#aromantic bisexual


Stop sexualizing bisexuality.

Bisexuality is not inherently sexual.

The fact that bisexual and other orientations end in “-sexual” does not mean they’re all about sex or sexual attraction. The suffixes refer to the sex(es) one has the capacity to experience attraction toward, not that the terms are exclusive to sexuality. Bisexuality always includes romantic attraction regardless of gender unless otherwise specified. Biromantic bisexuals aren’t the only bisexual people.

Aromantic bisexual people are bisexual.

Biromantic asexual people are bisexual.

People attracted to all genders are bisexual regardless of their sexual activity or desires. Romantic attraction is as important of a part of bisexuality as sexual attraction. Embrace bisexuality as a whole, not just the parts that are hot.



Discussion Topic 4

Is your experience of aromanticism different from ace aros? And how/why? (Plus any other thoughts on the topic.)


Is your experience of your sexual orientation different from alloromantic people with the same orientation? And how/why + other thoughts?

(I’m going to be using my personal blog for personal additions from now on but to clarify I run @alloarocommunity.)

Yes I experience aromanticism differently from aroaces. It’s really difficult to put how exactly into words which is why I’m hoping to hear more perspectives.

Obviously with bi people there’s the SAM issue - this is a thing with aroaces (bc not all of them use the SAM although some do) as well, but a lot of aspec use the SAM, and even those who don’t have an understanding of it.

I don’t interact much with the bi community because I can’t without being erased/ignored. That sounds negative but I don’t blame them. It’s no individual personal making the decision to ignore aro people it’s just that for a couple of reasons it tends to happen naturally.

Aromantic awareness is pretty dire, so most people don’t know about or don’t think to include aros in discussions.

As well as this, when people who don’t use the SAM talk about sexual orientations they tend to talk about crushes and relationships. And that’s where they lose me.

It’s a fundamentally different experience being aromantic bisexual and being just bisexual. I relate on a surface level. I love bi memes and the bi flag, and bi jokes. And I do relate to being bisexual, that’s why I use the label. It’s not just that the word technically describes me, I relate to the term and to the community. But being aromantic means that I can’t relate to a lot of bi experiences.

On the other hand, as much as many of us feel erased for being allosexual in the aromantic community, I’ve always felt that most of the community understands and expects that we all have wildly different experiences with the way our orientations intersect with each other.

When I talk about being aromantic, my sexual orientation doesn’t even really come into it. Of course, that can lead to the feeling of erasure, but it’s still easier for me to interact with the community when it’s not assumed that my experiences correspond with everyone elses.
