#anakin x jedi


Chapter VI

A Jedi Knight. 

Those three words made your head spin as the pounding of your heart against your ribcage increased and grew louder. 

You were finally a Jedi Knight. 

After years of sleepless nights and training sessions that made your muscles clench painfully and your bones to ache; you had finally achieved the one thing you had dedicated your entire life to. 

The Jedi Council had decided that after risking your life and taking a bullet for the Chancellor; followed by your courageous performance during your mission on Alderaan with Anakin- where you had aided with the capture of the Republic’s number one wanted man, Count Dooku, Jedi Trials were of no need- for you had proved yourself enough. 

“Strong, is the Force with you, Padawan Y/N,” Master Yoda quipped as you stood before the Council; head bowed respectively as they declared the news to you. 

“Thankful, you must be, for young Skywalker taught you well.” 

You remained calm and collected at the sound of his name. Casting your mind shields, you straightened your back as you turned to look at the great Masters sitting around you. 

“I will not fail you.” 

“We know, Y/N. The Council has faith in you,” Obi-Wan voiced, his fingers grazing his beard nonchalantly. 

Anakin stood beside you stoically, a hard expression on his face, hands clasped behind his back. 

He waited for everyone to congratulate you before walking beside you and his former Master out into the hall. 

“Anakin, Y/N, I do hope we’ll meet later tonight for a drink. An opportunity for a free night is hardly present in a Jedi’s life,” Obi-Wan said; a smile stretching out on his face. 

“Definitely,” you chimed in gleefully, an aura of confidence expelled from your Force signature as the revelation of your new rank still rang in your ears. 

Anakin nodded, the ghost of a smile disappearing just as rapidly as it had appeared. 

“Well then, it is settled. I will see you later,” Obi-Wan nodded towards them before quietly excusing himself as he returned to the High Council Chamber. 

You breath hitched in your throat as you felt Anakin gently tuck at your arm, blue eyes glinting mischievously. 

“Let me congratulate you, my former Padawan,” he muttered, walking ahead of you towards your quarters as you dreamily followed. 


Your back collided with the front door before you even had the chance to completely close it. 

Your lips were captured in his, stifled moans escaping from both of your mouths. The frigid sensation of his gloved, metal hand locked around your wrist made you feel vulnerable in the most delirious of ways. 

Anakin backed you up against the iron surface of your door with another slam; completely closing up the space between you. He kissed you senseless and pulled away only when both of your lungs were on the brink of collapsing. 

“Say my name,” he drawled against your lips, pearl teeth capturing your bottom lip as his tongue dragged against your flesh. Automatically, the sound of his name dripped out of your mouth like melted molten. It awoke a flame within Anakin he so desperately attempted to suppress. 

Suddenly, his powerful grip latched onto your thighs, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He carried you onto the bed, gently laying you down before hovering over you. You felt the hardness of his arousal press against the side of your inner thigh. His lips soundly pressed against your throat, nipping at your skin lightly as you sinfully slurred out his name. 

“When you let me take you- all of you- I’ll have you feel like the most precious gem in the entire Galaxy,” Anakin sighed against your skin, eyes piercing into yours as his hands dragged against your quivering, clothed self. You swallowed hard as his lips brushed against your ear; one of his fists lost in the pools of hair surrounding your head. 

“My empress, I am devoted to you,” Anakin purred out, slipping his eyes shut as the sudden urge to mold his lips into yours extensively overwhelming him.

You arched your back into him- hips grazing hips. The sound of his shaky breaths were enough to make your eyes want to roll into the back of your head. Unbeknownst to you, you somehow managed to flip your positions with Anakin-his cobalt eyes widening with curiosity.

Ever since you began exploring your secret relationship with Anakin; you knew that you needed to have a talk. After finally bringing yourself to sit down with him, one quiet evening after a dreadfully boring mission; you admitted to the General that you’ve never been intimate with another man. 

To your surprise, he voiced how incredibly pleased he was and that it did not matter to him. He had then pulled you into his chest and lowly sighed out how thrilled he was knowing that you were to be with him and no one else- from chaste kisses to more carnal deeds. 

