#biker gang

Check out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gaCheck out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker ga

Check out the hijab wearing - bike revving Kesh Angels! Morocco’s all lady motorcycle biker gang! Read more on hijabican 

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I saw a lot of masc Hollis and it was bothering me a little bit, so anyways heres my take on them (a

I saw a lot of masc Hollis and it was bothering me a little bit, so anyways heres my take on them (also yes im aware thats not what a hornet looks like dont @ me)

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Halloween night, Tokyo 2017

Halloween night, Tokyo 2017

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Stan joined a Biker Crew lead by Jimmy Snakes while homeless. I decided make some OC’s to fill in the rest of their crew! You’ll see them in fics of mine, and also some fics of my pal, @eeveelotions

Information about everyone under the cut!

Tw: Violence, brief mentions of racism, homophobia, and transphobia, mentions of suicide, suicide attempt, and domestic violence/abuse, brief mentions of drug abuse

In the Uni Verse, Jimmy Snakes made his deal with a demon at only eight years old. His father got drunk one night and tried to kill both him and his mother. Jimmy got shot, his mother was killed, and his father shot himself soon after. Jim, however, made a deal with a snake demon; He would not only survive getting shot, but he would be given minor demonic powers, in exchange for his patrons demon getting to eat Jim’s soul once he died. Jimmy founded The Flaming Serpents when he met the Pent siblings when he was twenty-two.

Jimmy Snakes is not a nice person in the Uni Verse. He protects his crew and loves them like family, but he’s also super toxic and manipulative towards all of them. He is incredibly selfish and lacks compassion. But he’s powerful, protective, and gives his crew shelter and security; something they probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Everyone in the gang has felt some kind of persecution for who they are as a person, but under Jimmy, nobody can actually stop them from being themselves. There isn’t much somebody can do against you when your gang leader has the powers of a demon.

Stan is the latest member of the gang. Jimmy found him hanging out by a bridge that had been abandoned mid-construction in Flaming Serpent territory. Stanley had recently faced a trauma on the anniversary of him getting kicked out that he didn’t know how to deal with, and he was planning on ending his life. Jimmy thought that Stan was a scout for a rival gang at first and attacked him, but Stan quickly explained his intentions for why he was on the bridge, and Jim left him to his own business, but not before giving him a pen and a notepad, instructing Stan to leave a note to his family, and promising to be back in the morning to collect Stan’s body. After writing a note to Ford, Stan decided not to go through with the suicide.

Jim finds Stan at a diner the next morning, and has a conversation with him, surprised that he didn’t go through with the suicide. He spends the day hanging out with Stan, and, after being impressed by the kids quick wit and sticky fingers, offers Stan a spot in the Flaming Serpents. Stan quickly becomes friends with Alphonse, Luca, Petra, and Jorden, who treat him like family. He tries to avoid James and Kara for reasons I will cover later, and George hates people too much for any kind of friendship to be established.

Stan and Jimmy eventually end up dating, and the relationship is super toxic, with Jimmy gradually becoming more and more abusive. It isn’t good. Jim’s hella possessive, and sees everyone as competition, which leads to him attempting to isolate Stan from his friends. The two fight a lot, mostly over Stan being secretive about himself, or Jim not respecting Stan’s boundaries.

If you’ve seen my Felony Squad content you’ll know of Alphonse LeCult. He actually met Stan from the gang, before the formation of the Felony Squad a few years later. Alphonse is a himbo with a lot of energy, has ADHD, and a Special Interest in pharmacy. He’s been interested in the topic since he was five years old, and would often toddle himself off to the library while his dad was working and read everything about drug and pill production that he could get his hands on. His librarian would let him hide behind her desk so that he could read the books from the Whites section, back before the Civil Rights act was amended. When he was ten his father re-married, and Al gained his older step-brother, Hector. The two became super close, and still are. Al tried to study pharmaceuticals in college, but a combination of racism and homophobia directed towards him by peers and teachers alike lead to him dropping out. He joined the Flaming Serpents when he saw Petra shoplifting pills, and ended up giving her a long, LONG explanation on why she should be stealing a different brand over the one she was trying to take. Al became the regular pill collector for the gang, and they also make use of the fact that his brother is a lawyer, though Hector isn’t too sure about how much he likes his little brothers friends. Al ends up developing a serious crush on Stan, but keeps it under wraps cause Jim would probably murder him if he knew.

If you’ve seen my Felony Squad content you’ll know of Alphonse LeCult. He actually met Stan from the gang, before the formation of the Felony Squad a few years later. Alphonse is a himbo with a lot of energy, has ADHD, and a Special Interest in pharmacy. He’s been interested in the topic since he was five years old, and would often toddle himself off to the library while his dad was working and read everything about drug and pill production that he could get his hands on. His librarian would let him hide behind her desk so that he could read the books from the Whites section, back before the Civil Rights act was amended. When he was ten his father re-married, and Al gained his older step-brother, Hector. The two became super close, and still are. Al tried to study pharmaceuticals in college, but a combination of racism and homophobia directed towards him by peers and teachers alike lead to him dropping out. He joined the Flaming Serpents when he saw Petra shoplifting pills, and ended up giving her a long, LONG explanation on why she should be stealing a different brand over the one she was trying to take. Al became the regular pill collector for the gang, and they also make use of the fact that his brother is a lawyer, though Hector isn’t too sure about how much he likes his little brothers friends. Al ends up developing a serious crush on Stan, but keeps it under wraps cause Jim would probably murder him if he knew.

