#bnha kaminari

every time i see this vine i think of himevery time i see this vine i think of himevery time i see this vine i think of himevery time i see this vine i think of him

every time i see this vine i think of him

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Reader: Gender Neutral
Character:Denki Kaminari
Rating: G
Summary:After a day out at the carnival, you get a chill.
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As you walked to the bus stop after a full day at the carnival. You started to shiver, it was nearing the end of summer and the nights were getting cooler. 

You still chatted with your friends as you waited for the bus. Kaminari stayed close to you, holding your hand and chatting with Mina and Sero. Ever so often you felt a shiver run down your spine. 

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Oh yeah I’m fine.” You smiled.

Mina piped up, “Of course they’re fine, we just had the best day ever! Like you won them a stuffed tiger, of course they’re doing great.”

Sero gave her a high five the two laughed. 

Kaminari leaned in to you and pressed a kiss on your cheek before he went back to chatting with his two friends. 

  “Just tell me if you’re not okay, okay?”

  “Of course, Denki.” You smiled as you kissed him again.

You shivered a little as you got on the bus and sat in the back with your friends. Kaminari was starting to notice that you weren’t just having a slight chill but you were getting quite cold. 

  “Hey.” He said

You looked over and saw him take off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. The jacket was oversized so it fit you quite well, the sleeves were long enough and it kept you warm. 

  “You don’t have to.” You said as you tried to give the jacket back. 

  “No, no, keep it on. You’re cold, babe.” He said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss on the side of your head. 

You kept it on your shoulders and it helped fight back some of the coldness that you were feeling. Kaminari rubbed your arm and kissed you on the cheek. 

  “Feeling better?” He asked.

You nodded, “Yeah, the jacket helps. Thank you Denki.” 

  “Oh it’s no big deal, that’s what boyfriends do after all.” He chuckled before giving you another kiss. 

You all continued to wildly chatter on the bus. Kaminari stayed close to you, giving you the occasional kiss and just being a comforting boyfriend while you warmed up in his jacket. 

You kept the jacket all the way home and promised to give it back to Kaminari in the morning. He chuckled and told you to keep it, it looked better on you anyway. 

Equal. Pt.2 - BakuKami x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

2915 words

Warnings: Mad Bakugo, sad Kaminari, nothing major

+ After the break up, you avoid the two blondes at all costs. You couldn’t bare to be near them. After a few days, everyone starts to notice the tension between the three of us. You open up to a select few before going home for your birthday weekend. On your birthday, the two blondes show up in attempt to explain, apologise, and make it up to you.

Tokoyami wrapped his arms around me after getting over the initial shock. He didn’t push for answers but just let me cry until I calmed down. I hiccuped as I pulled away. I looked at Dark Shadow as she made a sound of concern. I pet her head.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head. He nodded in understanding. “Is this about Bakugo and Kaminari?” I choked on a sob. He sighed and hugged me again. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat. Get you calmed down and relaxed.”

He led the way off campus and towards some food joints that were nearby. I was silently sniffling most of the time while he went to order the food. Hu didn’t press on the subject but distracted me with random talk. Dark Shadow even kept me entertained until I was relaxed.

“Are you okay to go back to the dorms?” He asked. I sighed but nodded. I glanced outside and saw dark clouds rolling in the sky.

“We better get back before it rains.” He agreed and began the walk back. It was a silent walk back until I finally fessed up. “We broke up.” He stuttered to a stop. He looked at me surprised.

“You want? Which one?”

“Both.” I looked down at the sidewalk.

“My word… very unexpected chain of events.” He said wistfully. I chuckled at his normal decorum. He always had a savior-faire on how to make me feel better even if he was just being himself.

“Yeah…” We got to the steps of Heights Alliance. “I’m going to go to bed. I’m exhausted.” A yawn forced its way out. He chucked.

“Are you going to be okay? I can stay with you if you need it.” He asked.

“No. It’s alright. Plus I’ve kept you from your boyfriend long enough. I know you two had plans.”

“It’s alright. I texted Shoji earlier and he understands.” He assured me. I smiled and hugged him.