Anakin placed a hand behind his head as he gazed up at you, drinking in the sight of your flushed face that seemed to look like the most intricate painting ever created; the sunset’s pastel pigments highlighting your blush and the sharpness of your features. 

You too, couldn’t help but dreamily observe your lover in the sun’s colorful waves of farewell. Anakin’s chestnut locks were plastered against his forehead, lips swollen and red. His cheeks glowed with the same pinkish tint that shaded your own as his free hand roamed up your body, settling against your bruised lips. You stared at each other in awe- afraid that this was all a mere dream- all too good to be true. 

You leaned forward and kissed him deeply, parting slightly to his discontent.

“I am utterly content knowing that you are the only man to see me in such a manner,” you sighed out, your voice a decibel above a whisper. 

“As am I, myalluring precious,” Anakin purred out, flashing you a grin that was specially reserved…for you.

You laced your fingers through his soft hair before pushing his bangs out of his face, whispering sweet nothings as you trailed a finger over his scar. 

“We must get ready before Obi-Wan finds us in my sheets,” you murmured aloud, the thirst for Anakin infinite. His dilated pupils rolled as he sat up, metal hand immediately pressing against the small of your back to secure you onto his lap. 

“I agree. That would be…awkward to say the least.” 

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” you heartily laughed, only to be silenced by his soft lips against yours. You wished with your entire being to be able to skip your rendezvous with Obi-Wan, but he was right. Not many Jedi had the chance to boast about being gifted with a free evening. It happened once in a blue moon. 

Carefully, you hoisted yourself off of his incredibly comfortable lap before heading to the door. 

“Thank you for all the lessons, Master,” you said to him, voice low and seductive. You caught the glare he sent your way. 

“Don’t test me, Y/N,” Anakin threatened before kissing your lips sweetly; the Force opening the door for him. You chuckled at his leisureliness; knowing very well that this was one of the many broken Jedi lessons that would be kept undisclosed .

“I’ll see you later, Skywalker,” you blew him a quick kiss to which he replied with a playful smirk. 

You watched as he strode off towards his quarters, his dark cloak swaying with his footsteps; force signature oozing with dominance and intimidation. 

You shivered. 



Hey there! As I stated in the reply sent to the anon asking about my story update; when I opened my laptop to continue w/ the chapter; it was completely wiped out :) 

Serves me right for writing the chapters on Tumblr text instead of word  but whatever, I just spent an hour rewriting everything. To be fair, it was supposed to continue onwards but I decided to close the chapter off here and so the other chapter will be a direct continuation. 

Thank you to EVERYONE hyping me up, reblogging and liking my story! 

P.S. From now on, I’ll be tagging the chapters with the hashtag of the fic’s name so it’s easier for you to find it bc a bitch doesn’t know how to create a masterlist :) I’m not sure if I’m making any sense, its 3am omg gn ! 

till next time <3 





Chapter V

Many weeks had passed after the eventful night in your quarters. 

After that evening, it was as though your stares at each other had become more heated and the urge to touch him seemed more overwhelming. Training had become more bearable as you so the growing respect Anakin began to have towards you. Pride swelling in your chest as your heart beat faster. 

Instead of casually leaning against a pillar, Anakin would actively train beside you. If you needed any help, he would place his hands on your body, strategically moving your limbs around to succumb to the correct stance. He would mutter instructions in your ears, in a type of way that would leave your whole body peppered in goosebumps.  

But, that was all it was- lingering looks and dreamy endeavors. You sighed as you sunk into your chair, the lull of Anakin’s Corellian G9 Rigger-class light freighter engines groaning as the spacecraft zoomed through hyperspace. Anakin glanced at you from his peripheral vision, his lips tucking upwards into a sly smirk. You raised a brow. 

“Is my flying boring you?” He quipped as a pool of similar stars surrounded them; signifying how much closer they were to their destination.

“No, but sitting around doing nothing is,” you retorted, fingers lazily twirling at the ends of your hair. Anakin craned his neck as he turned to face you- dark, sea-blue eyes staring humorously at you. 

