#biromantic pride


To the autistic bisexuals reading this,

You are loved. You are worthy of respect. You are valued. You are deserving of all things good. Our community is glad to have you.

I hope you have a lovely day or evening.

Stop sexualizing bisexuality.

Bisexuality is not inherently sexual.

The fact that bisexual and other orientations end in “-sexual” does not mean they’re all about sex or sexual attraction. The suffixes refer to the sex(es) one has the capacity to experience attraction toward, not that the terms are exclusive to sexuality. Bisexuality always includes romantic attraction regardless of gender unless otherwise specified. Biromantic bisexuals aren’t the only bisexual people.

Aromantic bisexual people are bisexual.

Biromantic asexual people are bisexual.

People attracted to all genders are bisexual regardless of their sexual activity or desires. Romantic attraction is as important of a part of bisexuality as sexual attraction. Embrace bisexuality as a whole, not just the parts that are hot.

Happy International Asexuality/Aromanticism Day to bisexual aces and aros!

You are an important part of the AAC (asexual/aromantic coalition) and the LGBT community.

You are not any less bisexual for your asexuality or aromanticism, nor vice versa.

You are a complete human being who is worthy of love and respect.

And if you’re seeing this later than April 6, good day/evening in general, because these apply everyday.

Your attraction to all genders does not negate your love for your partner

Your love for your partner does not negate your attraction to all genders

You’re right, I am a confused bisexual.

I’m confused about how we’ve let our history get stolen, ignored, and redefined.

I’m confused about why our community has let others tell us who we’re supposed to be.

I’m confused about the way we’ve split and distanced ourselves from each other.

We’re all attracted to all genders. We’re all bisexual. Only we can define ourselves, if we so wish, and only we can make our history.

We’ve come so far from the days where the only options were gay or straight. We’ve come so far from the judgement and disbelief of both oppressive cishets and the gay community. We’ve come so far in advancing concepts of gender and trans inclusivity.

Now, there are too many labels encompassed by bisexuality to count. Now, others confining us to misconceptions is acceptable. Now, our trans-inclusive history is being twisted.

We need to remember who we are—bisexuals and biromantics. We need to remember why the LGBT community was formed—to fight lesbophobia, homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia and to achieve equality between all sexualities, romanticisms, and genders/gender statuses. We can’t do this if we’re separated and fighting.

Your bisexuality is not dirty or limited, so don’t you succumb to biphobic lies. Your bisexuality is lovely, it is honest, it is broad, it is inclusive, it is home, and it is what we make it together.
