#batfam x reader




Tim: What’s the best life advice you can give?

Dick: Be true to yourself. If you have to fake who you are to someone, they’re not worth it anyways.

Jason: Keep the people you care about close. You never know when something bad can happen.

Damian: Always make sure you are fully prepared for any situation.

Y/N: An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough.

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional” 

A/N: I know how this looks, I was really inspired since I was stuck on another fic and ended up writing three parts to this I’m sorry T-T

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

Eyes fluttered closed as the sound of rails lulled her to sleep. University had been so tiring this week, having to finish a whole project by the end of the week, in which the guidelines had been given on Monday. A lot of preparation and running around in order to polish a well researched and thorough end result. 

The lack of sleep, tiring long hours and accumulated stress had finally left her body as soon as she handed in the work two hours before the deadline was scheduled. To say that fatigue had taken it’s toll on her was an understatement. 

For a Friday late afternoon, the train was quite empty heading towards Gotham, but then again, no one wants to go there willingly. Her eyes fluttered closed, mind numbing, it was still two stops into the city, each of which are more or less an hour long, she had time, even if it’s only a thirty minute- one hour nap at most. Too much sleep and it was disrupt – or complicate her-return-to-normal-sleep schedule. 

 ~ I should be due at the mansion in just over two hours ~ 

A quick message wouldn’t hurt if there still need to be preparations. 

~ Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? ~ DG

That was quick. Smiling, (Y/N) texted her older brother back. 

~ It’s okay, you’re still busy, and I’ll be back before you’ve finished your work! ~

~ But we missed you! ~ DG

~ It’s been two weeks! Besides it’s the vacation, I’ll be home for a month or so. ~

~ Fine :( ~ DG

With a chuckle, she slipped her phone back in her inside pocket. A grown ass baby. 

Finally, she settled back into her seat, paying no mind to the occasional vibration of the carriage window to her head, inescapably submitting to sleep. 

When she finally woke up, it was at the end of the line, the carriages were empty, doors wide open, only the occasional person walking or sitting along the platform. 

Shit, the woman mentally cursed, grasping her things, and which, luckly, everything was still with her. Rushing out of the train, she scanned the screens: last train, departing in 2 hours and 30 minutes, Platform 8. The words glided along the end of the screen, in bright red dots. A disappointed sigh escaped her. At least it wasn’t late – and dark. Well, the sun was setting. 

The last stop was at the outskirts of Gotham, so she was thankful that she didn’t have to cause too much trouble getting back. Despite her nap, she was still tired – just less so, and she would really enjoy getting into a comfy bed in the company of her brothers, father and butler. 

A slightly irresponsible idea occurred to her. She could get home reaaaaally quickly if she wore her vigilante suit. The woman would be able to call her self-driving motorcycle and hurry to the Mansion in a record time. It was in her bag, and it’s not like it would hurt anyone. 

As long as she was careful when changing, this wasn’t going to threaten the reveal of her identity. 

With a smile, and making sure she held tightly onto the small bag she carried back with her, she briskly walked out of the train station, to an empty, dirty public bathroom.

Gross but will have to do. 

After having scanned the toilet for any lewd hidden cameras, she hastily slipped into her costume, placing her civilian clothes back in her bag and creeping out onto the nearest rooftop. Activating her tracking device and then the automated call, she sat down on the ledge, sighing in relief as she got the notification that her motorcycle just headed out. 

Now it was only a question of patience. Since nothing was happening, she lay down fully on the ledge, bag on the rooftop and arms under her head for more comfort. 

Her eyes closed, this time, not falling asleep, but listening to the nearly inheart environment surrounding her. 

That was until her phone vibrated. Sitting up, she reached for it, opening the message.

~ Where are you? I’m about to head home, but word is you’re not there yet. ~ DG

~ Yes, I missed the stop, called the Batcave, my ride should be here soon, sorry! ~

They must have been worried. 

Before she could answer, she heard quick footsteps trailing behind her. Her head snapped back but before she could distinguish anyone, the silhouette landed a hard blow to her head, which probably was a metal pole.

“Fuck.” she cursed in pain, her unlocked phone dropping off the ledge, sliding down the roof and landing in the gutter, “who are you!?” (Y/N) yelled standing up clumsily as the side of her head ached. 

“Lights out.” the unknown person grunted, lifting the pole high after dodging an attempted punch, slamming it to the back of her head. Her whole body smashed to the ground with violent force – but it’s not something she felt, as she fell into unconsciousness.


