#batmom imagine


Synopsis: The title says it all, just a few things about the kids and how they’re definitely your babies. 

Just a drabble I suddenly wanted to write. Hope you’ll like this short thing :) :

my masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives


“Who’s the biggest “mama’s boy/girl” ?”, was once a question asked to your children during an interview for a local paper.  

Your kids all instantly yelled at the same time : “DAMIAN !!” (including Damian himself, as he said times and times again that being a Mama’s boy was hardly something he’s ashamed of, indeed he’ll happily yell “ME !” to that question. He even takes it as a great win, to be honest), but it wasn’t quite the truth. 

No. No it wasn’t. Because that interviewer only asked them, right ? And that was a mistake. Of course, they’d say Damian. They knew it made their little brother happy, and they knew it was the most obvious answer to anyone who didn’t know their family very well. 

But it wasn’t quite the truth. 

Because if you asked their father, or Alfred, they’d tell you : “It’s literally impossible to rank the one that is the most mama’s boy/girl”. Because they all are. They might not always show it publicly, but man anyone who knows them is just used to them demanding cuddles or asking her things. 

“Moooom ?” was a word often heard yelled across the manor. And if Bruce was nearby, and they wanted to ask something he could totally do for them, they’d still say : “Do you know where mom is ?” 


Dick, to anyone that do not know those kids, would be the “second most mama’s boy” in their eyes, as he’s never been afraid to show his affection for you in public. 

As soon as he started to consider you his mom, and calling you that, as soon as he realized his own biological mom would probably be ok with it and want him to be happy…Dick Grayson became very attached to you

During galas, tiny him would come sit on your lap around the table and fall asleep on you. There’s hundreds of pictures of you carrying him back to the car (he really was a small kid, for an eight year old). If you and Bruce would let him have an interview (with you present, so the journalist wouldn’t ask him things that would hurt him) he would always gush over how amazing his mom and dad are. 

When sick, he’d look for you first. He’d ask you to get a drink for him, he’d stick near you whenever there was big events, hide behind your dress etc etc…

Publicly (and privately) Dick has always been very open about loving his mom to death. Even now, as an adult, it’s not rare to see pictures in tabloids talking about how they had a lunch date and Dick hugged you while waving at the camera (he looooooved to embarrass you publicly. And vice versa, to be honest).

At the Manor, whether it was when he was eight or now as a mid-twenties guy, he always asked for your hot cocoa and snuggle in front of a Disney movie. His teammates in Teen Titans and Young Justice used to tease him about that, until they realized that you really were super awesome and kinda got jealous (You always made sure to make hot cocoa for all of them…it’s quite a sight, now, as they’re all well into adulthood, to see them snuggling against each other in Wayne Manor’s living room, drinking hot cocoa and watching The Lion King).


Damian doesn’t care what anyone says, if he suddenly wants to latch onto his mom and not let go, then he will. 

To the surprise of many, you and him connected instantly. Damian never really had a “normal” mother, one that would pamper (if not baby) him when he didn’t feel well. Talia loves him, yes, and deeply at that, this was no secret. She would always be Damian’s mother. But because of her upbringing, and how she thought she was supposed to raise her son, there wasn’t always the place for display of affection (especially not when Ras was around). Nobody taught Talia how to love, being raised by Ras Al’Ghul was not synonym of warmth and safety. Quite the contrary. But she surpassed that now, and you and her ? You were far from hating each others. There is place for two moms in Damian’s heart. Love was the root of why you and Talia, despite all odds, actually understood each other (but that, I will talk about in another story…hehe, story about Talia and Batmom’s relationship coming soon, I’ll put the link of it here once I write it.).

Love. Yes. The reason Talia brought Damian to Bruce, the first time, wasn’t actually because it was part of her father’s plan. But because she knew. She knew that there, he would find what she, deep down, always wanted : love. 

Damian unfortunately didn’t have the early childhood so many dreamt for him. But you were damn if you weren’t going to give it to him now (and Talia would come back in the picture later, she had a lot of healing to do too). 

So when Damian came in the house, and there was suddenly this person who loved him unconditionally no matter what, even when he made mistakes (mistakes, in the League, were not appreciated…Ras told your son one too many times that he held his life in his hands, and to not disappoint him again), of course he’d turn into the biggest mama’s boy ever.

You were there in the tough times, but also in the good ones. With you, he learned that it was normal to laugh like crazy because of a stupid joke, to play in the leaves in Autumn or in the snow in Winter, to annoy his father by spraying him with a hose in the summer, going to see bees and flowers in the spring…

Damian is extremely close to you, and he doesn’t give a hoot what anyone says or think. 

