#andy barber x reader


last updated: march 5th 2021 | dividers by @firefly-graphics

all reader inserts are black!reader

* - smut | ✝︎ - 1k+ notes


\ * night shift (wip) | a chance run in with the town’s most notorious family man turns into a twisted, dark romance with redemption for you - and him {dark!fic}


\ * hirsute | you find out there’s monsters all around you {exophilia} {sequel to contour}

\ *✝︎ one cup sugar, one cup spice | it all started with a batch of christmas cookies

\ *✝︎ collide | a celebrity haunted house for charity will be open one night only, halloween night. you spent days trying to get a ticket online for the event. thanks to a bad day on halloween, you get there only a minute before the line closes. you’re the last person to go in. you’re never seen again {challenge entry}

\ *✝︎ good stuff | andy meets you at the farmers market {4k request}

\ *✝︎ daddy’s girl | working with andy has been pretty smooth up until now

\ *✝︎ all rise | you’re the best assistant that an assistant district attorney could ask for 

\ *✝︎ power | today is your last day being mrs. ransom drysdale {sequel to paper}

ok, all this content has me crazy inspired so i’m going to try to bang out a couple things i’ve been working on, but would also loooove some 100 word drabble requests, esp if they’re for chris (or a chris chara of course)! 

if you’re new here, all you gotta do is send me a word and a chara / person i write for and i’ll give you something good in 100 words :) check out this masterlist if you wanna see what i’ve done before!!

Warnings: this fic will include dark content including rape/noncon, age gap, drinking, and other potential triggering elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.

This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.

Summary:A group vacation is spoiled by an unexpected guest, or rather, reluctant host.

Characters:dilf!Andy Barber

Note: So, I leave on Sunday for camping. I’ll be queueing in the chapters I have completed for Monday to Wednesday (I will be home on Wednesday). I will be able to check my blog intermittently after Sunday so I will be sure to catch up when I get back on whatever I can’t get to right away.

Happy Friday!

As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3

Love you all like Donkey love Waffles. Take care.

The sharp whistle of a bird pierces your eardrum. You groan as your eyelids slowly lift and you look up at the white ceiling. At first, confusion as your mind skips, thinking you’re still in your dorm or at home. Then the realisation comes with the pounding in your temples.

What you can’t remember is how you got to bed. Your knees hurt and you feel bruises on your elbows and hips. You must have fallen. You’re stiff and sore as you push yourself up with shaky arms and hold your head as if it’s about to shatter.

You remember coming back from the beach and Andy at the barbecue, some chatter then dinner. But the rest is hazy.

Ugh,you’re swearing sobriety for the rest of this trip. You shove the blankets away and find your shorts halfway down your legs, your top is rumbled too. Jesus, you’re a mess.

You pull up your shorts as you stand and squeak. Your thighs feel raw and deeper, you feel hollow. You stumble and catch yourself on the night table. You feel strange, very strange.

Must be the wine. That makes sense as it’s burning a hole in your gut. You shade your eyes as you cross the room, fixing your shirt as you do, and peek out as you inch the door open. All clear.

You shut yourself into the bathroom and keel over the toilet immediately. You spew the acrid bile into the bowl with wrenching heaves. Better out than in, as nasty as it is.

With nothing left to spit up, you flush and check that you didn’t dribble on the seat. You drop the lid and get up, leaning on the sink as you rinse your mouth out. You twist the faucet off and look at yourself in the mirror. You look awful.

You glance down at your body, your knees  are scraped and when you touch your thighs, they’re tender. Your stomach too. Every pore is buzzing and oversensitive. 

You leave the bathroom and listen to the house before you venture downstairs. You fill a glass with cold water and guzzle it down greedily. You already feel more awake.

Shit.Your eyes narrow at the oven clock; 6:12am. Typical. Your body can’t sleep this off, no, you have to suffer.

You go back to the stairs and freeze. You remember something. Maybe. You fell but somehow you got upstairs. It’s fuzzy.

You go back to the room and pull out a pair of capris and a tee. You check your camera’s battery and put it back on the dresser. You don’t remember taking it out again.

A shower helps wash away the grimy feeling but you’re still trapped behind a wall of obscurity. You hope the fresh air helps but if it doesn’t, it will at least distract you. You don’t feel like waiting around until everyone else awakes.

There’s a short thermos in the corner cupboard that you use to take some coffee. Your camera hangs from your neck as you step outside and pass the jeep, parked crookedly beside the white SUV. You pass both and continue down the road.

You wonder when they got back. You didn’t hear them but you didn’t hear much of anything in your wine-induced stupour. Why did they have to ditch you? 

You find a clearing among the trees and a stump to sit on to sip coffee. It warms you, calms you, and you turn on your camera to snap some photos of the squirrels snaking up the trunks. The small screen makes your eyes hurt so you let the camera hang again and rub your eyes.

There’s a pit in your stomach. Emptiness, maybe, but something else too. What can’t you remember? You have a bad feeling that you should remember but you can’t. 

