#admin post


This blog will be on hiatus for sometime - my new PC decided to die on me and as all of my files are on it, I won’t be able to post any confessions until I get it back (hopefully next week).

Let’s hope I’m right and the problem is in one of the sata cables, ‘cause if it’s not that, the problem might be with the hard disk…

vanitasnocarteconfessions: “When Jun started releasing art of vanitas no carte, there was a picture


“When Jun started releasing art of vanitas no carte, there was a picture of a long-haired Jeanne kissing someone who looked like an older Vanitas. And I wonder if it is possible that Jeanne actually had a relationship with Vanitas before Lord Ruthven put her to slumber but she forgot? WHO IS THIS PERSON?“

Note: Anon, is this the illustration you had in mind? If so, this is from the light novel “Rolan the Forgotten King” (which was illustrated by Mochizuki Jun).
With that said, I’ve seen it tagged as VnC on several sites + it shows up if you google “mochizuki jun vanitas jeanne”.

Post link

The admins have updated the COMEBACKS page for March and April!

Long time no chat, everyone, I just want to post a quick update! I’m going to be going through this blog using the fytheuntamedqueue blog and liking all the posts (all 11,000+ of them). We’ll see how far I get lol but I just wanted to post a heads up if you suddenly see a bunch of activity in your feed from me. Ideally I’d like to get back to posting daily, but I’m not going to promise anything because running a blog is surprisingly a lot of work and I’ve got lots of stuff going on in my life right now (work, finally getting my driver’s license, moving, etc).

ngl it blows my mind sometimes that i started reading the manga early enough to be able to snag this canon url for this sideblog. hoping to get back to putting it to good use soon. thank you everyone for following! currently just one person running this sideblog, and real life is very exhausting, so I’m planning to focus on reblogging more content to this blog once the first cour of season 1 of the anime is done. thank you for your patience!

Made an impulsive purchase at Wal/mart today while getting a Mother’s Day card since my parents were out and I’m v happy would have gotten more but these were all that were available. SO HAPPY to finally have some physical manga and it’s for SXF

We want to say that we haven’t stopped updating. We have decided (because our cast is wonderful and keeps on giving a lot of content through IG) to only post anything new about the show specifically. That means any announcements about it, BTS pictures, posters, trailers etc.




I was horrible about actually remembering to update there. But I was just thinking about @twhfrustration​ this morning @evieplease​. Realized I hadn’t seen anything roll across my dash in awhile and meant to look up if the blog was still around. 

But YES. It was so welcoming and so diverse! Honestly I’d have to say they were a major reason I got back into writing, not just Tom specific things but writing in general. 

Amazing what positive vibes can do, eh? 


Right?? There is some amazing writing in there! Some of my faves are @britishmenaredestroyingmylife​ @ophelia-tagloff​ @losille2000​ @theothercourse @w-is-for-writing​ @lettalady​ @latestarter58​ @geminiloveca​ @marvelousmindloki​  Oh, so MANY good writers!


I missed their heyday but I have found many a fantastic fic by rooting around their blog.


Oh@thfrustration , how we miss you so! I ‘member my first forays into the Hiddles fandom, and how welcoming you were. Reading all the fanfics from other talented writers (and some not so talented, but hey, at least they TRIED, and they LEARNED) encouraged me to make my first baby steps into fiction writing. And y’all recognised me! Little ol’ me! Welcomed me with open arms in my first faltering steps! Why, back in them olden days, you could write a story about Tom or one of his characters and hundreds of fans would read your work, and LIKE it, just because you troubled to send it to THF. My personal experience was posting a new chapter and receiving 100 likes within 24 hours! And then some cunts decided to troll the publishers because they couldn’t write and the only fun thing in their lives was tearing down and destroying what other people enjoyed. You fought so hard, but I can’t blame you for throwing up your hands and walking away. But this is my tribute to you ladies of the @thfrustration . You were outstanding, and us old girls miss you…

For those who came on the scene too late to know @thfrustration , please check it out, it’s still up, and many of the links still work. There are some marvelous stories on there.

https://thfrustration.tumblr.com/ IF YOU LIKE THIS, PLEASE REBLOG!

(( As one of the “old ones” and one of the former writers/keepers/editors of @thfrustration​, years and years ago, I thank you.  I miss it too. xx Much love. 

– the author formerly known as bluebirdtweets/martinssonconstruction ))

I’m one of the old days admins of thfrustration. I was the one targeted in a witchhunt and the one held responsible for a troll that wasnt part of the hiddleston fandom leaving negative comments on other writers work. (Even one of my written pieces was targeted by the troll.) I gave up being an admin after that since I felt so off about the entire debacle.

Thank you for remembering the good times and my original intent for that blog. I wanted to celebrate in our appreciation of Tom and his talent. I also had a passion for writing then.

I believe one of my dear friends is still an admin there. I just dont think its active anymore. I think the whole no porn on tumblr somewhat killed some of the writers sharing their stuff on that blog. Gosh, I remember they heyday when we’d get 50 submissions/asks a day.

Hello, darlings.