“Where is she?” Bruce grumbled as Dick entered the Manor, an hour and a half later than planned, and after some exhausting, useless paperwork. 

“What’s happening?” he frowned, seeing Robin hurry down the stairs of the Batcave.

“(Y/N) was supposed to be due, the tracker on her motorcycle hasn’t moved and she isn’t answering her phone.” Jason geared up.

“I’m coming with you,” Dick scurried to the room with his suit, slipping into it.

“We’ll be on comms if anything comes up.” Tim nodded. 

It felt like a very long ride towards the location that was given to them, even though they got there very quickly. 

As Nightwing’s motorcycle stopped close to their destination, he hopped off, watching the tracker from the screen on his arm, zooming in to be able to pinpoint exactly where her last place was. 

Jason jumped onto the nearest rooftop, scouting the area in case it was a trap of sorts. He frowned, seeing that the coast was clear and signalling his brother his ‘go’ card. 

It must have been a good half an hour before they even found a clue – excluding her untouched motorcycle. 

And it happen to make Red Hood jump out of his skin. Good thing Nightwing was still scouting the ground otherwise he would have been seriously embarrassed. 

The gutter buzzed, it was utterly unnerving. Cautiously,  he approached the roaring object, staring down at it as he spotted a phone. It was unlocked and vibrating widely. 

Crouching down, he grasped and inspected it.

(Y/N)’s definitely. And he didn’t like where this was going. It was Damian this time, calling her – in addition to like 78 missed calls and numerous texts. 

“Found her phone, she’s definitely gotten kidnapped.” The man announced nonchalantly, but his heart was beating fast. Their sister? Kidnapped at an unusually early time of the night? Hours after she got back into Gotham? Someone must have been keeping an eye out and planning. 

And given the fact that nothing has come up, it might not be a usual Gotham criminal.

“We might have a problem.” Dick spoke through his comms.

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

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Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad


Part 1 - Prepare for trouble…

  • Things had been calm in Wayne matter for the majority of October
  • No major accidents had happened during patrol or outside
  • Bruce and Selina hadn’t had any of their occasional existential crisis where one of them thought that the other would be better off without them or vice versa
  • Jason hadn’t started a fight with Bruce
  • Damian hadn’t seriously stabbed someone
  • and generally the siblings had been getting along well
  • then halfway throughout the month - once the carved pumpkins and spooky scary skeletons appeared - Dick had the idea
  • This was the first time in ages that the entire family was a) alive, b) in contact and c) not on missions and at the ripe age of six, you we’re finally at an age where (with enough protection and safety measures) you would be allowed to finally go trick and treating
  • And not only that, Dick thought, this year they’d finally get around to throwing a halloween party just for them and their friends without any of the rich snobs that usually appeared at Galas
  • Quick as a flash Dick had gotten almost all of his siblings on board
  • Damian was acting rather indifferent even though on the inside he was somewhat curious about the whole ordeal since it would be one of the first times he’d be able to do something like that
  • Jason loved the idea just so he could keep his title as the best prankster in the family (something very controversially discussed between the children), since halloween was probably the best time for that
  • Tim had originally planned to just chill at his flat, watch some scary movies and eat all the candy he could get his hands on, but Dick’s proposal sounded like it would end in family chaos and he couldn’t think of any movie that would be more entertaining than that
  • Cassandra - while familiar with the concept of Halloween - wasn’t all to interested in it, but then Steph had talked to her about all the cool couple costumes they could do and since making her best friend happy made her happy she was down
  • Duke and Barbara were both all for a nice halloween get together because they both didn’t really have anything better to do and for Duke especially it would be one of the first times he’d get to spend a special day with his family without any… trouble
  • And for the littlest Wayne… well
  • once you had gotten wind of it, immediately being over the moon just at the thought of getting to dress up all fancy in a costume and getting to go around just for people to give you candy? for free? Yes, you were all in for the idea and you were basically buzzing with energy and excitement just minutes after he had told
  • There was no way they were gonna let you be disappointed after having seen your smile just at the idea
  • Now while growing up the way you did, you were incredibly good at hiding secrets from other people for a six year old, but you weren’t the best at being able to decide what you actually needed to keep to yourself until someone told you, so when your mother came into the room right after Dick had told you about the idea you immediately jumped over to her and told her all about it
  • Selina smiled at you and then looked at Dick with a raised eyebrow, effectively communicating her interest and doubt about the whole ordeal
  • “Mommy, mommy, will you dress up too?” you asked her with shining eyes and at that moment she also decided that this was probably a good idea
  • “Well of course I will, it wouldn’t be a halloween party if we weren’t all dressed up right?”
  • “So dad will too?”
  • Cue to dick imagining the usual stoic Bruce in a cliche halloween costume
  • he couldn’t decide what idea he liked most: Bruce in a cheap skeleton costume or Bruce dressed up as a ghost
  • in the end he decided the funniest image was that of his dad wearing a badly made superman costume
  • of course Bruce himself didn’t actually know about the party in planning yet - or had approved it for that matter, but there was one step that was by far more important than telling him
  • They had to convince the one with whom the idea would either rise - or fall: Alfred