It’s frustrating to the point of physical pain. Your chest knots tightly as you ruminate over the thermos. 

Andy made dinner, then… you had smores and more wine. Then, then, then… you don’t know.

You never even did this on campus. You always know your limit and stay stringently within it. Well, what’s the worst that could’ve happened? 

You’re fine, you tell yourself. Fine. Nothing happened.

You get a bit lost but aren’t unhappy for it. The few hours to yourself are much needed, despite the solitary of the day before. As you go to rinse out the thermos, you find Amelia and Drea hovering around the coffee maker.

“Hey, up early?” Drea asks.

“Just a little,” you say as you dry off the metal and put it back where you found it, “home late?”

“Just a little,” she quips and they both giggle, “we almost slept on the shore.”

“Sounds wild,” you remark, “you had fun then?”

“It was awesome, Rachel had to be carried to the car,” Amelia guffaws.

“What about you?” Drea prompts, “quiet day?”

“Just read on the beach,” you answer.

“And Jacob’s dad?” Amelia asks, “he didn’t say anything about us leaving?”

“No, not really,” you brace your forehead, “ugh.”

“Oh, did you get into the alcohol?” Amelia taunts.

“Well, what else was I supposed to do?” You drop your hands.

“No judgment. Well we’re staying here today, gonna hang on the beach.”

“Great, well, I think I might just hibernate in my room,” you croak.

“Morning, ladies,” Andy spooks you as the back door opens and he strides through. He’s balmy with sweat as he has his phone in an armband with earbuds dangling around his neck, “up before ten?”

“Hey, Mr. Barber,” Drea says as he goes to the fridge and picks out a bottle of water.

“Exciting plans?” He asks as the fridge liner sucks.

“Just gonna swim, I think,” Drea smiles sweetly.

“Better get it in before it rains. Should come this evening.”

You sidle along the counter as the movement draws his attention. As you near the door, you flinch as another figure enters from the front room.

“Dad,” Jacob greets, “sup?”

You dip out behind him as Andy’s voice rises in response. You scurry up the stairs and down the hall, quickly skirting into your room. The deep timbre follows you and hangs in your head. Clawing at your mind, a plucking that tells you to think!

You kick your sneakers off and put the camera on the table. You curl up in bed, letting the breeze flow over you from the window. You bury your head in your arms and whine. Remember!

You can’t. 

You sigh and stay as you are. You just want to sleep. You’re too exhausted for this. Too tired to enjoy a holiday, how ironic.

The heat of an embrace surrounds you, hands, fingers rove over your flesh, tingling through you. The softened edges and muffled noise of your dream build a fractured scene. A tickle along your neck and cheek, a coiling intrusion in your core. You writhe and whine as the tension mounts and winds you tight.

You snort yourself awake and sit up dizzily. The room is dim as the blue sky deepens with the descent of the sun. It’s only five o'clock. Andy didn’t lie about the rain, the clouds blot the sky in a harbinger of their release.

You get up and push through your daze. You’re starving to the point of agony. At the door, you listen for any sign of life. Emboldened by the silence, you emerge and creep down to the kitchen.

The cool air of the fridge makes you shiver as a sheen of sweat lingers on your skin. You lean on the door and consider what’s easiest and what won’t make your puke. You tap your fingers as you reach for the orange juice.

“There’s food in the oven,” Andy’s voice startles you as you step back and let the fridge close. You drop the bottle of orange juice as you cry out. “Sorry, I keep doing that, huh?”

“Ugh, it’s fine." 

You bend to pick up the jug and some juice leaks out onto your fingers. Andy grabs some paper towels and bends to wipe up the tiny droplets on the floor. You put it on the counter and rinse your hands in the sink. 

"So, you avoiding me?” He asks.

“What? No, I'm… not feeling too hot.” You take a glass out and focus on pouring the orange juice, examining the cracked lid, “sorry about the juice.”

“It’ll end up in the bin anyway. You okay?”

“Not really. Too much wine.”

You sip evasively and your belly growls loudly. He steps closer and you resist shying away as the juice coats your stomach coolly.

“Like I said, I saved you some lunch. But I can make you something else if it’s too much. Maybe a sandwich?”

“I can take care of myself, thanks,” you insist.

“I know you can but… tryna help.”

You go to the stove and peek inside. Fries and a chicken patty on a flat pan. You turn the oven on and go back to slouch over your glass.

“You fell last night, how ya feeling?”

Your skin crawls as your head flashes back to the floor, your vision swirling as you stare up the staircase. His arms swept you up and the world moved with him as he carried you. You take another gulp.

“Thanks for helping me. I’m sorry I got so drunk, but I’m good now.”

“Hey, we’ve all been there, I wasn’t in too good a shape either,” he chuckles, “I can barely remember going to bed.”

The world stills and you hear a whisper, a memory… ‘I must be drunker than I thought’….

You blink at him. You hide behind the rim of the glass as you feel goosebumps and the ghost of his touch, the way his hand felt buried in your panties. It can’t be. He wouldn’t. But you don’t know, it’s all so vague.

