#aro ramblings


one of the things that makes me dislike romance is the exclusivity of monoamory, not that polyamory can’t be closed relationships as well but at least those can be open. prefer the idea of people being in open relationships, makes me calmer.. can’t explain why but yeah. it’s more similar to platonic relationships i guess, which make sense to me. i don’t like or need this other type of relationship to exist where it can be exclusive. idk if exclusivity is a thing that can exist in platonic relationships but i wouldn’t like it. it’s less anxiety inducing to think of people not caring who else people they interact with (partners, friends, etc) are involved with, the idea of exclusivity is just weird and alien and uncomfortable to me.

Me:I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them:That’s not a real thing.



Me: I’m aromantic asexual.

Them: So does that mean you’re a sociopath?


Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: Teehee! Your uterus is going to be screaming for babies soon. You can’t deny biology!

My uterus:

Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: But don’t you want kids??


Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: I don’t know how you could live like that! I’d be nothing without my SO.


Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: But if everyone was like you, humanity would die out!



Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: Never say never!


Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: Aww don’t give up! There’s someone out there for you


Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: But I don’t understand! Is there no one you want to spend the rest of your life with?!


Me: I’m Aromantic Asexual

Them: Why do you people need so many labels?! You’re just trying to sound special!

