#birth chart reading



Hi there! For a limited time i’m doing FULL readings (houses, signs, planets, IC + MC, Lilith, North Node/South Node) for just $10! Please message me if you are interested in getting a reading done!  

Edit: I’m also offering Tarot readings for $5! 

Hi there! For a limited time i’m doing FULL readings (houses, signs, planets, IC + MC, Lilith, North Node/South Node) for just $10! Please message me if you are interested in getting a reading done!  



chart readings: open

hello everyone! it’s me, @libramc/@readingsbylibramc. some of you may already know me and my readings from my previous account, @libramcmoved, where you can read all of my birth chart readings. after two months of only reading natal charts, I decided to challenge myself into doing more types of readings, so requests are currently open!


each readings costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to receive payments, I use a website called ko-fi to make donations. you just have to click on the link at the end of this post or in my bio and then click on the pink button ‘buy a coffee’. the payment is handled by paypal, hence the transaction is definitely safe.


after completing the payment, send me a dm in this account, @readingsbylibramc. in your message, you’ll have to send me the type of chart you picked, your birth date, birth place and birth time, along with your pronouns. it’s extremely important to have your birth time, or the reading will be less complete.


please, understand that reading a chart takes quite some time, especially considering that I also have other clients. it may take me 2 / 3 weeks, in some cases even a month, but itmay vary. so I automatically assume you agree with that when booking a reading from me.

now, let’s get into all the formulas!


a birth chart reading focuses more on the psychology of a person. I’ll talk about your behaviours, and why you behave in a certain way. more specifically, you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart. also, you’ll have the possibility to ask me a maximum of 5 questions. I’ll look for the answer in your chart. you can also read a reading I made for another client here as an example. you can read it, see if it satisfies you and then decide.


a synastry chart is basically a compatibility reading. it consists in overlaying two birth charts on top of each other, and then checking where all the planets fall in each other’s houses. more specifically, I will analzye each house overlay and the most important aspects to consider, to highlight the potential of the relationship and also to warn you about possible red flags. I will also specify if there is marriage / soulmate potential with your partner. it doesn’t have to be a couple reading, though! you can also book a synastry reading for you and your sister or your father, for example, to see where you don’t get along and what you can do to improve your relationship. also, you’ll have the possibility to ask me a maximum of 5 questions. I’ll look for the answer in your chart. remember: when booking a synastry reading, you need to send me both your birth info + your partner’s.


a composite chart is another type of compatibility chart. it seems just like a normal birth chart, with a rising sign, a sun sign, a moon sign, and so on. in fact, it consists in finding the mid-point between two or more charts to determin how the couple or group acts, feels, thinks, etc. it’s basically a reading of the energy of a couple or group of people. the difference between a composite and a synastry chart is that you’ll only start seeing the effects of a composite chart after about 6 months, it’s more indicated for long-term relationships. a synastry chart indicates what the potential of a relationship is, a composite chart indicates the general future and possible struggles of a couple. hence, I highly recommend booking a composite chart reading together with a synastry reading for best accuracy. remember: when booking a composite reading, you need to send me both your birth info + your partner’s. you can also book a reading for a group of people, like your family or your group of friends. just remember to send me everyone’s birth info with their names or person a, person b, person c, etc.


a karmic reading focuses on the destiny line of a birth chart, that is your south and north node. I’ll descrive in-depth your past life, life purpose and all the karma you have accumulated and how it affects you in this lifetime. I’ll also take in consideration other karmic houses and planets, like saturn, the 12th house, the 8th house, etc. to dive even deeper and trying to understand what happened to your soul. also, remember that to get to know and understand your soul purpose, it would be better if you also knew yourself well. because of that, it’s recommended to book a karmic chart reading together with or after a birth chart reading. for this reading, you’ll need to send me your accurate birth info (time, date and place of birth).

feel free to dm me if you have any questions!!


hi everyone, just posted my new chart readings options. go check them out!