“Yeah, won’t be doing that again,” you say, “thanks for the food. Really, I don’t think I could even lift a pan right now.”

“No problem, s– it’s not a problem, I was worried but Amelia mentioned you looked sick so…”

“Mhmm,” you nod dully, “once I eat, I should be okay.”

You turn back to the fridge, hoping the search for condiments will save you. You take out the ketchup and relish and shut the door again. You bounce impatiently on your heels, your hunger growing with the scent of the oven’s contents.

“I… I left my Mac just in the front room, on the side table, if you wanted to work on your photos,” he offers as he rubs his neck, “passwords on a post-it for you.”

“I told you, I’m fine.”

“I know, I know, but I kinda feel bad about the wine. I shoulda mentioned it was twenty percent.”

“Twenty? Well, I can read too, I should’ve checked,” you shrug, “oh, cheese.”

You once more delve into the fridge and as you take the cheese off the door, you pause. The white cans of Stella are almost indiscernible from the other brand. A non-alcoholic cider with the same gold and red in the branding. That's… odd.

You step back and lay down the pack of sliced cheese, stretching your arms as you try to ease the tension. Your skin speckles with fiery heat as your denial wilts. 

“Think I’ll just eat and go lay down,” you say.

“Well, I’ll be around. It’s gonna rain soon so it’ll be a full house tonight and I gotta go cover the grill.”

“Right,” you edge away as he nears, sidling past you with a gentle 'excuse me’.

You watch him go out the back door and frown. Are you being overly cautious or is he? Maybe you said something last night? He must remember but he’s just not saying what happened and you’re too damn scared to ask.

The food helps enliven you. You feel stronger and more alert as you go back to your room. You peek out the window as you hear voices and a roll of thunder threatening above. The others rush back from the beach as the grey sky curdles dangerously.

Andy’s below, stacking the patio chair, the barbecue covered, and he waves to the returning brood of coeds. 

They hurry inside and you listen to them below. You might go down and see them if they don’t retreat to their rooms. They’d be a perfect buffer between you and Andy and besides, you’re starting to feel real lame.

As you wait out the fervour, you grab your camera and flip through the photos you took that morning. Erasing the blurry ones as you admired the others. You can’t complain for the scenery.

You get to the test shot you took first, not bad but a bit unfocused. You hit the trash icon and another photo appears. Your heart clenches as the sky claps as if to punctuate your shock.

It’s you. You hit the arrow and there’s several from different angles, a lapse of time in frames. The oldest is you on your bed, the blankets pulled back. Then your shirt’s pulled up, then your bras twisted over your chest, then shorts undone, pulled down, then panties around your thighs. 

Your hands shake as you look closer. You’re passed out in the photos, drunken and unaware, in the same clothes you woke up in. You know it was him. It wouldn’t be anyone else. Couldn’t be.

You shut the camera off and toss it onto the mattress. You stand and clutch your hand as panic swells with the cacophony of thunder. What else did he do?

Your thighs brush together as you pace and remind you of that morning, how tender you felt. You feel sick again, ready to hurl once more but you hold it back. Your lip quivers as you plant your feet and try to catch your breath. 

You slip your hand along the top of your capris and down the front. You feel beneath your panties and along your lips. It’s been too long to tell.

The room lights up as lightning strikes and you rip your hand away. You stagger and fall back on the bed. 

You hug yourself as you squeeze your eyes shut and remember. His hand on you, fingers curled deep in your cunt, his beard tickling your cheek, his breath encasing you. The photos reflect on your eyelids and you shudder. 

He wants you to know but you wish you didn’t. 


Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader

Summary: Two strangers in a grocery store are brought together by a little boy determined to make them a family.

Word Count:2.7k

Warnings: Fluff, Defending Jacob non-canon ending, brief mention of grief/child loss, brief mention of absentee parent 

A/N:*THIS IS PROBABLY A MINI-SERIES* I’m trying to jump back into writing, so feedback is both very appreciated and very scary for my anxious self. Be gentle please. Also, don’t translate or post my work on other sites. | Jammies | Dividers by @firefly-graphics


“Daddy!” The excited cheer and the rapid scampering footsteps in Andy’s direction made him immediately tense. Nothing could prepare him for the smack of a little body into his legs or the tug of tiny hands on the hem of his suit jacket.

When he exhaled a long, slow breath and looked down, excited eyes stared up at him. His routine of grocery shopping late Thursday nights was now interrupted by a pajama-clad toddler. “Hey, pal. Where’s your mah?”

“Uppy?” The little boy’s big eyes now glimmered with tears, despite the big smile, and a familiar tug on his heart and he slipped his hands under the kid’s arms to scoop him up before he started wailing. Before Andy could ask his question again, the little boy’s small hands were on Andy’s beard giggling, “Daddy, you’re prickly!” Swallowing, he smiled a crooked smile as he noticed a familiarity in the coloring in the little boy’s irises, blue with hints of yellow-green near the pupils. Laurie used to say Jacob had sunflowers in his eyes. The thought of his ex-wife and their late son made him sniffle. This little guy in his arms quickly threw them around Andy’s neck, “Don’t cry, Daddy! I’m so happy you’re finally here.”

