#life poetry


“How did you know you when you loved him?”

“I have this thing where I ask myself how long it would take me to get over a person if they left me in that moment. And usually it’s a month, maybe two. But with him it was like, if he disappeared right now? Years. I wouldn’t be the same, ever. I already feel like a piece of my life is missing just thinking about it.”

S.A // Conversations About Love #9

Since: I can’t post everything I write here because sometimes it’s not what I’m going for at the moment, or it might be a quick draft of something, or a short quick vision of words I have suddenly; but I still want to share it with you. So I’ve decided to open a Coffee & Literature twitter! Plus it gives me the chance to be closer to you guys
You guys can follow it @LitAndCoffee
It’ll mostly be for quick little things, and drafts that I just haven’t felt good enough to post on my blog, and to talk to you guys.
I hope this goes in a positive direction for me, Coffee & Literature and above all, all of you.
I love you I love you I love you.

Maybe when you try and give your entire heart to someone, it gets broken in half so that you learn to give half of it away and keep the other half for yourself.

S.A // Blessings in disguise

“If I’m gonna be a mess I’m gonna be a colourful one. I’m gonna be a mess of confetti and streamers; a mess of life and laughter and music and happiness. Because you are going to be a mess, that we have no choice over.

But what kind of mess you want to be is in your hands.”

S.A // The Magic Is In The Mess

if there is a god

i have lost all faith

he has laid temptation before me

and ripped it from my hands

he gave you those eyes

to capture my soul

let you walk away

my everything still in your arms

he left me a shell

a human mould

expects me to wait

for the next one to fill me

if there is a god

they say he only gives what you can handle

then why have i been tired

for all nineteen years

i do not have any strength

my arms are bone

covered in a thin epidermal layer

all i can do is lay on the ground

willing it to let me drown

allow my flesh to become one

with the earth i was spawned from

- Venus de Roux


is a bird that swoops in during the witching hour,

perches on your window sill,

and sings a shallow song that will never be enough.

is a river that stops flowing,

reaches a standstill,

all the life that was once there dies.

is a cloudless sky,

so blue it hurts to look at,

so the curtains close and covers come up.

is a crumbled heart,

like shortbread when you bite into it and everything breaks apart,

but not nearly as sweet.

is the changing of season,

earth tilts on its axis,

nothing will ever be the same.

- Venus de Roux

“Teach your children that their words are much stronger than their fists will ever be.”

The bruises no one will see

Aristotle believed that one thing was intrinsic to another. And you can’t explain one while disregarding the other. Maybe that’s why you’re the air I need to live. Without you I can’t exist.

- the reason to my rhyme

I tried giving up a lot of times.

But then my eyes kept opening

and my feet continued walking,

not wanting to leave me hanging

without giving life another try.

One more time. Let’s give it another try. // ma.c.a