There is photos in magazines, of Damian grumpily burying his face under your arm, trying to avoid getting his picture taken, and you protecting him instinctively. There’s also photos of you just giving him random piggy back rides around town, or of you just talking to someone at a charity event, and him holding onto you with his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind and half-sleeping on you, because he just feels safe when you’re around, and he seeks this comforting feelings that evaded him for so long. 

Most people wouldn’t think so, but he’s very affectionate, and just like his mom, has those random burst of “too much love” and has to get them out by suddenly hugging you (reference to this story : A Mother’s love : Burst of Affection). 

He’s definitely DEFINITELY a mama’s boy, and will never care if people mock him for it because you know what ? Yesterday his pet frog died, and only his mom’s arms were able to console him.


Jason chased after his own biological mother for years, but she never wanted him. She never wanted a child. So when he stole his way in Bruce Wayne’s life, and when Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend accepted him as his own in a heartbeat…how could he not become a Mama’s boy ? 

He always asks for your opinion (whether it’s before or after his resurrection), he cares about what you think of him, and you’re probably the only one who could change his mind about something. He often went out of his way just to see you and spend time with you. 

He needs you, and always will. You’re the only person that always supported him without faltering, even when he did some pretty fucked up things. The only one that always stuck by him no matter what. He needs your presence, he needs to see you at least once every week or he gets sad and just misses you. 

As a kid, he definitely took advantage of the fact he had a new mom, and Bruce often joked saying the boy was glued to you…but it was kinda true. He’d hug you for no reasons, just because he felt too happy to have you in his life. He’d always ask you 328323 questions and you would just patiently answer them all…You taught him how to play guitar and piano. You and him often had dance parties that made Bruce roll his eyes but also smile like crazy. 

As an adult, the only reason he went by the mansion for a long time was just to see you (and Alfred). He’d sneak in, spend a few hours with you, and leave before his dad would come back. For some reason, he was never as mad at you as he was at him…Sure now he forgave him and he’s quite the “daddy’s boy” too, but..Maybe it’s because you were always so gentle and knew exactly which words to use to soothe him ? 

Bruce wasn’t always great with showing his emotions (though when he did show them, it was always a feat because man the dude could get emotional and show them he loves them), but you ? You just knew exactly how to handle that little scared boy who was hit and trampled on most of his young life. You just knew exactly what to say, what to do…seriously, how could Jason Todd not turn into a mama’s boy ?!


Now Tim. Oooooh Tim. He’s the one that, if you don’t know him personally, you’d least think is a mama’s boy, with his aloof kind of persona, and work obsession. He always seems to be busy doing something, and rarely shows his emotions in public…But oh, oh if you know him just a little, you know he’s the biggest mama’s boy ever. 

Now when Tim entered yours and Bruce’s life, his parents were still alive but…What kind of parents don’t even notice their eight year old son left for a few days, and didn’t come home and all ? What kind of parents just give their son up as a ward to someone they don’t even know, in exchange of a big check ? Bad parents. Parents that aren’t physically abusive, but that never acknowledge their kid. 

You know the book and movie “Matilda” ? Tim is Matilda. He’s a genius, a sweet and kind boy, but his parents never noticed anything about him. They never noticed him at all, never read him a bed time story, tucked him in, made sure his teeth were brushed, his homework done…or just care overall. 

So when he arrived in the Wayne’s household and this kind woman with a beautiful smile did all that to him without even being his mom ? It was very novel for him, to be cared for. To feel like he actually existed. Like he was loved.

 Tim always sought you for everything. “Wanna play video games ?” “Hey wanna help me do that science project ?” “Hey, how do you tie a tie ?” “Hey can we make cookies ?”. He was always chasing after you and your attention.

And he got it so easily ! It wasn’t that difficult to start calling you “mom” when his parents were gone and he was officially adopted into the Wayne family (to be honest, he even almost called her “mom” a few times before all that). 

Tim craves for attention, even if he doesn’t show it much. And you never shied from giving it to him. He’s a true mama’s boy in that he really think he can’t function without you or your love anymore, that you fuel a lot of his motivation and really help him live normally. 

Without you, he’d still be that boy no one knew existed. While now, in this family…He’s a mama’s boy, though you wouldn’t know it if you didn’t know him personally. He lives for you to softly caress his scalp, running your hand through his hair as he works on his computer. And he will fight dirty just to get the seat next to you during movie night (how many times Jason or Dick, who were much taller than him, ended up split in two with their hands covering their crotch after a nasty hit by their “baby brother” just because it was HIS turn to sit next to you, and they were trying to play him ?). 


Notoriously a daddy’s girl but oh man is she a mama’s girl too. She’s also the only girl in the family, so you KNOW she’s going to take advantage of it a lot. 

Cass has the (bad ?) habit to steal your clothes. It doesn’t even matter if they’re too big/small for them, she makes it work in clever ways. More often than not, you’ll see her walk by with one of your favorite shirt and before you can say anything, she’s like : “Reminds me of you, smells like you” and you don’t have the heart to tell her off. 