Keep reading

Oh this was so soft and sweet I adored it!

Fast Cash & the Law 6

Relationship: Dennis Baker x Stripper!Reader; Dark!Andy Barber x Stripper!Reader; Ari Levinson x Stripper!Reader

Summary: You’re just a cash strapped student trying to make it through law school. But you end up catching the eyes of a dorky well-mannered client and an obsessive professor.

A/N: You asked for more Dennis and now here we are. The first chapter of this was my submission for Aphrodite’s Manor Challenge. No beta reader so there may be some typos.

Word Count: 3.9k

Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, NSFW Non-Con Oral (m receiving), stripping, sex (f/m and m/m/f), double penetration, threesome, anal sex, ass eating, oral sex (m receiving), blackmail, stalking, non-consensual voyeurism, cuckolding, squirting, abuse of power , stalking, minor character death, violence, mutilation, drunk driving, Andy being a psycho

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4Chapter 5

You woke up the next morning and found yourself in an empty bed. Both Ari and Dennis were nowhere to be found. Your mind and emotions were reeling from what happened the night before. You were concerned about how the men both felt and if their absences had something to do with it. More importantly, you weren’t sure how youfelt. Yes, you wanted it and were attracted to Ari, but you weren’t sure about what that meant for you and Dennis, and that made you uneasy. The last thing you wanted was to lose him.

You winced as you got up from the bed, sore and stretched from the night before. You threw on one of Dennis’ large t-shirts with no panties and gingerly wobbled down the stairs to the kitchen. The familiar smell of bacon and coffee wafted through the air.

“Hey, princess!” He greeted you happily as he was flipping a blueberry pancake then walked over to kiss you once he had plated it, “How are you feeling?”

You were confused by how cheery he was and that he behaved as if all of this were normal. Sure, you knew that people did this sort of thing, but you never expected it from yourself or Dennis. 

“I’m okay, Dennis. Don’t worry.” You responded hesitantly as you walked to grab a piece of bacon and munch on it. 

He ran his hands through his hair and chuckled awkwardly, “Glad to know we didn’t get too carried away.” He looked at you waiting for your response and you could see the anxiety in his face. 

You shook your head vehemently, “No, no! Not carried away at all. I enjoyed myself a lot. I just…What happens next with Ari? He still has to watch me and I don’t want things to be awkward or complicated.”

Dennis took a sip of his coffee nonchalantly as he leaned against the countertop and looked at you curiously. 

“What do you want, Y/N?”

You nervously fidgeted with your shirt as you answered, “Well, I mean. Are the two of you okay with each other?“

“We’ve already talked. Ari and I had a conversation before he left this morning. We can come to some type of arrangement or this could be just a one time thing. I’m fine either way, because it doesn’t change the way I feel about you. It really just depends on what youwant.”

You were stunned at what Dennis had just said given his wife’s betrayal, “But how is this different from what your wife did? I don’t want to hurt you, Dennis.”

He walked up to you and grabbed you by your waist before kissing you on your forehead, “Princess, this is so different from what happened. I actually told her I wanted to do a threesome like that once…like…let me watch. Then she told me I was gross for even considering it.”

You always got upset at what Dennis told you about how awful his ex wife was, but knowing all of this made it worse. He was good in bed and kind of a freak. Yet for some reason she told him that he had a bad penis.

“You aren’t jealous at all?” You asked cautiously as you poured yourself a cup of coffee, “I mean…if this weren’t just a one time thing…”

Dennis briefly brought his attention back to the pancakes and flipped over a perfectly golden one with ease before turning his attention back to you. He adjusted his glasses and looked at you sincerely. 

“No, Y/N, I’m not jealous. I know you’ll be honest with me about what’s going on with you and Ari. He’s pretty straight forward too.”

“I felt so guilty the first time I was attracted to him.” You admitted.

“Do you know what you want with him? Like, what you want to do?”

“I’m not sure. I mean, last night was fun. But I haven’t even had time to process it yet.”

“You don’t have to decide now. Take your time.”

You sat and ate breakfast with Dennis in peace until he finished and needed to head out for work. The doorbell suddenly rang and you knew it must be Ari returning to the house. Dennis greeted him at the front door casually as if nothing had happened the night before. You found it bizarre and yet were relieved that there wasn’t any tension between the two men. Dennis kissed you goodbye and grabbed his bag before heading out of the door. 

You stood looking at Ari, who closed the distance between the two of you. You looked down nervously, unsure of what to say to him other than hello. His long hair was wet from having clearly just taken a shower. You could smell the scent of his freshly cleaned skin and his cologne. His tight button up shirt accentuated his muscles and was unbuttoned enough to show tufts of his chest hair. You shifted your feet and bit your lip, barely able to look at him as he got closer.

