#source icarly


Main Hero and a random Teammate, looking at Vampire in confusion: Uh..whatcha got there?

Vampire, holding a knocked out Teammate, looking at them in annoyance: A smoothie

Kind: What you got there?

Airheaded Thief, with a dead monster behind them: A smoothie.

Dainsleif: What do you have there?

Aether, holding Enjou’s hand: A smoothie!

Leliana: In twenty years, I guarantee you I will be the Warden’s second wife.Warden: What happLeliana: In twenty years, I guarantee you I will be the Warden’s second wife.Warden: What happLeliana: In twenty years, I guarantee you I will be the Warden’s second wife.Warden: What happ

Leliana: In twenty years, I guarantee you I will be the Warden’s second wife.
Warden:What happened to my first wife?
Leliana: Nothing you can prove.

Post link

Tommy: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?

Ranboo: No, I said, “Tommy, don’t lick the swing set,” and you said, “Don’t tell me what to do” and then you licked the swing set.

Brinker: Sorry, lost my cool there for a second

Finny: Can’t lose what you never had

Gon: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?

Killua: No, I said, “Gon, don’t lick the swing set,” and you said, “Don’t tell me what to do” and then you licked the swing set.

Nova: Please? For me?

Adrian: Don’t do that.

Nova: What?

Adrian: You think every time you say “Please? For Me?” I’ll do whatever you want, well, not this time.

Nova: Please? For me?

Adrian: Okay.

Nick: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swing set?

Schmidt: No, I said “Nick, don’t lick the swing set” and then you said “Don’t tell me what to do” and then you licked the swing set.

Joe: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?

Cherry: No, I said, “Kojiro, don’t lick the swing set,” and you said, “Don’t tell me what to do” and then you licked the swing set.