“So, who is going to ask him?” Dick wondered aloud as he walked through the main living room with you peacefully slumbering in his arms. Having all agreed to help out with his Halloween-plans, quite a few members of the family had gathered - in fact it was almost surprising that no bomb had blown up yet with how things usually went when so many of them were present. Sitting, standing and lying all throughout the room were Dick and you - as mentioned before - Selina who was nursing a cup of tea with Alfred the cat cozily lying on her lap on an armchair, Cass, Steph and Tim were playing uno on the floor, Jason and Damian were each sitting on one of the sofas each cleaning their respective weapons and Duke and Barbara had been deep in conversation before Dick had spoken up, gaining all of their attention (except yours, still sleeping peacefully).
Even though no one in the room vocally answered his question, all eyes immediately wandered over to Selina. Without so much as a sense of urgency, she took another sip of tea before shaking her head softly with a small smile.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I won’t take that upon myself, I’m willing to help you out with this, but that is something I cannot do.”
“Why not? Alfred will listen to you.”
“Probably, but - and call me selfish - I’d rather not be on the receiving end of all that is to come if this all blows over,” she shrugged and brought the cup back up to her lips, finished with her explanation.
“So, Cassandra, my dearest sister-” Dick turned to the next person he thought would get Alfred to agree.
“No,” she immediately rebutted. The oldest brother was about to turn to Barbara when he realized that almost everyone was looking at him with different levels of raised eyebrows and quickly figured out what was going on.
“You all want me to do it, don’t you?”
“I mean it was you’re idea after all you know,” Jason clapped him on the back in support, leaned down to give you a soft kiss on your forehead and left, being followed by most of the others.

  • So yeah it was Dick (and you since he had to at least have some secret weapon with him) who had to go through the final phase of bringing the plan in motion
  • He wasn’t sure what he expected to happen, but he assumed Alfred would have at least some level of resistance to his proposal
  • Instead, Alfred excitedly picked you up and began telling you about all the things he could bake and cook and how he’d decorate the ballroom and how glad he’d be to finally plan something different than a formal gala, especially if the whole family would attend
  • Dick was just left dumbfounded, but soon the excitement set in
  • oh yeah… the plan was in full motion now
  • also Bruce found out about it by pure coincidence when Alfred had him sign off on which decoration to buy and had to explain the whole thing since no one had remembered