“Hey, Y/N,” He said with a warm smile as he tucked one of your coils behind your ear and gently rubbed your cheek, “You okay?” 

The sexual tension between the two of you was palpable, but you were afraid of how messy this was going to get and tried to ignore your intense arousal. It was hard while he gazed at you and you could see the yearning in his eyes. 

“I’m okay,” You partially lied, “Just tired and a little sore all over. You want to have breakfast with me? I haven’t finished yet.” You motioned towards the kitchen, “Looks like Dennis made enough for you too.”

“Sure, I’d love to. I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since dinner last night.”

Well, you knew he must have also worked up an appetite for sure so you made him a plate. You both went to the living room to watch the news as you ate. You winced as you sat down and Ari looked over at you concerned. 

“I thought you said you were okay?” He asked you worriedly as he put his plate down. 

You shrugged, “I didn’t think you meant physically.”

He grabbed your chin gently to turn your face towards him, “I meant both, sweetheart.”

Sweetheart”, you loved hearing that word roll off his tongue. 

“It’s mainly my muscles. They’re just tense right now. Nothing an epsom salt bath can’t cure. You weren’t too rough, I promise.”

He smirked at you and bit his lip, “How about I give you a massage then,” he offered with a hint of lust in his voice. 

Your heart skipped a beat and you brought your thighs together, “Okay, but justa massage.” You said with a devious glint in your eyes. 

“Lay down on your stomach.” He instructed as he handed you a pillow before you laid down on the couch. 

Your bare legs were exposed and he started with your calves. You gasped as his fingers began to work your muscles. It was a sinful mixture of pain and relief as he worked out the knots. 

“Wow, you really are tense.” He rasped behind you, “I’m sorry about that, sweet girl.”

His strong hands worked their way up to your thighs and you whimpered from the sudden intensity of the pain. 

“Just take a deep breath. I have to apply pressure to get these knots out.”

You followed his instructions and inhaled deeply before letting out a shuddering exhale. As the tension released you let out a salacious moan. You heard him chuckle behind you and he worked his hands towards your inner thighs just below your core. Ari hummed to himself and then ran his fingers delicately up your soaking folds with a groan. Your breath hitched and you tried to whack his hand away. 

“Ari, I’m too sore.” You tried to object, “I can’t right now.”

“Don’t worry, sweet girl, I’m not going to fuck you.” He stated lustfully before pulling your hips up so that your ass was now in the air, “I just decided that I don’t want pancakes for breakfast after all.”

You squeaked when you felt his warm tongue suddenly lick a strip up your slit. Your hands squeezed the pillow as he continued his tongue’s ministrations. His tongue circled your bundle of nerves and you gasped from the sensation. 

Ari sucked on your clit and squeezed the soft flesh of your ass firmly with his hands. You could feel the vibrations of him moaning against you as he devoured your pussy hungrily. The tickling of his beard only added to the pleasure. You felt the heat within your belly grow and spread throughout your body. You moaned and rocked your hips against his face and reached behind you to push it closer. His nails dug into you to steady your hips as you began to shake as your orgasm hit you. 

He pulled away from you and licked his lips when you were finished. He let out a satisfied sound before he spread your cheeks and gently circled your ring of muscles with his tongue. Your body jerked from the foreign sensation, the feeling of his wet tongue on that particular spot was unfamiliar. 

“Ari!” You called out lustfully as he started to play with your clit again with his thumb, “Oh my god, Ari! Fuck! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”

You felt another orgasm building quickly, even more stronger than the other. Your legs tensed and your ass writhed against his face as it tore through you. You went slack jawed as you let out a wanton scream. He groaned into you before pulling away to nip and kiss your cheeks. You breathed heavily against the couch and fell forward once he let your hips go. Ari licked his lips as he stared down at your exposed lower body. 

“So much better than fucking pancakes.”


Andy sat with Jacob over a quick breakfast of coffee and toast before he needed to head out to teach class. He was anxious about going back after the confrontation with Ari. He wasn’t sure how he’d be able to act around you knowing that Ari was there and how disobedient you had been the last time he saw you. The last thing he wanted to do was push you away even farther. 

“Hey, dad,” Jacob said, pulling Andy out of his thoughts, “Did everything with the meter guy check out okay?”

Andy furrowed his brow in confusion, “What do you mean the meter guy?”

“The guy from the electric company came by the other day when you were taking a nap. He said something about them being messed up on our block.” He responded nonchalantly before taking another bite of toast. 

Andy nearly spit out his coffee. Jacob was a minor and there was no way the guy should have come into the house with just his permission. Let alone the fact that Andy was asleep at the time. 

“Jacob, you let a stranger into our house while I was asleep?!” He asked him angrily, “What the hell were you thinking?!”

Jacob’s face turned red and he looked down nervously, “I-I thought it would be fine because he was from the electric company. He said he would only be there for a few minutes.” He stammered out. 