“It smells like you”. To many, this could be such a weird thing to say. But knowing Cass ? She was raised to be a weapon. Not even taught how to speak. And she found other way to say things, than with words. She relied on other “senses” almost (even if the act of speaking wasn’t a sense). Nobody would have kind words for her, and she couldn’t give them words anyway either…So she found comfort in other things. 

Smells, sounds, physical touch. 

Smell was a big thing for her. She always felt better, if she could only smell something that reminded her of those she loves, of something she loves. And so, the reason she stole your clothes ? It was because of this. Because then, she could feel surrounded by your warmth and love, just by wearing something that smelled like you. She associated your smell with something comforting and nice. If you had to leave for a few days ? She’d definitely steal your clothes. 

Cass demanded physical touch the most. She’d been touched starved most of her life, her own father never having as much as a pat on the head for her. So when she felt like she needed it ? She just came to cuddle. 

Not that you were going to complain. You were happy, that you’re only daughter was such a mama’s girl (there might be, sometimes, a little competition between you and Bruce about this sort of things). 


Duke hadn’t been with the family for long, he came in later than all of your other children. He was already in his late teens, his parents weren’t quite gone, and him living at the manor was suppose to be temporary…And here you all were, years later, with him still here and still very much part of your family. And Duke ? Didn’t seem like it, but oh, oh he was SUCH a mama’s boy. 

You made it too easy, to become a “mama’s boy”. You were just always there for them, how could they not rely on you for most things ? How could they not seek your presence ? 

Duke noticed first hand his siblings being super close to you, and he always thought that it wouldn’t happen to him because he had a mom already. Because he came in too late. Because because because…

And here he was. Years later, coming by the Manor just to get some of your apple pie. And last week ? He came by because you were going to be home alone and he could have you for himself and talk to you without one of his sibling interfering. 

Don’t get him wrong. He loved his brothers and sister. But sometimes, just like them really, he wanted to have his mom just for himself. To talk to her about his life on his own, to hear what she had to say, to get her full attention. 

Funny, how Duke never thought he’d become greedy with her attention, and yet here he was. And was that really wrong ? He didn’t think so.

It felt too nice, to have a someone you knew would never give up on you, no matter what. Duke actually thought about whether it was a good thing or not, that him and his siblings relied on you so much…And he came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter. None of them had an easy life, so what if they sometimes wanted to be pamper by their mother ?? It’s not like you hated it, quite the contrary. 


When he was a kid, he was definitely a big mama’s boy. He worshipped his mother and father, he thought they were the greatest people that ever lived. Which is why the trauma of losing them turned him into a vigilante. 

For years and years, he walked in the darkness. He was “Vengeance”, he beat up criminals every single nights to…

No. If there’s one thing he learned, is that it was never really about vengeance. It was about love. 

Love for his mother.

For his father too, of course. 

For the city he grew up in. 

And later, for his children (his “true strength”). 

And for you, of course. 

After he lost his mom and dad, Bruce changed. And he stayed in the shadows for years, before finally… 

It’s not his mom, who saved him. But it’s “a” mom. “THE” mom, if your children had their say (and they definitely did). 

One day, he came back from patrol, and you and Dick were waiting for him. Well. You were waiting for him. Dick was fast asleep, in your arms. 

And Bruce…Bruce had a flashback of himself, age 8, not long before his parents died, asleep on his mom in that exact same position and-

Full circle. 

Your husband was sure that it was at that exact moment he finally realized how far he’d come. He wasn’t “Vengeance” anymore, hadn’t been for a while. No. No he was a beacon of hope. 

And who was his hope ? 

His family. 

Vengeance, had never been what made him become the Batman. 

No. Love did. Love for his parents, for his family, for his city…

Love, and hope that what happened to him never happen again. 

It’s as he saw you, sitting in his desk chair, with Dick in your arms (and oh, he was so small for his age), that he understood for good. 

Love was his driving force. 

From the first love he ever felt, the one of a mother, to you. 

Full circle. It starts with a mom, it ends with a mom. 

So if there was going to be just one person who would NEVER give your kids grief for how they were such big mama’s boys/girl, it was definitely him. 

Because he knew. Bruce knew. 

He knew how warm and strong a mother’s love was. 


Ok here. I hope you liked it :). It’s not much, not like a well thought out thing, or an actual “story”, I wrote it in less than an hour and didn’t spellcheck or anything, I just wanted to write this all of a sudden, and just let my mind wander haha. T’was pretty nice. I often speak about how Batmom’s affection for the kids is endless, but rarely how the kids pull a “uno reverse card” on her a lot, and are affectionate in return haha. As usual, comments/reblogs are always welcomed and more than appreciated <3

Thank you for reading, and see you soon with a new story :).
