#ace experience

allo-victor: allo-victor: anacephobiaproject: [Handwritte in pink and purple: “If aroaces actually f




[Handwritte in pink and purple: “If aroaces actually felt like addressing the root problems of a society that pushes the idea that everyone wants a relationship/family and that sex isn’t owed to anyone instead of insisting they’re the only ones who face these issues caused by rape culture and mysoginy then MAYBE we would get somewhere in worthwhile discussions”]

This is an example of hate. 

Wow, I got certified! Credit me next time you take my post!

It’s just facts, though.

Like, this is legit a matter of misogyny, rape culture, and toxic masculinity (which is a byproduct of misogyny). Nothing about that is a concern unique to the asexual experience. It’s a matter of the human experience.

  • Plenty of “allosexual” people don’t want to have a family! The child free and VHEMT communities have been around for decades.
  • Not everyone, including “allos” want sex or a relationship - right now, maybe ever! Why? Plenty of reasons. I literally took about eight years off from dating and sex during early stages of my transitiong, simply because of dysphoria (it’s also not uncommon for trans people to just mentally “shut off” our feelings of sexual attraction because of dysphoria – it’s such a common reaction to dysphoria, and has many decades of documentation, I’m even willing to bet that a strong majority of asexual-identifying trans people actually aren’t asexual, and they’ll discover this at some point in the course of transitioning)
  • While sex is a relatively complex social interaction (like how various “preferences,” including genitals, are informed by social constructs), it literally is not owed to ANYONE! EVER! No, not “especially ace people” – ANYONE! EVER!

The only reason that I can imagine why there are so many asexual people who believe that these are “unique asexual experience” is some combination of unaddressed misogyny and a case of terminal uniqueness.

[“Terminal uniqueness” isn’t just common to substance abusers, but it’s frankly also a common feeling during adolescence, and most people who feel it as teenagers outgrow it.]

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actually asexuality ISNT about who you’re attracted to. its about how you experience sexual attraction. if you can be gay or straight and have that not affect your asexuality, its not about who you’re attracted to. and being LGB is about who you’re attracted to. sure, if you’re SGA and asexual, youre gay or bi and belong in the LGBT community. but straight cis asexuals are still straight cis people, and they dont belong in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

