

SAJ Part 35


I walk up to a ran down building with my father and Bullock. “Does this person have a name, (y/n)?” I roll my eyes smiling. “Yes, dad he does. Most people do.” “When do I get to approve?” “He’s already been approved, but I’ll talk to him and see when he wants to meet you.” Jim nodded in approval. That’s the closest he’s going to get now. I grasp the metal handle to the huge sliding warehouse door.

“Now gentlemen… Shall we?”

We walk in and it becomes clear to me that this isn’t just a normal criminal meeting. this is almost like a frat house college cult party.“Okay. Weird But not illegal.” A bright light hits a white curtain screen and the group starts to cheer loudly.

“Weirder,” I mumble to them looking around. Suddenly a voice emerges from the stage.

“The people of this city are slaves. See, they get up every day and go to work so they can pay their taxes, their mortgages. See, they believe what the papers tell them. They fear what the politicians feed them. See, they are mentally shackled, and yet, they do nothing about it! Yeah! Nothing! But there was someone who understood. Someone who spoke out, who stood up, to the jailers, puppets.A man with no fear.”

I roll my eyes watching this guy make a speech and persuading all these crazy locals. Suddenly the sharp giggle rips through the crowd making my blood run cold.

Hello, Gotham City! We’re the Maniax.And I’m Jerome, the shot caller of our little gang. This is my precious little doll, (Y/n). I made her. UGH! Isn’t she wonderful?”I see myself giggle sweetly into the camera and kiss Jerome’s cheek. “We’re here to spread the message of wisdom and hope.”

A man moans in pain and I watch myself whip out a gun and shoot the dying figure. “Some people have no manners.”

You’re all prisoners. What you call sanity, it’s just a prison in your minds that stops you from seeing you’re just tiny little cogs in a giant, absurd machine, Wake up!” I twirl around laughing, “Be free, like us!” “Just remember to smile!”

I gasp covering my mouth as I watch Jerome laugh his lungs out. The crowd starts to cheer the exact words Jerome and I were saying in the video. “Look how beautiful you are, doll,” Jerome whispers in my ear. I shake my head huffing and standing up on a crate. “All right! The show’s over! Time to go home.”

“OH MY GOD! IT’S HER!” “SHE HAS RETURNED TO RESTORE FREEDOM AND FUN!” The crowd gathers around me cheering as if I’m some Goddess. I pull my gun out aiming it at the individuals, but that only seemed to please them more. I fight the urge to smile and laugh at the feelings brewing in my stomach.

These people knew who I was, and yet they stilllove me.

“GCPD!” Bullock shoots a round of fire into the air making the cult scatter away. “Let’s go.” My dad grabs me running out of the building. “No. (y/n), don’t leave us!” “Doll, you’re our queen!”

My father forcefully hides me away from them and watches my facial expression. “Why are you smiling?” I shrug fighting the laughter. “It’s funny. These people are thinking I’m royalty or something.”

“Do you see Dwight?” Harvey shakes his head. “He was probably the last one to jump on the clown car.”  "Bringing back the dead is something we need to….“ "uh oh, no What?” My dad asks watching my narrowed eyes as I watch a gun raise and aim at my father’s head.

“Watch out!”

I pull him down as the bullets rain down in the alleyway. “Who the hell’s that?” Bullock asks on the ground. “It’s Victor Zsasz,” I say hiding away with them. My father shakes his head sighing. “Falcone put out a hit on me.” I glare at him rolling my eyes.“Oh! It would’ve been nice if you told us that earlier!” “He’s only after me. Zsasz is very professional in that way.”

“Either way we’re trapped behind here, we’re sitting ducks,” I complain loading bullets in my gun. “I need to draw their fire. Find me later.” My father sprints away leaving Harvy and I. “Wait, Jim. Don’t! Damn it.” “I sure hope you listen better than him.” I laugh standing up. “Now where’s the fun in that, Harv?”


I walk through the maze leading to Xander’s home. “Xander. I’m back! I don’t think I-” I hit the couch on my back with Xander’s arms around me tightly. “Xander. What are you-” He cuts me off with a kiss deepening it with each second. I push his shoulders laughing. “Not that I don’t enjoy this, but what is going on?” He shakes his head closing his eyes.

