
Possibly Stephen Gardiner, Archbisop of Winchester.Stephen Gardiner (27 July 1483 – 12 November 1555

Possibly Stephen Gardiner, Archbisop of Winchester.

Stephen Gardiner (27 July 1483 – 12 November 1555) was an English bishop and politician during the English Reformation period who served as Lord Chancellor during the reign of Queen Mary I and King Philip.

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Gregorio III dei Greco-Melchiti Cattolici, nato Loufti Laham in arabo: غريغوريوس الثالث لحام‎.Patria

Gregorio III dei Greco-Melchiti Cattolici, nato Loufti Laham in arabo: غريغوريوس الثالث لحام‎.

Patriarca emerito di Antiochia, di tutto l'Oriente, di Alessandria e di Gerusalemme dei Melchiti; Arcieparca metropolita emerito di Damasco, Alessandria e Gerusalemme dei Melchiti.

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S.E. Mons. Leo von Mergel, Vescovo di Eichstätt

S.E. Mons. Leo von Mergel, Vescovo di Eichstätt

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Arcivescovo Clemente Augusto Ferdinando Maria Giacinto Wittelsbach von Bayern, Arcivescovo di Coloni

Arcivescovo Clemente Augusto Ferdinando Maria Giacinto Wittelsbach von Bayern, Arcivescovo di Colonia dal 1723 al 1761 col titolo di principe-elettore del Sacro Romano Impero, nonché signore di Erzstifts e nunzio apostolico della Santa Sede in Germania. 

Fu anche Gran Maestro dell'Ordine Teutonico e vescovo di Ratisbona, di Münster, di Osnabrück, di Paderborn e di Hildesheim.

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My parents are so unfestive. Not to say that its a bad thing, but growing up and coming back from the breaks, I was so jealous to hear all the amazing stories for the things people would do with their families during Thanksgiving/Christmas time that I would resent them. But now looking back, it sucked but I also came to appreciate the things I have and not so much have this tangible concept of having things just for the sake of it.

And with that, I take on my own experiences and put more money doing that. That’s how I feel its supposed to be done.

But this Thanksgiving, my family invited over a pastor (who they met through our church) in which I have never met in my life. I am so MIA from home that I always come home surprised to the new things that they do. But to make matters short, he’s a priest but he’s Nigerian (just like ourselves) and they invited him over for dinner. He was so humbled by it for he has only been in the US for like 5 years now and he has never had a real Thanksgiving Dinner. So it was nice for him to come over and eat a mix of both Nigerian and American dishes along with share us stories about Nigeria in the current day and a lot of the things he experienced as a priest in both Nigeria and America. From arm robbers to drama in the church, the stories were interesting, different and never ending. We laughed and chatted for around 5 hours (because Africans love to talk) and it was time to go. Honestly it was a great time.

And what made it quite different this year compared to last year was that I didn’t have to cook! Took that Megabus home on Thanksgiving for them tickets were mad expensive. Whose paying $80 one way when I could pay $25 to come home the day of and not have to worry about cooking too?! ME.

MARAUDERS #27 cover! Drawn by me, colored by Matt Wilson ✖️‍☠️

MARAUDERS #27 cover! Drawn by me, colored by Matt Wilson ✖️‍☠️

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Breaking the Tumblr sabbatical to show off my Presiding Bishop Selfie! Had a lovely time at the Cons

Breaking the Tumblr sabbatical to show off my Presiding Bishop Selfie! Had a lovely time at the Consecration of the new bishop of my Diocese of WNC. PB Curry’s joy is infectious! :D 

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Kaska Kowalska on Water Hazard V10, Bishop, with baby Ethan spotting.photo: Keith Kowalska

Kaska Kowalska on Water Hazard V10, Bishop, with baby Ethan spotting.

photo: Keith Kowalska

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Gospel Mk 6:34-44

When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them,
for they were like sheep without a shepherd;
and he began to teach them many things.
By now it was already late and his disciples approached him and said,
“This is a deserted place and it is already very late.
Dismiss them so that they can go
to the surrounding farms and villages
and buy themselves something to eat.”
He said to them in reply,
“Give them some food yourselves.”
But they said to him,
“Are we to buy two hundred days’ wages worth of food
and give it to them to eat?”
He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?  Go and see.”
And when they had found out they said,
“Five loaves and two fish.”
So he gave orders to have them sit down in groups on the green grass.
The people took their places in rows by hundreds and by fifties.
Then, taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven,
he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples
to set before the people;
he also divided the two fish among them all.
They all ate and were satisfied.
And they picked up twelve wicker baskets full of fragments
and what was left of the fish.
Those who ate of the loaves were five thousand men.

Bishop is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! 

draw your robot son tuesday

draw your robot son tuesday

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I have always loved Bishop’s work. Always so compelling no matter what the subject.

I have always loved Bishop’s work. Always so compelling no matter what the subject.

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Art by Boris Vallejo

Daydreaming about summertime in #Bishop and #bouldering in cut offs ☀️• Image @benny_haddad• #gi

Daydreaming about summertime in #Bishop and #bouldering in cut offs ☀️

Image @benny_haddad

#girlswhoboulder #ladycrushers #womenwhoclimb #sheclimbs #girlswhoclimb #dirtbarbie #socalclimbing #visitbishop #lovemesomemountains #pebblewrestling #climblikeagirl #climbingrocks (at Bishop, California)

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I saw these E-cards and I immediately thought of the court! I was too lazy to draw Rooke and Phule so I may do some for them later :)

The originals are here:
