Most of the listed arguments don’t work because they’re still focused on the supposed “rights” of the embryo or fetus. Never debate embryonic rights; always re-focus the conversation back on pregnant people’s rights.
  • Read up. Anti-choice arguments are like happy meal toys: there’s only about six of them, you just have to collect them all. Remember to focus every point back on how it affects pregnant people. (Start here)
  • Don’t get suckered into calling the anti-choice side “pro-life.” Call them anti-choice or at least anti-abortion. The movement does not support babies or life.
  • Abortion rights are important! Don’t play into the anti-choice side by talking about how “we all want the abortion rate to go down.” The abortion rate shouldn’t go down if it means more people are forced to complete pregnancies they don’t want.
  • States in the US passed 288 abortion restrictions between 2010-2015. Many people in the US now have to drive hundreds of miles to get to an abortion clinic. Abortion has become virtually inaccessible to the poor. Trump just reinstated the global gag rule and made the Hyde Amendment permanent.  Anti-choicers have been out pounding the pavement every day to get abortion restrictions passed for years. Holding their hands and talking about how we can find common ground in “reducing abortions” doesn’t work. You have to fight them.


Link provides way to find protests near you. Initial protest may 14th.





Just me crying in the bathroom so I don’t wake my partners with this, fuck.

So to sum up: CT and DC have passed laws making it illegal to extradite someone to another state if they are being charged in that other state for crimes pertaining to abortion or trans health care, and makes it legal to sue and get your money back if you are targeted by a TX-style “bounty” law. DC also includes “crimes” of consensual adult sex, gay and interracial marriage and cohabitation and providing or using contraception.

This is, as the thread explains, basically legal interstate warfare. CT and DC’s laws bar compliance with such laws.

This is, on one hand, kind of terrifying, because this is where we are now. It’s going to get worse long before it gets better.

On the other hand… holy shit, someone fucking did something.

Someone fucking did something real.

Okay folx so… this kind of tags has been fairly common on this post.

I’m glad people are checking, but! If you didn’t know, this is what it looks like now if you post a link to Twitter on Tumblr. And!

a screenshot of this post with "view on Twitter" highlighted, it appears right under the text of the tweet itself

If you click/tap on the highlighted bit, it goes to the thread on Twitter, which contains screenshots of the amendment’s text and a link to the full amendment text on the official CT.gov site.

Here are the screenshots of CT’s amendment. The important stuff in the 2nd screenshot is what’s underlined. There is too much text for alt text, it’s on the link above, but the tl;dr is “it covers abortion and gender-affirming health care.” It has been passed and signed by the Governor as detailed on the ct.gov link:

a screenshot of the CT amendment, which is explained and linked above. it won't fit in alt text.
another screenshot of the law, which is linked and explained above.
a screenshot of the CT.gov page linked above showing the governor signed this amendment on May 7th

Here’sa link to the press release when the DC bill was introduced from the Twitter thread linked above. Here is a link to an article about it. It appears that this is currently only proposed and not passed.

This is the text of the proposed DC legislation:

a screenshot of the DC proposed law, which is explained and linked above

So yes, this is very very real, and Tumblr changed how they display Twitter links - the thread had all of this info in it except for the link to The Hill. :)

Please reblog this version before I lose my fucking mind over people reblogging the original post saying “I haven’t checked this and I don’t know if it’s real.”

I cannot believe this is what we have to do now to keep people safe. Good God.


You don’t have to love abortion. You can dislike it. Maybe it even makes you sad. The way you view abortion is up to you. If you don’t like abortion, you can advocate for proper sex education, access to birth control and other things that have been shown to lower unplanned pregnancies. You don’t have to like abortion.

But what you can’t do is disrespect somebody for having an abortion. You can’t take away that choice from women because you don’t like it. Your emotions are not somebody else’s responsibility. Your emotions aren’t more important than anyone else’s bodily autonomy. You don’t have to like abortion, but you have to respect other people’s rights and that includes the right to safe, accessible, abortion.











Oh wouldn’t this be tragic if word of this spread out everywhere possible?

