#reproductive choice




[Image description: a series of tweets. The first is from Victoria Holmes, @spyturtle96, timestamped 3:06 PM, 04 May 22, with text as follows:

“Adoptees have been saying non-stop for months if not years they’re getting ready for another baby scoop era and no one listened to us. And now "domestic supply of infants” is in a draft and people still won’t listen to us.“

It is tagged ”#adopteevoices".

The next two are from Kim Penn, @kim_penn The first is timestamped 10:08 PM, 02 May 22 and contains the following text:

“I’m a very small Twitter voice, but I am begging my non-adoptee followers to educate yourself about what adoption is, what it does, and how evil and corrupt the adoption industry was and is. Listen to #adopteevoices. And then get your asses in the fight with us to end the system.”

The second is timestamped 9:58 AM, 03 May 22, and contains the following text:

“I promise you, adoption is absolutely NOT the win/win, fucking fairy tale, happy ending you’ve been led to believe. For every #adoptee, our story begins with loss. That’s our baseline. Any "happy ending” without acknowledging that is empty and an illusion.“

It is tagged ”#adopteevoices".

The final three are a Twitter thread from Laney (followed by three Chinese characters), @Lane_Xue, timestamped 8:55 PM, 03 May 22. The first contains text as follows:

“My parents faced reproductive, economic, social, & political injustice. I was relinquished because they could not keep me & I’m an adoptee. I am not a fucking (chess pawn emoji). Do not use my family separation to justify your desire to control others reproductive health care.”

The second contains text as follows:

“Abortion is a reproductive decision.

Adoption is a parenting decision often made by poor, young, economically disenfranchised people not given the resources or support to raise their children.

Do not conflate the 2 to justify feeding the adoption industries demand for (baby’s face emoji).”

The third contains text as follows:

“Do not fucking ask adoptees if they’d rather have been aborted. Adoptees are already 4x more likely to attempt suicide than non-adopted people.

The reason someone needs an abortion is none of your business.”

All three are tagged “#adopteevoices”.

After the final tweet there is a link to ncbi.nlm.nih.gov with the beginning of a title, “Risk of Suicide Attemptin Adopted and Nonadpoted Off…”

End ID]

“For unless revolution uproots the basic social organisation, the biological family - the vinculum through which the psychology of power can always be smuggled - the tapeworm of exploitation will never be annihilated. We shall need a sexual revolution much larger than - inclusive of - a socialist one to truly eradicate all class systems.” — Shulamith Firestone

Three generations of women standing with their city for #ReproductiveRights and #bodilyautonomy.

Confessional to the Women We’ve Failed

By Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles

Al cheit sh’chatanu l’fanecha…

For the sin we have sinned against you…

the woman with kidney disease whose doctors say her pregnancy is life threatening,

the woman who has high blood pressure whose doctors say her pregnancy may kill her,

the woman with clinical depression and suicide ideation who is criminalized for saving herself,

the woman who doesn’t know for months that she is pregnant because of heavy spotting,

the woman who doesn’t know for months that she is pregnant because of an irregular period,

the girl who doesn’t know for months that she is pregnant because she has only just started puberty,

Al cheit sh’chatanu l’fanecha…

For the sin we have sinned against you…

the woman suffering an ectopic pregnancy who is called “murderer” on her way to her appointment,

the parents who are told their baby will be born with anencephaly, without a brain, and are called “murderers,”

the woman who is told there is no heartbeat and is called “murderer” on her way to the clinic,

the woman who miscarries and is criminalized because she cannot prove it was natural,

the parent who is told that if born, their baby will live in excruciating pain and won’t survive past infancy,

the girl who is ostracized, shamed and criminalized while he who impregnates her is free,

Al cheit sh’chatanu l’fanecha…

For the sin we have sinned against you…

the family who doesn’t have health insurance and barely survives paycheck to paycheck,

the woman living in a rural, remote town who cannot afford the transportation, hotel and time off for a procedure,

the partner who loses their job for taking the days needed to travel over state lines for their spouse’s care,

the children who are not taught sex education and are not given access to birth control,

the families who are not given paid parental leave or affordable childcare,

the woman who religiously took birth control to prevent pregnancy, but the birth control failed,

Al cheit sh’chatanu l’fanecha…

For the sin we have sinned against you…

the woman who is a victim of reproductive coercion by a domestic abuser,

the woman who is impregnated as a victim of sex trafficking,

the girl who is impregnated through sexual violence and then retraumatized by the court,

the girl who is overpowered by a relative or person of authority,

the woman of color who faces racial and ethnic disparity in medicine, and less access to quality contraceptive services,

the Ukranian woman refugee who was raped by the same Russian soldier who murdered her children,

Al cheit sh’chatanu l’fanecha…

For the sin we have sinned against you…

the mother who is imprisoned for acquiring misoprostol to end her teen daughter’s traumatic pregnancy,

the mother who is imprisoned for having an abortion in order to better feed and care for her children,

the woman who is imprisoned for terminating a pregnancy that was not conceived in love,

the daughter who suffers long term agony from terminating her pregnancy at the hands of untrained individuals in unhygienic environments, including vaginal and rectal tearing, future infertility, uterine perforations, hemorrhage, sepsis, blunt trauma, poisoning, and ruptured bowel,

the daughter who is too scared to ask for help and dies of torturous infection and blood loss from the rusty tools of a medical charlatan,

the daughter who doesn’t have any reason to trust lawmakers and adults, and suffers excruciating, unnecessary death.

