

With more children getting diagnosed as autistic there’s more and more parents realizing that they’re also autistic. It’s a beautiful thing.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 10th, 2019

In the past when I lost one hyperfixation another would immediately come along. This hasn’t happened recently, and it’s astounding how much stuff I can get done! That said I’m also more prone to depression without anything to hyperfixate on.

POCs and women are statistically less likely to be diagnosed as autistic. This not only means that they have a harder time getting a diagnosis, but they’re also less likely to be believed by the general public.

This is so harmful, and needs to stop!

Masking isn’t a manipulation tactic, it’s a shield, and one that I hope I can put down for good some day.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted April 28th, 2019

Emotional Exhaustion is exhausting. Things such a talking, or even being in the presence of someone else is too much.

I feel that imposter syndrome within the autistic community is so common. We’re constantly told “you don’t look autistic” that sometimes we believe it. It’s okay though. You’re not alone in feeling this. Don’t listen to those doubts, and embrace your autistic self!

April is Autism Acceptance month! You want to be accepting? You want to be supportive? Be accommodating.

People will say they accept autism, and then berate us for being autistic. Don’t tell us you accept us when you regularly punish us for being ourselves.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted April 7th.

Happy Autism Acceptance month! Friendly reminder that Autism Speaks is no friend to autistic people!

When I get insulted by people whose opinions don’t matter to me I can shrug it off pretty easily.

When a loved one gets insulted by ANYONE I’m ready to throw down, Canadian style!

And this is one reason why I still wear a mask when I go out. I never know when a random coughing fit may happen simply because I suck at swallowing my own spit.

Flashback Friday: Originally post July 7th, 2019

The downside to having the same sense of humour as someone you’re close to is that they sometimes steal your jokes.

I verbally stim when I’m really happy. People used to bully me for it so I learned to be ashamed of it. Now, years later, my partner has helped me unlearn that shame, and embrace my verbal stims.

I hate going to the dentist so much! I had a gap between two of my molars that made it so I couldn’t chew on the right side of my mouth for 2 ½ years before finally getting it fixed. That’s how much I avoid the dentist.

No hate towards dentists though. You do important work, and I respect that.

Flashback Friday: Originally post July 3rd, 2019

Nothing like having random people tell me what I should do with my body and life. Ugh.

More people getting diagnosed, especially when they’re still children, is a good thing! This isn’t an epidemic. This isn’t over-diagnosing. This is more and more autistic people being properly diagnosed.

Functioning labels are a common way autistic people are denied support.

High functioning? You’re fine without support. Low functioning? You’re not high functioning enough to determine whether you need support or not.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 26th, 2019

I can’t just sit and rest without feeling like I’m wasting time. It’s like I have a choice: be productive, or be anxious.

I’ve been accused of being in a hate group, as well as a cult, all because of my advocacy.

More and more parents of autistic kids are finding out that they’re autistic as well, which is awesome! This makes me wonder what mental gymnastics parents who don’t believe autism is genetic, but see themselves in their autistic child, have to do.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 23rd, 2019

My hatred for those loose hairs that tickle my face burns with the hot intensity of a thousand suns!

*Nervously eyes the pile of video games I’ve ALMOST finished.*

I swear, Sheldon Cooper has done more harm than good.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 19th, 2019

Just because I love someone doesn’t mean I’m willing to share my snacks with them!

Androgyny is not a prerequisite when it comes to being non-binary. You can be feminine, masculine, a mix of both, or neither!

Just how women don’t have to be feminine, and men don’t have to be masculine, enby’s don’t have to be androgynous.

February 21st is Family Day in Canada, so as a Canadian I figured that I should take this opportunity to introduce the Melon Family!

And yes, they’re all named after melons.

Interoception makes it difficult for me to realize I’m hungry until it’s too late!

I’m grateful for my partner’s patience and understanding.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 16th, 2019

I’ve gotten pretty good at cooking, and staying on top of laundry and dishes. Of course there’s that drain in the bathroom that’s been clogged for about a year, and our place is getting over run with dust bunnies, but it’s fine.

Just as a note: my partner does help around the house when they have the energy. They also often thank me for taking care of the home.

Why is it that when neurotypicals become obsessed with things like sports, celebrities, or video games it’s seen as normal and okay, but if an autistic person becomes obsessed with something it’s seen as bad?

Slow blinking at a cat means “I love you”.

Slow blinking at a person means “I am utterly baffled by what you just did/said”.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 12th, 2019

I’m not very good at regulating how much force I use. It’s either too much or too little.

For people who require alone time it’s so important to be with someone who respects that need.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 17, 2019

My partner can say something to me and I’ll forget it immediately because my brain decided that paying attention is passé.

For so long it was believed that autistic people have no empathy, and that we don’t care about other people. But then, in 2020, a journal article in The Journal of Neuroscience came out saying that we care too much!

The language in the article was pretty bad. The neurotypical group was labeled the “healthy” group, and positive autistic traits were labeled as “deficits”. There’s a good article about it by NeuroClastic if you want to check it out.

Neurosplainers: neurotypicals who claim they know more about autism because they have an autistic child, or autistic clients, or took a class about autism one time.

They behave like this with other neurodivergent individuals as well.

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 14th, 2019

When I made this comic I had zero idea what dyspraxia, let alone that I had it. It’s so nice to have an answer to my clumsiness now.

Measles and mumps were eradicated in many countries, but are now making a comeback. Thanks anti-vaxxers! To prevent your child from getting something that’s highly genetic, and not a threat to your child’s health, you’ve made this happen! Congrats…


Autistic & Non-Binary :3

Gift For @autiebiographical
