#caw caw

Illustration and verse from Caw! Caw! or, The Chronicle of Crows by Jemima Blackburn, 1848

Illustration and verse from Caw! Caw! or, The Chronicle of Crows by Jemima Blackburn, 1848

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wow y'all sorry for being so dead here (I have the attention span of a very small mammal hfjdhfh) but I just wanted to remind you all that you are loved, you are valid, you are beautiful in the eyes of the gods.

aHHHHH not me being given the urge to clean my semi-cluttered car (and ignoring it) and then a ROACH appearing hgjdjfhh

hermes if you sent that IM SORRY

REVELATION OF THE DAY: Helen and Menelaus are such a power couple because they give off MILF AND DILF energy


(looks at helen) (swoons)

(looks at menelaus) (swoons again)

(also menelaus loved helen 100% and that’s that, no I do not take constructive criticism)


ahjfjfhf i was writing something and ended up slipping a small prayer to Athena in it and I liked it so I’m sharing it here! quick and easy, and it rhymes so that really helps me remember it lol

“Lady Athena, guide my hand;

Beside me always may you stand.

Entrust to me the victor’s share;

Grey-eyed goddess, hear my prayer.”

ok I also wrote one for Apollo but forgot to post it:

“Lord Apollo, Phoebus bright,

Shelter me in healing light.

With silver bow and unshorn hair,

Protect me always; hear my prayer.”

me: man I miss writing music but I just haven’t had time for it lately :/


me, writing a song in one sitting and actually liking it: oh. huh.


me: thank you,,,

i love Apollo so so so much. every day i’m just even more amazed. i was scared about something and asked for him to protect me, to guide me, all the while listening to the playlist i made him on spotify

and i stop and listen to the music and it’s “livin’ on a prayer”, specifically the line in the chorus: “take my hand, and we’ll make it, i swear”

i almost CRIED, DUDE

hey y'all, just a heads-up, i’m probably not going to touch this blog for a while (read: indefinite hiatus). it’s been really fun and the community has been great, but I’ve got other stuff going on and I’d like to focus more on that. i might check in from time to time, but other than that, this blog will probably be inactive (not that I was very active to begin with lol). thank you all so much!

once again it is The Hour At Which I Should Be Asleep and Athena is over here watching me frantically prep for school tomorrow,,,,

so I have a playlist with ALL (most of) the songs I know, which is at least a thousand.

I’m reading the Argonautica and I get to one of those battle scenes like “Amyntor slew ____, and Telamon slew ____” and WHAT song starts playing???

whatcha say by jason derulo.

first of all. the meme death song? losing my mind. second of all, I’m only now recognizing,,, jasonderulo



ahjfjfhf i was writing something and ended up slipping a small prayer to Athena in it and I liked it so I’m sharing it here! quick and easy, and it rhymes so that really helps me remember it lol

“Lady Athena, guide my hand;

Beside me always may you stand.

Entrust to me the victor’s share;

Grey-eyed goddess, hear my prayer.”

ok I also wrote one for Apollo but forgot to post it:

“Lord Apollo, Phoebus bright,

Shelter me in healing light.

With silver bow and unshorn hair,

Protect me always; hear my prayer.”

hermes addition!

“Hermes, guide my steady path,

Shelter me from needless wrath;

Messenger of gods, O guide,

Be with me always at my side.”

i wasnt feeling too great today so I decided to go and lie in the sun on a bench. an hour or so passes and I feel better. (I have Not put on sunscreen.)

cue Helios going “okay, I think that’s enough sun, you shouldn’t be getting THAT much without protection” and moving so that the tree behind me is now giving me shade,,,, like. words can’t express how incredibly grateful and soft I feel right now??? like. it feels equivalent to a friend giving you an umbrella in the rain. Helios sir I’m going to cry on this bench

me: (spills an entire bubble tea drink on the ground)

me: um.,,,, does this count as a libation? Hera? can I offer this to.,, you???


(15 minutes later)

me, suddenly being rained on and DRENCHED: okay bad move i understand i am so sorry also please tell your husband i’m sorry too


I’ve started reading the Hawkeye comics