First of all, a huge thank you to evieplease for the shoutout, and for remembering THFrustration after so long. Even when this blog is not what it was anymore, the admins are stil on tumblr. Some of them are less active, some have drifted into other fandoms… but this blog was a labor of love, created by many people along several years, and THF will exist as long as Tom Hiddleston is out there making movies, tv, and theatre for us.

Apart from the things Evie mentioned, the main reason we stopped reblogging/posting was simple: a lack of submissions. Some people left the fandom, others switched to Ao3, others didn’t go through all the hassle of a submission… in any case, the result was that we spent literal months with nothing to publish, and the admins thought the blog didn’t make sense anymore.

Jumping to today, there are a couple of submissions in our inbox. If more of them come, we’ll publish them, of course! Even if this blog will never be as active as it was in Ye Olden Times, we’ll be here while this archive is still useful.

Hiddleshugs for everyone, and eternal love to our dearest Tom.

-THF Admins.

Hi guys! In behalf of all the admins, I apologize for being inactive in the past few months.


1) Work. I know some of you can relate with me, and all the other admins are busy as well, work or school.

2) Still unstable internet connection. I was so lucky to even have posted this, but seriously I’ve been suffering from this type of connection for more than 4 months. I can’t upload the gifs/pictures I edited because of this.

3) My external hard drive’s broken. All of the gifs/pictures I’ve made are all in my EHD and then one day it just - poof - corrupted files. Ehh… it was improperly ejected a few times by accident.. and I didn’t know what to do with it anymore. I changed the cable wire, re-launched the finder, etc.. but still won’t work. If you know any more “first aid’s” for the improper ejected EHDs, please message me I badly need help for this (aside from going to shops to have this repaired) because I was really down and I still want to keep my files. So if you can/want to help me, feel free to message me and I’ll try my best to reply even with this kind of connection.

And we’re not ignoring your messages, we just keep them in the inbox okay!

I hope you guys still support this blog even if this is inactive, and we really appreciate you still stayed with us! We love you all! :D

Hi guys! I finally managed to fix the posts that have “gaps”

From this:


To this:


so there won’t be too much space covered when these posts are reblogged. If you still find any problems regarding this, don’t hesitate to send us a message :D

Check the list! :D

Oh by the way, I recruited another admin to help the blog! She will try to post once a week so that makes the blog alive right? Thank you guys for staying with us until now, we really appreciate it a lot :D

Have a great day nakamas!

a good woman is hard to find is OUT NOW

Hello my dearest and Fellow Angels

This is something i never wanted to write in all my years of running this blog and stanning Teen Top. I always promised myself i would never close this blog and never abandon them but sadly we all have to grow up, we have our lives, our blessings and problems that we will experience away from the boys just as they will have experiences and lives away from us. Ive had a very rough year which included back surgery and countless doctor visits back and forth, physical therapy and many other painful tiring things. As always Teen Top has been a beacon of light and happiness in my life and i know they always will be but unfortunately i am in the hospital again. Alone, scared and unsure of what will happen and because of that uncertainty i feel its only right to step down from Teen Top Sarang semi-permanently. This decision breaks my heart because this was truly a labor of love and i adored every second of it but i just don’t know if i can keep this up. As for the forseeable future I cannot, but i will always leave the light on and the door cracked and hope that one day i can return.

Thank you all for the wonderful years. I hope and pray you have excesses of health, love and happiness and For those of you having a hard time I’m sorry and I know you have the strength to pull through so hold on because you truly have a family of Angels cheering you on✊✊

I love you all & thank you so much


hello everyone, I’ll keep this short and to the point! I’ve been having some health problems which has caused me to be incredibly stressed and burnt out lately so I will be taking a break for a bit. I hope you can understand, thank you

Ok y’all I was tagged by @the-queen-of-giving-up to do this, so everyone feel free!

Get to know me!

Last song you listed to: Blackout (In the Heights)

Last movie you watched: In the Heights

Currently watching: Uhh kind of a mix! Rn it’s My Little Pony, finishing Blacklist, The Bad Batch, Loki, and waiting for Lucifer s6

Currently craving: Look we don’t stan CFA corporate, but man I want those nuggets rn.

Tags uhh ok anyone who wants to of course! This is your sign! But I’ll tag @detectivedeckerstar@deckerstarincorrectquotes anyway lol. Ty for the tag!’


[QUEENDOM 2] [풀버전] ♬ Butterfly - 이달의 소녀 (LOONA)

gentle reminder that we’re currently sitting on just under 860k and the views are moving at less than 40k/hour. we’re really trying to reach 1M by 12am kst today and we need not only a lead but a large gap between the other groups to make up for the points loona lost in round 1.

@/republicofloonaon twitter has a scener room that allows you to stream videos through youtube via the host and it reportedly count as views—it’s perfect for those that can only background stream as the host controls all the videos being (re)played. all you need is a chrome extension and to connect your google/youtube account and then you’re good to go.

#admin post    


[SNS] 220514 | loonatheworld update - HyunJin

[LOONAKICK #246] Aeong Pose

