#apex valkyrie


Call sign: Valkyrie

Valkyrie is so much fun to play :O

Valkyrie is so much fun to play :O

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, a girl tortured by revenge, embrace hope when love awakens her heart.

, a girl, with a heart too kind has electricity to ground her, keeping her family insulated.

, a girl, weighed down by guilt, finally unfolding her wings to fulfill a legacy.

, a boy, wrought by tragedy, transforms his pain and defies reality.

saw the original on my twitter timeline, it instantly clicked in my head so figured I had to edit and share it with y'all

the legends didn’t really sell a whole lot but that’s ok bc I had a lot of fun making this setRIP th

the legends didn’t really sell a whole lot but that’s ok bc I had a lot of fun making this set

RIP the naruto run

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