Part 2 - Of Costumes and Chaos

  • The planning for the ‘Hallowayne’ party was still on the high when the next step of the halloween saga started
  • Since Alfred had made the party planning his full time job (beside the usual things he did in the Manor) and basically forbid anyone but Selena and Cassandra to help him out (even though he sometimes asked you for your opinion and took every of your reactions very serious) it left the rest of them with more than enough time to plan the part of the evening that they were probably most excited for
  • The costumes
  • The most invested in the idea were probably Dick, Stephanie and you
  • Stephanie was still hell bent on the idea of having matching costumes for her and Cass (and Ideally everyone else too, but she knew that was a fight she’d loose) and after she had thought about dozen of different possible ideas, she set her sight on Daphne and Velma from Scooby doo
  • Cass - who didn’t care about the whole costume thing too much - was actually rather happy about the idea
  • Dick was switching what he wanted to go as every second hour, but he almost always came back to one idea that was playing into the inside joke of his cereal addiction and so his siblings were pretty sure he’d stay with the whole ‘cereal killer’ costume
  • the rest of them either already had decided what they were going as or didn’t care so much as to plan it so far in advance (an exception was Jason who absolutely refused to tell anyone, even you, what he was going on but insisted it would blow their minds)
  • honestly Tim had been kinda worried he’d arrive in a joker costume and traumatise the entire family, but he gave Jason the benefit of the doubt, claiming him innocent until proven otherwise
  • Now what they were all very invested in was your costume
  • Because hell was unleashed after an off-side comment from Selina about how she had thought of making you a baby-Batman costume when you were still a baby, too young to decide for your own what you had wanted to dress up as (not that there really was a need to dress up since you’d spent the day in the manor anyways)
  • Oh, the inspiration that this comment gave the other family members
  • Because just! Im! ag! ine!
  • Little you in any of their costumes? They would die happy people
  • So of course that means war because you can only dress up as one of them
  • Prepare for all of them to try to smother you as much as they can and make you like them best (which they usually did as well, but this time it was x10)
  • They show you pictures of their costumes and told you about how cool they looked and why they looked so much cooler than any of the others
  • Damian even went so far to let you wear his cape around the house - something that you loved to do but were always forbidden from
  • Even Selina joined in, with the unfair advantage of the fact that it was just genetically for you to love cats
  • It slightly escalated from there on with everyone wanting you to pick them and once Bruce caught you with Jason’s helmet and a(n unloaded) gun running through the halls with your siblings chasing after you, he put down a strict rule that you could go as virtually everything you wanted as long as it wasn’t a hero
  • any hero at that, because while he didn’t the chaos within the manor to continue the way it did, he hated the idea of you wearing the costume of a different hero even more
  • after that they all tried to brainstorm ideas for which costumes would be best for you, but you changed interest so often that there was no way to find the best - especially since you yourself couldn’t choose
  • It was Damian who found the solution - more or less
  • It had been his turn to bring you to bed - a very desired task in the manor - and you had begged him to read you a story and since it had been your favorite tale from the moment you could think, he had chosen the copy of Alice in Wonderland that had belonged to the family ever since Bruce had been small
  • While he was reading about how Alice fell down the rabbit hole, your tired, little self just muttered: “I wanna be Alice… and you can be the white rabbit… alway so late…”

It was Saturday exactly one week before the party and one week and a day before Halloween since they had decided to throw the party a day before to give all their friends who had… other plans… on this very criminally active day of the year time for their secondary occupation. They had still no idea what you could go to the party as and by this point everyone else, except you, Tim, Damian and your parents had decided and bought / prepared everything for their own costumes. Now, almost all ideas had been thought of yet and none of them seemed to satisfy.
Until that very Sunday, when Damian had left rather early with Titus and only came back in time for the weekly manor lunch that was usually attended by everyone available. This weekend it was only him, you, your parents and Tim who had had the time so it was rather calm that day. As you were munching on pancakes, sitting between Bruce and Selina, who were talking to Tim about their weeks and Wayne Ent. Damian and Titus came into the room and Damian was holding three filled-up Paper backs in his arms that he let promptly fall onto the table.
“Oh, welcome back Damian, how was your… walk?” Selina greeted him, but posed the end of the sentence as a question considering that usually his walks didn’t end in shopping sprees.
“It was agreeable, I have bought something.”
“Yes, we can see that-” Bruce smiled at his son and motioned to the bags, “-what is it that you bought?”
Instead of answering, Damian turned towards you and held his hand out.
“Uhkti, would you mind coming with me for a moment?”
“Uhu,” your answer was as happy as always as you quickly jumped off your chair and rushed into your brother’s arms who, without so much of a second of consideration, picked you up along with one of the backs and disappeared into the next room over.
The suspense was high as your parents and older brother all waited for Damian and you to return, fuelled by an outcry of joy and the giggles that followed that they heard coming from you.
A few more minutes passed and the expectations and questions in the gathered people’s minds grew, but then the door opened again and Damian came inside wearing a headpiece with two white rabbit ears much to everyone’s surprise.
Looking stoic as ever, like he wasn’t even aware of what was on his head, he cleared his throat and straightened up as if preparing to make a declaration.
And declare he did: “May I introduce to you: Alice.” Into the room you came, a black bow in your hair, wearing the typical baby-blue puffy dress along with a white apron, shiny black shoes and black and white striped tights.
“Oh, Y/N honey, you look amazing,” Selina cued at you and even Bruce looked at you in awe, “ can you do a little twirl for us darling?”
You did as you were told and relished in how the wide skirt flew through the air around you.
“Damian, it’s perfect, thank you so much,” Bruce complimented his son who puffed his chest out in pride, “I suppose you’re going to be the white rabbit then, yes?”
“Correct father, in fact, I have bought costumes for all of us?”
“Really all of us?”
“Yes,all of the people in this room, Drake,” Damian rolled his eyes at his brother as he pulled different things out of the bags and threw them in front of their respective recipients.
In front of Bruce was a very extravagant top hat and the most…interesting… suit he had ever seen, Selina gave Damian a half amused-half annoyed glare at the bright purple/pink cat ears and literal cat-suit and Tim looked at the human-sized fabric card and suit that he had been assigned to. He was about to complain about having to be the servant character until he thought about how annoyed Dick would be that he wasn’t part of this group costume and was immediately happy about his costume.

