#ace colors




abstract lgbt wallpapers

lesbian | gay | bi

trans | queer | pan

ace | aro | nonbinary

please rb if saving!

genderfluid | agender | genderqueer

demigirl | demiboy | bigender

butch | femme | bambi lesbian


Here’s a few attempts at subtle aego flag wallpapers in WOMBO dream - very subtle lol. I tried so many different ways to do this, and the only results worth saving were with using the word “triangle”. I could not get anything remotely useful for aegoromantic for some reason.

Aegosexual, AegoAroAce


I know it’s been actual ages, I just haven’t really felt like being active since I’ve been finding other things to do in life (like joining Theatre).

Unrelated, here’s this pride flag I made in preparation for Pride Month. It’s a variant of the AroAce flag for Aegosexualism and Aegoromanticism, which basically means that you feel sexual or romantic sensations but are unable to imagine yourself partaking in those relationships and/or are not interested whatsoever.

Although I guess I need to make this relate to Quagsire in some way… ummmm………. have it again but with Quagsire over it.

metamorphmegan:Today I decided to wear my pride on my sleeve


Today I decided to wear my pride on my sleeve

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agenderdag:[Image description: Roses colored to match the ace flag. In the middleis a rose facing


[Image description: Roses colored to match the ace flag. In the middleis a rose facing outward colored light purple, around it are roses facing radially outward colored white, grey, and black. The black and grey roses are paired along the diagonals while the white roses are smaller and in all four directions]

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zi-qiu:here’s a cake for ace pride!


here’s a cake for ace pride!

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Question for all of you binder wearing people.

How on earth do you dress without a binder?

I was not prepaired for how wrong all my clothes look now without the binder on. Hell, not just look, but how wrong they feel without the binder ‘leveling the playing feild’.

I know you have to be careful binding at the best of times, I just also have to be mindful of breathing with long haul covid.

If anybody has stories or tips to share, please do so. I’m genuinly curioius about this. And if you have questions of me, please feel free to ask.
