#body switch


Head Swap - Cure Berry (2019-2021)

This series of illustrations made for Mako features the very first commission I have ever done!

A guy suddenly swaps with one of his Pretty Cure figures, and he now has the body of Cure Berry (Aono Miki) from the neck down!
He was freaked out at the start, but after exploring his new body, and going on a bit of a shopping spree, he seemed to like his new body.
So much so that he eventually decided to “gift” some new bodies to his friends!

Part 1 was drawn in 2019, Part 2 in 2020, and Part 3 in 2021.

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Transformation - Centorea’s Mom

Here’s a line art transformation commission made for Einherjar.

Something seems to have caused his male OC to magically transform into Centorea Shianus’ mother from Monster Musume. He’ll most likely need a new wardrobe after this as well…

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Body Swap 04 - Bully

A young man has to face an extremely difficult situation when his own mom swaps bodies with his school bully! It looks like the bully is taking absolute full advantage of the situation too, at the expense of his poor victim, naturally.

This body swap was the winner of our first poll in March. Want to help by deciding the next one? Cast your vote in the next poll over on Patreon.

Feel free to check out the full resolution & alternative version on my Patreon!

Body Swap Comic - Lusamine and Yamask (2020)

Here’s a single page Pokémon body swap comic made in 2020 for TSFSingularity.
A wild Yamask wanders into Lusamine’s bedroom and swaps bodies with her!
Of course, these are just a few things a ghost would probably do if they finally got a body again, especially if they got a knockout body like Lusamines’!

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Head Swap - Gamers × Tekken (2019)

This was one of the first full color head swap illustrations I made for Mako, as well as one of my very first commissions!

Two brothers have swapped heads with the characters they were playing as from Tekken! Namely Josie Rizal and Lucky Chloe!

This illustration was initially made in 2019. I will be releasing some of my older illustrations in between new ones every now and then.

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Body Swap - Dylan and Mileena

A line art body swap commission for SharkKingDylan featuring his OC swapping with a femme fatale from Mortal Kombat!

Something has caused Dylan to end up in the body of the dangerously sexy Mileena! Mileena (in Dylan’s body) is hell bent on taking her body back by force!

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Please also consider checking out SharkKingDylan’s Twitter!

Body Swap - Lucina and Tharja

This F2F body swap line art commission was requested by SwapperSonic1991.

Tharja was jealous of all the attention that Lucina was getting from Robin, so she decided to cast a body swap spell!

Art by me, dialogue by SwapperSonic1991

Feel free to check out the full resolution version on my Patreon!

Head Swap 019 - Groom

A lucky(?) groom gets himself a lap dance at his bachelor party, when suddenly he swaps heads with a stripper!

Guess it’s going to be even tougher to hide the fact that his buddies took him to a strip club to celebrate… At least the wedding will be, interesting.

This head swap was the winner of our second poll in March. Want to help by deciding the next one? Cast your vote in the next poll over on Patreon.

Feel free to check out the uncensored full resolution version on my Patreon!

Possession - Shinji in Asuka Part 2

Here’s a sequel to the full art possession commission made for LaconiaTSF featuring Shinji Ikari taking over the body of Asuka Langley.

Shinji is keen to try out some outfits in his new body, starting out with Asuka’s classic plug suit, that should fit him way better this time!

Part 1: Possession - Shinji in Asuka

Feel free to check out the uncensored full resolution version on my Patreon!

A second chance

Trust me, its incredibly boring to be a ghost. At least I thoight that till some time ago when I found out thta I can possess people.

In my ghost form, I’m trapped in the building I died in. The good thing is that this building is a hotel so I could haunt some guests who came to sleep here ober the last 150 years. Sadly that got boring very fast. But I found out that I can possess unsuspecting people, and when I possess someone, I can leave the building.

I possessed multiple people already, men and women alike. It was great to walk around and see how the city had changed over the last 150 years. Now, there is a guest in the hotel who booked a room for 3 months and I’ll spend some of that time as him.

The day, where I wanted to possess him had arrived and he got into an elevator to get to his bike. I got ready to pull down his pants so I could enter him through the widest hole.

He took out his phone and stopped the elevator to make a mirror selfie and I thought that would be a great opportunity to expose him.

Sadly, I didnt get the timing right. I pulled his leather pants down and pushed myself into his hole. As I entered he dropped his phone  and helmet and he let out a deep moan. He pulled his pants in front of his dick up and tried to grab for the thing that tried to invade him, but he couldnt touch me. I entered further and managed to lift him in the air. The tip of his boots scraped over the metal surface of the elevator. He still tried to grab me but I was already so far in that he lost control over some of his motor functions. His body started to shake and the only noise he could get out were some gargling sounds. I entered his body completely and it fell to the ground. I rearanged my own ghostly limbs with his flesh and stood up.

I finally felt a body again. I felt how pre-cum dripped from his hard, pulsating cock against the warm leather pants, how his clothes fit like a second skin. I felt the deep breaths as the body was partially exhausted from me. I smelled the sweat. It was great to be a living human being.

I pulled up my pants completely, tucked the white shirt back in and took my phone and helmet from the ground. I let the elevator continue and went to my motorcycle. As I arrived, I put on my gloves and searched his memories and how to drive.

When  I was alive, there were no motorcycles. The first cars were just released but nothing else. I took the memories and how to drive and I found out that I possessed Jason, a bike lover and son of a billionaire family.

I drove off through the surrounding landscapes. It was the greatest feeling I’ve ever experienced. It felt like freedom.

This was the moment where I decided to extend my stay in Jason from around three days to around a week.

Now he has to leave the hotel as the three months are over. I have to admit that I stayed inside Jason for almost the complete three months. I left his body after two weeks but I felt insecure and as if I had lost a part of myself whenever I wasnt in him so I possessed him again when he slept.

