#bi pan solidarity


Happy new year!! I hope you all have a lovely 2022, filled with joy, peace and so much magic!✨️️️


All of you anti-pan bi’s and anti-bi pan’s are literally so infuriating. Stop with the revisionist bullshit. Literally just think critically for ONCE people.

Stop using the bisexual manifesto agaisnt non bi mspecs. Stop saying bisexuality is transphobic or pansexuality is transphobic. Stop saying pansexuality doesn’t exist and is just bisexuality. And for fuck’s sake recognize polysexual people?

Neither bisexuality or pansexuality are transphobic or problematic. Some of the people who use the terms may be, but the terms themselves are NEUTRAL.

There is nothing wrong with coining a more specific term to describe being attracted to all genders. Would you tell lesbians to not call themselves lesbians and that they’re just gay/homosexual? No! You wouldn’t. Just like lesbian, pansexual is a term to simply specify attraction further. So is polysexual.

Bisexuality includes trans people always has. Bisexuality isnt just about being attracted to men and women and includes nonbinary people.

Pansexual and polysexual may be used by some transphobes to describe being attracted to trans people but that is an issue with transphobes not pansexuality or polysexuality.

Bisexual is functionally an umbrella term but that doesn’t mean you can shove individual people who specifically do not identify as bisexual under it and call them bisexual.

Literally. I promise you this shit about bi pan hostility is so FAKE stop buying into it. PLEASE.

I am BEGGING you, as someone who has been involved in the lgbtq+ community for nearly half their life, STOP IT.

You are encouraged to reblog this.

This month’s been rough on me, but I managed to finish these before June was out. They feel… This month’s been rough on me, but I managed to finish these before June was out. They feel… This month’s been rough on me, but I managed to finish these before June was out. They feel…

This month’s been rough on me, but I managed to finish these before June was out. They feel… needed this year.

(If you’re wondering why these all include bi, it’s because I’m bi and I don’t really feel like it’s my place to make say, pan/ace solidarity art since I’m neither of those.)

Post link
 Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day is a good moment for me to say that I’m glad to se

Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day is a good moment for me to say that I’m glad to see increasing collaboration between bi & pan identified people as we work together to hold space between and beyond the gay/straight binary.

Happy Pan Visibility Day!

Post link



Something i find amusing is that babs tell pansexuals not to “speak for bisexuals/not to define bisexuality”, but then turn around and say pansexuality = bisexuality. If pansexuals are bisexuals, telling them “not to speak for bisexuals” is like telling a lesbian to not speak for lesbians.

This is coming from a bisexual. And i get what they mean but i find that stupid as fuck because if pansexuality is apparently bisexuality in their minds, then pansexuals can define bisexuality, correct?

But apparently not? Its stupid. Why cant we all just coexist? Bisexuality is a broad and fluid term that loosely means attraction to 2 or more genders, but can also include all genders. Pansexuality is a static term meaning attraction to all genders without a preference. While technically pansexuals would fall under bisexual, not all bisexuals are pansexual. Hence why pansexuality exists

Also like, bis who are like “op is a panphobe” and someone gets mad and them bis are like “biphobic? Im literally bi” and yes.

Pan ppl and other mspec labels are usually not the ones with a problem here. Its usually panphobic bi ppl who are making it an issue.

BAB’s (battle axe bisexuals) always claim that pansexuals have hurt bisexuals. Or that pansexuals have held back bisexual rights.

The problem is they can’t actually explain to me how pansexuals have ever hurt the bisexual community in any meaningful way. They assume that pansexuals are trying to somehow invalidate the identity of bisexuals.

This is just straight up wrong. As someone who identifies as bisexual I refuse to remain silent on pansexual erasure within the lgbt community. The amount of panphobia I see on tumblr needs to stop. This discourse gets us no where and we are literally just punching ourselves. Pansexuals are friends to bisexuals not enemies.



As someone who identifies as bisexual. I really hate seeing other bisexuals on tumblr deciding to collectively shit on pansexuals for no good reason.

And the thing I want to ask them is why? Pansexuals don not hurt the lgbt community whatsoever. To all my pansexual peeps out there I want you to know that I love you and will not judge you for choosing to identify as pansexual. Ultimately I do not care why chose your label. You have the right to identify as bisexual, pansexual, both, or neither.

I just don’t see a good argument for why the pansexual label is harmful. It’s just another to view attraction that involves being attracted to more than one gender. People who are quick to point out how the definition of pansexual is bad fail to realize that the definition of bisexual isn’t that great either. We shouldn’t look down upon and act like people who choose different labels are bad people who deserve to be mocked and talked down upon within the community.

Anyway BAB’s (battle-axe bisexuals) can go fuck themselves.

At this point I think that Bisexuals and Pansexuals have made an umbrella for their people that if you look one way it shows the bi flag and if you look the other way it’s the pan flag. Honestly there is so much overlap between the two identities that I am not sure that I could identifiably state something in particular is bi or pan as opposed to being “whatever identity makes you happy”

I so agree with this.

As someone who identifies as bisexual. I really hate seeing other bisexuals on tumblr deciding to collectively shit on pansexuals for no good reason.

And the thing I want to ask them is why? Pansexuals don not hurt the lgbt community whatsoever. To all my pansexual peeps out there I want you to know that I love you and will not judge you for choosing to identify as pansexual. Ultimately I do not care why chose your label. You have the right to identify as bisexual, pansexual, both, or neither.

I just don’t see a good argument for why the pansexual label is harmful. It’s just another to view attraction that involves being attracted to more than one gender. People who are quick to point out how the definition of pansexual is bad fail to realize that the definition of bisexual isn’t that great either. We shouldn’t look down upon and act like people who choose different labels are bad people who deserve to be mocked and talked down upon within the community.

Anyway BAB’s (battle-axe bisexuals) can go fuck themselves.

Gate keeping? Out. Loving each other? In.


A digital drawing of two people sitting and hugging in front of a heart. The left half of the heart is colored with the colors of the pansexual flag, pink, yellow, and pastel blue. The left half of the heart is pink, purple, and blue for the bisexual flag. The person on the left is fat with light brown skin with stretch marks and short curly brown hair. They wear a pastel pink frilly blouse, grey-brown overall shorts, brown flats, and a couple of anklets. The person on the right has dark skin and freckles, black hair pulled up in two buns, and is of medium build. She wears a peach crop top with a star on it, light blue pants, and purple sneakers. She has purple fingernails, a nose piercing, and earrings. They sit next to each other, arms around each other, heads together, smiling with closed eyes. Underneath them, the word “solidarity” is handwritten in sketchy script.

End ID.]


Enemies to lovers AND bi pan solidarity? Truly this movie is in a league of its own





[GIF Description: an animated heart locket. one side is the bi flag, and the other is the pan flag /end Description]

[plain text: ya don’t put two bad bitches against each other / in this house we respect each other]
