#manic depression


What Demi Lovato’s Relapse Means to a Fellow Bipolar Woman

If you haven’t heard…Demi overdosed on heroin today. She is thankfully “okay” now, and is recovering according to news sources. Thanks to her new song, Sober, I knew that she was struggling again..but honestly, I didn’t think about it too much.

People with mental illness tend to have higher rates of addiction and as a fellow bipolar warrior and a woman with a BA in Psychology, I knew it was bound…

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I could very easily snap,…

Given everything going on in my life, my chronic illness’s flaring up, my mental health being absolute shite and the constant suicidal thoughts plaguing me - I’d have a valid reason to just start screaming.

Yet here I still, staring at the wall as I sip my cold brew.


you know when you drop ur phone and when you’re trying to catch it u accidentally smack it harder against something. yeah

Me, with my mental health.
