#bird drawing


Everywhere I go I’m a tourist, but if you stay with me I’ll always be at hooooome~

Quick photo of the bird I had been working on for my Songbird drawing class. Hope to get a scan soon

Quick photo of the bird I had been working on for my Songbird drawing class. Hope to get a scan soon.

White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)

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Vincent van Gogh, Four Swifts with Landscape, 1887.

Vincent van Gogh, Four Swifts with Landscape, 1887.

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It’s a birb! I’m planning on going into color eventually, but for now I’m just bui

It’s a birb! I’m planning on going into color eventually, but for now I’m just building up a value sketch. This was done in Photoshop, but I’m treating it like a charcoal drawing.

You may have noticed I’ve hardly been posting on here. Honestly, I haven’t been making much art period in the last several years, aside from school assignments back when I was taking classes and a more recent stint making art third-party at Animal Kingdom–hence having very little to show. I have plenty of excuses (travel, work, getting married, moving, sickness, and so on) but bottom line is I’ve been in a major slump for a long time and have struggled to find joy from making art like I used to. Right now one of my focuses is regaining that inspiration and momentum, but it’s a slow process and it’s so easy for me to procrastinate by doing other productive things or distracting myself.

One of the ways I’ve been trying to get myself back into art has been checking out other people’s art and watching videos, particularly Lachri Fine Art–she offers a lot of useful tutorials and art tips which are relevant for all levels of experience.

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