

“While the world saw my encounter with Apollo as further proof of my strange mind, I saw that the day he had come to me in the temple was like a lightning bolt shattering the center of my life, the cracks in the earth spiraling from it in every direction. I knew that the madness within me had not been building to that moment, but rather that the echoes of his devastation had rung back through my years as well as forward. Such was the power of Apollo: he could shatter my existence from beginning to end.”

-Elektra by Jennifer Saint

Me reading how Cassandra got kissed by Apollo and then he spat in her mouth: Gods I wish that were me

Apollo:What is wrong with you?

Me: I just really love you


I don’t know if it’s obvious or not but I fucking love Apollo! ✨


I believe that humanity’s immense love for Apollo is proof of Apollo’s unwavering love for humanity


Apollo has to make EVERYTHING a teachable moment i swear!

So there I was, minding my own business, reading Demon Slayer when Apollo popped up right next to me and said

“Notice the emphasis of breathing in this series. How they train, how they advance their skills, how they learn and achieve, and how they survive all comes down to their breathing. Its a concept you should consider bringing into your own life”

And I’m sitting there annoyed because A) He’s absolutely right, like always, and B) I read Demon Slayer for the wholesome, the heartbreaks, and the hotties not for the life lessons so please let me be destroyed in peace, Apollo!

Me: I’ve come to the realization that I need ways to handle my anxiety that don’t involve avoidance or me running screaming towards it.

My Therapist: Not to sound cliche but have you ever tried any breathing techniques?

Me: Damn you, Apollo.


ahjfjfhf i was writing something and ended up slipping a small prayer to Athena in it and I liked it so I’m sharing it here! quick and easy, and it rhymes so that really helps me remember it lol

“Lady Athena, guide my hand;

Beside me always may you stand.

Entrust to me the victor’s share;

Grey-eyed goddess, hear my prayer.”

ok I also wrote one for Apollo but forgot to post it:

“Lord Apollo, Phoebus bright,

Shelter me in healing light.

With silver bow and unshorn hair,

Protect me always; hear my prayer.”

me: man I miss writing music but I just haven’t had time for it lately :/


me, writing a song in one sitting and actually liking it: oh. huh.


me: thank you,,,

i love Apollo so so so much. every day i’m just even more amazed. i was scared about something and asked for him to protect me, to guide me, all the while listening to the playlist i made him on spotify

and i stop and listen to the music and it’s “livin’ on a prayer”, specifically the line in the chorus: “take my hand, and we’ll make it, i swear”

i almost CRIED, DUDE


“You must be the friend
That Hermes told me about.
The darkness that surrounds you
Is as he described,
Incredibly thick and powerful.
You are practically drowning in it!
I can see how it has
Stolen the air from your lungs!

“All that you have seen
And all that you have experienced…
Little one, you sure are resilient!
That mind of yours
Is stronger than you think!
We have much to discuss,
But first, grab hold.
I won’t let you drown anymore!”

The voice that speaks to you
Is powerful, yet melodic;
And that hand that reaches for you
Is gloriously sun-kissed
With the calloused fingers
Of a talented musician.
You trust in the voice
And accept His hand.

“Helios, my friend,
Please send this poor soul
A glorious ray of light!”
And suddenly you see the sun,
Feel the warmth on your skin.
It is new and refreshing.
You drink it in
As you are pulled upward.

Then there is more light,
Brilliant and colorful.
The darkness dissipates
Beneath your feet,
Hissing and snarling
As it cowers away.
You feel lighter and, finally,
You can take in a breath.

“There! Look at you!
I can see the color
Returning to your cheeks.
How does it feel, young one,
To breathe in fresh air?
To see the sun after so long?
You have so many more
Beautiful things to experience!”

He takes a seat and gestures
For you to sit beside Him.
“Lately, things have been
Particularly difficult for you.
Hermes has shared your struggles
And I sympathize, I do.
I have seen many mortals
Struggle and fall.

"Hermes says that you
Once had an incredible
Passion for the arts…
But you’ve forgotten how to smile
And you no longer sing or dance.
That, my mortal friend,
Breaks my heart
And I feel compelled to help you.

"Whatever you are carrying,
I know it must be heavy.
But please, dear one,
Share that weight with me.
Whatever you are holding on to,
Tell it to me here
And I will help you
Let go of it for good.

"I know you feel alone,
But there are many people,
Divine and mortal,
Who are willing to help you.
Keeping this to yourself
Will only make things worse.
The darkness will keep coming back
If you try to face it alone.

"You deserve to smile and dance,
To laugh and sing again!
I want to see the passion
Return to your beautiful eyes.
I want to see you breathe
This fresh air every day,
No longer trapped in the darkness,
But happily walking under the Sun.

"Every day will not be grand
You will still have struggles,
But you won’t be weighed down
By all the hardships of your past.
If you accept my help,
I will make sure you can handle
Any obstacle that gets in your way
And help you overcome it.

"Will you let me reignite your passion
And help you face the darkness
That has consumed you for so long?
Will you let me strum my lyre
And sing of your victory
When you finally overcome your past?
You’ve got nothing to lose
And so much to gain!

"I know this is a leap of faith
But you trusted me enough
To take my hand the first time.
The path ahead won’t be easy,
I will make you work hard,
But you will not be alone.
So what do you say, my friend,
Will you walk with me?”

 I just told Hermes that I was happy to hear Zeus Thunder even if it was short…I live on the

I just told Hermes that I was happy to hear Zeus Thunder even if it was short…I live on the French Riviera, so Zeus rarely come here. In fact, the French Riviera is permanently blessed by Apollo, who increases the temperature and also the price per square meter  :) The photo come from my Flickr gallery, Nice, my town, was named originally Nike from the Greek goddess of victory, but due to the weather, Apollo is the protector of the town.

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Saw this little guy hop around and sit down in a patch of dandelions.

Big Apollo energy lmao