“I saw the news today. You got shot at.” He nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck sighing. “I was so worried, (y/n).” I pull his face up to meet mine. “I’m alright. Not a scratch on me. I’m a lot better at this than you think.” He smiles pecking my lips. “I just worry about you getting hurt.” I run my hands through his hair messing up his perfectly slicked back look. “Why don’t I distract you from those thoughts  then?” Xander’s cheeks glow pink as I settle his hips and kiss him.

“Nothing’s going to hurt us, Xander.”


Xander pulls me close peppering my bare shoulders with kisses. “You’ve got to get up, love.” I sigh sinking deeper into the bed. “No.” “Then you’ll be left here with Echo doing nothing but watching the house.” I roll over into his chest. “Or I could go with you.”

Xander laughs wrapping his arms around me. “If you did I wouldn’t get anything done at all.” I hum pressing my lips to his. “So my plan would work then?” He laughs sliding away from me. “Always does, doll.”

I shoot up looking at him with wide eyes. “What did you just call me?” “Doll? Do you not like that one?” I let my feet hit the cold wooden floor. “He always called me that so it’s-” “I won’t say it then, darling. I’m sorry.” He kisses my head smiling. “It just popped in my head.” I nod smiling.


I walk into the GCPD holding a cup of coffee from a shop Xander took me to. I see my dad and Harvey waiting next to the interrogation room. “Where’s that from? It’s not near here. Where were you staying?” Harvey places his hand on Jim’s chest looking at him with confusion. “It’s coffee, Jim,” I smirk sipping from my cup. “Yeah. It’s just coffee, dad.” I pull the file from the door looking over the details. “He’s in Jerome’s cult.” My dad nods looking at me.

“I don’t think you should be involved with this.” I shake my head rolling my eyes. “I’m probably the one who can get the most information. I am the queen after all.” I open the door with newfound confidence and sit in front of the handcuffed subject.

“Hiya.” I smile sipping my drink with delight. “Whoa… (y/n) Gordan.” I nod smiling. “Great to meet you.” “I never thought I would get to meet you. It’s such an honor.” I nod giggling. “Well thank you. I just need a few things from you. Then you can go back to your little friends-” “Oh, we can’t go anywhere without you, doll.” I narrow my eyes at him feeling a fire brewing.

“Excuse me?”

“Come on dollface. You need to come to see the master for yourself. It’s not going to be finished without you. He won’t be happy, doll.” I stare at the man for a few seconds with a blank face. Fire burns in my blood as his words ring in my head. I stand up sipping my coffee once more before opening the cup and tossing the hot liquid on him. He gasps and screams at me.

I lean down to him over the table smirking, “Nobody calls me doll!” I say making the citizen cower and my father gains a look of worry.Jim moves me out of the way stepping in front of the table.

“Tell me where he took Jerome.”

I look down at my hand as it starts to shake. Why is this happening to me? I’ve moved on and I’m cured. I’m not crazy. “Don’t be so sure, sugar face.” I look up and see Jerome laughing in the corner. “Think you could get rid of me that easily? What do you think I’ll do when I find you?” I close my eyes sighing.

Xander would help me at the end of the day.

“Why? You can’t stop it.” “Stop what?” “Um, the night of the awakening.” The cult member giggles looking at Jim as if he’s an idiot.I watch Jerome watch me with narrow eyes. He blows me a kiss winking. “I’ll see you soon, doll.” I stand up to the table slamming my hands down.

“You mean waking up Jerome?” “Jerome is just the first step. You think we’re a small band. But we are everywhere. We know your every step."He laughs and bangs his head on the table with glee. My father pulls me out of the room calling orders.

"Put out a citywide call, I want every unit looking for this symbol. Go, now.” I pull the picture of the cult symbol from my dad’s hands examing it.


“Are you sure you can handle this (Y/n)?” Harvey jokes handing me his card. I swipe it from his fingers smirking. “You’ve put me on coffee duty. I could do this in my sleep.” I walk out the door into the busy streets of Gotham City. I pull out my phone calling Xander, but only getting his voicemail as expected.

“Hey, Xander. I’m just calling to… I don’t know… Get some validation I guess. I’m a little scared of this case. Anyways, I wanted to say I miss you and can’t wait until you get back. I’ll see you in a few days, love.”