Part 3 - The life of the party

  • The day of the Hallowayne-party had arrived and almost everyone was there
  • Diana had arrived in a very convincing Kleopetra costume and the vibe she was sending off was definitely fitting the character
  • The entire Kent family - meaning Clark, Lois, Jon, Conner and Kara - had arrived in a full on Addams family ‘cosplay’ with Clark and Lois rocking Morticia and Gomez, Kara and Conner shining as slightly to tall versions of Wednesday and Pugsley and Jon hiding his actual form behind a curtain of hair that made him unmistakingly cousin it
  • Some highlights throughout the rest of the guests (most of them other justice league members and others who were aware of the secrets of most guests) were: Barry going as guy Fieri, Kate dressed as a Shiebo from Kim possible, Titus who was wearing two more realistic versions of his head which gave him the appearance of the cutest version of Cerberus, Barbara who rolled into the room with a realistic mermaids tail making you ignore the conversation you had with Jon and rush over to her excitedly, completely entranced and Alfred and Duke who had, without planning, both bought the exact same mummy costume leading to the most seriously said: “Well, one of us is going to have to change,” that Alfred had ever and will ever say
  • The party was in full swing, everyone was having a great time talking, dancing, joking and eating the amazingly horrible looking, but great tasting, horror treats that Alfred had made
  • and then Jason arrived…
  • …wearing a superman costume
  • Most of the people found it hilarious - with Clark at the front - and the others (meaning: Bruce) were not all too amused by it
  • During the party, you talked to almost everyone in the room - everyone was delighted by your presence and they all complimented you on your costume - but constantly at your side were only Damian and Jon (who liked hanging out with you and Damian together because it made Damian more happy and a lot more soft because he refused to swear or threaten people in front of you)
  • People also wanted to compliment Damian’s rabbit costume but one very serious glare from him made them think twice about it
  • Cass and Steph - or Velma and Daphne as they wanted to be addressed that day and that day only - Dick, Tim, Jason and Duke also tagged along with you for a few minutes a time
  • Only late at night, it was almost one am and the party was still going strong even tho a few guest had had to leave at a point of time and then came back with a suspicious bruise or a piece of their costume missing, was when the peace and calm and enjoyable nature of the occasion was slightly disrupted
  • Jon had left your little gang to make a picture with everyone in his family so they could show of their costume in form of a picture on their mantlepiece
  • You had become a bit more quiet as the evening had progressed which no one could blame you for since it was a long time after your bedtime and you must have been tired, but when you asked Damian if he could get you one of the brain-cupcakes and a ‘blood’ soda, he told you to wait for him and went to get it for you
  • But when he came back, soda and cupcake in hand with Titus now trodding after him again after having spent most of the day lounging around the buffet…
  • …you were not there
  • all hell broke loose as the music was stopped and alfred asked if anyone knew your whereabouts over the microphone
  • After that it was like a search party started and it was almost as if no one remembered that they had super powers (especially the Kents) as they went about searching for you
  • It was Damian who had the only logical idea that evening…