Andy rubbed the bridge of his nose and let out a deep exhale. Then he remembered Ari, perhaps he was the meter guy. Something about the incident wasn’t adding up. 

“What did he look like?”

“Ummm…He had a beard and big glasses. He also had a long ponytail.”

“Oh shit.” Andy thought to himself, “He sounds just like the creepy janitor from the day before.”

“Alright, Jake.” Andy began as calmly as he could to not freak his son out, “Don’t let anyone else into the house unless I’m awake and also come get me if it’s important. Got it?”

“Got it, dad. I’m sorry.”

“Alright, bud, I’m going to head off now.” He said before chugging the rest of his coffee and mussed Jacob’s hair. 

“Bye, dad!” Jacob called after him. 

Andy promptly called Jake from his car, needing to tell him the news about Freezy. The longer the phone trilled, the more irritated he became. 

“What’s up?” Jake finally answered sleepily.

“I’ve got some bad news and I need you to look into this right away.” Andy said urgently. “I think someone cased the house while Jacob was there and was also on the law school campus. It wasn’t that Ari guy, it was someone else.”

“Fuck!” Jake exclaimed worriedly, “Okay, okay, this is bad. Look, I’m gonna look at the camera footage at the school. What’s the hall your classroom and office is in?”

“Thrombey Hall.”

“I’ll get you an answer today, Uncle Andy.” Jake stated firmly, “It’s one thing for this guy to be at your job, but it’s another for him to be around Jacob.”

“I know. That’s what has me concerned.”

“Don’t worry.” Jake responded, “I’ll get this figured out.”


Ari sat in the back of the lecture hall during Andy’s class. They glared at each other and you could tell that Andy was on edge the entire time. You could feel the anger radiating off of him as he continued teaching. But this was the first time you’d felt safe in his class. You knew with Ari there he couldn’t hurt you or even try to speak to you about something other than classwork. 

You gave Andy a smirk as you left the classroom and Ari put his hand on the small of your back. You felt the heat rise in you with his touch as you walked back to his car. 

You gave Ari a mischievous smile as you sat in the passenger seat, “Andy was really pissed.” 

“Oh, he definitely was!” Ari laughed, “He looked like he was going to burst.”

“Thank you again,” You said as you leaned over to kiss him. His beard gently tickled your face as your tongues danced with each other. 

You reached over and started to rub his crotch and he groaned as he gripped the steering wheel. 

“Y/N, we’re in the parking lot. Someone will see us.” He reluctantly warned you. 

You kissed him again as you felt his length hardening, “You know I like it when I’m being watched.” You whispered seductively and then nipped his ear. 

You took your panties off, your slick having completely soaked them, then climbed over to straddle him after he leaned his seat back a little. He undid his belt hurriedly and pulled his bottoms down just enough to free his cock. 

You hissed as you slid down on his length until he bottomed out. The stretch burned as you tried to accommodate him in your already sensitive core. You wrapped your arms around the headrest as you rode him desperate for a release. 

Ari held you tightly against him, groaning as your tight velvety walls wrapped around him. The smooth skin of his cock massaged your sweet spot and you sped up your pace. 

As you faced the back of the car, you didn’t see Andy happen to walk in front of Ari’s car. He stood there, his eyes wide and mouth agape as he watched you fuck him. Ari smirked at Andy and watched him as his face turned red and he clutched his keys tightly out of anger. 

“Cum for me, sweet girl.” Ari rasped into your ear, “Come on, baby, I know you’re close.”

Andy gripped his keys so tightly that blood began to drip from his hands. His nostrils flared and his body shook with rage. Ari didn’t break eye contact with him and smiled when he saw a flood angry tears run down Andy’s face. 

You moaned loudly as you felt your peak near. Your pussy clenched around Ari’s cock and he groaned from the sensation of you gripping him as you slid up and down his length faster and faster. His nails dug into your back as you tensed and shook in his hold. 

“Ari! Ari! Ari!” You screamed and threw your head back as the pleasure overtook you, “Fuck! Ari!”

He wasn’t far behind you and thrust his hips roughly as he fucked up into you. He let out a low growl as he bit into your shoulder. He moaned as you felt his cock twitch and he spilled inside of you. You rested your head against him as you both sat there to catch your breaths. He rubbed your back as Andy glowered at the two of you. 

“Come on, sweetheart.” He cooed, “Let’s get you home.”


It was barely dinner time and Andy had gotten halfway through a bottle of whiskey. Laurie had come by earlier to pick up Jacob and was furious at the state Andy was in. He didn’t give a shit at that point and slammed the door in her face when she was midway through berating him. After watching you fuck Ari in the parking lot earlier that day, Laurie was the last thing he wanted to deal with.  

His phone trilled and he saw Jake’s name pop up. Andy quickly picked up the phone and answered. 

“Uncle Andy,” Jake said, sounding completely rattled, “I need you to listen to me carefully.”

“The man you saw earlier and who was in your house,” Jake continued, “His name is Robert Pronge also known as Mr. Freezy. Word on the street is that he’s a contract killer and get this, he’s Dennis’ cousin.”