Client n. 25’s Birth Chart Reading

hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.

chart shape, dominants

yourchart is a bucket shape, with saturn as the handle of the bucket. your saturn is in the 9th house, hence matters regarding experiences, adventures, education and spirituality will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.

yourdominant planets are venus, mercury and the sun. you’re an intelligent individual with a strong personality. you’re very charismatic, you’re probably very bold, but there’s also a softer side to you that makes you attracted to arts and beauty in all of its forms. you may also be quite fond of money.

yourdominant sign is virgo. with virgo as your dominant sign, I assume that you’re very astute and practical. you have great problem-solving skills, and you have the ability to stay collected even under stressful situations. you’re quite logical, but you also have a warm, generous heart. you love helping others, as long as they don’t try to take advantage of your kindness.

yourdominant element is earth. you’re a loyal and stable individual. you value longevity in your relationships, and that makes you quite picky. you can easily appear as cold, as opening up to someone you don’t know well is too much of a risk for you. once you do, though, you’ll stay forever. money and material possessions are important for you, as you understand that financial stability is one of the main qualifications in life.

ascendant in leo, 17° / 2nd decan ruled by the sun and jupiter

you’re an extremely confident and bright person. you have exceptional charisma and presence, especially since your sun is also conjunct the ascendant. this is usually a celebrity placement! you surely don’t go overlooked. you naturally always try your best to make people feel at ease, and you mostly succeed thanks to your warmth, which makes you even more attractive. you probably like being recognized, and you may want to be famous. in fact, you like being in the spotlight and loaded with compliments and appreciation, they incredibly boost your self-confidence. your charisma may sometimes be too noticeable, resulting a bit dramatic; you may gesticulate a lot, imitate voices… basically, you would do amazing at acting, for example. in fact, most actors have a leo rising, or leo placements of any sort. you’re very playful, you most likely look younger than you are for your personality. you may also be a savage, and you’re most likely good at jokes of any kind. you appear as a very bubbly and outgoing person, yet you may be quite secretive. you don’t open up easily, especially about family / private matters. especially with your virgo influence, you’re very picky when it comes to trusting people. in addition, you’re a perfectionist; you care a lot about everything that revolves around you, from physical appearance to your job, you want it all to be perfect. that can cause you a lot of stress, as you always want to seem at your best state, you despise being seen as weak or unprepared. physically, all leos have beautiful hair. you may have curly, perhaps red or dark hair, or at least it’s very thick. you may also get tanned easily, an olive skin tone or any kind of warm undertones to your skin. you may have full, plump lips, or at least they have a defined cupid’s bow.

leo ascendant conjunct leo sun: you’re a genuine person, and you show yourself for who you are. you don’t wear a mask, and you want the same authenticity from others as well. you leave a positive first impression on others, as you’re very friendly and kind. you have this particular charisma to you, that makes you look both bubbly and mysterious. you have a bright personality, you’re always kind to others. yet, this placement may give one a big ego, especially since your ascendant and sun sign are both in leo. you may be too proud of yourself, and some people may start disliking you. especially with your virgo influence, you may be too blunt and honest, and you could possibly seem like a know-it-all, even though deep down you don’t want conflicts. you don’t act like this out of malice, you’re not trying to make others feel insecure. yet, I’d recommend you to be more gentle with your words, as not everyone understands your point of view. even though you want authenticity in people and it’s natural for you to give it back, others may be more sensitive to your words, so beware of that.

sun in leo, 14° / 2nd decan ruled by the sun and mars

just like the sun, you shine brightly. you’re confident, independent, brave and friendly. you’re the only who can handle your life, no one can tell you who you are, what you want or what you need. sometimes you can get insecure, as you feel pressured to always be perfect. you try to be nice and kind to everyone, as you don’t wanna be seen as someone unpleasant to be with. even though you may be into gossip and rumors, you try to avoid being involved with them at every cost. the thing with leo is, you’re either loved or hated. no inbetween. some may admire your confidence, assertiveness and determination, others may be jealous of you. you have celebrity-like presence, you don’t go overlooked. you’re most probably the life of the party, and you enjoy living a life full of fun and amusement. you’re also amazingly creative. with your heavy leo influence, you have the potential to do and achieve whatever you want, you’re very resolute. even though you look very open to getting to know new people, you’re secretly very picky about who you call your friends, or even when choosing a partner. you always try to be perfect, and hence you want someone that looks and tries just like you do.

