

Inktober Day 8 Frail.

When you hit your breaking point, your mind is as frail as glass.

Inktober day 7 Enchanted.

I wanted to make it look almost like a storybook scene where you are making potions or spells in this enchanted room.

Inktober day 6 Husky

This picture is based on a dream I had when I was younger.

I was a child in Alaska who’s husky had gone missing. After hours of searching with a group, it was night and she was no where to be found. I went to our favorite spot to play in the woods and wept. Suddenly she appeared right before my eyes almost as a ghost while the auroras danced above us. As I woke up I had tears in my eyes abd could still feel the warmth of her fur.

Inktober day 5 build.

Building relationships is a two sided process and over the past 4 years, we have learned a lot from one another.

I look forward to building more and growing.

Inktober day 4 Freeze.

Me: I’ll keep it easy this Inktober so I don’t stress out.

Also me: send help SOS lmao

Inktober day 3 bait.

They are dying for a bite.

Inktober day 2 mindless.

I wanted to make her look like she cant see, think or feel.

She’s just mindlessly living her life no matter how empty she is.

Inktober is finally here!

I went a little crazy with this one since its day 1 but I told myself to take it easy so I don’t burn out.

Good luck to everyone participating!

Can’t wait to see what everyone does!

My insomnia has been hella extra this month so I decided to draw it.

Hope you all have a great day today!

I had fun with the @isabelaescobart dtiys challenge.

I love the colors of the pink and green so I had to go for it!