I hang up and place my phone back in my purse continuing my venture. I look down at my list of coffee’s running them through my head. “Ew who asked for goat milk?” I stumble into someone falling on my knees. “I am so sorry! I need to-” I gasp as a black bag covered my face and I’m shoved into a car. “Let me go! I will have-” “Oh, shut up (Y/n)! We’re taking you to Jerome!” I shut my mouth and sit still.


The car stops soon after and I’m transferred in the darkness. Shocks of cables and drops of water are all I hear walking through the mystery building. “Is this her? Ms. Gordon?” The mask is ripped off my head and I see the crumbling warehouse around me complied by a few cult members. “What are you doing? Let the queen go!” Dwight yells at the goons making them drop my arms. “Ms. Gordon.” Dwight bows to me.

“Hi, dude.”

Dwight smirks and leads me to a chair handcuffing me in place. “Sorry, but you need to stay put until he awakes. We planned for your face to be the first one he saw! It will be the perfect story of love.” Dwight sighs watching me. He then walks over to a table only four feet away and pulls a sheet off revealing a ghost. I gasp seeing his ice-cold skin with stilled blood. His hair as prominent as ever and his death smile still glued to his cheeks. “Oh, my Jerome.” I cover my mouth feeling tears well up in my eyes. I shake my head letting them fall. What has this life come to? I reach to touch his cold skin, dragging the chair with my cuffed wrist. I sigh looking him over. I giggle remembering all his jokes and crazy antics. I turn to Dwight letting tears roll. “Bring him back.” Dwight smiles setting me down in the chair. “As you wish, my queen”

SAJ Part 34


Xandar leads me to a secluded shelter hidden to Gotham’s pricing eyes. I turn to see my dog following close behind looking up at Xandar. “Most people don’t hike near here.” I nod tossing a stick and watching my dog run after it. “I’m not most people.” Xandar nods with a light smile.

“I can tell.”

Xander opens the door revealing a maze of concrete walls and fluorescent lights. I narrow my eyes at him confused. “It’s simple for my own protection. Madmen usually can’t be calm enough to figure out a maze.” I nod looking down at my dog. “What do you think, bud?” He barks and sprints in as fast as he can. I smile at Xander losing the sight of the other redhead behind him rolling his eyes. “Lead the way.”

After a short time following the turns of the maze, we enter a small living area leading to what appears to be a regular home. I run my fingertips over the sleek wood of the fireplace mantel. “This is a beautiful home.” I scan the high ceilings and beautiful sky lighting. “Are we underground?” Xander returns to my side with a cup in hand. “Hot chocolate?” He nods smiling. “Good man.” I laugh bringing the treat to my lips.

“Why do you take such precautions, Xander?” He sits on the couch leading me to do the same. “I’ve had a bad history. Someone out there plans to hurt me.” I scoff nodding. “Bad history? What did you run some kind of gang?” I laugh sipping the sweet drink. Xander shakes his head smiling. “No.” He turns to me setting his cup down on the table in front of him. “I had a brother. When I was younger he… tried to hurt me. Put a knife to my neck, set my bed on fire, the whole 9 yards, He was insane.” “What happened to him?” “I don’t know all the details. I fled when I was young and was adopted and pushed the whole life behind me. Last I heard he had passed in an accident.” I reach for his hand squeezing it in comfort.

This man is a complete stranger, I’ve followed him into his insane home, he’s made me a drink, and now opening up to me as if I’ve known him forever.

It feels as if I’ve known him.

“I’m sorry Xander. I understand what it’s like to lose someone close. Even if they’re far from the same situation. I do share the grief you feel.” Xander grabs my hand and squeezed it just as I had before. “Was this man your significate other?” I smile lightly remembering the old days of the relationship I had with Jerome. “Yes. He was there for me when I needed him, but we all grow apart sometimes.” “Truly.” Xander nods in agreement. “I don’t like to talk about the past much. I find it unimportant. We only move one way.” “I don’t like the relive my past either.”

“Where do you work (y/n)?” I pop my head up and gaze into his eyes. “Currently I work with the GCPD. My father’s Detective Jim Gordon. I trained under him for several years.” “You don’t catch me as a cop.” I shrug. “Technically not, but I do like to try and make this city a better place.” Xander smiles. “That’s noble of you. You have a good heart.”

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I look down taking another gulp of my hot chocolate. “What about you?” “I’m an architect. I’ve helped design many buildings in the city.” “How do you do business if you stay here?” “I have a couple of proxies who assist me.”