leo sun opposite aquarius jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your leo sun. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, especially with jupiter being retrograde. you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around family issue and their impact on your interactions with others.

moon in virgo, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and saturn

this is the most responsible and hard-working virgo decan. you want to have everything under control, you can’t bear not being organized. you most probably write down your appointments and stuff on an agenda, or perhaps even in the notes app of your phone. you’re extremely precise, you want everything to be perfect. mixed with your leo sun, you probably care a lot about your appearance; you most likely have a skincare routine, workout… just anything that makes you feel healthy. you love taking care of yourself, especially of your hygiene. you also put a lot of effort in your outfits, you fear not being at your best state. you’re a perfectionist, after all. this also project in your home environment; you may clean your house thoroughly, it’s most likely all neat. in addition, this mania of yours of being perfect makes you have high standards; in fact, you need people in your life that try as much as you do. you despise lazy people. you probably have a reputation for always being collected and chill, as you try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. you’re very smart and insightful, and you strive for perfection; you want to prove your power to yourself, as it helps you boosting your self-esteem. in fact, it depends a lot on your achievements; if you don’t meet your expectations, you start going through a hard time of insecurity and struggles. you love communicating, but you may struggle to find the right words, especially with your mercury squaring pluto. your eyes talk for you, though. you’re also very introspective, and you’re fond of art and creativity in general. you’re very critical, both of yourself and of others. you don’t do it with malice, though, but as I’ve already mentioned you want to frequent people that try to be at their best all the time, just like you after all.

virgo moon conjunct virgo mercury: this is a writer and actor aspect! you’re capable of expressing your feelings through your speech, as they’re aligned with each other. you’re really expressive, and could do well in a job of any kind that uses your voice. you can be quite chatty too, but you never get boring! people still love listening to you, as you’re so expressive in your speech. the negative side of this aspect is that you may be too focused on explaining your feelings, rather than just feeling them. you’re curious and you’re always looking for a reason behind everything, but this may make you too logical when it comes to your emotions.

virgo moon conjunct virgo venus: there’s a part of you that is particularly sensitive to criticism. ironically, the pressure of being at your best state can make you insecure. you satisfy your emotional needs with venusian things: love, money, affection. you may find comfort in the people you love, especially your mother or in women in general. you enjoy spending money, in particular in things that can make you feel better, such as clothes, makeup or anything related to your passions. for example, if you love astrology you may invest in birth chart readings. just as you enjoy being supported, you’re always close to your loved ones when they need affection and reassurance. you’re the type of friend or lover that can create solid, long-lasting bonds.

mercury in virgo, 11° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and saturn

you have a very logical, pragmatic mind. ironically, this creates contrast with your leo energy, confusing you as you may act differently in different situations. you try to be as well-spoken as possible, especially with strangers, but when people get on your nerves you can’t help but kill them with your words. before expressing your opinion on a certain matter, you like making sure that your thought actually has proof to be supported. you’re very analytical, and hence you also overthink a lot. especially when it comes to people you care, you start overthinking so much about little things like late replies to messages that you create a variety of hollywood-worthy scenarios in your head. you also pay lots of attention to details, and you can’t tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. you always try to speak and write in the most correct and polite way as possible. you may have an elegant, yet neat handwriting. your voice probably sounds very calm and collected, yet you don’t have any problems speaking at a louder tone.

virgo mercury conjunct virgo venus: this placement gives you great social skills, even though you may have a hard time embracing them due to your bluntness. maybe, you used to be insecure that your thoughts and ideas could have been judged negatively by others, hence you just bottled them up with your feelings. this aspect is mostly positive, though! you’re probably a good singer, or at least you have a very calm tone of voice that is pleasant to hear. you’re able to see both sides of an argument, hence you may be good at helping people making up. you could actually be suited for psychology! you may also earn money through your voice and thoughts, so you could be a writer, a journalist, an actor, a singer etc. this placement assures that you may be sociable, or at least that you have great social skills that manifest more in your home environment, or just someone you’re close to in general.

