#anti sylvie x loki



Reasons why it’s not biphobic to be upset about Sylki:

  • Number One: many people interpret selfcest as incestuous (same person, same parents, same DNA, that stuff) or are just generally uncomfortable with the idea. Don’t shame or insult people who perceived the dynamic as sibling-esque in nature.
  • Number Two: Disney ‘confirmed’ their bisexuality and Loki’s gender fluidity in a way that can be easily censored or edited out. It’s painfully obvious they did this so they can win some woke points but still get the cash from homophobic countries.
  • And finally, Number Three: Disney is too gross and cowardly to have a popular main character be in a blatantly, expressly queer relationship and it really shows (see also: Bucky Barnes).

They can say all they want that Loki and Sylvie are bisexual, they can pat themselves on the back for slipping ‘Sex: Fluid’ onto Loki’s paperwork, but the fact of the matter is that Sylki is Disney’s queerbait heterosexual cash cow: applause from people praising the ‘queer rep’, and revenue from the countries who don’t want to see gay people onscreen.

Signed: an angry queer person with angry queer friends


istg if someone flames me one more time or says i’m biphobic because I don’t support Sylki I will skin you alive. (ITS INCEST/SELFCEST WTF DOES BEING BISEXUAL HAVE TO DO WITH DIPSHIT)