Hours upon hours this man and I spend talking about nonsense around our lives. Maybe this could be my new start. Jerome did say things were changing.

Did he mean this?

Xander laughs throwing his head back. He removes his glasses and wipes the corners of his eyes. “Don’t tell me you actually said that to your father!” I nod laughing again. “Yes! He was so mad! But what was I suppose to do? I didn’t have a mom.” “Did she leave?” “No. When my dad served in the Army my mom moved to the central city. She didn’t feel safe in Gotham without him. We ended up getting in a car accent not long after my dad came home. He moved me back here and we’ve been living in Gotham ever since.” Xander looks at me with sad eyes. “I don’t have my mother either. She was murdered.” I furrow my eyes and lean to kiss his cheek. “I understand Xander.” He looks me in the eyes searching them deeply. He places his hand on my cheek and trails my bottom with his thumb.

“No one ever has. No one knows what any of this is like. Except you.” I lean into his touch missing the feeling.

His nose brushes mine with lightness. “(Y/n)?” “Yes?” “What’s happening?” I smile never breaking eye contact. “You tell me smartie pants.” Xander gulps letting out a shaky breath. “Well, I feel as if you know me.” I nod in agreement making him smile. “Doesn’t it scare you?” He mutters. “I learned you shouldn’t be scared of fate. Plus I’ve seen scary, and you don’t have his smile.” Xander laughs and leans in slightly. “May I?” I nod closing my eyes. “Please.”

His lips touch mine and everything falls into place. My mind clears for the first time in a while and all I can think about is how sweet and gentle this man is. Xander Wilde is an angel sent to save me.


“Yeah, I’m not going to be late, dad.” I roll over in the expensive silk sheets of Xander’s bed. “I checked your home, and you weren’t there. Where are you?” I run my fingers through Xandar’s hair as he rests his head on my legs reading. He looks up at me and looks at me questionably. “I’m in a house.” “(Y/n).” My father’s voice strains through the phone line.

“Don’t lie to him, (y/n).” Xander closes his book and sits up. “I’m being safe.” “Where are you?” I smile at Xander inching closer to my face. I graze my nose against his softly making his cheeks gain a rosy color. “I’m with someone.” My father’s voice quiets and Xander smiles. “With someone?” “Yeah. I won’t be late.” “Should I be worried?” I shake my head smiling at Xander. “No. He’s nice.” My father huffs. “Just be careful. You need to meet us in an hour.” “any new break?” “Harvey said some guy named Dwight might be behind all this. We’re going to see him when you get here.” “Okay. I’ll see you there.”

I hang up and kiss Xander’s nose huffing. “I have to go.” He nods and adjusts his glasses. “Wish you didn’t.” I smile and kiss his cheek as I stand up gathering my things. “You can just leave them here. I’ll make sure everything gets cleaned up.” I toss my shirt from the previous night on a chair narrowing my eyes at him. “You want me to leave my stuff?” Xander shrugs with a shy smile. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you didn’t have to carry it all?” I lean forward wrapping my arms around his neck. “I think you just want an excuse for me to come back.” He smiles and kisses my collar bone lightly. “You know you can just ask me, Xander. I thought we could ask each other anything?”

Over the course of two months, Xander and I have become extremely close. Close enough where I don’t resort to thinking of he crazed boy from my past. “I can. I just don’t want you to leave me so quickly.” Xander wraps his arm around my waist and begins to waltz around his darkened bedroom. “Let me treat you to a very nice dinner tonight. I’m going to have to leave for a week for some business.” “Aww, so you’ll be missing on me?” He smiles and catches my lips without hesitation. “More than anything, (y/n).”

I stop swaying and look down. Xander places a finger under my chin making me peer up at him. “What?” “Don’t tell me we’re acting like two high schoolers racing into this.” Xander ponders for a moment before meeting my gaze once more. “I can’t tell you that because we are, but is that such a bad thing? We’ve accepted each other knowing there has been fear and torture in our pasts. I say let this be our time and just enjoy it. You’re the only thing that makes the memories go away.” I smile at Xander and fall into him allowing myself to accept my emotions. I can have a normal life with this man. I haven’t felt like this in a long time and I’ll be damned if I let it go.

I lean up and kiss Xander laughing. “I’ll be back.” my hand falls out of his grasp lightly and he shakes his head smiling. “Do you remember your way out?” I nod slipping my shoes on. “I could find the door blindfolded.” Xander nods. “That’s my girl.”