“Ah, interesting. Even though last night you begged me to let you retire from training sooner so you can ‘relax’ before our mission. I see,” he laughed, silently accepting your playful scowl as an appropriate response. 

Even though you seemed to be on good terms; earlier you had gotten into a fight. You pleaded for Anakin to let you fly them to Alderaan as word had revealed that Count Dooku was preparing for something terrible to happen. You were to travel with your master, capture Dooku and bring him before the Jedi Council. Tension was bubbling back in Coruscant as secessionist propaganda began stirring around the levels. Star systems had begun seceding from the Galactic Republic, pledging their allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This had begun burdening the Jedi Council greatly. As the Confederacy of Independent Systems grew slowly; time rapidly became highly valuable as no one knew when the next planned attack would befall. Hence, arresting Count Dooku was a current, number one priority. 

In any case, Anakin had irritated you even more as he stubbornly denied you the pleasure of flying the ship. But you quietened down, knowing from first-person experience how much General Skywalker loved his time controlling the spacecraft. If you were being completely honest with yourself- it was kind of cute. 

“Let’s just get this over with,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as Anakin flipped a couple of switches on, soundly telling you to help him begin the landing process. You complied to your master’s wishes, leaning forward to tap the buttons laying in front of you on the elongated, sleek dashboard of his ship. 


The opening groaned as it declined downwards, creating the path connecting between the metal spacecraft and the green lands of Alderaan. Following Anakin’s suit, you stepped onto the grass; the blanket of gravel crunching under the pressure of your boots. He had landed on a tiny opening surrounded by a forest of intimidating trees- an attempt to conceal the huge, silver Freighter craft. You parted ways slightly as you decided to explore the environment surrounding you; only to run back to him when he whistled at you. 

“Look,” he pointed to the ground, the clear sight of fresh footsteps scarring the earth before your eyes. You bit your lip. 

“Seems like he isn’t travelling alone.” 

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he had his own droid army. Dooku is intelligent; he knows we’re coming for him. Our advantage is that we now know where to find him,” Anakin muttered bitterly, running a hand through his hair before reaching to touch your shoulder. 

“Let’s just follow the trail and see where it leads us.” 

You raised a brow in question. “If he indeed has an army protecting him, don’t you think we’d need some back up?” 

Anakin sent you a cocky smirk; already taking the lead as he continued onward. 

“Please. It’s nothing we can’t take.” 


“I’m…waiting…for…an…apology,” you yelled out, lightsaber sizzling at the contact it continuously made with the shots sent your way. 

“Fine,” Anakin bellowed back as his own weapon single-handedly slashed through three different droids before deflecting his own fair share of shots. “I apologize…we should’ve…called for…backup,” he pushed out through gritted teeth, lightsaber decapitating any droid standing in his way as he advanced towards Dooku, who eagerly watched the young Jedi General and his Padawan demolish his supposed ‘protectors’. 

You weren’t necessarily angry at the turn of events. You just knew that if Anakin had listened to you earlier and called for backup- getting to Count Dooku would’ve been a much easier job. Unfortunately, it seemed as though your overly-confident master possessed too much faith in the both of you. But, that made you fight harder as a feeling of warmth spread through your body; the butterflies in your stomach fighting a battle of their own. 

When you noticed Dooku pulling out his own lightsaber; you realized how close Anakin was to him. Instead of hurrying towards him, you continued engaging in combat with the droids, your dominant hand doing all the work with your lightsaber as your other hand reached out to pull out your Holopad; fumbling to contact Master Obi-Wan as your eyes stayed trained on the enemy before you. 

“Hello, Padawan Y/N, have you encountered a problem?” Obi-Wan’s voice echoed through the device, the blue flicker of his silhouette glitching and oscillating as you held onto it tightly. 

“Well, Master, yes and no,” you grunted out as you firmly gripped onto your weapon, another shot  bouncing off the blazing blade and through the chest of the attacker droid. Not only were you currently focusing on the group of droids charging at you, but you could also hear Anakin growling as he engaged in a one-on-one fight with Count Dooku. 

“Good news is that we found Dooku…Anakin is currently preoccupied with him..bad news is that we jumped into action… too quickly…we probably need some backup.” 