Oh no…my hand slipped…

Remember if you live somewhere where this is an option you need, you need to be keeping a healthy stock of pregnancy tests and using them regularly to catch the pregnancy early enough. It is incredibly common for people to only find out well past 10 weeks. Of course that can be expensive so look for the paper strip type that doctors use, not the bulky plastic types typically advertised for home use if you can. And dont fall for marketing gimmicks with pregnancy tests, they all work about the same, you don’t need a digital screen and if in doubt do another test tomorrow.

(Also do your test first thing when you wake up for best results)

I would HATE for anyone in Texas to ACCIDENTALLY read this…

The dollar store carries pregnancy tests and they’re just as accurate as the ones from the pharmacy, fyi

Having worked in a doctor’s office, can confirm we just used cheap plastic OTC pregnancy tests and the dollar tree has them sometimes for $1.

As a further reminder– (loosely) once the sperm hits the egg and you become “officially pregnant”, pregnancy is calculated by going back to the date of your LAST period.

So if the date of your conception is March 29, but you got off your period March 01, congrats! You’re now 1 month/4 weeks pregnant. That’s how pregnancy is calculated.

And you absolutely cannot find out the day you conceived that you’re pregnant, because it takes at least 2 weeks before your body makes enough HCG to be perceived by a pregnancy test– so that’s another two weeks.

Which means you could have sex, become pregnant, wait the two weeks to test, and be ‘six weeks’ pregnant. That’s right– if you do everything right, and find out you’re pregnant literally as SOON as possible, you can already be 6 weeks pregnant.

“The Texas Heartbeat Act prohibits abortion when there is a detectable heartbeat, which may be as early as 6 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy.” This is why this act is genuinely evil. You could be ‘two weeks out from the date you had the sex that got you pregnant’ and be 6 weeks pregnant.

It’s not likely, but it’s incredibly possible. If you miss a period, it hurts NOTHING to check immediately. Don’t wait. Waiting a single month after your missed period to test could mean you’re suddenly 10 weeks pregnant– or more.

Actually, hang on, I want to talk more–

I went to the aidaccess website. For some states, they can mail the medicine to you directly without a prescription. For others, they’ll do an online consult with a doctor to prescribe and then mail you the medicine.

The cost can be from $110-150.

When you first start the consult, you see this.

We want to look at the second option. Because these are shipped internationally, and as sited on the website due to covid delays, the medicine takes three to four weeks to reach you.

If you find out you are pregnant at six weeks, you must order immediately in order to do a pill abortion at home under the ten week window. However, it gives you the option to buy in advance. Both mifepristone and misoprostol tablets usually carry a 2-year shelf life. The price isn’t THAT much higher than Plan B.

I researched that on my own– the shelf life thing– but was incredibly pleased to see the aidaccess website got into it as well.

[Image text: 
Advance provision
1. If you live in a place with a very restrictive abortion law, it can be helpful to have the medicines for a medical abortion in advance case of a future unwanted pregnancy.  In this case you should contact us again immediately when you find out that you are pregnant so that we can give you the proper guidance. Please check the expiration date when you received the medicines (most can be kept up to 2 years after receiving the package as long as they are kept at room temperature and in their original and undamaged blister packs. It is likely that they can be kept for even longer but their effectiveness cannot be guaranteed after that point. 

2.If you want the medicines because you had unprotected sex less than 5 days ago, you can still use emergency contraceptives!]

The aidacess website walks you through EVERY PART OF THIS.

If you have $150 to spare, this is potentially live-saving medication. If your current plan is to drive out of state, stay for three days at a hotel to maybe get an in-person abortion after listening to a heartbeat etc, please consider that cost versus this cost. It has a shelf life of two years. I’m considering buying some right now.

I am incredibly moved to know this option exists and am currently about to share it with every social media site I can.

Hi people!

For anyone looking to participate in protesting for the right to abortion in the United States, you can join the day of action this Saturday, May 14!!

Lots of marches are being organized, please join if you’re able. I’ll reblog this with a a link.
