#aro humor



“you attract what you fear”

ahhh nooo nobody oh no

Today i would like to give a shoutout. like just in general. i wanna shout.


I am once again asking what romantic attraction feels like


you know what? fuck this. fuck you. *aros my gender*


same tumblr same



My friend: can I ask you for relationship advice?

Me:*prepares a wheel of fortune where the only two options are “communicate” and “break up”* yeah sure go ahead


romance is an ice cube and I have just kicked it under the fridge.

raavenb2619:[ID: The three way business handshake meme. People labelled “aces”, “aros”, and “gay men


[ID: The three way business handshake meme. People labelled “aces”, “aros”, and “gay men” shake hands together. Their hands are labelled “seeing ourselves in male characters who aren’t interested in women”. End ID]

Post link


Wait, you people are still in love? You know Valentine’s Day is over, right?

aro humor

Aro/ace perks: having the ultimate ace up your sleeve in never have I ever

Aromantic culture is having a wingspan suitable for flight. This is what’s known as the Aro-Dynamic

An asexual and an aromantic are talking together, when suddenly they are both launched into the air.

“What happened?” they ask each other, confused.

“Wearose,” the aromantic said.

“No, I’m pretty sure we ace-ended,” the asexual replied.

Then they hit the ground, which was kind of aspected.

If an aromantic stood up, could you say they arose?

What’s an aromantics favorite flower?

A rose

aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!


Inspirobot understands my aro heart

Inspirobot understands!

Post link


Me: I’m aromantic.
Them: But how? You can’t be human!
Me: *sheds the chrysalis of my weak fleshy body and reveals my true form*
You’re right, I am a god.
