#bab’s don’t interact


Can bisexuals please stop acting like bisexuality has always meant attraction to all genders.

Because when I joined the community that was not nor ever was a common definition of bisexual.

If you find that definition of bisexual works, then that’s fine.

But please stop acting like the term bisexual has always meant that.

As a bisexual I define my attraction as being attracted to two or more genders. That is still how I view my bisexuality. It is not wrong for me to view my bisexuality this way.

I also feel like this is an excuse for panphobes to justify their harassment of other pansexuals over the label they choose since pansexual can also mean attraction to all genders. And this in turn allows panphobic bisexuals to justify their idea of pansexuality not being a valid label.

I just want to remind people during pride month that even if you may fit the definition of a label it is ok not to want to identify with that label.

For example, if you fit the definition of someone who identifies as bisexual, you do not have to identify as bisexual. You can if you want to but you don’t have to. There are a ton other labels that are similar to bisexual that you can use like pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, queer, etc. Or you can just not use a label at all.

I bring this up because it seems like we get so caught up in whether or not someone fits the label that they give themselves or if one should even use that label to begin with. We get into constant fights in the LGBT community over whether or not this person or that person is in the wrong somehow for choosing to use that label.

I want to remind everybody that how one chooses to identify and what labels they choose are not up for debate.

BAB’s (battle axe bisexuals) always claim that pansexuals have hurt bisexuals. Or that pansexuals have held back bisexual rights.

The problem is they can’t actually explain to me how pansexuals have ever hurt the bisexual community in any meaningful way. They assume that pansexuals are trying to somehow invalidate the identity of bisexuals.

This is just straight up wrong. As someone who identifies as bisexual I refuse to remain silent on pansexual erasure within the lgbt community. The amount of panphobia I see on tumblr needs to stop. This discourse gets us no where and we are literally just punching ourselves. Pansexuals are friends to bisexuals not enemies.