“I’ll be okay. It’s going to hard but it’ll be okay.” I pulled back and walked towards the doors. “Now go see your boyfriend!”

We parted ways and I paused for a moment outside. I took a big breath and peaked in. I saw Kiri and Mina at the couches and I could hear Iida and Aoyoma somewhere. There was no sign of Kami and Bakugo. I quickly maneuvered through the common room towards the elevators. They started to open and I heard an unmistakable gruff voice.

“What are we going to do?”

“Shit.” I darted into the stairwell and paused around the corner.

“I don’t know, Kat.” Kami’s voice was shaking. “How could they think they weren’t equal… How could we let them think…” I didn’t want to hear anymore so I quietly ran up to my room.

I spent days avoiding the two blondes with everything I had. Everyone in the class was confused except Tokoyami & Shoji. I think Tsu had an idea but was nice enough to not ask. Kami and Baku both tried to talk to me together and on their own but I never let them.

“So what are you going to do for your birthday in a couple of days? It’s over the weekend right?” Uraraka asked from her spot on the floor. Uraraka, Deku, Yami, Todoroki, and I were lounging in the common room.

“I don’t know. I think I’m just going to go home and hide it out.” I chuckled. I knew nobody was going to be home. My mom had called saying her and dad had to go on a last minute business trip. “I never do much for my birthday anyway. I was going to spend it with…” I paused. A small pang went through my chest. “But that fell through.” Everyone was silent for a minute.

“L/N… we don’t want to pry but,” Deku paused. “Did something happen between you, Kaminari, and Kacchan?”

“We broke up.” I said after a moment. They all burst into hysterics except the two who knew and Todoroki.



“When?” They all started asking questions. Uraraka and Tsu came over and wrapped me in a hug. I hugged back tight and silent tears slid down my cheek.

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I whispered.

“Of course.” Uraraka said hurriedly. Tsu left for a moment and I cuddled with Uraraka in a tight ball. She ran her fingers through my hair and just let me cry into her chest. 

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to arguing and Uraraka’s hands over my ears. I heard Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki. I could hear Bakugo and Todoroki arguing and I could hear Kirishima trying to calm Bakugo down. I opened my eyes and noticed my head was in Raka’s lap and Shoji was kneeling next to me.

“They don’t want to be near you right now, Bakugo.” Todoroki said firmly.

“I don’t need you to tell me something I already know, Icyhot. But I need to talk to them. I need to explain…” I heard a bit of scuffling. “Get out of my was you damn Icyhot!”

“Bakugo! Calm down!” Kirishima’s voice was strained so I figured he was holding the blonde back.

“Let me go, dumb hair!” Bakugo growled. I started shaking in Urarake’s lap and I felt her grip tighten. More tears were adding to the stains on my cheek.

“Kacchan please be quiet.” Deku urged.

“Shut up Deku!” He snapped. “This doesn’t concern you! I need to talk…” I hopped up and darted for the stairs, not able to take anymore. “L/N! Wait!”

“Bakugo!” I heard a chorus of voices before the faint familiar sound of ice crackling echoed up behind me. I ran to my room, wishing the weekend would come sooner. Later that night, I heard soft knocking and Kaminari’s voice barely making it through the wood.

“Baby? Are you there?” He paused. I sat up and looked at the door. “I know you don’t want to talk to us and it’s only me right now but… We are so sorry.” His voice shook. I got up and took silent steps towards the door, setting my hand on the door. “We never meant to make you feel that way. And I know Bakugo didn’t help earlier but we… we just don’t know what to do. We’re desperate.”

“Kami…” He was silent for a minute before a humorless chuckle broke it.

“And you’re probably asleep right now and not hearing a word I say. Ha ha, well goodnight love. Sleep tight.” I heard him walk off. I leant on the door and slid to the floor. I missed them both terribly but didn’t know what to do myself.


I was sitting at home on the balcony a couple of days later. It was my birthday and my phone had blown up with messages from my friends and family, even Aizawa-sensei.  My parents had called me and talked for a while. They hung up with promises of going to my favorite restaurant and more when they got home. The only people that haven’t gotten ahold of me were Bakugo & Kaminari.