“Where is she??? Is she under the buffet table?”
“No I’ve already checked, behind the stage curtains?”
“It’s a no show.”
“Please calm down Selina, she can’t be far, I’m sure she’s okay…children, you better make sure your sister is okay or I’ll personally ground you from patrol for the next seventeen years. No, not seventeen, seven hundred!
“Damian, I think your family will start killing soon-” Jon turned to his best friend as they were walking through the halls of the manor still hearing the Wayne family’s shout, “-I mean I can’t blame them, really can’t, but I don’t think that they’ll find her that way, it’s not the best tracking taktic…”
Damian suddenly turned to him with wide eyes.
“Tracking… Jon you’re a genius,” he exclaimed - much to Jon’s surprise as he wondered if Damian was already starting to lose his mind after having “lost” his sister. He quickly followed his best friend who was seemingly searching for something different than his sister.
What that something was was quickly revealed to him when Damian shouted: “Titus? Where are you boy?” through the manor.
The - currently three headed - dog quickly came running towards the two of them, his tail wiggling excitedly.
“Go find Ukhti Titus!” Damian said and immediately Titus started sniffing through the air as he walked around, searching for a trace. As the two boys followed him Jon questioned Damian.
“Doesn’t he need..like…something she wore or stuff like that?” Damian rolled his eyes but explained anyway.
“Titus is the best at what he does, he surpasses every K9-unit the police has to offer, but yes, even he usually needs something to get on the right smell, but since he spends most of his time in this house - and also with her - her smell is - for a lack of better words - saved within his memory.”
As if he wanted to prove what his favorite person had just claimed, Titus straightened up before racing down one of the halls. Damian immediately started running after him and so did Jon, just with a bit more usage of Superspeed to keep up with the surprisingly fast dog.
Titus came to a stop in front of the entrance doors to the ballroom that had been closed during the turmoil. Jon sighed.
“I guess since she spent most of her day there, he must have smelled her here, too bad, it was worth a try at least.”
“No, Titus isn’t that big of an amature, if he smells her here, she probably still is in there,” Damian defended his best animal friend and opened the door, Titus slipping through it as soon as it was opened wide enough and rushing towards one of the windows that had been hidden by balck-out curtains.
“She couldn’t be- It can’t be this easy right?” Jon looked at Damian with wide eyes and after taking a deep breath, the latter opened the curtain and voila! There you were, curled together on the little bench that acted as a windowsill, your thumb in your mouth - a bad habit you couldn’t shake off yet - and your eyes peacefully closed in sleepy delight. Without so much of a moment of pause Titus jumped onto the sill and curled up beside you. Now peace was able to return.

Part 4 - Trick or Treaty

  • Once everyone had been informed that you were back and enough pictures of their cute sleeping alice (made even cuter by a sleeping cerberus), they brought the party back (and you into your bed)
  • Suspiciously enough not all too long after you had been put to sleep, Daphne aka. Cassandra disappeared and even though Stephanie (or Velma) claimed to have no idea where the partner in crime went, the picture of her sleeping with you lying on her chest all too comfy would suggest otherwise
  • On the actual day of Halloween you slept in for far longer than you usually would, but given how long you had been up the day before, Selina and Bruce decided to let you sleep in
  • But even once you woke up you were utterly exhausted and tired from all the action of the day before
  • You managed to power through the day, walking with Damian and Titus, ballet training with Cassandra and playing pirates with the one-eyes Captain played by Jason and his second in command the brave and fearless pirate-princess-fairy-witch played by you, but once the time for the much anticipated Trick or Treat tour with your parents and Dick (who insisted on coming along since it had been his idea), something had to happen…
  • obviously it had to, it wouldn’t be a Wayne-holiday if not

“Who is it this time? The Joker again? Or is it Scarecrow?” Bruce asked with a sigh as he came into the cave in his Batsuit, looking around the room. From everyone who was not on patrol, meaning Alfred, Damian, Dick, Bruce, Selina and Barbara, only Alfred and Damian, who Jon had invited over to watch horror movies which they couldn’t watch in the manor in risk of you catching sight of them, were not down in the cave.
“No, it’s none of them-” Barbara answered as she typed away on her keyboard and pulled up live footage of a certain lady in green wreaking havoc, “-It’s Ivy, seems there were just a few too many slaughtered Pumpkins this year for her taste.”
“Aunt Ivy,” you happily shouted, but it quickly got muffled by your mothers hand. She hadn’t yet been able to tell Bruce that Harley and Ivy had been made occasional babysitters for you.
“Great, fine, Dick suit up, it’ll take more of us to handle her, we’ll leave in two so get ready quickly,” Bruce - not having heard you - commanded.
“No buts Dick, I know,” Bruce sighed and turned to you, who was sitting on your mothers lap trying to read a book (your family had started teaching you reading and writing not too long ago since you were quite a smart toddler - not that they’d expect anything else from the child of two of the most capable people in Gotham). He came to kneel in front of the chair Selena sat on to get on eye level with you.
“Hey pumpkin… I’m really sorry, but-” he shook his head disappointed at himself, “-I’m afraid Ricky and I won’t be able to go Trick and Treating with you today, but your mom-”
“Actually-” Selena interrupted him in his explanation, “-I think it would be better if I came along with you. You know Ivy, she isn’t… the most rational of people. I’ll contact Harleen too, she’ll be able to calm her down, especially since it’ll be their two year anniversary not too soon.”
“Are you sure, shouldn’t you stay here with Y/N and-”
“It’s okay daddy, I had so much fun yesterday so I understand that you can’t go out with me today,” you smiled at him with a sort of understanding but also sadness, “I’ll just stay here with Rara,” you shrugged, earning you a wink and smile from Barbara before she turned back to her screens.
“That’s very mature of you baby,” Selina complimented you and patted your head lovingly, “I’m promising you that we’ll make it up next year, okay?”
“Really?” you asked a bit doubtingly, starting to play with your hands.
“There’s no way I’d let something come in between, deal?” Bruce offered you his pinky finger and you gladly accepted.
“Deal,” you smiled, letting both of your parents give you a kiss, before jumping down from your mothers lap and running over to Barbara who happily let you climb onto her lap and assigned you one of the screens where she let you play a child friendly car racing game.
You were entranced in the game for a while and when you closed it and cuddled into Barbara who was still busy, your parents and brother had long left.
“You’re really tired for someone who wanted to go trick or treating, princess, aren’t you?” Barbara mused as she took one hand off of the keyboard, not changing pace even though she was now only using one hand, to caress your cheek as you looked up at her.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you tiredly yawned.
“Always, little one.”
“I am really sleepy so I didn’t actually want to go out today, but I didn’t want to disappoint Ricky…” your voice got quieter with every word as you drifted off into a soft sleep not aware at the heart eyes Barbara made at just how much like - and yet somehow un-like your family you were. She could just about imagine how things would turn out once you actually went trick or treating - but that would be a story for next year…

Jason: Okay so usually I’m not a confrontational person, but-
Y/N: What do you mean you’re not confrontational? You literally beat up people for a living!
Jason: Okay first of: I don’t get paid so it’s more of a hobby-
Jason: Yeah okay I get what you mean


If I were to write a highlyself-indulgent, multi-chapter, multi-POV Maribat fic would anyone be interested in reading it? It includes:

- lila salt
- British!Dupain!reader (Mari’s cousin)
- Jason Todd x reader x Cassandra Cain love triangle
- Daminette
- Queer Adrien (and hints of future Jondrien)
- Lesbian!Chloé having a positive wlw role model
- Stephanie Brown x Tim Drake (bc they in love)
- Stephanie Brown vs Tim Drake (ship wars ftw)
- Barbara Gordon x Dick Grayson
- fake social media posts (with fancasts because I don’t want to have a mix of animation styles and it’s easier to find generic photos)
- Steph, Cassie and reader stealing the batmobile

Because if nobody cares then I’ll just pretend I haven’t written a bunch of pages and full backstory for it

Okay, I’m satisfied that at least some people will read and enjoy it, so this is happening. It’ll be posted both here and on AO3 whenever I feel like it. Keep giving this post notes or send in asks about it to motivate me and get it quicker (or if you have any title names because I just have no ideas yet)

If I were to write a highlyself-indulgent, multi-chapter, multi-POV Maribat fic would anyone be interested in reading it? It includes:

- lila salt
- British!Dupain!reader (Mari’s cousin)
- Jason Todd x reader x Cassandra Cain love triangle
- Daminette
- Queer Adrien (and hints of future Jondrien)
- Lesbian!Chloé having a positive wlw role model
- Stephanie Brown x Tim Drake (bc they in love)
- Stephanie Brown vs Tim Drake (ship wars ftw)
- Barbara Gordon x Dick Grayson
- fake social media posts (with fancasts because I don’t want to have a mix of animation styles and it’s easier to find generic photos)
- Steph, Cassie and reader stealing the batmobile

Because if nobody cares then I’ll just pretend I haven’t written a bunch of pages and full backstory for it

joker, with a kidnapped y/n: i’m going to kill you hAHahA

y/n, bleeding profusely: let me check with my boyfriend real quick

joker: this is going to ha—

y/n: jason said no.

tim, sleep deprived and on his 5th cup of coffee at 8am: onion rings are just vegetable doughnuts

dick, used to this: uh huh

tim: lasagna is spaghetti flavoured cake


tim: lobsters are mermaids to scorpions

dick, on the verge of tears:stop-

jason: please continue