SAJ Part 32

If you want to be tagged please let me know!


My father is back in Gotham.

Jim Gordon is back in his favorite place to ruin lives.

His own home.

I toss another plucked petal of the rose onto the grave of my lost love. “When are you going to pick a different flower? We’re sick of roses.” Little J says sitting next to me. “Fucking deal with it kid.” He giggles and continues to nag. “Just think if older me and you had a kid… That would literally be me!” “Ha! Yeah right! My child would be so much better!” “BUT IT WOULD BE HALF OF ME!” “And then 50% of me to make you not suck. Can’t you go play with the dead birds or something? I’m trying to think.” Little J huffs and fades away leaving me alone.

Quite. Finally.

“(y/n)!” I huff and look over to the right seeing Barbra walking towards me with a frown. “Hey. What are you doing?” I look at the grave with my lovers named engraved in stone. “Nothing. Just didn’t know where else to go.” She smiles sadly at me. “It’s alright. I just wanted to warn you about Jim. I’ve moved all your stuff into the apartment and here is your key. I’m going to miss you.” I smile at Babs and hug her tightly. “Me too Barbra. Maybe things will get better.” She holds my cheeks and smiles. “They are getting better. You can do this.” I nod start to descend down the hill away from the grave.

I hang the framed photo of Jerome and I up on my wall letting a tear roll down my face. “Aw, would you look at that! I grow up to be very handsome!” I look down at little J laughing. “Yeah. That’s the love of my life right there. Now he’s gone.” J shrugs. “I mean only one of is.” I furrow my eyebrows confused. “There is only one of you.” J shakes his head giggling. “He never told you! He never told you! He never told you!” “Told me what?”

Knock, knock, knock.

I open my door to reveal the face of Jim Gordon. “Jim- Dad! Hi! When did you get back?” He hugs me laughing and holding me tightly to him. “Aw (Y/n). I missed you.” “Yeah me too Dad. Mind letting me breathe?” I laugh as he releases me and smiles at me warmly. “Where did you find me?” “Harvey. Said you moved here this week.” He walks around my apartment and stops at the hanging picture.

“You… You remember this boy?” I smirk and stare at the fear in his eyes. I walk over and touch the glass. “Kinda. It’s foggy. No name, no recognition of personal memories with him, but I know I loved him.”

If he knew I had remembered he would find some way to make me forget again. Jim looks at me and sighs. “You did. Very much.” “I understand he’s not around anymore. I figured if he was here he’d be with me.” “He ran away. It broke your heart when he told you he found someone new. I’m sorry you don’t remember.”


“Oh, well then. I guess I should… take this down?” Jim nods and takes the photo down quickly.

“How about some dinner? I’ll buy.” I smile and nod grabbing my coat. “Let’s go, Jim-Bo!” He stops in his tracks and looks at me. “What dad?” “Nothing. You just don’t call me that a lot.”

Yep. Jerome always did.

——- Time Skip ——-

I walk down a path in the woods feeling the cool Gotham wind hit my face. Hiking never has been a thing of mine, but it’s the only thing that feels right at the moment. Knowing Jerome will never come back has numbed me completely. I always had hope, but that light has died. He’s driving me insane.

At night the only rest I truely get is when I dope myself with sleeping pills, but even then my mind becomes a prison I cannot escape. His face as his neck is swiftly stabbed into replays in my mind. He’s intoxicated my every thought once more.

I walk further into the wilderness and soon hear leafs crunching under someone’s feet. I still my own feet allowing myself to pinpoint the sound. “I’m not even supposed to leave, and now I have. Do you know how dangerous this is for me? Next time we have to be more careful. No, no I’m not yelling uncle. I understand… I’m sorry. It’s just scary… I am not!” “ I see a ginger-haired man on the phone walking quickly.


He turns his face, catching my eyes and he stills completely. "J? I-is that you?” His breath hitches as I draw closer. “You’re okay.” I place my hand on his cheek and let a tear fall. “You’re safe.” I cling to him and pull him close. “I- who-” I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He panics for a moment but soon rests his hands on my waist.

I deepen the kiss and hold onto him even closer. “Meet me later. Go to the place we first met at 11. It’s not safe out here.” I pull away and run quickly leting my mind wander. He’s back! Jerome’s back. I knew he wasn’t dead!