“I’m getting hungry.” I muttered to myself as I watched the clouds. I got up to go inside when I heard my name being called.

“L/N!” I gave a confused look around before leaning over the railing to see two familiar blondes on the ground below me.

“What are you doing here?” I called back.

“We’ll explain. Can we come up?” Kaminari asked. I paused and thought about it. My mind and heart fought with each other. My heart won.

“Yeah. Come on up.” I stepped inside and went to wait by the door. A soft shock came and I let the two in. I led them in and they followed silently. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Kaminari smiled at me. I looked and saw Bakugo wouldn’t meet my eyes. He was looking around and I saw a confused expression come over his face.

“Where are your parents?” He said.

“In Nagasaki on a business trip.” I revealed. Bakugo finally looked at me with surprise.

“So you came home even though no one was here? To spend your birthday…alone?” He asked in disbelief. I just shrugged before walking into the kitchen. I began to look through the fridge and pantry looking for something to eat. “We brought you food.”

“What?” I turned to the two.

“Bakugo made you your favorite.” Kaminari pointed. I saw a nicely prepared and packaged meal in Bakugo’s hand that I hadn’t noticed before. I stood there agast because I didn’t think they knew my favorite meal.

“It’s still warm.” Bakugo opened it and set it in front of me. It smelled amazing. I looked up at them. They both looked like lost puppies, not sure what to do next. I gave them a soft smile.

“Looks and smells amazing.” I said. I saw their shoulders relax. I got a fork and took a bite. “I hate to say it Bakugo but… you’re a better cook than my grandmother.”

“So you like it?” Bakugo rubbed his arm.

“Of course I do.” I smiled. “Come on, We’ll talk in the living room. Make yourselves comfortable.” We all sat down. I looked at them and could tell they were trying to figure what to say. I offered them a bite and while they chewed, I spoke up. “I heard you Kami. The other night. ” He sputtered while Bakugo looked between us confused.

“You did?” He asked nervously.

“Yeah. I was still up and heard every word.” I looked down at my food.

“I, I…” Kami stopped to take a breath. “I meant every word I said. We are both really sorry. We didn’t even realize…”

“We are so stupid to not to have seen what we were doing to you.” Bakugo said through his teeth. I could read that he was beating himself up all over his face. “We were just trying to … We should have realized that you would feel weird coming into an already established relationship.”

“We could have and should have helped you better.” Kami hid his face in his hands. Noone said anything for a few minutes.

“I should have said what I was feeling. Not kept it to myself.” I admitted. I set the bowl on the table. “I just felt left out when I would come into a cuddly movie night and not know. A text ahead of time to tell me would have been nice. And when you both freaked out at me over coming in when you were doing whatever it was When you invited me over hurt. It also hurt when you practically ripped me a new one for just looking around.”


“I felt left out a lot of the time.” I looked up at them. They were watching me with sad eyes. They shared a look before Kami crawled over to me. He wrapped his arms around and hugged me tight.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into my hair.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have yelled like I did. I also shouldn’t have acted that way in the common room.” Bakugo cuddled up to my back, burying his head in my neck. I had missed them both so much.

“I’ve missed you.” I admitted. I reached back and ran my fingers through Bakugo’s hair and held onto Kami’s hand. Both of them moved in closer and held me tighter.

“We’ve missed you too.” They both mumble. I could tell they were wanting to ask that one question but also they didn’t want to cross a line.

“Katsuki, Denki.” They both looked up at their given names. I signed. “Equal? Right?” I saw both of them perk up. Denki shook his head vividly.

“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed. I turned to Kat and I saw watery eyes staring back at me. He was frozen. “That?” Denki reached and cupped his face.

“Yo-you’re serious?” He stuttered. “You’ll take us back? I didn’t completely screw this up?” I turned and hugged him tight. I felt him sigh in relief and felt water droplets hit my skin. Denki joined in the hug.

“We’ll be better.” Denki said into my hair.

“We promise.” Kat pulled away and I wiped his tears before he could hide the fact that he was crying. He turned quickly and pecked my palm. He reached out and grabbed my food. “Finish your food.”