You heard Obi-Wan click his tongue before sighing. “Ah Anakin, stubborn as always. I’ll be there soon.” His profile disperses and he ends the line of communication. 

You give out a great yell in frustration as the number of droids continue growing. Lucky for you, they were the slow ones- that needed so much as a push to knock them out. Seeing as the Force was eternally with you, you used it to literally shoved a line of them backwards, smirking widely when you heard them clash into their incoming subordinates.

After what seemed like eternity, Obi-Wan and a few other spacecrafts landed near the abandoned, droid-occupied mansion you were currently fighting for your life in. When the responsibility of struggling against an entire fleet of droids had finally been lifted off of your chest, you sprinted towards your master and Dooku. 

You watched as flashes of azure blue clashed with the crimson blood-red color of Dooku’s lightsaber. You wanted to jump in. 

“No, Y/N, let mefinish this piece of space filth,” Anakin barked out at you. For a split second, his eyes met yours, a dangerous fire burning in his pupils. 

“Master, you needn’t have to kill him. Let the Council deal with him,” you called back, cunningly twirling the saber in your hand as you got into a threatening stance- ready to pounce and intervene at any second. 

“Yes,Anakin, do listen to that beautifulPadawan of yours. If something were to happen to you- don’t worry- I’ll take goodcare of her,” Dooku drawled out, his voice sickly venomous as Anakin’s expression contorted into one displaying pure, lucid rage. In the blink of an eye, Anakin twisted his saber, slicing through something that had resulted Dooku in expelling a piercing screech of pain. 

He fell to the ground, hand clutching at his other hand; as part of his limb fell beside him. Blood pooled around the Sith; soaking into his cloak as he stayed on his knees, head dropped. 

“That’s for what happened during our last encounter and for the fact that you can’t watch your tongue,” Anakin declared poisonously as he strode towards the fallen man; roughly picking him up and dragging him towards your spacecraft. You walked behind them, stopping shortly to talk to Obi-Wan as his clone-troopers fought off the last of the droids. 

“Congratulations on your successful mission, Y/N. Anakin has taught you well. Go back to Coruscant with him, deliver Dooku to the Council and I’m sure that you should be expecting good news soon regarding your elevation into Knighthood,” Obi-Wan pointedly stated, a smile of contentedness and pride plastered onto his face. You respectfully bowed before hurrying back to your spacecraft. 

“Thank you, Master Obi-Wan. I’ll see you soon.” 


After making sure Dooku doesn’t bleed out on your way back to Coruscant; you slumped back down next to Anakin; lazily stretching your arms outwards. 

The Freighter spacecraft was currently floating through space, the constellations rapidly changing every single second. 

Anakin had been unusually quiet.

“Anakin, are you okay?” You whispered as you examined his strained expression. He gave you a quick glance before looking away. 

“Yes, I’m fine. Are you okay?” 

“I am. I hope you’re not mad that I sent Obi-Wan our coordinates.” 

He absentmindedly shook his head, his pale face causing you to bubble up with worry. 

That’s when you noticed the deep gash drawn up from his chest, all the way to the end of his shoulder. You gasped. 

“You’re hurt! Why didn’t you say-” 

“I’m fine,” Anakin replied firmly and if these were circumstances in which neither of you were hurt- you would have closed your mouth and not pressed on. But, he was wounded and you couldn’t just sit there and thrive in ignorance. 

“No, you’re not. Let me help you,” you stoically retorted back, standing abruptly before heading to retrieve the ship’s medical kit. Anakin’s loud, disinterested sigh filled in the silence between you. 

Trembling hands clutched onto the equipment as you realized that now you had to get to his skin. Anakin finally turned to arch a brow at you; knowingly waiting for you to tell him what to do next. 

“Can you…can you please take off your robe and tunic?” You mumbled out, cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. A satisfied Anakin smirked before wincing as he tried to untangle himself out of his clothing. 

“Since you’re asking nicely…although I think I need help with that too,” he offered in a low, raspy voice as you uneasily looked down at him. 

