#bnha so



Being Midoriya Izuku’s imaginary friend.


This was inspired by the fantastic game (imho) Finding Paradise, an installment of the To The Moon series. If you’d like, you should check it out!

  • Bakugou’s relentless bullying resulted in many children avoiding young Midoriya out of fear he’d target them next. Others would instead partake IN the bullying, in hopes of evading the blonde’s ire or perhaps joining his little gang.
  • Not too long after that, you appeared! A gentle (sometimes) hand to keep him company. Speak with him, play with him, share with him. That was your duty.
  • Thanks to you, he wasn’t lonely or scared, or afraid. Everytime you were around, you helped ease him out of those feelings.
  • Sometimes, you’d tease him about his hero obsession til’ he blushed like a red tomato. You’d even call him “Red Might!” As a nickname, much to his dismay.
  • Sometimes on harsher days, he’d practically cling to you and want nothing but your presence. When that happened, you’d grab him by the hand and drag him off to your “special place” (another section of the park) and play around together. That really helped
  • One time, you’d threaten to beat up his bullies for him. But he declined the offer, because it wasn’t the right thing to do. That and… You weren’t real.
  • You had each other in the end. And so long as you existed, you promised to protect him.
  • What should of been a simple childhood phase sort of stuck with him. He matured, and grew, but some things stayed. And one of them, was you.
  • Of course, you weren’t in child form anymore, but rather appearing like a young teenager like Midoriya. Yet, your personality didn’t falter! You were still yourself, looking out for him and being there by his side. Which he appreciated.
  • Midoriya had grown so use to having your presence around him, he more or less forgot you weren’t even real nowadays. He had a whole story thought out for you: a random kid who lived out of town from where he was, but still managed to hang out with him. And for the most part, people believed it.
  • In his eyes, you WERE real. You were there for him through everything, from the day he was a young boy to him training to become a hero.
  • Whenever people asked about his life, one of the special individuals he’d bring up first would be… His mother… And you. Sometimes though, he’d get a bit reluctant whenever people started prying for more information about his “never before seen friend”, only giving the background and an excuse for why you weren’t around.
  • Although you meant the world to him, Midoriya slowly paid less and less attention to you. He began spending his hours into training, studying, mentoring under All Might, and hanging out with his squad.
  • It didn’t bother you much, because you loved Midoriya. If he was happy, you were happy. One time you teased him about how distant you two had gotten recently, which caused him to slightly choke for a minute before apologizing about it. You could tell he regretted the little time he had for you now, but you reassured him that it didn’t matter. You were fine!
  • Watching Midoriya’s transformation really was something. He went from a raining sprinkler to an occasional rain cloud.
  • After so long, he was finally growing up! And you couldn’t have been more proud of him!
  • Of course… Growing up means things change. It was time, you figured..
  • Staying any longer would be pointless, he needed to place his utmost attention on real life rather then the fantasy world you represented.
  • He needed to move on.. from you.
  • So, late on his birthday when his friends had disappeared from the celebration. You told Midoriya to follow you somewhere speical.. well, you more like demanded him too, because he wouldn’t move from his bed which felt unusually comfortable right now.
  • With a small displeased groan from Mr. Broccoli, you guided him out of the house. As you went, Midoriya began falling back, speed growing progressively slower. If it weren’t for you dragging him, he probably would of halted right in his steps.
  • After perhaps an hour, you two wound up in a familiar place.
  • The park.
  • He wondered why you brought him here, but you simply smiled and continued holding his hand. Traversing through the area in a slow manner while enjoying the gentle rays of moonlight that glowed the ground underneath you two.
  • Finding a place under a tree, you sat down and enjoyed the crisp moonlit air, while Midoriya tried sitting next to you in spite of how uncomfortable the spot was.
  • Although it was dark, the moon’s illumination helped brighten up the place. It was peaceful, perfect for your farewell.
  • You always admired Midoriya and his dedication to make you feel real. Even now, he pretended like he could actually feel your hand in his. Like yours really held warmth.
  • Midoriya knew why you had brought him here, he always did. But he didn’t want to say his goodbyes to you, which is why he tried stopping himself from coming here.
  • He didn’t want you to go, he didn’t want this to be his final moments with you. You tried telling him how silly this whole thing was, that people would laugh at him if they knew.
  • He didn’t care. Why should he? You were there for him since day one. you helped make him who he is today, you taught him how to be stronger! To be brave! To never give up!
  • You laughed, saying you taught him nothing but what he already knew. All he ever wanted was a friend, and you stepped in to take that role. Now that he had real friends, he didn’t need you anymore.
  • Midoriya refused to believe that. He told you he’d always need you as he looked up to the stars that glittered the sky above him.
  • Midoriya had to learn that, staying with you meant he was still staying in his head. He needed to focus on the things that mattered, so he’d be able to appreciate life. Appreciate the time he has and to enjoy his future ahead.
  • You reassured him that, one day you’d come back, and on that day he’d tell you everything that happened in his life. even when you were gone, you were gonna protect him in your own way.
  • …to your suprise, he wasn’t balling his eyes out. He was quiet though, and his eyes held sadness in them.
  • Getting up from your spot, you stood tall and stretched your limbs. A small yawn leaving your lips. As you were about to walk off, Midoriya stopped you.
  • “Hey, I haven’t even…said goodbye yet..”
  • You smiled, bringing him to his feet. Wrapping your arms around him for one final embrace, you said in the softest voice:
  • “you already did, Midoriya… A long time ago”
  • And like that, you were gone.
  • Midoriya stood there for awhile. Alone and cold. He knew moving on was what you wanted, but it didn’t mean he had to like it at first.
  • Midoriya went on as normal eventually, but when people would bring you up he’d only ever say that you moved somewhere far away, and spoke with fondness of your memory.
  • He held onto the hope that, one day, you’d come back. And when you would, he’d tell you everything that happened in his life.
  • Until then, he’ll keep you close to his heart and memory.

(check this song out. But spoilers!!)
