#does this unit have a queue

daddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be besdaddythedragon: The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be bes


The great part was this was Lisa reacting to a standardized test saying she’d be best as a homemaker. Once the system told her no matter what she did, she’d be nothing more than a wife and mother, she decided the system could shove it.

Miss me with the idea that the Simpsons was never a good, insightful show.

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images that mean everything to me


asslight gaykeep girlballs or whatever



If this happens to you, remember that stealing a person’s mail in the U.S. is a federal crime, one with a penalty of up to five years of jail time and heavy fines, which compounds with every individual offense. Know your rights, especially your rights as a tenant. Fuck landlords





Nintendo paywalling to the ability to play classic n64 and sega genesis behind a second paid online membership

so yes emulating is still morally right fuck these bastards

20 year old games for an extra 8 dollars on top of whatever how much Nintendo online costs already like you’re not even owning these games it’s a fucking rental service.

Just pirate.

Feel like this is something that would be useful here so here’s a link to a website with updated, working, safe emulators for 16 different consoles and handles.

It also has roms for said emulators and even pdf versions of the manuals.

katrinageist:roseapprentice: cheeseanonioncrisps:This is Sarah Grimké. She was born to a rich plan




This is Sarah Grimké.

She was born to a rich plantation family in the American South during the time of slavery. She owned a slave, Hetty, a girl her parents gave her when she was a child. She was absolutely the sort of person whose racism you could justify as being ‘of her time’ and ‘just the way she was raised’.

And she cited the injustices she saw growing up on the plantation as the motivation for her becoming an abolitionist as an adult.

When she was a kid, she tried to give bible lessons to the slaves on her Dad’s plantation, and taught her own slave to read and write. As an adult, she and her sister campaigned for the end of slavery. When she found out that one of her brothers had raped one of his own slaves and gotten her pregnant three times, she welcomed her nephews into the family and paid for education for the two that wanted it.

This was a woman who was raised in a culture of slavery, looked around her as a child and said “hey, wait a minute, we’re all assholes!” and spent the rest of her life trying to put things right.

It absolutely was a choice.

This is something I’ve been forced to learn in the past two years. The world around me is turning into something I was raised to believe could only happen in history books, or maybe in other parts of the world that sort of belonged in history books.

The more I see this happening–and the more I learn about the past and how hard people did fight to stop Hitler from initially rising to power, or to point out the humanity of slaves–the more apparent it becomes that we have always had these choices, and they’ve always been the same.

And we’re always going to have genuinely appealing opportunities to make the worst possible choices again, no matter how much more modern the world appears.

George Washington owned slaves right? Most of the founding fathers did, and in grade school, to smooth over that abuse of humanity by an American hero, we as children were told “Yes, George Washington did own slaves but he freed them when he died.” And you infer that he didn’t like slavery but it was an economic necessity.

And then you’re in your mid twenties watching a food show on Netflix and you learn that because Pennsylvania was a Quaker colony, they led the nation in emancipation and if an enslaved person was in Philadelphia for more than six months, they automatically became freed. And the young nation’s early capital was in Philadelphia, where Washington brought his household of enslaved people with him. And he took them back to Virginia every five months for a time so as to start that clock over and keep them enslaved.

There’s a trend with historians to want so badly to maintain the prestige of George Washington and an exceptional and morally pristine figure. And true, there are many instances in his writing where he sounds like his opinion on slavery as an institution is turning and that he knew slavery was wrong. But his actions. He literally had to do absolutely nothing to free his household staff, and took great pains to keep them enslaved.

It’s important to remember that too. That there were people in positions of enormous power, who know what they’re doing is wrong, and choose to do it anyway.

Do not let anyone tell you his teeth were made of wood.

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renaissance in the 21st century

some more

the WHAT??

okay, found her

some more good replies from the notes

britishmuffin:Howl and Sophie <3Timelapse video and lineart download will be available on patreon


Howl and Sophie <3

Timelapse video and lineart download will be available on patreon!


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kind of wondering if the Steve from Blues Clues thing was more or less a temperature check to see how well the early childhood media brainwashing worked, and how easily people can be triggered and manipulated by emotional messages from fictional personas with whom now-adults formed parasocial bonds as children due to the faux-interactive, if not uncanny question-response format of the tv shows from which these personas are derived

Fellas, is it brainwashing to experience emotions based on childhood experiences

And…what, exactly, is the alternative to a show like Blue’s Clues, if you think that making an educational program that sincerely tries to make children feel empowered and loved is brainwashing? No programming at all, leaving underprivileged kids without an extra educational boost or sense of companionship? A robotic voice with no personality shouting the alphabet over and over? Seriously curious here. 

yeah op you seem like someone who has normal and well-adjusted opinions on what qualifies as “brainwashing”. the fact that you apparently have kids is bone-chilling





doNOTunderany circumstances touch this post

me totally innocent just looking at this post^

did you touch the post. you can tell me