Seeing as there was no other way to move forward without peeling his clothes off of him; you sucked in a deep breath before moving to stand in between his legs. Your slim fingers gently unclasped the hook of his robe; letting it flow over the side of his seat. Carefully pulling at the fabric of his black tunic, you freed it from the grasps of the dried blood before tucking it over his head and onto your seat. Your eyes widened at the solidness of his chest. The way his muscles flexed at every breath he took. You admired him for a second longer; before your eyes fell onto the deep cut that seemed to be Dooku’s doing. 

Anakin shivered as the cold air in their spaceship stroked his bare flesh; but also because he noticed your staring. Swallowing hard, his fought the urge to bite down on his lip and do something the Council had classed as forbidden for any Jedi. He watched you through hooded eyes as you rubbed bacta solution on his wound, wincing here and there if the pain increased. Deep down, he thanked Dooku for doing him this favor. 

You avoided Anakin’s heated stare that drilled through your skull. But that completely juxtaposed your next action as you absentmindedly lowered yourself onto his lap, making it easier for you to work on his wound. He bit back the groan that threatened to escape through his lips. Both of your force signatures had darkened, filled with signs of forbidden want. 

He propped his knees in an effort to make it more comfortable for you, which caused you to look into his darkened pupils and raise a brow. 

“I can sense you, you know?” He growled out, his uninjured, metallic hand finding comfort at the curve of your waist as he gave you a squeeze. You jumped at his touch, your chest rising and falling at a quick pace- similar to Anakin’s. 

“I can sense you too,” you countered as Anakin’s gaze flickered to your lips. 

“I’m not sure when in the galaxy this happened; but the sight of you fighting off all those droids today was incredibly appealing,” he purred out, head cocking to the side as you brushed your fingers through his hair. You leaned in, lips brushing against his ear. 

“I guess you should thank my master for teaching me how to fight like that.” 

Without a warning, Anakin’s hand grabbed at your throat as he pulled you in- crashing his lips into yours. You moaned into his mouth, immediately retaliating as your arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. He bit your bottom lip, making you sigh out a moan- and he utilized that to his advantage as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. The kiss was everything you had imagined it to be. 

Butterflies burned your insides, your heart was racing at a speed that was twice faster than the Freighter you were on and the sweet taste of his full lips against yours made you fully straddle him. 

Anakin groaned as his fingers found refuge between the locks of your hair. He aggressively pulled your head to the side, planting sloppy, wet kisses on the corner of your lips before moving down the side of your jaw and onto your throat. You craned your neck to give him easier access, your own fingers rushing to latch onto his long, brown curls. 

When he finally pulled away, you were both breathing heavily, the ecstasy of desire clouding your heads. Anakin looked smugly at you, feeling proud that you looked so disheveled all because of him. Your pouted lips were a prime, swollen red color. Your eyes were hooded with a longing appetite that he had previously only gotten to see as a rare glance sent his way. 

“Anakin,” you whispered softly as you brushed his bangs out of his face. He pressed a finger against your lips, gently silencing you. 

“Don’t, Y/N. I’ve been waiting for a while to do something like this. Your force signature- no matter how much you tried to conceal it from me- it made me go insane as I sensed this carnal urge coming from you too.”

“But…this is wrong. The Council-” 

“Yeah, this sort of thing is forbidden. But, above all, we are human. We are unable to suppress such feelings. It’s in our nature. If there’s a code that forbids attachments; then we can simply ignore it and decide what to do by ourselves. Y/N, no one must know,” Anakin explained in a soft, low voice- his fingers mindlessly playing with a lock of your hair. You pursed your lips, afraid that if you drown in the pleasures of living an enigmatic fantasy with Anakin; you will both get into trouble. 

But then again, as Anakin used to always say during training- “Codes are created so they can ignored and broken.” 

You rested your palms at the side of his face, kissing him sweetly, as opposed to the intense and passionate first kiss you had shared a moment ago. 

“I trust you with my life, Anakin. I can’t keep trying to hide my force signature from you. If this is what our destiny has stored for us, then who am I to try and deny us of that path?” 

He flashed you a wide smile, pulling you in for a kiss that had completely wiped out the entire galaxy from your mind. 

