#american girl dolls



Spotted Samantha, Elizabeth and Kit among many other dolls in the window displays at the local fabric store.

Elizabeth and Kit’s outfits aren’t so bad, but let’s take a moment to admire Samantha

This is a fantastic display


[chanting] new doll new doll new doll

Second little lady of the TLC pair I picked up from GirlAGain! Haven’t decided on a name yet.



Tomorrow I’m going to make Kirsten’s birthday cake. I’ll share the recipe my family uses, which makes one 8 inch cake and fits in my grandma’s old heart shaped cake pan.

I’ll be making a marzipan cake. A marzipan or almond cake is what Kirsten’s mother most likely would have baked her- almond desserts are traditional in Sweden, and in her time would have been considered even more of a luxury food. Chocolate would likely not have been affordable for Kirsten’s family, and even if it was, they would probably have made the marzipan cake anyways. Heck, my family makes the marzipan cake now, and we live in suburban America with cocoa powder cheaper than gas. 

So stay tuned! If I do it right the end result should be pretty much identical to the illustrations and play cake as well.

I bet that it will taste delicious.


Spring Has Sprung Week 10: Ocean Part 1

This semester wound up being a lot more than I expected and I didn’t get many of these in. But! I intend to do the last 3! Today, I wandered down to the beach with Anne.

Anne can wander along the road and see the ocean near where she lives–it is an island, after all.

Sometimes she climbs trees along the road. Do I know how precarious this was? Absolutely. Does she? She is figuring that out right now.

She went down to the beach with some friends. She was under some strict instructions not to get in or near the water for fear of ruining her dress, since she doesn’t have a swimsuit. But luckily for her…

Marilla never specified anything about climbing on rocks pretending to be a princess forced into an isolated tower.

Image of Anne being proud of herself for climbing the rock about 30 seconds before she spins excitedly and topples off.

And bonus:

Imagining she is a tragic young widow always watching the sea and wondering if her love shall return.

This is fantastic.


Emily’s dress has some stains on it, so she needed a new dress to wear while waiting for it to be cleaned. She needs more clothes anyway, as her collection is pretty small, and this pattern (Morning Walks by Bringing Joy Boutique) was too cute to pass up. I like to think Emily’s mum made it for her before she was evacuated.

I also want to make Emily’s school uniform and matching birthday dresses for her and Molly.

I’m trying to get rid of her dye rash, hence the white marks on her arm.

This is marvellous. I adore your Nellie collection I can’t wait to see what you make for Emily.


Katie loves the ocean, and even though she can’t actually visit it right now, she can dream of the aquarium in her undersea pajamas.


futuristicsaladparadise: With everyone posting about Molly, I finally remembered my daughter’s Molly


With everyone posting about Molly, I finally remembered my daughter’s Molly and Emily dolls who have been put away in a box for the last few years. I’m amazed how cute and well-cared-for they are, though Emily has some limb stains that need removing. I bought both of these when AG was retiring them.

As soon as the last color of rickrack comes in, I can make them matching birthday dresses! It’s entirely too hot for Molly’s sweater, wool skirt, wool beret ensemble.

Emily and Molly look adorable.

Post link
shakespearefreak: Makena got a new toothbrush set and towel, so I spent far too long getting a good


Makena got a new toothbrush set and towel, so I spent far too long getting a good photo to celebrate. I even added in some effects to (hopefully) make it look like a reflection in a bathroom mirror!

She’s so cute

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Hello everybody I’ve uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel about my #platinumjubilee #afternoontea @bonniescafehutton please take a look it would mean a lot to me. Image Description: a screenshot of a YouTube video with a doll wearing a #unionflag dress and crown , sitting at a table with a teacup and saucer in front of her. The text reads BC’s Doll Place: Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea at Bonnie’s Cafe #dolls #agig #agiger #emilybennett #afternoontea #americangirldoll #americangirl #americangirldolls #americangirlbrand #dollphotography #agtube #agtuber #agig #agiger #youtube #Britain #agdolls #americangirlemily https://youtu.be/b6OxBq8RjQc

Happy #pridemonth everyone ️‍ I hope that members of the #lgbtt2tqqiaacommunity know that you are welcome here, any haters this isn’t the space for you. Image Description: a doll wearing a dress with a #rainbow on it holding a heart shaped #progressprideflag sign #dolls #pride #dollphotography #lgbt #loveislove #gwynntan #welliewishers #americangirldoll #americangirlbrand #dollsofcolour #agig #agiger #dollphotography

a doll dressed as a mermaid lying against a blue background ALT

The prompt for week 10 of #springhassprungag2022 is #ocean so we have our very own #mermaid #welliewisherashlyn swimming in the #sea image Description: a doll dressed as a mermaid lying against a blue background #welliewishers #welliewisher #agdolls #agig #dolls #dollphotography #americangirldoll #americangirldolls #americangirl #americangirlbrand #agiger


June 1964

Tuskegee University, AL

Classes had just ended and Vonnie was looking forward to her weekend of downtime before the Mississippi Summer Project would begin.

