#asexual humor


Can some wonderful ace/aro person please clarify to me that asexual means not feeling sexual attraction but it’s perfectly valid to be ace and also occasionally want to engage in sexual behaviours? Because that’s the only thing stopping me from realising I’m asexual

Disclaimer that you’re valid af if you’re sex repulsed or not and I love you

Someone: *mentions something about being a ace baby*

Me: …..


Someone asked me if I had planned my wedding (as most teenage girls do) and my response was “no but I planned my funeral”

His face was priceless lol he asked why and I told him “marriage isn’t guaranteed but death is” needless to say he was slightly afraid of me

My parents started watching White Collar, and somehow I somehow always end up looking up at the tv when Neal Caffrey is shirtless and my parents are like “are you sure you aren’t looking up at those scenes on purpose ;)” I laughed and went with it but in truth I just want his abs gimme a six pack please

Aro/ace perks: having the ultimate ace up your sleeve in never have I ever

An asexual and an aromantic are talking together, when suddenly they are both launched into the air.

“What happened?” they ask each other, confused.

“Wearose,” the aromantic said.

“No, I’m pretty sure we ace-ended,” the asexual replied.

Then they hit the ground, which was kind of aspected.

aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!aroacejokes: Inspirobot understands my aro heart Inspirobot understands!


Inspirobot understands my aro heart

Inspirobot understands!

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