Al cheit sh’chatanu l’fanecha…

For the sin we have sinned against you…

For all of our failures to protect you, our daughters, mothers, partners and friends,

Don’t forgive us. Don’t pardon us. Don’t lead us to atonement.

maybe if all of twitter yells at Susan Sarandon enough our elected officials wil act!

Photo of zines on a clear shelf: Who Is Fit for Motherhood: Why Abortion Is Not the Only Reproductive Right, Why Is the Government Like This?, ¿Por Qué el Gobierno es Así?, Abortion Positive Coloring Book for Hard Times, and What Is This Thing Called M.E.?ALT

Click here to read five downloadable zines from Barnard Zine Library about reproductive justice (four are in English and one is in Spanish).

100% free to read - no need to sign up or log in. Original tweet here by our friend Jenna Freedman from the Barnard Zine Library.


I’ve said it before, and I will say it again.

If you want Roe v Wade overturned, but don’t support:

  • Comprehensive sexual education in schools
  • Easy and affordable access to contraception
  • Access to adequate and affordable prenatal care
  • Paid parental leave
  • Subsidized childcare
  • CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
  • WIC,

Then you don’t actually care about reducing abortions or protecting children. You just want to punish women for having sex.

For all fellow pro lifers who do not go the extra mile. If you actually care about life you should promote and press for better quality of life not just scream at people who are pro abortion women and children are not protected and banning abortion will not solve any of these problems.

This Roe v Wade may be a draft but just the fact of the draft existing is not right.

This goes beyond abortion. Roe v Wade has been active for only 50 years. If they can make drafts of changing a law that has been around for 50 years and actually carry it out else can they do and overturn?

I may be against abortion but don’t you dare touch my or any other women’s reproductive rights, specially if you are a fat old man who doesn’t even know where the clit.





Congratulations to Kentucky state senator Dr. Karen Berg for taking her ignorant Republican colleagues out to the proverbial woodshed and whipping their old white male asses with facts and logic.  Shame on them and more power to her, science, and women’s choice over their own bodies and lives.

[VD: A video in a courtroom. Dr. Karen Berg is sitting behind a microphone and talking to the other senators. At the bottom of the screen it says, “Discussion of SB 321 (Sen.Wise) An Act Relating to Abortion”. Dr. Berg says:

Explain my no vote. (Another voice says, “Yes m'am.”) [Heavy sigh] You know, I’m a diagnostic radiologist. And diagnostic radiologists, historically and in many places in this state, still do all of the first trimester OB ultrasound. So I am extraordinarily, personally familiar with the devopment of a fetus in the womb. And for you to sit here and say that at 15 weeks, a fetus has a functional heart; a four-chamber heart that can survive on its own, is fallacious. That is not true. There is no viability. You know, I look around at my colleagues on this committee. I am the only woman on this podium right now. I am the only physician sitting on this podium. This bill is a medical sham. It does not follow medicine. It does not even purport to listen to medicine. And for each and every one of my colleagues to be so willing to cast an aye vote, when what you are doing is putting your finger; putting your knee; putting your- a gun to women’s heads. You are killing women because abortion will continue. Women will continue to have efficacy over their own body, whether or not you make it legal. I vote no and I really, really apologize to the people in Kentucky that we are spending this much time and this much energy when we have families in poverty. We have single women heading households in poverty at a higher rate than any other group in the state. And you all are not addressing that. You all are making it worse. Thank you.

/end VD]


Get your foot off of our necks!!

 Fake women’s health centers deliberately try to delay people who are trying to access abortion by t

Fake women’s health centers deliberately try to delay people who are trying to access abortion by telling them lies and giving them misinformation about reproductive health. It’s time to end the lies: ENDTHELIES.com

Post link
 This International Women’s Day, we’re reminding those who oppose reproductive freedom and gender eq

This International Women’s Day, we’re reminding those who oppose reproductive freedom and gender equality that we won’t back down—EVER. 

Post link

Of all the critical issues Congress should be addressing, House Republicans are voting tomorrow to ban abortion after 20-weeks. 


Hey y’all!

Considering recent events, I’ve designed and released a new waterproof laminated vinyl sticker pack! Proceeds from these stickers will be going to Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas.

This is something I’m very passionate about, as I truly believe all people deserve control over their body. Reproductive choice is a human right, and no one should be able to force that choice on other people. Just because someone has a uterus it does not mean that anyone gets to dictate what they do with it. Right now it’s more important than ever to take steps to support people who are having their reproductive rights stripped from them!

You can find these stickers on my Etsy