Andy’s jaw dropped and he sat up in his chair attentively. He could understand getting you a bodyguard, but an assassin?

“I-I don’t understand. What do you mean?” Andy questioned him alarmed, “You mean that Dennis hired someone to fucking kill me?!”

“It looks that way. This is really fucking serious.” Jake worried, “I think it’s best that Jacob stays with Laurie for now.”

“He’s already with her. She came to get him today.” Andy paused for a moment and chewed on his lip as he was thinking. Suddenly an idea popped into his head, “Look, I think I have a solid plan to get Y/N away from Dennis, but we need to get this Freezy guy out of the way.”

“Don’t worry, uncle Andy. I know a guy.” Jake responded matter-of-factly, “Now, tell me about this plan.”


“You gonna stay for dinner?” You asked Ari hopefully as he pulled into Dennis’ driveway.

He turned off the ignition and turned to you to gently stroke your face with his knuckles, “I think you and Dennis should have dinner without me. I want to give you some time together.”

“Oh,” You sat back and looked at him somewhat hurt. 

“No, no, Y/N.” He looked at you sincerely, “It’s not like that. It’s just that a lot has happened with our…relationship, especially you and Dennis’. I want you guys to be okay. More importantly, I want to give you space so you can think about what you want.”

He was right. You and Dennis did need time to focus on your relationship. You were glad that Ari didn’t want to push things too soon. 

“Okay, I understand.” You gave him a small smile and a soft kiss on the lips, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He beamed at you as you got out and went into the house. You heard him start the car and turned back around to wave goodbye as he pulled out of the driveway. 

Dennis was already there and getting dinner ready. He pulled you in for a quick kiss before getting back to the stove. 

“How was your day?” He asked as he stirred something in a large saucepan, “Everything went alright?”

“Yeah,” You grinned to yourself, thinking about your two sexual encounters with Ari that day, “Better than Monday, that’s for sure.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear that, princess.” He looked back at you with a smile. 

His phone rang and he stopped to pick it up, “Hey, I need to take this. It’s important. Mind watching this?” As he motioned to the saucepan. 

“Sure, what do I do?”

“Just make sure it doesn’t burn and keep stirring it.”

“Sounds easy enough.” You giggled as you took over his spot at the stove. 

Dennis rushed out of the kitchen door to take the call outside. It was Freezy and he hoped he had an update on the Andy situation.  

“Hey, Robbie.” Denis answered anxiously, “You got any good news for me?”

“I sure fucking do.” Freezy chuckled, “Look, I’ve got a plan for your little situation. This Andy guy is a drunk. You wouldn’t believe the amount of empty whisky bottles I found in his trash at his house and his office.”

Dennis shook his head in disgust when he remembered Andy’s drunken voicemail rant. There was no way he could let a man like Andy get to you. 

“Anyway,” Freezy continued, “I’ll take care of this problem tomorrow. I can easily make it look like an accident.”

Dennis let out a sigh of relief. You’d finally be safe with Andy out of the way. 

“Thanks, Robbie. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“By the way, I saw her when I was at the school doing some ‘research’. I can see why you would go through all this trouble. You are really punching above your weight, toilet mouth. She’s a fuckin’ smokeshow.”

Dennis rolled his eyes, “Okay. I got it. I got it.” 

Freezy snickered on the other end, “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to it. This guy will be out of your hair tomorrow night.” He assured Dennis before he hung up the phone. 

Dennis went back into the kitchen and walked up to you as you stood by the stove. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you in tightly. He gave you a peck on the top of the head. 

“Hmm…I’m so glad I met you and that you’re here with me.” He suddenly rasped. 

“Me too, Dennis.” You smiled and turned to face him, “Me too.”


The next morning Freezy stood in the small warehouse backroom where he disposed of many of his victim’s bodies. He had just finished cutting off a leg with a chainsaw and threw it into the sink. 

“Hello, sunshine.” A man cheerily said to him from behind. 

He whipped around surprised and then let out a chuckle when he saw the other man standing smiling at him while leaning against a support beam. 

“Lloyd fucking Hansen, long time no see, buddy.” Freezy greeted him and the two men shook hands. 

“Likewise,” Hansen answered with a shit-eating grin. 

“So, what brings you into town?”

“Here for a job actually.” He responded casually with a glint in his eyes before quickly pulling out his gun and shooting Freezy in the stomach. 

He fell down to the ground with a loud groan and clutched his stomach, “What the fuck, man?!” He screamed up at Hansen. 

Hansen walked up to Freezy calmly and loomed over him with his pistol pointed at his head.

“Sorry, pal, but a job’s a job.” He responded with a smirk before pulling the trigger.

Hansen pulled out his phone and dialed Jake, “It’s done.” was all he said before hanging up and casually walking away as if he hadn’t just killed a man.

