#analytical psychology


Joy, integrity, anxiety and self-acceptance

following is my super quick and rather chaotic picks from here i sometimes tampered with things and added my own little touch:

‘Joy has to do with a lifting of ego boundaries, a relaxation of defenses, permission to be and to reveal oneself, an opening of the self’

Verena Kast

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“Integrity is not a painfully upheld standard so much as a prolonged and focused delight”

(integrity) is not mere duty and performance.

Integrity from the standpoint of psychotherapy is not a matter of holding up a charade to the world, fooling others or oneself about who one really is.

(recipe to joy): By entering into a loving relation to with the self, we delight the self, and the self’s delight passes through us as a pleasure we can feel and enjoy and even scatter.

Integrity balances and restores and steers us out of difficulty and reminds us that things are not as they should be.

anxiety is alienation from the self. you are afraid others won’t like you, so you act as somebody else which cause stress.

My HS senior year teachers’ types

Language Arts: INFJ

Economics: ESTP

Physical Education: ESFP

Mathematics: ESTJ

Chemistry: ENTJ

Physics: INTP
