#attract love spell



a spell to bring romantic love your way


  • rose petels - love
  • basil - love, protection
  • strawberry leaves
  • rosemary - love, friendship
  • ginger - luck
  • cinnamon - love, success, speed up spells
  • mint - luck
  • eggshells - protection
  • paper
  • pen
  • red (or white or pink ) tea light
  • jar that can fit tea light in it (i used an old empty candle jar i’d offered to aphrodite)

  1. draw a sigil for attracting romance - try to be specific about age and any other qualities (i said general age and for them to be mature)
  2. put all the ingridents into the container
  3. fold the sigil and charge it with your intent and call upon any appropriate dieties (i asked aphrodite as usual)
  4. put the paper on top of the other ingridents and then light the tea light and put it on the paper (i took mine out the case so as it melt it will go on the paper and ingredients
  5. everytime you light the candle, ask the dieties for help and picture the love you want (do this until candle runs out)

this won’t attract a specific person (unless done in sigil but not recommended)


a spell to make a happy love come to you


  • envelope
  • fire safe dish
  • pen
  • paper
  • basil - luck
  • rose petels - love
  • eggshell - protection
  • rosemary - love and friendship

  1. call upon any dieties or spirits you wish to work with ( i used Aphrodite and Eros )
  2. write them a letter about what type of love and person you want to attract and kiss it three times as you fold it
  3. decorate the envelope and place the letter inside
  4. place in the basil and say “ take this basil leaf and let a peaceful love grow, a calm and tender love i shall know”
  5. place the rose in and say “ as roses grow upon the bush, the love i find will not feel any rush”
  6. place the eggshell in and say “ take this eggshell with its colour so white (don’t worry if it’s not white), and let this love be protected even through the night”
  7. place in the rosemary and say “i ask you to feel the love for me as i do for you, and make a love for me that is new”
  8. place the paper in the fire safe bowl and say “by fires light and all that’s rights, let this love i seek come to me”
  9. repeat the incantation as you light the paper and as it burns
  10. bury the ashes or whatever won’t burn and repeat the incantation
  11. place an an offering on your alter or work space for the dieties (i used a rose incense)