virgo mercury square sagittarius pluto: you may become a bit manipulative. you probably don’t even realize it, though, as you have the ability to make people do what you want them to do. you probably love being right, especially during arguments, and you always manage to be so thanks to your skills. your words are like knives for others, they can truly cut deep through their ego. you’re direct and blunt, as you just say what you have in mind with no filters. you can develop a provocative attitude without even realizing it, which can obviously cause you conflicts. you need to be more careful about how you communicate your ideas, otherwise you could seriously damage other people’s self-esteem. on the other hand, if you acknowledge your flaws and work on them, this can actually turn into diplomacy. take advantage of your interest in your inner self to find out how to be a bit more gentle in choosing your words.

❤️venus in virgo, 16° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and saturn

this placement usually indicates that you’re most probably a late bloomer. yet, I don’t think it’s totally your case, since venus is also conjunct your lilith. my take on this, it that in love you’re extremely intense, maybe sexual too, and that may eventually cause you to be sexually active. but, when you need to date someone, you get very picky. you’re not the type to fall for someone at first sight, you’re only into people that are willing to commit to you. you seek a partner that is hard-working and takes care of themselves, both physically and mentally but, at the same time, that would only look at you. it could take you some time to feel totally comfortable around your partner, but once you trust them, you’ll stay with them for a while. it’s hard for you to show your love with words, hence you do it with little gestures. you probably remember stuff like their birthday, their favorite food etc., and you wouldn’t mind receiving the same kind of affection back. when it comes to love, you’re not a risk-taker; you probably prefer being courted rather than court others, and if you do it, you make sure that the other person likes you back. you enjoy helping others, you’re the type of friend or lover that wouldn’t hesitate to do favors. yet, you want to be appreciated, otherwise you may just feel used. you may be quite hard to satisfy, but you’re surely very loyal.

☄️mars in libra, 25° / 3rd decan ruled by venus and mercury

there’s this stereotype that libra mars people are passive-aggressive. it may be true, but only partially. in fact, you try to avoid conflicts exclusively when you’re in public, or maybe with someone you don’t know well. in that case, you can eventually try to avoid the problem. with people you’re close to, you’re pretty much the opposite. you may say the worst of things that you probably don’t even feel, you may even have the istinct to throw hands. you’re driven by a strong sense of justice, and you probably were the class’ snitch during daycare/primary school. you also strive for equality, hence you may get very defensive when it comes to proving your innocence, or just really anyone’s. overall, you’re a fair person with strong morals, who acts based on the situation you’re in.

libra mars opposite aries saturn: you may often experience ‘almost winner’ situations. in fact, it seems like there’s always something or someone who tries to get into your way, succeeding. you most probably have some karmic lessons to learn, especially regarding violence. maybe, in your past life you were so blunt that you hurt someone very deeply. you might have been a bully, or maybe you were the one bullied or even abused. you’ve got a hot temper, and the worst thing is that you hold onto anger for a quite a bit. there are lessons you need to learn in this lifetime, exactly regarding these issues. probably, you may find yourself having enemies, or just people misunderstanding you in general. that’s caused exactly by this karmic placement. it’s something that you should be able to solve with time and with awareness of the meaning of your words, but also with will. I assume that you’re either blindly optimistic or the opposite, you always think everything’s going down. be more realistic, and use things like astrology, meditation etc. to find out what’s going in your mind. it’ll be the key to finally understand how to act, since you’d finally have a clear vision of the world.

houses, interceptions

your1st house is in leo. with this placement, you care a lot about your persona, both physically and also mentally too. yet, you may start feeling like you need to be perfect at all costs to be accepted, especially during your early years. for example, you may be the type to follow fashion trends to look cool, and you may subconsciously force yourself to like them. you need to understand that you should enhance your individuality, and ask yourself who you are. it’s not all about who you are outside, the inside matters even more. you’re free to stand out, but make sure that you do it in a comfortable way for you, or it will start becoming toxic as time goes by. the ruler of the 1st house is in the 12th house: people may see you as more secretive than the typical leo rising. you still have a strong leo energy that makes you look very approachable, but you may also seem very distracted, perhaps even constantly sleepy. you have a mysterious vibe around you, and you may also be a very spiritual individual.

