#bipolar ii


10 Things I Experience During a Bipolar Mixed Episode

I had surgery a little over two weeks ago, and it triggered a mixed episode.


If you don’t know what bipolar is, its a mental illness where a person experiences periods of depression and periods of mania. Mania is typically viewed as the high but isn’t always fun.I’m on two different medications for my bipolar. An SSRI to target the depression and a mood stabilizer. They were working pretty…

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What Demi Lovato’s Relapse Means to a Fellow Bipolar Woman

If you haven’t heard…Demi overdosed on heroin today. She is thankfully “okay” now, and is recovering according to news sources. Thanks to her new song, Sober, I knew that she was struggling again..but honestly, I didn’t think about it too much.

People with mental illness tend to have higher rates of addiction and as a fellow bipolar warrior and a woman with a BA in Psychology, I knew it was bound…

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A dolphin because they always bring me joy and remind me of happy times. A semi colon to remind me that I have gotten better and out of the dark and that I can again.

Fuck. Been doing thinking and reading up again on my diagnosis and pretty sure I’ve been in an episode for at least six weeks now. And the probably the last two being in full blown. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I hate this so much. I don’t want to talk to a psychiatrist. I don’t want to up or change meds. Why can’t I just be normal?!?

i need advice.

what can i do to combat the fatigue caused by my meds? i’m taking latuda and it’s making me so tired, but i don’t want to stop taking it because it is helping otherwise. it doesn’t help that i already have chronic fatigue as a result of my chronic illnesses.

i can only drink so many energy drinks or take so many stimulants. :’) i’ve also tried exercise, but it just makes me more tired.

(please reply or send an ask, don’t reblog!)