Luca is the resident Car Guy. He rides a Chevy rather than a motorbike, and the crew uses his car to transport essential items and such. Luca grew up on the streets of New York City, and developed thick skin and an intolerance for nonsense. He’s a grumpy asshole with a heart of gold, and is often described as a grumpy elderly WW1 veteran placed in the body of a short, stalky 22 year old New Yorker. Jimmy found him trying to steal parts of Kara’s motorbike. He suggested he put the parts back so that she won’t murder him, but offered him a spot in the gang for his mechanical know-how. He is still Kara’s least favorite gang member. His diet consist exclusively of meat, soda, and whiskey. Won’t eat a vegetable to save his life. If you dislike the Yankees (or like the Red Socks) you’re dead to him

Petra is bubbly, friendly, and kind; a sweetheart and a social butterfly. She will also murder you quickly and efficiently and nobody will ever find the body if you give her a reason. She looks like a cinnamon role, but actually can kill you. She joined the gang when Jim saw her take three men (all much more muscular than her) in a knife fight and win. She has complicated relations with her family. They’re still in touch, and they still consider her their own, but they’re not exactly supportive of who she is. She’ll call them on holidays, and is still invited to the pilgrimage her family takes every five or so years. They love her, but they still haven’t accepted her transition. She loves them, but she can’t be around them for too long without feeling dysmorphic and heavily uncomfortable. They do treat her friends well, and are supportive of her relationship with Jorden, (even if they don’t tend to use Jorden’s correct pronouns when referring to them). Both Petra and Stan are the only members of the gang who still practice some traditions from the religion they where raised under, even if they’re both not big on faith as a whole. Petra is widely regarded as the kindest member of the gang. She’s clever and always willing to lend a hand to her friends.

Those who meet Jorden instantly think they’re high on something. Jorden isn’t high on anything, they just have the personality of a five year old who snorts pixie sticks for a living. They have no sense of fashion at all, and likes to dress in the tackiest, most gaudy shit they can find in thrift stores. Like Petra, Jorden is also in contact with their family, though the relationship is a lot more rocky. They show up to Scott family reunions out of a sense of obligation, though they much rather be somewhere they don’t have to listen to their families racist and homophobic chatter. They once tried bringing Petra with them to a reunion for comfort and it went about as well as you think it would. Jorden technically isn’t even welcome in the household; soon as the reunions are over, they get the boot again. Jorden was kicked out of the house after graduating high school, and was mostly on their own. They stole a motorbike from a car lot, and used it to steal other things and make quick get-a-ways. They aren’t sneaky about their thievery, but has good perfect target instincts. They where invited into the gang after Jimmy saw their skills on a moterbike, and they started dating Petra not long after.

If violence was a person, it would be Kara Pent. She’s spent years getting as big as she possibly could so that she can beat the shit out of whoever she wanted. She loves beating up others more than anything, and only takes instructions on who or who not to hurt from Jimmy, and occasionally her brother. She abuses any drug that will help her build muscle, and takes immense satisfaction with how intimidating she is. If she decides to fuck you up, you won’t stand a chance. Nobody in the gang knows why Kara is this way but her brother and Jimmy, and nobody knows why she swore her loyalty to him. She wants to be the kind of fighter that nobody can beat, and she is very much nearly there.

George is there because his sister is there. And that is pretty much it. He hates people; his ideal life would be one of absolute solitude and silence. He minds his own business, and never interferes with anything unless instructed to by Jimmy or sometimes his sister. If something is happening to you, he will not help you. He won’t make things worse either, however. He is neutral to all conflicts, and prefers isolation. He doesn’t like it when people talk to him. If you try talking to him, he’ll respond so harshly you will cry. And he always somehow knowsexactly which words to use to make his victim cry. There are no exceptions. The only people allowed to say things to him are Kara or Jimmy, and the only exception to his rule is if somebody is giving instructions to him. He doesn’t want to get to know anyone, and he doesn’t want them to get to know him. Every bit of information about him he keeps to himself. He won’t even eat in front of others, less they find out his favorite food.

James has been fired from several jobs, all of them on sexual harassment charges. He’s a pervert and a creep, and doesn’t seem to be ashamed of this fact. He harasses anyone and everyone he meets, with the acceptation of Jimmy and Kara. He will also do literally anything for money, which the crew takes full advantage of, usually as revenge for him being a creep. James does have a few redeeming qualities. He’s got a good work ethic, and is protective of his gang, even if he is shitty to them. He’s good at getting dirt on others; and was welcomed into the gang by Jimmy after he saw James blackmail and extort the hell out of several rich people.