“Jerimiah? Kid, you there? Are you there-” “I have to go.” Jerimiah says and hangs up the line watching the wild girl trot off with a skip in her step. “Who are you?” Jerimiah whispers to himself as he watches the beauty walk away with the memory of his lips in her mind.


That night (y/n) drives to the old grounds where the big tents and lights use to sit. She sits and she waits and gets stood up by her dead boyfriend once again. She waits for hours upon hours with no show of who she thought was Jerome.

The insane girl lays on her back looking up at her car roof when she sees lights pull up behind her car.

“Jerome?” She calls out.

Jim Gordon stood in the dark shadows watching his own daughter crumble before him. She cried and throws her body to the seats. “STOP!” She screams at the space in front of her. “Leave me alone! All you fucking do is whine and piss me off. You’re not him! YOU’RE NOT JEROME!”

Jim covers his mouth and steps to her once more. “(y/n)?” He asks opening her car door and crouching next to her. “STOP!” She screams and tries to push Jim away, but he catches her hands and fights her struggling. “(y/n)? Look at me please.” She cries and collapses into her father. “Help me, Dad, please. I see him everywhere, and now I don’t think he’s breathing, but he’s here. He’s in here.” She points to her head with tears lining her cheeks.


“Jerome. I see him everywhere. I know everything. I remember it all. The longer I go the harder it is to live. I’ve been trying to push past it and all I see is him.” Jim Gordon holds his little girl close as she cries. “Shh honey. It’s okay.” Jim finally did something he thought he would never do. He lets his daughter’s past become true.

“I know (y/n). I know you loved him so much. You changed your life for him and he took care of you… in his own way. I know you hate it, but he’s gone. He is gone and I promise I will do everything to help you. You have to allow me to help. You need to accept his death.” She nods battling with her mind and the feel of the lips of the man she kissed in the woods.

Really need serious input!

As of this moment I am either going to release the new chapters of Such A Joker or trash the story and start a new series. Please let me know if you’re enjoying the series and I will continue to post Such A Joker.

Wayne’s Girl


Jerome is obsessed with Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend and decides she should be his.

(Kinda sucks)

Jerome POV:

She walks down the street. Her coat costing hundreds hugging to her body close trapping the warmth inside its fabric. Her hips slightly swigging as she struts down the sidewalk to her destination. A small coffee shop accompanied with other citizens of Gotham. She comes her every Wednesday to get coffee for her and that tool Wayne.

Once she disappeared into the shop I back away from the ledge and sigh. “For my heart longs for you… sadly the sting of the lost feeling still remains… for I will-“ “go on an adventure to win the princess back. Yeah yeah. Heard it all before. Now will you come on? If you want to do this it needs to be now!” Jervis Tetch speaks behind me interrupting my time with my lady.

I walk up to him angry and about to give him a piece of my mind! Wait… mind…

“Jervis. I need something from you.” He raises his eyebrow in wonder. “From me? Well I suppose I could be assistance in whatever game you play.” I turn around and look at the city below smiling as I see her again. “Oh this game will be fun.” I smile and laugh from the building top.

(Y/n) POV:

I sit on the couch in the Wayne study reading my book as Bruce does the same. My feet upon his thighs in a relaxed mood as we sit and enjoy each other’s company. Bruce closes his book quickly and stands up excited. “What do you think about going out tonight?” Bruce asks me dusting the lint off his black sweater.

I shrug and smile at him. “What did you have in mind Bruce?” He smiles taking my hand and lifting me up, walking me towards his desk and having me sit in the large leather chair. “Close your eyes (y/n). I’ll be right back.” I follow my instructions and close my eyes awaiting to see what Bruce has come up with.

Minutes pass and the manor is deathly still. “Bruce?” I call out into the dimly lit room. The sound of the floor creaking nearby makes me smile and giggle quietly. Oh what could he have planned? A nice dinner? A romantic carriage ride?

The door opens to the office and then closes. After that no more movement at all. Just silence. I huff and threatened to open my eyes playfully.

“I’m opening then in 3… 2… 1…” I open my eyes adjusting to the low light. I don’t see Bruce anywhere. Just a big purple box on the coffee table before the fireplace.

I giggle and walk up to it circling it. “Even got the wrapping my favorite color. You’re really trying aren’t you?” I pull open the lid and a set up of tea is all laid out.