I finished my food with a few bites going to each of the boys. That immediately turned into a cuddle session while catching up on (TV/show), which we had started before everything happened. It was getting later when Kat spoke up. I was leaning back against his chest while Denki was in my lap.

“Come back with us to the dorms?” He asked. Denki looked up at me hopefully. I hummed as I thought for a moment.

“I don’t see why not.” I finally said.

“Yes!” Denki threw up his hands in triumph.

“Ep!” I yelped, moving away from his wild hands.

“Watch it, Sparky!” Kat snapped, blocking his hands.

“Sorry!” He jerked his hands down.

“You’re going to have to let me up so I can go pack up my bag, Denks.”

“No!” He rolled over and buried his face in my stomach. I groaned and looked back at Kat for help.

“Come on Spark plug.” He reached and poked his side. Denki yelped and popped up. I hopped to my feet and laughed as Kat kept pestering Denki.

It was only a little bit before I had the apartment locked up and we were leaving. I sent a text to my parents to let them know. As we got closer to UA, Denki got more and more giddy. Kat to my bag as we walked up to Heights Alliance. I could see Kat had a small smirk.

“Okay. What’s up with you two?”

“We’re just happy.” Denki pulled me into a quick kiss before running inside. I turned to look at Kat. He just shrugged and grabbed my hand. He pulled me inside and I was bombarded with yells.


“Happy Birthday!” I jumped and saw the whole room decked out and everyone was there. Uraraka and Mina came running at me.

“Guys!” I hugged them. Tokoyami came up and hugged me next. “This is, thank you guys.” I turned back to Kat. He was fully smirking now. I chuckled and hit him in the chest. “Sneaks.”

“Not sorry.”

The party was in full swing when Denks pulled me to the side. He pulled me over to Kat who was waiting by the front window. Once next to him, Kat pulled us in for a hug.

“What’s up you guys?”

“We have something for you.” Kat said. He reached for a box next to the window. He handed it to me. I looked at them before going to open it. I pulled off the paper and opened the box.

“Oh my.” I gasped. Laid nicely in the box was an array of items. 

First was a personalized photo album with a collage of our hero logos and friends logos on it. Inside were a multitude of pictures of us and the rest of the class over the past year. Next was a coffee cup I had been wanting. “Don’t speak, not yet, OK I’m listening” was written at different levels on the cup. The last thing was what took my breath away.

“Guys…” I pulled out the Silver necklace. I looked at it and saw there were two charms on it. A black lightning bolt and a little gold explosion burst. I looked up to say something but stopped when they pulled matching necklaces. Only theirs had a charm to match my quirk and the opposite boys.

“We hope you like it.” Denki said nervously. Kat was blushing.

“This is what we were working on all this time.” Kat said while walking over. He took the necklace and put it on me. “The party, your presents… We freaked out because we didn’t want the surprise ruined.”

“We should have just explained but were both a little dumb sometimes.” Denki walked up as Kat wrapped his arms around me from behind. Denki did the same from the front.

“I love everything. Thank you so much!” I snuggled up to them. “This day only would have been better if my parents were home but it’s still been the best day ever.”

“Good."Kat gruffed.

"We’re sorry again.” Denki kissed the end of my nose.

“I know. It’s alright. You don’t have to apologize anymore.”

“We still feel like we need to make it up to you.” Kat muttered. I sighed and leant into him. I perned up when a thought popped into my head.

“Fine. I know how you can do that.”

“How?” They chorused.

“When the party’s done, we have a snuggle party in my room for the rest of the night.” I said while looking between them. “Deal?”

“Deal.” Denki said. He kissed me cheerfully.

“Do we really have to wait for the end of the party?” I swore it was almost a whine that came from Kat’s mouth. Denki and I both laughed while the blush from earlier returned to Kat’s face. He pouted before hiding himself in my neck.

“Katsuki’s a sucker for snuggles!” Denki exclaimed.

“Spark plug!”

Oh, it was good to be back with my boys.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee


hey there! it’s been a while! i’m still alive so here is me as everyone’s favourite single brain celled electric moron: KAMINARI!

i love these photos so much!

just me