It was just you and him. 



Thanks for all the love and support you’re all sending me via reading my story :) 

I’m not sure if I’m entirely happy with this chapter, but I just wanna let you know that just because they kissed once doesn’t mean that now I’m gonna make their love story easier ;) 

Till next time, 





Chapter III 

Anakin was 22. You were 18. 

Maybe it was due to the fact that you were so close in age- which often caused you both to forget your Padawan/Master relationship. Surely, this was why you began yelling at him, scolding him for tripping you in the hallway. Anakin smirked, trying to find reasoning behind his premature actions. 

“A Jedi must never lose themselves in their thoughts. What if my leg was actually a lightsaber aiming to cut your leg off, hm?” He raised a brow as you allowed yourself to roll your eyes. You lowered your mental shields, letting him hear a roll of colorful insults aimed his way. 

That made him pause and glare at you; but before he could answer- Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence lingered around you. 

“Anakin, Padawan Y/N- I’m hoping you’re both not wasting your time bickering with each other. Tonight, Chancellor Palpatine is organizing an evening of celebrations- in honor of commemorating the Republic’s great advancement in the war. We are expected to guard him,” Obi-Wan stated, his glance shifting from you to his former Padawan. You exchanged looks with Anakin. 

When neither of you said anything, Master Obi-Wan cleared his throat before flashing a smile your way. 

“No questions? Wonderful! Then I must leave you to prepare. I have a meeting with the Council regarding some matters that need to be straightened out before tonight.” With that, he turned to his heels, his cloak gliding behind him. 

You let go of a breath you didn’t seem to notice was trapped in your airways. Anakin sensed your agitation as he folded his arms across his chest.

“What’s the matter? You’re able to mock and challenge your master to a fight, but you’re getting all queasy because you’ll be working at a party?” He huffed out, grinning widely as his ocean-blue eyes swept across you. 

You pursed your lips. “Well, you’re forgetting the fact that you’remy master- you make my job of irritating the stars out of you very easy…by just being yourself.” You ignored the way Anakin scowled at you as he tried to retaliate from your insult. “As for tonight, of course I’m nervous. The responsibility of protecting the Chancellor is something I never knew I’d have to take up as an assignment,” your gaze fixed itself upon the top of your black boots, your stance stiffening as you felt the weight of Anakin’s hand press against your shoulder. 

“The Council has faith in you…I have faith in you. Besides, Obi-Wan and I will be there with you. It’s just a safety precaution. I’m sure everything will go smoothly,” he reassured you, the intensity of his stare burning through you. You swallowed, smiling meekly up at him as he gives your shoulder a squeeze, his fingers slowly trailing off of you before he walked off. 

You stood there, mental shields up, wordlessly questioning the quick flutter your heart gave away at your Master’s touch. 


Air traffic did not disperse as the sun waved goodbye to the planet lying in the heart of the Galaxy. 

You busied yourself that entire evening with preparing for the celebration. Your boots were polished, lightsaber shining as you worked on smoothing out your hair. Instead of keeping it up, you pinned a few of your (H/C) front strands to the back of your head, allowing the rest of your locks to pour over your shoulders.  

Obi-Wan told you that although you weren’t going to the celebration to enjoy yourself; you were to all look formal and presentable. 

So, instead of wearing your usual white robes and copper-colored cloak; you settled for your long, charcoal tunic. Your eminently thin waist was hugged by a thick leather belt that began under your breasts and halted above the curve of your hips. It looked more like a corset as it lay against your figure. Gloves identical to the one Anakin wore on his right hand hugged your two limbs; the material reaching up to the flesh above your elbows. The outfit was beautiful and intricately designed- a gift from your former Master on the eve of your eighteenth birthday. 

Right before the tragedy of her passing.

You swore you would never wear it out as it brought out too many broken memories- but tonight- you told yourself there was no more space for grief and pain. 

A knock echoed through the bareness of your quarters. You took in a deep breath, hand fluttering over your belt; fingers brushing against your lightsaber. You felt calmer. 

Slowly opening your front door, you locked gazes with Anakin Skywalker. 