your2nd house is in virgo, with also venus, mercury and the moon sitting there. you have a practical approach to money; even though you may like spending and shopping, I see you being careful with them, and you may even have track of them through an agenda or something like that. you feel the need to be perfect, and that can cause you self-esteem issues. with your heavy leo energy, I assume that this manifests as sudden bursts of insecurity or of confidence, your image of yourself fluctuates a lot. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. with this placement, I’d suggest you to pursue a career that allows you to express your creativity, as arts and beauty allow you not only to make money, but also to increase your security and confidence. also, mercury indicates that you can gain self-esteem through your intellect and your ideas in general. you may actually make money out of your words. you could be a writer, a singer, a therapist… anything that involves the use of communication. with the moon, you’re able to find comfort in material things; you may find yourself having shopping to deal with an emotional problem, or perhaps you’re the type to love buying gifts for your loved ones, it’s your way to show them your affection.

your3rd house is in libra. it’s most likely common for you to include other people in your thoughs and speech. for example, you may often find yourself talking about your partners, your friends, neighbors, celebrities… you probably also like gossips. this placement, on the other hand, gives you an opinionated, even poetic mind. you could be interested in literature for example, and you most likely were good at school. mars here indicates that your mind and words are your energy tank, what satisfy you the most. you may talk a lot about different topics of any kind, from childhood to videogames, but you never get boring. you’re always entertaining to listen to. with the ruler of the 3rd house being in the 2nd house, you may earn money through communication again. hence, you may become a writer, a journalist… literally anything that requires thought or word, or even both. possibly, you could even work through social media. you may also take pride in your opinions, and they serve to increase your self-confidence.

your4th house is in scorpio. your relationship with your family is most likely very intense, but not necessarily good. it could be that your parents were quite overprotective of you, you felt judged and restricted from acting the way you wanted. or perhaps, they were emotionally distant, your childhood lacked affection. you probably had to grow up sooner than other kids, and it could be that you first came in touch with plutonian topics (drugs, spirits, sex, death etc.) at a young age. you were more mature from this point of view. this challenging childhood of yours is most likely the cause of your unstable self-esteem, and perhaps you also have troubles with long-term goals and dreams too.

your5th house is in sagittarius. you most likely love hanging out, you’re a risk-taker and you’re probably quite extroverted too. you don’t mind being in company, partying and having fun in general. actually, you find joy and pleasure in them. you may also be fond of light relationships, you’re very experimental when it comes to intimacy, but thanks to your virgo dominance you’re able to understand the true essence of love and settle down when you find the right one. you’re most likely also an extremely creative person, even though you may struggle to make it concrete due to your heavy earth dominance that makes you quite logical. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 7th house: you may meet your future spouse while you’re having fun. that is, it could be in vacation, in a bar, at a party, maybe even in an environment filled with children. any place where you can relax and detach from routine.

your6th house is in capricorn, with also uranus and neptune placed there. usually, people with a capricorn 6th house are very responsible and work-oriented. they generally don’t leave much space to fun and amusement, but the presence of uranus and neptune here may change this a bit. you do have a strong sense of duty, but you don’t overwork yourself. you’re able to find balance between work and hobbies, and that’s obviously great. yet, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. I don’t think you do it often, you still have a strong virgo and earth dominance in your chart, but for example you wouldn’t mind skipping a day of school or work to play videogames. uranus here also indicates that you may often come across unpredictable events in your daily life. you may often see strange, unordinary things, or perhaps it’s your routine that is like that. you may lack consistency when it comes to diets and health, for example; you may start a diet and keep it for a month, then you get tired and drop it all of a sudden. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 9th house: you’re a free spirit, and you despise boredom in your routine. you’re constantly looking for a challenge or an adventure. you’re also quite philosophical in your own way, and you’re very loyal to your ideals, which you apply in your day-to-day life.

