#and maybe barbara


Alfred is the straight supportive grandpa, he is a great ally and everyone loves him, he makes the best rainbow cookies

Bruce is a disaster bisexual dad with a preference for women

Dick is a disaster pansexual icon, this man does not give two fucks about gender, he just loves to love everyone

Barbara is either bisexual or the best straight ally(second place to Alfred, of course)

Jason is pansexual and Polyamorous, his datemates are great and he loves them with all his heart

Tim is a chaotic gay with a coffee addiction and bad sleep habits, Kon always has to make sure that he takes care of himself

Steph is a raging chaotic bisexual, she’s like a Golden Retriver, must protect her at all costs

Cass is the best, I love Cass, she’s my smol bean and nobody’s allowed to touch her… she is either a lesbian icon or an asexual icon… or both… in any case Cassandra Cain is an icon

Damian is asexual and I also see him as demiromantic (also, I’m pretty sure him and Jon have something, it’s so pure and wholesome I just love it)

Duke Thomas, my baby is pansexual, another smol bean that must be protected at all costs… also, I think he is Non-Binary, but he uses he/him or he/they pronouns

Selina is the bisexual mom

And of course, as everyone should know this by now, Kate Kane, our lesbian wine aunt/gay cousin, honestly she’s the best, she will kick butt if someone tries to insult/disrespect you
