

Wow, it’s been long…

There’s a respiratory system test in 2 days and I’m a bit tired of studying, so I guess I’ll just sum up the past few months in one Tumblr post for myself.

Holidays were alright, I had a nice time relaxing, and doing very little. Then it got boring, so I found a job and started working. With the money, I was able to purchase a Kobo Glo for my studies, as well as a new LCD screen for my laptop. It’s been pretty fun. I worked at a tech shop and demoed all sorts of gadgets to customers.

I finally watched all available Game of Thrones seasons. It was great, I didn’t watch it earlier because I couldn’t get into it at first. But now I am eagerly waiting for season 5.

I’ve been a bit down lately, because I’ve lost contact with many of my friends. We finally had a gathering at a high school friend’s place. It’s been months since I last saw them, and it was a great time to catch up. I’ve also recently joined the Whatsapp group of another bunch of high school friends with whom I was not extremely close. Life has been pretty boring after high school. I don’t have time for as many social gatherings as I used to, and the studies are very tiring. I am almost always sleepy. It’s no wonder why many medical students are depressed.

According to statistics, our medical campus has had 3 successful suicides in the past 5 years, and many more unsuccessful ones.

I sincerely hope I do not get to such a point.

On the bright side, I’ve found a penpal to help me cope with everyday life. She lives in Russia, and has apparently one of the most common names there, Anastasiya. We chat on all sorts of topics, and also about many things that I don’t usually share with others, usually unhappy things that may spread like wildfire if leaked out into the local community. She studies Chinese in university so I help her with that, in exchange of her helping me with Russian, a language I’ve been wanting to learn since I was young

Our classes started on the 5th of January. Bummer.

I was excited to return to class as a second year student. It felt like the first year was just an introduction to medicine. This year, we finally get started on the real stuff. 3 days into the semester, I already felt like I was 2 weeks behind. The workload is massive, and because of this test we have soon, I had to miss out on 3 social gatherings that took place in the past week…a movie night, a barbecue and a hike up Lion’s head, a hiking trail I’ve been wanting to try for a few years now.

I joined the gum this year, at the recommendation of my friends, I am now gyming with them and they are training me.

A few weeks back, I watched Big Hero 6 with 2 of my friends. I was not expecting much, as the trailer made it look very childish, but I enjoyed the movie quite thoroughly, from the animated short that came before it, and the post-credit scene. 

Anyways, here’s a list of things I wish for in 2015

  • Better studying strategy so that I can save a bit of time
  • Time that I can use to join social events
  • To feel happier in general
  • To become healthier and more fit
  • Spend more time trying to help around the house
  • To achieve good results in the end of the year
  • To try to be more active on this blog

Born to twerk

Help me undress