“Don’t mind if I do.” I pick up the little cup in my fingers and take a sip. Instantly as the warm liquid flowed down my throat and into my body my head began to swim. I stumbled onto the couch and that’s when I see him.

Jervis Tetch. The mad hatter.

I point to him unable to rise up or speak. He laughs and pats me head. “Wayne’s little girl needs to go to sleep and not make a peep. Not long now will you be alone in the streets. No one to beat. Just him and him only for days to repeat. Goodnight sweet (y/n) just wait for your prince to wake.” He says to me softly swinging his watch in front of my eyes until they fall closed.


I roll over my head pounding. Did I go out last night? Oh man I can’t even remember last night! Am I still drunk? I roll again hitting a body beside me. Not alarmed I snuggle closer and in response have an arm wrapped around my waist. I go to stroke Bruce’s cheek but once I rest my fingers on the skin I realize Bruce is not here. My washed out state making it hard to sit up. I’m so weak. My fingers run over along the face to feel the scars. The scars of a feared man in Gotham. A man feared by the whole city. A man feared by my boyfriend.

I look up my vision clearing in and out. To think if this man is asleep I could make a run for it, but to my dismay he’s wide awake and smiling at me. “Ah look at you. Already awake! I’m so happy to see you (y/n).” Jerome says and hops in front of me. I wave my hands around still very confused and somehow extremely calm. My anxiety is like a fire in my body but my outside chamber is to weak to make sense of my emotions.

“How do you know my name?” Jerome lays a hand softly on my cheek and smiles. “I take an interest in the things I care about doll.” “If this is about Bruce please don’t hurt him. I’ll-“ “yeah I’ll do anything. Heard it before. Don’t care. You see he’s not going to get hurt. Not unless we break the rules lovely. You step out of line and Wayne gets crushed like roadkill under a 14 wheeler.” I gulp and nod in fear for my lovers life.

“Now this is your room! Do you like it? I know purple is your favorite.” Jerome asks as he pulls me into a huge room decorated to the exact way I love everything. Even Bruce couldn’t get something like this perfect.

Days after days and nights after nights. My fear lessened for the clown. He never hurt me. He never yelled. He never made me feel uncomfortable. He made me feel wanted. Which was surprising to me because after the times I can recall with Bruce he always had something on his mind. It was never just the two of us.

Weeks pass and my disappearance has flooded Gotham’s papers and news stations, but I’m not fighting to escape.

Jerome comes in my room holding a box wrapped all nice with a bow. I lay my book down and smile at him. “Jerome you need to stop giving me these gifts! You’re spoiling me.” He sits next to me and passes me to box. “It’s just a little something.” I open the lid and peer into the box to find a very beautiful handcrafted blown glass rose.

I gasp and hold it in my hands gently. “It’s so beautiful Jerome! I don’t know what to say.” He smirks and places one of his hands upon mine wrapping his fingers around my own. “Jerome may I ask you something?” He looks up at me and nods with a smile.

“Was my capture ever about Bruce? Or were you just jealous?” I giggle as Jerome’s face heats up and he laughs loudly. “Me? Jealous of that sack of buns? Please!” I smirk and cross my own given boundaries. I crawl on his lap still in my silk night shirt and underwear. “Then why did you take me Jerome?” I ask wrapping my hands around his neck and playing with the short sprigs of hair on his neck.

“I think I know. Even if you refuse to admit it.” Jerome scoffs looking everywhere but my eyes. I tilt his chin so he’s making direct eye content. “You Jerome Valeska we’re jealous of Billionaire Boy Bruce Wayne because he had the sweet girl Jerome craved. Am I wrong? I know what you could do! If I’m wrong get up and leave my room… and if I’m right all you have to do is kiss me.” I say biting my lip and running my finger along his scar.

Jerome grabs my hand and stares at me for a few moments. “Am I wrong?” I whispered giggling at the end. “No (y/n). You’re right as rain doll face.” He closes our space and kisses me deeply proving my theory in a most enjoyable way. “You’re my girl now. My doll. No more time for Wayne to enjoy what’s mine.” Jerome says spinning me and matching our lips again.

“If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is” #batman #borderlands #go

“If that ain’t love then I don’t know what love is” #batman #borderlands #goty #videogame #game #pc #arkhamcity #arkham #batmanarkhamcity #box #iphoneonly #nerd #geek #dc (Taken with Instagram)

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