#bi books

bisexual-community: Follow That Blog: Bisexual Books BISEXUALS DO READ: Welcome to Bisexual Books. H


Follow That Blog: Bisexual Books

BISEXUALS DO READ: Welcome to Bisexual Books. Here you’ll find views and reviews on books from multiple genres and for all ages from the bisexual perspective. Be warned this site contains spoilers and reviews of erotica and other sexual material.

WHY BISEXUAL BOOKS? Because literature is an integral part of community, and Because it is incredibly important for bisexual people to see bisexuals represented in the media around them, and yet Because books about bisexuals are underrepresented in mainstream as well as queer review sources,
Bisexual Books reads, reviews, and talks about bisexual authors, stories, and characters.

Just as there is no one bisexual experience, there is no one bisexual literary canon; therefore, We promote the intersectional analysis of texts, Specifically with respect to people in marginalized communities

We do this to connect bisexual people to awesome bisexual stories,
Raise awareness about negative tropes, stereotypes, and clichés,
Let publishers know that bisexual books have an audience, and
Create a place where readers can discover and share quality bisexual literature.

AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS If you are interested in having the Bisexual Books blogging team review your book, please read our guidelines here.

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bisexual-community: Do you love Bisexual+ Books? Are you on Facebook? Then please consider checking


Do you love Bisexual+ Books? Are you on Facebook? Then please consider checking out a New Facebook Group for ALL Writers and Readers of Bi+ Books! While large Bisexual+ general interest groups are great, and so are LGBTQ+ Book Groups, many people wanted a place for a more specific discussion on reading and writing for and about Bisexuality+. If you do too, please join this new already lively facebook group for discussions of Bisexuality+ in Books!

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[Minneapolis, MN]:  Bi+ Book ClubTwin Cities folks! The Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP) is so exci

[Minneapolis, MN]:  Bi+ Book Club

Twin Cities folks! The Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP) is so excited about their newBi+ Book Club! If you love to read and love to talk about books, please join us on the evening of Wednesday, September 7th 2016 starting at 7:30 pm at the Minneapolis Central Library (part of Hennepin County Library).

TheBisexual Organizing Project (BOP)’sBi+ Book Club for the entire Bisexual+ Community is a place to read fiction, biography, creative non-fiction, history, theory, and activist works.

So please come join us to discuss readings and ideas about, for, and by #bisexual+ and other non-monosexualfolks.

Can’t make it tonight? Join the  Bisexual Organizing Project Meetup to keep up with this and all other of the many events BOP organizes for the Bi+ Community in the Twin Cities area. 

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Hey gang, small request on my part: when you’re promoting my work to others (and a huge thank you to everyone who is!!!), please clarify that it’s a bisexual or queer romance (M-spec would also work, as would achillean, I suppose).

It’s only the first day of Pride and I’ve already had two messages from people requesting refunds on Payhip because they were told the book was “gay” and not “bi” and that’s not what they signed up for.

I don’t know how they missed it because I’m pretty obvious on my website and elsewhere that Hunger Pangs is a bisexual romance, but evidently, people aren’t reading the summary or are buying purely on what their friends are telling them which is apparently, “super gay and good.”

Apparently, one of them even did realize it was a bi-romance but assumed it was “bisexual characters realize they’re actually gay and find their one true love” kind of romance, and uh, no. That’s… that’s really not what Phangs is

Anyway. Thank you again to everyone who is promoting Phangs! I really appreciate it. I’m going to scurry back behind my laptop and keep writing my bi-polyam-blorbos.

Thanks, everyone. I was worried earlier when I posted this that I was overreacting by feeling annoyed (and tried not to let that annoyance show) but I guess the biphobia really did jump out and I wasn’t just being overly sensitive.

There also appears to be people doing giveaways in the notes, so, uh, if anyone would like a copy who can’t afford it, have a gander there, I guess? I’m hesitant to reblog them because I don’t want people getting inundated, but to those people, thank you so much. You really don’t have to but your support is deeply appreciated.

I’ll make sure to buy Holly Mop some extra treats this month
