#adcu fic


It’s funny how numbers / notes work.

The Adam Sackler first date fic that I posted this morning has a relatively low amount of notes for a first day of posting, especially in comparison to other fics I’ve posted. But as far as replies, reblog comments, and asks, this is the most engagement I’ve had in a long time.

I’m sure it doesn’t seem like much, but I just want to thank you all for your sweet words. Numbers themselves don’t mean much to me on posts, but words do, and it’s been a while since I’ve gotten any reaction outside of the handful of lovely friends for whom I’ve been primarily writing these last few months. And I absolutely love those friends and still will be writing mainly for them, but I just wanted to point out how lovely it makes a writer feel to get any engagement at all, no matter how small.

It makes me want to write more, which I haven’t really felt like doing for the past few months.

So thank you ♥️

^me removing my metaphorical mask and being vulnerable for 2 seconds

Let The Devil In — Series Masterlist

Pairing:mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Warning:This fic a modern au. This story is not meant to glamorize/romanticize the mafia/mob or violence. Nor is that my intention. I don’t claim to have have a vast knowledge of mafia/mob life, but I will do my best with the help of research.

* = smut


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four