Chapter 7

Taglist: @eralen@rededfoxy@thanatosfic@rebekahdawkins@daniphantom1​ @jasminedayz @chrisevanisliterallysir @rose-bliss@siriusjohnpotterhnpotter


SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 92


Welcome to Week 92

As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  

ClickHERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.

ClickHERE for past reading lists.

My Masterlist click HERE

Please  make sure you are reading the warnings on every story. They range from  dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories  are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media  consumption.

Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​ & Header by @happygowriting​​​​

If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.

I love you 3000  Missy



Thank you so much for the rec.♥️ A great list to catch up with too.


sitting doll • andy barber x reader


dark drabble i thought of in the shower.

content warning: adultery, smut (brief details of penetrative sex and oral sex, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamic), murder, blood.

your small apartment is where he goes on his way home from work. you’re the pretty thing he daydreams about in court. your pussy is where he finds his salvation.

everyday at 6.35pm, you’re ready for him to arrive and use your body. docile, obedient, subservient. his perfect sitting doll.

“taking daddy’s cock so well,” he’d grunt into your ear as he fucks you into the mattress. “like the little slut i’ve trained you to be, huh?”

“yes, daddy,” is your response every single time.

yes, daddy. anything for you, daddy. this pussy is yours, daddy.

Keep reading


Pairing: Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Latina!Reader, ?? x Latina!Reader

Word Count: 776

Summary:Y/N should be a lot more careful of just who is invited into her home, even if it’s an ex-boyfriend.

Warnings:Angst, Implied Cheating by Ransom, Implied Breeding Kink, Implied Kidnapping, Implied Non Con, Implied Smut

Challenge Used: Synth’s 800 Challenge

Prompts: #1 Crush by Garbage 

Created For:@syntheticavenger

Beta’d by:@sparkledfirecracker

A/N: Reupload from the other blog​ & ty for help on my comment paragraph @negans-lucille-tblr

Please note; . , , ( ' ), . .

Keep reading

Ooh, I love this spooky tale! And it sounds like he has lots of plans.


The Butterfly Effect

Summary: [Across the kitchen, Andy slowly lifted his head and it was like a mountain rising out of the sea.]

Pairing: Alpha!Andy Barber x Omega!Reader

Word Count: 8.3K

Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Part one is pretty tame. Part two will… be the opposite of tame. Regardless, shoo younglings! This isn’t for you, please respect that. Now, for part one, here there be explicit language, awful tyrannical government organizations, misogynistic society, mention of civil unrest, hints of imprisonment/captivity, slight manipulation (nothing too terrible), incapacitated reader, discussion of noncon breeding, mention of noncon drug use, soft!dark themes, age gap (reader is in their early 20’s and Andy in late 30’s), and slight praise kink. I think I got them all…

Author’s Note: Hi friends! I am getting back into the writing flow again after a break and a gross bout of depression. I am trying something new here (or very old, for my NGL crowd… but this isn’t exactly like my NGL A/B/O universe). It’s been so long since I wrote this trope and my god, I forgot how much I love it. I was inspired by @stargazingfangirl18’s 5k Soft!Dark Challenge and decided to join in the fun. Thank you, Siri, for encouraging me and listening to me gush over Alpha Andy potential and for answering all my questions. To my Ignition readers, don’t worry, that is on my list after I complete part two of this story. But I hope you also enjoy this! And thank you @firefly-graphics for creating the amazing butterfly dividers!

Part One

“Step forward and give me your wrist.”

Jolting, you blinked up at the barrel-chested security guard. His stare was unflinching beneath furrowed, dark brows. The curved device he was holding beeped impatiently, the tip blinking red. You swallowed.

“Your wrist,” he repeated with a light growl.

Shuffling towards him, you shifted your heavy binder to one arm and hurriedly pushed up the sleeve of your oversized sweater muttering a quiet, “Sorry.”

The guard didn’t acknowledge your apology and merely swept the smooth tip of the device across your pulse. There was no answering beep, no signal of a result detected—not that you were expecting one. But the security guard certainly was given the way his frown deepened. Suspicious eyes lifted to your quiet, steady gaze and then fell to the space where your shoulder met your neck. You knew what he was going to demand before the words left his mouth.

“Tilt your head to the side.”

“Is that really necessary?” You asked with a single, unamused brow. “Your little device just told you what I am.”

“It didn’t tell me shit,” the man grunted.

“Correct,” you agreed, trying to keep your voice even. “Which is an answer in and of itself. Do we really need to escalate this further?”

The security guard went very still and for a long moment he just stared at you. Then—

“Are you resisting?”

The question was low and quiet and the threat behind it had a chill slithering up your spine like the underbelly of a snake. The man’s hand slid to the electric baton dangling at his waist and your heart dropped to the soles of your feet.

You felt sick.

“No—I…” you rasped, throat suddenly dry. “No.”

Keep reading

Omg Rev, this was so AMAZING!!!! The way you captured the calm reserved confidence of Andy’s and his presence, that was fantastic! The take on this type of AU is very topical with all of the dystopia happening everywhere. (gestures to everything)

