#blackbeard ofmd


has anyone made a masterpost of blackbeard’s tattoos yet, and if so can someone link me to it? searching for anything about them just brings up that post about tā moko and cosplay that was going around when the show first aired, and I’m too lazy to rewatch the show just to figure out what they all are!

i made this for all of us who are suffering over ofmd

luluxa:The crumbs of love that you offer meThey’re the crumbs I’ve left behind


The crumbs of love that you offer me
They’re the crumbs I’ve left behind

Post link


procrastinating again xD


“You wear fine things well”

godzillabreath: Our Flag Means Death is a really lovely show with wonderfully sweet characters ❤️ 


Our Flag Means Death is a really lovely show with wonderfully sweet characters ❤️ 

Post link


having way too much fun sketching these xD


No one should have allowed to find this picture of Con…

Izzy trying to seduce Ed

Izzy is all of us

Where is Izzy ?

Singing in the rain looks different

La la land is my favorite movie

Izzy doing his grande finale

Saturday night fever

Little memory from Izzy’s travel at Pise

The best scene

stede is a blorbo. ed is a scrunkly. izzy is a meow meow. what aren’t you guys understanding.

while i appreciate the idea of stede and aziraphale being best friends, it seems everyone has forgotten that the two of them are prissy old “men” who bitch when their scarves are eggshell and not off white. i honestly think their partners would be the better friends. meanwhile, the two blonde bitches would judge each other because “THATS THE GUY WHO BOUGHT THE CRAVAT I WANTED”

anyway here’s my rendition of how the dynamic is

gonna post this to my insta soon but. I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY. also the shading was so super tough my god-

welcome back to me writing ofmd headcanons. this time? ALL neurodivergent headcanons because FUCK YOU

  • i will NOT SHUT UP ABOUT ED’S FABRIC SHIT it is so relatable especially for me.
  • anyway :)
  • not only does he like the feeling of smooth textures, he also likes a lighter fabric. he focuses mostly on the texture rather than weight, so the feel of it especially matters
  • on the flip side, stede is MUCH more weight oriented. he appreciates when a fabric is much tighter to him. he’ll also sleep wearing at least four blankets just for the little bit of pressure on his chest
  • frenchie vocally stims because i say so. bitch’ll repeat lyrics over and over again. he also will play the air lute(? i think that’s what he has) as a minor spacing out thing
  • jim’s also selectively mute. in those moments, they’ll just gently rock back and forth, or have olu do all the basic speaking for them.
  • speaking of jim and olu
  • the two of them have a weird noise language (also not projecting me and my partner at ALL what are you saying). they vaguely grunt and squeak at each other, and know that “oh they want me to give them the glass over there”. it’s quite impressive to watch
  • i also believe ed would have selective mutism, but it’s only usually when he’s super overstimulated. when this happens, stede just basically gives the crew off, and sits with ed until he feels okay again.
  • stede is VERY particular about routines and things happening as he sees it (i’m not projecting you’re projecting). he writes very specific itineraries, and though he might not say it, he gets VERY distressed when his outings don’t go to plan
  • ed 100% is the bitch to be like “yeah alright i’ll clean up once i finish this up” and then NEVER cleans. stede either gently aggressively reminds him after a few hours. if that doesn’t work, he’ll drag ed’s greasy ass into a bath to make him clean
  • stede rocks on the balls of his feet. also, rambles like there’s no tomorrow. man gets So Excited about Everything (and ed will just sit there and give him heart eyes)
  • ed does silly little schmoves. kinda like full body stims? idk i like when he does silly dances like in episode eight
  • ed does the thing where he goes “it’s That Thing” and does a vague hand gesture until it clicks in his mind five minutes later
  • stede will go from tangent to tangent to tangent and yet it all somehow connects?? in the end??
  • frenchie has the windows computer disease where you ask him a question, he goes “huh?” and then as you’re about to repeat it, he answers it. man gets it he’s just bad at processing
  • stede has incredible “there’s a method to my madness” syndrome, and ed has “i cannot see the object anymore because i left the room” disease. both suffer from “wait. what did i need again” illness.

thank you for reading. ik im clinically insane but Who Cares anymore
