#beautiful poetry


“How did you know you when you loved him?”

“I have this thing where I ask myself how long it would take me to get over a person if they left me in that moment. And usually it’s a month, maybe two. But with him it was like, if he disappeared right now? Years. I wouldn’t be the same, ever. I already feel like a piece of my life is missing just thinking about it.”

S.A // Conversations About Love #9


Meditations on Sein/ 26: (As a Word & a Name & a Person) Sein means green & raw & strange but not odd-strange; not alien-, unnative-strange- 'strange like a home you no longer visit & strange' like how you never know where the old friend you slept against on the last row of the school bus lives now, or if thev even live. Sein means the strangeness of growing estranged. Sein can mean such soundly ordinary things in Burmese tongue both you & I have pulled out, now rainwater-marinated & flesh-cold & solvated- & I wish you would know your name as more than an easy syllable, but selfishly & mostly I wish only to have company in this sein knowledge that you are all that your name dictates. For I do think of you as green- your hands lawngrass soft- stitched on spring nightfalls; kiss-laden with our mouths flourishing in full, heaving bloom. Overbitten teeth as raw as our young, young taste buds would let- uncooked but at safe simmers, we became lovers twice & thrice & more with that stove seething in my kitchen. I do not know the name of your new kisser.

Meditations on Sein/ စိမ်း

for@nosebleedclub prompt 23


A Perfect kiss

A perfect kiss is not defined by time or place

A perfect kiss is a moment in time, frozen then thawed from the abstract of eternal bliss and the blink of an eye

The perfect kiss is an energy born of time and nurtured by passion

The perfect kiss is as elusive in its concept as it is its execution

The perfect kiss is anticipation

…it is the composition of the notes and the melody which follows

…it is the tensing of his arms, pulling her closer as he slides his hand softly down the small of her back

…it is the air under her heels as she leans into the unknown

…it is the last and split second of eye contact as he places his other hand behind her head, carefully weaving his fingers through her hair

…it is the body trembling, first in the hands, then the legs

…it is the strength you feel in that moment of weakness

…moisture moves from your palms to your mouth

…it is in that moment our lips become our canvas, our hearts the artist, our souls forever lost in the abyss of the other

It is the only perfect kiss I know.