For a second, you swore to the stars that his eyes widened as he stared at you. Whilst his eyes dragged themselves over your physique; you couldn’t help but have a similar reaction to his attire. 

He too- was dressed in all black, the shimmer of his lightsaber’s metal a pleasant contrast. The front of his tunic was laced with leather and his robe seemed to be a darker shade of black than his everyday one. As always, his sharp-features face were framed by his brown curls. But something that wasn’t always there was that glint in his eyes. The glint that seemed to have darkened. 

“Y/N…” he stuttered out before clearing his throat. “You look beautiful.” 

Surely, he caught sight of the blush that peppered against the skin on your face. Anakin smirked knowingly. 

“Why, thank you, Master,” you tried to hide your blush with a dramatic bow that earned you a low chuckle. “You don’t look so bad yourself!” 

Anakin cocked a brow, the scar that ran along following suit. “I know.” 

You rolled your eyes at him, before freezing as he extended out his concealed hand. 

“Shall we,” Anakin drawled on dramatically, head tilting downwards- blue eyes never leaving your face. 

“We shall,” you playfully responded, your hand gliding over the leather of his glove before securing your grip onto him. 


You reluctantly placed distance between each other as you both sensed Obi-Wan’s approaching presence. You felt that Anakin was also hesitant to let you go- through the Force. That brought up a warm feeling to run its course through you. 

The three of you moved through the crowd of Upper-class citizens enjoying their time in the presence of their Chancellor. You didn’t really care who was who, as Obi-Wan halted a few times, conversating with people you felt as though you’ve never seen. 

Anakin did the same, only in his case, he had his Padawan beside him at all times, looking around cautiously. 

He glanced at you, grinning widely as he sensed your tension. He leaned downwards, grabbing onto your elbow to beckon your attention.

“Relax, my dear Padawan. People are drinking, talking, laughing. In a bit, Chancellor Palpatine will make a toast…talk about how excellent our progress has been in the war, everyone will clap and the night will be over in a few short hours,” he murmured against your ear, lips brushing against your flesh once or twice. You thanked the stars for your choice of attire as the length of your gloves completely concealed the wave of goosebumps that dotted your arms. 

And legs.

And spine. 

Since words couldn’t find their way through to your lips; you chewed on them and gave him a stiff nod. 

You looked up at him and it was as though once again, you were caught in some trance that dropped you within a vortex of confusion and warmth. 

Perhaps he felt it too since he never broke away from your stare. The Force was far too strong between you two. It seemed to have made you both obliterate the fact that you were in the middle of a celebration- all sorts of highly-respected individuals surrounding you.  

Anakin bit down on his bottom lip before letting go of it, mouth opening slightly as though he was about to… 

“Anakin, Y/N. The Chancellor is about to begin his speech. We must reside by him immediately,” Obi-Wan’s persistent voice pulled you both out of whatever whirlwind grasped onto you. 

You looked down, hair covering your face as you followed Anakin wordlessly to the front of the luxurious hall. 

Chancellor Palpatine greeted you all with a smile on his face. You couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not; but you simpered out a tight smile in return and stood beside your Master as they spoke. 

Then, he began his speech. The hall quietened down, eyes piercing the Supreme Chancellor and his Jedi protectors. You felt uneasy as you scanned the room. Anakin seemed to sense you, hushing you in his thoughts. You blankly stared forward, trying to nudge him out of your head. As always, he was too strong. Once you gave up trying to fight him, you finally accepted the soothing essence of his demeanor. 

Then it happened within the blink of an eye. You saw the glint of metal twirl above the crowd, the sound of a blast, the movement of your muscles, the screaming, the shouting, the pain…

Then what followed was your body’s collapse, gloved hands clutching your face…

And finally,

The desperate sound of your name on his lips. 



Hi! I see that more people have seen my fanfic and that makes me really really pleased! Thanks :) 

I’ve had this final scene in my mind for the past three days and so I’m very happy with the way this chapter turned out- especially since it has inspired me enough to actually plan out the following two chapters!! 

Till next time, you’re not ready for what’s to come hehehe