your7th house is in aquarius, with also jupiter tightly conjunct the descendant. you may be lucky in love, or perhaps you may have many romantic encounters. you do like the idea of marriage and love, yet you need your space as well. you don’t want to feel committed in a relationship, it would be suffocating for you. that could make you appear as emotionally cold or detached, when you’re really not. you just care a lot about your personal growth, especially after your turbulent childhood. jupiter here indicates that you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they’re physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general. you’re also attracted to foreigners, and people that have a wise, yet bubbly and laid-back aura around them. perhaps, you could even attract mentally unstable partners, they could be a bit moody for example. last but not least, you may meet your spouse in an unexpected situation. the ruler of the 7th house is in the 6th house: you may meet your future spouse during your everyday life, hence perhaps at work, or just doing anything you do daily, even at the gym for example. you may also meet them in a hospital.

your8th house is in pisces. you may have many dreams, you’re very artistic and creative. yet, due to this placement, you struggle to let this side of you out and make it concrete. since you have a strong earth dominance in your chart, I assume that the reason for this blockage is your rationality. you’re way too logical, and you don’t leave space for your imagination. that’s probably caused by the fact that you’re afriad of being seen as a failure, and hence you don’t really go out of your comfort zone when it comes to your ideas. to reach your state of happiness, you need to turn what you dream about into reality. the ruler of the 8th house is in the 6th house: you include taboo, 8th house matters in your day-to-day life; astrology, horror, occult, sex, psychology… or perhaps, you could work in one of those fields. you may also handle someone else’s money, hence you could work in a bank.

your9th house is in aries, with saturn sitting there. you have a joyful, child-like approach to adventures. you strive for freedom, you want to be your own boss. you don’t want others to tell you what to do, but saturn here may make you struggle to achieve your individuality. perhaps, during your childhood, you were restricted from acting the way you wanted. it’s like your ideas were disrespected, and you weren’t allowed to embrace them, or perhaps you were afraid of the consequences. it may be that when you try to break free from what you consider to be a limitation, you may come across a few struggles that could possibly hurt you. luckily, this is an aspect that will naturally get better time with time as you get more mature. in addition, saturn is well-aspected, so you don’t really have to worry about anything in particular. the ruler of the 9th house is in the 3rd house: you may be interested in foreign languages, and you may actually be able to speak one, or at least you are skilled enough to learn one. you’re also very open-minded.

your10th house is in taurus. when it comes to work, you’re quite materialistic. you want to earn a great income from your job, you aspire to be wealthy, and luckily with your virgo dominance you probably don’t lack ambition. yet, as I’ve already mentioned in the previous sections, you shouldn’t procrastinate nor be lazy, you should break free from your limitations and work hard to visualize and achieve your goals, or it may be hard for you to have a stable career life. you may be attracted to artistic careers, such as designing for example, or even stuff like food. with your mercury being conjunct venus, you also have an attractive voice that could make you earn money. you could be a singer, a rapper, a writer… even a judge or a politician, as well as an actor or comedian. you would do well at a variety of things to be honest! but make sure that you understand who you want to be.

your11th house is in gemini. in your friends, you seek mental stimulation. you wouldn’t stand someone too chill, you need someone who’s always up for an adventure. your friends are most likely very witty and intelligent, even though you may not have a stable relationship with them. in fact, they may often change, as you could get bored easily, or in general you just meet a lot of people in your life that it’s natural to detach from someone else. same goes for your goals; you want to do different, several things in your life, all different from each other. actually, you have the potential to be great in different fields, but if you don’t decide what matters the most to you, you may come across some troubles, so beware of that. with the ruler of the 11th house in the 2nd house, your friends may be very wealthy / spoiled, or at least very confident. your long-term goals most likely revolve around money and confidence, they’re very important for you.

your12th house is in cancer, with also the sun placed here. you’re an extremely spiritual and intuitive person. you may be attracted to dreams, religion, astrology, spirituality… anything that can wake you up, spiritually speaking. you may also be particularly talented at reading birth charts, tarots, even talking to spirits. you may have prophetic dreams, or you could even have deja-vus. the 12th house is also the house of fears, so having cancer here indicates that you may be afraid of your childhood, past memories. perhaps, even of your home environment or directly of your parents. it’s a part of your life that you’d rather keep secret. you may also have some escapism tendencies, such as oversleeping, overeating… or perhaps, you could easily develop addictions, so be careful to that, as you’re particularly sensitive to drugs, alcohol etc.