After months of planning, Vonnie’s fellow activist Julian Bond* had publicly announced the project. Hundreds of students, Black and White, would travel together to attempt to help Blacks register to vote. They had selected Mississippi, where less than seven percent of eligible Black voters were registered to vote. The young volunteers would document the barriers (poll taxes, tests applied unevenly to Black and White voters, direct and indirect intimidation) to use in lawsuits in a longterm effort to remove those barriers.**

Yvonne would lead teach-ins for students her age, mostly white students from Northern universities, to help them go door to door to speak with people in Black neighborhoods. They needed to be prepared for fear from the people they were trying to organize and for violence from the Ku Klux Klan and others who felt threatened by the idea of Blacks voting. They also knew that if they were targeted by the KKK or other vigilantes, law enforcement would likely look the other way.

Yvonne had talked to her parents by phone. They themselves were preparing for the Detroit Walk to Freedom, which they urged her to come home and attend. As much as they knew her activism with SNCC was risky, they supported her if that was her choice.

Vonnie cradled her head in her arm, resting up on the lawn of her college before the unknowns of the situation ahead of her.

*real SNCC activist

**source of historic info: PBS documentary Eyes on the Prize

I’m adding detail about Freedom Summer to a storyline started in No Ordinary Sound by Denise Lewis Patrick

Yvonne is gorgeous. I love that I always learn something new from your posts.


Sorry about the bootleg, guys, we didn’t take enough pictures in the park to justify buying the PhotoPass ^^; But I wanted you guys to know that Rose did get to meet Tinkerbell! She was very excited to visit the little Pixie Hollow section!

(Also just a bit of housekeeping: I love you guys all so much and I really love sharing our adventures with you! But please be aware that unless I specifically state the location of Rose’s and my adventures I don’t really give out the names of places I’ve been just as an internet safety thing–it’s totally okay if you’ve asked, no worries, I just wanted to put that out there so no one would think I’m ignoring the questions to be rude ^^; Thanks so much for understanding!)

It looks like you had a wonderful time


valerie’s pet bunny, lavender, has arrived!! ✨

This is stunning.


well y'all, the unthinkable happened today: i found a Sonali at the thrift store for $30?????

I was like, there’s no way, she’s surely just a different sonali mold?? but after some digging & asking in ID groups, I was able to confirm it for sure: apparently, Gwen and Sonali have 4-digit numbers on their tags (mine & other eBay Sonali tags I’ve seen say 0099), and TM47 has an alphanumeric string on her tag. Who knew!

She’s scuffed, a bit marked on, and has frizzy hair, but overall in good shape?? Her head was loose, so I went ahead and removed it to fix her face scrapes & shine marks with micromesh, and roll her hair after boiling/ice water dunks. tomorrow, I’ll be VERY carefully treating her limb stains with benzoyl peroxide. (Thankfully they’re just on the back of her arms and legs!)

I’m still stunned and in disbelief. She’s beautiful and I’m so excited to restore & take good care of her!

Congratulations she’s beautiful.

justworthlessreblogs: i got molly’s birthday dress as a birthday present to myself, and it came toda


i got molly’s birthday dress as a birthday present to myself, and it came today! i definitely think she looks amazing in it!


there was a pamphlet that came with the dress and this was in it - looks like we’re getting a second molly book (i hope this means we’re getting more outfits too)

Molly looks adorable.

Post link


these past few months i’ve been struggling a lot with fatigue. it’s hard for me to do about anything (let alone take doll photos) without getting exhausted and/or tired. even today i’ve struggled with that

but this summer i hope that things will change. i’m getting a new rainbow high doll tomorrow, and i hope to travel to more places. i also wanna be active for pride this year!

my fatigue is beginning to clear up and i’m thankful that it has. expect more of anuhea’s nature expeditions! :D

I hope that you feel better soon. Anuhea is adorable.


Kit Visits Longwood Gardens

Longwood was the final stop of Kit’s vacation. Like the Hagley Museum that Kit visited previously, Longwood Gardens has the Du Pont stamp on it, but in Pennsylvania this time.

Kit: You can’t talk about Longwood without talking about Pierre S. Du Pont. As a kid in the late 19th century, he did a lot of traveling and quickly developed a budding obsession with both gardens and fountains (we’ll get to the fountains shortly). After mucking about in corporate America and solidifying his reputation and fortune, etcetera, etcetera, at the age of 36 he bought the land that would become Longwood Gardens. Shout out to all of the expert gardeners and volunteers we spoke to throughout the day who were working hard to make Longwood what it is now!

Kit: Now on to my favorite part. As I mentioned, the fountains. Based on the marvel of the water pumps at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the fountains found throughout the entirety of the gardens were finished in the late 1930s, just in time for me to see them! They performed water shows throughout the morning, afternoon, and night, which was especially nice on such a scorching day.

Kit’s last memory from Longwood is of the Idea Garden amongst the poppies and the blue cornflowers. In France the blue cornflower commemorates the 11 November 1918 armistice, and can be a general symbol for veterans. We think that’s why they were cultivated in this garden with the red poppies, or Remembrance Poppies in the UK and Canada.

Before Kit left Longwood, she made sure to pick up something special for someone waiting patiently at home. They’ll be introduced when Kit returns.

This photo is stunning



Molly is distracted from her lesson by how beautiful Mrs. Campbell is and how much Molly likes her attention.

(I was going to quote from Molly Learns a Lesson, but I’ve jacked up my leg while chasing my silly cat, which is limiting me getting around today to find it).

I actually had Molly’s books as a tween, when I was going through my first crush on a female teacher. I wish I’d taken more solace from the book at the time.

Happy Pride, friends.

She’s adorable
