#bi culture


I take to you tumblr: story time

So like I was talking to my guy friend and the mention of thighs comes up,, so im tryna explain why I like thighs (in a not gay way) but I had to catch myself cuz like the reason I like thighs is cuz girls

I mean come on, who doesn’t love them soft squishy pillows

WW84 Spoilers [you’ve been warned]

I had my expectations; that they’d be the love interest in the story (or something like that).

Diana was like the knight in shining armor in that scene when she protected Barbara, and she even said that it’s been a while since someone has made her laugh.

Would have been a better plot than the insecurity lane


i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again but bi culture really is noticing the bi flag colours in everything u look at…….


Bi people can feel like they don’t exactly fitinto the LGBTQ+ or hetero community. But here, bisexuality is beautiful and valid



fun thing i just remembered

in japanese, there’s a term for a person who dual wields swords called “ryoutoutsukai”, literally meaning something along the lines of “two sword user”. it’s ALSO a euphemism for bisexuality

Duel-wielding is bisexual culture


  1. two-sword fencer; expert in various (more than one) fields; person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well; bisexual (person)
bisexual-community: Follow That Blog: Bisexual Books BISEXUALS DO READ: Welcome to Bisexual Books. H


Follow That Blog: Bisexual Books

BISEXUALS DO READ: Welcome to Bisexual Books. Here you’ll find views and reviews on books from multiple genres and for all ages from the bisexual perspective. Be warned this site contains spoilers and reviews of erotica and other sexual material.

WHY BISEXUAL BOOKS? Because literature is an integral part of community, and Because it is incredibly important for bisexual people to see bisexuals represented in the media around them, and yet Because books about bisexuals are underrepresented in mainstream as well as queer review sources,
Bisexual Books reads, reviews, and talks about bisexual authors, stories, and characters.

Just as there is no one bisexual experience, there is no one bisexual literary canon; therefore, We promote the intersectional analysis of texts, Specifically with respect to people in marginalized communities

We do this to connect bisexual people to awesome bisexual stories,
Raise awareness about negative tropes, stereotypes, and clichés,
Let publishers know that bisexual books have an audience, and
Create a place where readers can discover and share quality bisexual literature.

AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS If you are interested in having the Bisexual Books blogging team review your book, please read our guidelines here.

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bisexual-community: Do you love Bisexual+ Books? Are you on Facebook? Then please consider checking


Do you love Bisexual+ Books? Are you on Facebook? Then please consider checking out a New Facebook Group for ALL Writers and Readers of Bi+ Books! While large Bisexual+ general interest groups are great, and so are LGBTQ+ Book Groups, many people wanted a place for a more specific discussion on reading and writing for and about Bisexuality+. If you do too, please join this new already lively facebook group for discussions of Bisexuality+ in Books!

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I don’t know if you know this feeling, but today I saw a girl in public and she was the embodiment of bi culture. Like she was literally wearing cuffed jeans and a leather jacket. So I turned to my friend and was like “She seems hella bi” and my friend literally looked at me and told me she was actually bi. I felt so proud and just wanted to go to her and be like “YO, ME BI, TOO.”


statistically speaking bisexual culture is being non-monogamous and having an anxiety disorder




How is this tweet SOspecific?????????

The Algorithm has found me, guys, I had a good run

Oh shit oh fuck that’s me

This is literally a personal attack

I was sad about missing Pan Pride Day and this is what my boyfriend said to me wow I love him more than anything


What’s considered pan culture?


Today’s accomplishment

After 18 years of living, ive finally done it guys.

I have successfully made a friendship bracelet

Never before have I been able to accomplish this task, but today I’ve done it.

Ive reached my true gay potential

A revolutionary idea

Okay here it goes:

I was telling my boyfriend how a lot of Pan jokes are about bEiNg AtTrAcTeD tO fRyInG pAnS and stuff and HE SAYS. HE REALLY HECCIN SAYS:

“Do you think Rapunzel is pan?”


so it’s official, Rapunzel is claimed by the Pan community

College vs. Sexuality

Oh boy oh boy oh boy I was filling out a college application and it asked for my sexual orientation for like their statistics and junk but DANG okay so YA GURL is very closeted to my family and I was worried that if my mom reviewed my application, she would see that I didn’t pick straight. So I considered picking “prefer not to state” but then eventually settled on “other” because pansexual wasn’t on the list. It was kind of a weird moment of like having my own identity for once. Anyways this story was pointless have a good day


Wow I REALLY like him he’s absolutely so sweet and so funny and such a sweet heart and he’s lovely and wonderful and every time I’m around him I just have a huge smile on my face and when I see his name pop up on my phone my heart does a little flip inside my chest and I suppress a stupid girly squeal because he is just so lovely. But I’m positive he doesn’t feel the same way and I couldn’t have him even if he did rip okay bye

PLOT TWIST he’s my boyfriend now wow ladies sometimes things really do work out

Pan culture

Here are some Hot Takes on pan culture babeyy:

-long stripy socks that don’t match

-big baggy overalls perhaps?

-too many piercings

-bringing a blanket random places. For warmth.

-why is everyone so attractive aaaahhhhhh!!!


Are girls so beautiful

Who gave them the right to be



I put the “moron” in oxymoron

— me, a pansexual christian

bisexual-community: Do you love Bisexual+ Books? Are you on Facebook? Then please consider checking


Do you love Bisexual+ Books? Are you on Facebook? Then please consider checking out a New Facebook Group for ALL Writers and Readers of Bi+ Books! While large Bisexual+ general interest groups are great, and so are LGBTQ+ Book Groups, many people wanted a place for a more specific discussion on reading and writing for and about Bisexuality+. If you do too, please join this new already lively facebook group for discussions of Bisexuality+ in Books!

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“Featuring 9 different stories from 20 creators, Bi Visibility explores bisexuality from various different perspective with stories ranging from romance to high fantasy.”

Please consider checking out and backing this project! I recently did art for one of the stories included in it. I’ve read through the previews for the rest of the book and honestly was just left feeling so warm and fuzzy. I promise it’s such a sweet book with so much goodness <3