❤️love life, soulmates

in love, you attract aquarius, sagittarius, pisces, leo and virgo. your future spouse will most likely have leo and virgo traits placements, maybe a leo - virgo cusp. they’ll be very similiar to you: bold and confident, but also with a warm heart and a hidden insecurity to them. as I’ve already mentioned before, you may meet them during a fun situation, hence at a party, during a vacation, in a restaurant, at a concert… also, your spouse will most likely be one of your soulmates, and hence once you meet them you’ll probably have this 'I’ve already seen you before’ feeling. they’ll seem very familiar, and you’ll find emotional comfort in them. your children will most likely have strong sagittarius or gemini traits: they’ll be very daring and brave, but also very funny and warm. also, they’ll be extremely intelligent and more mature as time goes by.

family life

I won’t say much in this section as I’ve already talked about your childhood in the 4th house section. anyways, your mother was probably the most dominant figure in your family. she was very intense, even scary at times, especially when she got angry. she might’ve also been very possessive or overprotective. she could have scorpio or aries placements in her chart, as well as taurus. as for your father, he was more laid-back, but probably very stubborn and also quite protective too. he may have taurus or libra placements in his chart. if you have siblings, your relationship with them may be quite turbuent. probably, you used to argue and fight often, but since mars aspects saturn you may be able to deal with it when you’ll get older. they could have libra or taurus placements in their chart.


luckily, there are many aspects in your chart that indicate that you’ll be able to earn a big amount of money from your future job. it will most likely allow you to communicate your feelings, and it will also be the key to finally achieve a stable relationship with your self-image and worth. there are strong placements in your chart that point out to acting and writing talent, as well as singing talent. you’re just a very charismatic speaker, so I’d suggest you to take advantage of this natural talent of yours to earn money, luck and self-esteem.

fashion sense, style analysis

I’m sure you love high quality, possibly also designer clothes. you may follow designer trends, and in general your style is very classy yet trendy. you probably wear natural colors, such as white, beige, kaki etc., but you wouldn’t mind trying bolder shades as well. when buying clothes, you always check that the material is thick and high in quality. overall, your style is natural yet still nice-looking, versatile and probably also quite expensive.

past life, life purpose

during your past life, you probably didn’t have as many challenges as in this life. you most likely used to depend on someone else; perhaps, you married someone rich, hence you didn’t really have to work for your resources. this lifetime, you need to step up your game and become independent. your path to luck and abundance may be long and steep, but your venus being conjunct the north node indicates that you may achieve great personal success in this lifetime. you just need to work on your self-esteem and have stable finances, you shouldn’t over-indulge. to boost your security, you could try using loa, as well as the advices I gave you above.

major transits analysis / august 27th

with venus transiting your 12th house, it may be a hard time for you when it comes to relationships. you may feel rejected and easily irritated, and you just can’t seem to find someone you get along with. at least, you’re able to take care of yourself more. use this moment to learn more about yourself, maybe even through spiritual outlets like astrology, or perhaps tarots, meditation etc. also, this year your focus is mostly on your career, work environment. you may undergo different changes in your routine, probably unexpected situations at work. yet, you’ll get out stronger and with more knowledge with you, which will help you gain more maturity and awareness when it comes to jobs.

manifest what you want, secret skills

as you grow up, you start getting very in contact with your spirituality, making you more sensitive to higher affirmations. you have the ability to visualize what you want. that’s the key to activate the loa: travel with your fantasy, and visualize what you desire. do you want a new car? imagine yourself doing road-trips on that car. a new phone? visualize yourself making calls with that phone. you can even literally create a story involving those topics and it will come true. you can also help yourself by writing and listening to your own affirmations, maybe covered up by some music. you just have to believe in your power!

and this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, I hope it resonated with you :) looking forward to your feedback! @dgk-productions
