#again sorry

  1. A is a monster hunter, B is a monster. They meet when B isn’t in monster form and start to fall for each other, one night they meet while A is hunting and B is a monster
  2. A and B have been dating a few weeks, A is an undercover cop and B is a criminal boss, they don’t know about each other until B is brought into the station one day
  3. A is a restaurant owner/chief/cook and B is a harsh food critic, they meet on a blind date, B had done an anonymous review of A’s restaurant that wasn’t very flattering 
  4. A and B are online gaming enemies, but they meet in real life and hit it off until they find out their online gamer names
  5. A is a local teacher who coaches the school’s sports team, B is a parent who coaches the community’s sports team, they meet at a parent/teacher conference and make date plans, only to find out they’re coaching opposite teams at a big/important game the next day
  6. A is an avid bird watcher, B is an owner of some private land and doesn’t allow trespassers. Some rare breed of birds take to living on B’s land and A sneaks around to watch and get photos of them 
  7. A is allergic to/dislikes cats(or other animal of choice), B owns a cat(choice animal) rescue center, they’ve been dating for a few months when B has to go into the center for an emergency while on a date with A, who doesn’t know what B does exactly and tags along

I would like to know where tf this is from??? bc they kilttt this look… hot damn

I’m sorry I haven’t been active, I’ll try to make it up to you!


so finally got round to watching star trek prodigy (it’s a matter of personal pride that i have seen every episode of star trek ever made)

i was expecting a kids show.

my expectations were admittably low

but it’s just star trek.




No mention of Dr Beverly Crusher’s FINALLY appearing in New trek? Especially when IT SHOULD have been in PICARD? Sry sry for all caps there…..it’s. … an emotional moment seeing her there on the bridge….. I miss her! Damn it off to paramount + to watch my fave bev episodes…..& sub Rosa is 1! Cuz Gates McFadden acted her nonexistent ass off! The woman is amazing……go fuck that ghost girl!…oh wait…sorry @allofmystudentsrunaway I made this about me….and sniff Crusher’s new trek appearance…damn good job of animation on her did you ….oh sorry I did it again…..