I packed his things, ready to leave the hotel until Jason dies. I couldnt let him leave without me.

Now two months later it feels liberating driving on the streets, living somewhere else. I was stuck in that hotel for 150 years. I deserved a different life and I see this as my second chance. Sometimes I feel sorry for Jason as I took over his life, but that is a sacrifice I can live with.

“I wasn’t looking specifically for you man. You were just the easiest to go for.”, the nerd said.

Nick just stared at the nerd, who managed to ambush him from behind, right when Nick finished his workout session and wanted to go for a piss before changing clothes. Now, sitting uncomfortable on the toilet seat, he couldnt move a muscle, probably because of some muscle relaxant that was injected through the syringe which was still sticking in his biceps. His whole body felt numb.

What does he want, Nick thought. His money? His credit card? His car keys? That was right before the nerd started to strip completely naked.

Nick tried to fight back but he was unable to do so. I dont want to get rapid, he thought.

The nerd undressed himself and turned Nick around, letting him stare against the wall.

Nick felt how the nerd came closer to let his finger run over Nicks back.

“You will a slight discomfort but dont worry, It wont hurt.”, the punk said. “You know, some time in the future you wont remember this. It’ll be like a bad dream and everything between now and then will be your own memories. Nothing to worry about, right?”

Nick was confused, what does the nerd mean?

The nerd lifted Nick with ease and placed himself beneath Nick so that his dick was gliding without any problems into Nicks ass. Nick felt how the small rod wiggled from left to right until it felt like his dick was extending towards Nicks thick cock with a tingle. It was almost a great feeling, thought Nick as the tingle spreads through his whole lower body.

The nerd takes Nicks hairy legs and aligns them ontop of his own. After that Nick feels how he slowly sinks towards the toilet seat. He notices how something glides through his skin into his body. That was when Nick started to feel his calves twitch but it wasnt him who did this.

“Mmmhhh, those muscles feel so great. Let me in deeper, jockboy.”, the nerd said.

There was a pleasure in his voice that caused Nick to shiver. He tried in horror to fight back whatever the nerd is doing to him but he couldnt move a muscle.

The nerd grabbed Nicks chest and pulled it towards him which lead to the tingle to spread in Nicks upper body causing his cock to twitch.

The nerd cackled and Nicks arms started to move. They fondled with Nicks naked body until they’ve reached his head and grabbed it. Nick felt how the head of the nerd came closer, breathing right into his ear.

“I’ll love the time being you. Thank you for your cooperation.”, he whispered.

Nicks hands pressed his head right against the nerds and after a short time, it glid into one.

Nicks body stood up, letting out a deep sigh. The nerd loved controlling this tall and fit body. He put Nicks shorts on and admired his muscular new body in the mirror.

It was not safe to explore this body to the fullest in the locker room so he grabbed Nicks sportbag and left the gym to go to his new home.

That was now almost a year ago and the nerd probably enjoys being Nick too much as he had planned to stay inside him for 3 months.

The nerd took good care of Nicks body as he trained almost daily. It was never easier for the nerd to gain muscles so he thought that it wont be  a problem to stay inside Nick for a little longer.

Detective Mark

It was largely a standard mission. To infiltrate and arrest criminals and drug dealers. Not a big thing.

The problem is that they’ve managed to get their hands on one of those body possession machines. Thats how they managed to get out of prison. According to the latest report, they have taken teenagers in possession. After that mission everything changed, but let me tell you about it from the start.

I was making myself something to eat as my boss walked in to talk to me.

“I got a new mission for you, Mark. Top secret, if you agree to do it.”, he said.

“I’m listening. What should I do?”, I answered.

“Criminals escaped the prison. Kenny Miller and Dan Schwarz. You know them?”

“Of course. I was the one who brought them behind bars. How did they escape?”

“Body possession. They got two guards which we later found unconscious 2 miles next to the prison.”

“And my mission is to arrest them?”

“Roughly, yes. According to our latest reports they’ve managed to possess bodies of teenagers on a high school to start selling drugs again.”

Now I knew what he wanted.

“I wont do that. You know I’m not into that.”, I said.

“Top secret,  remember Mark. You’re in.”, he answered with a grin.

I let out a deep breath.

“Who will I take over?”, I asked.

“The adoptive son of my dead sister.  He goes to the same school and was friends with the possessed victims. He is ready, so if you could follow me.”

My boss walks away and I follow him through a door into the next room. The machine took almost the entire space of the room and by the looks of it, it was ready to use.

In front of it was a young guy, probably my new body. He turns around to reveal his thick glasses. He has to be almost blind without them, I thought.

“Hi, I’m Eric.”, he said reaching forward to shake my hand. I felt how he checked me out. How he glanced at my arms, my beard and my boots.

I shook his hand.

“I’m Mark. I’ll be the one you’re swapping bodies with.”, I said.

I saw how his eyes lightened up until my boss started talking.

“Not really.”, he said. “As Mark needs your knowledge about the school Eric, we’ll place his consciousness over yours.”

“So we’ll be two guys in one body?”, I asked.

“Correct.”, he answered.

Eric and I sit down at the opposite ends of the machine. Arms, legs and head are tied to the machine. We both give the sign that we are ready. I close my eyes and count to 3. As I open them again, everything looks blurry.

“I cant see shit!”, I said with a high pitched voice.

Cant wait to have my body back soon, this body is not made for a man like me, I thought.

I’m sorry that you dont like my body but you agreed to do this mission, I heard the high pitched voice in my head. Erics voice.

Off to a great start, didnt know we could hear each others thoughts, I thought. This time Eric stayed quiet.

Someone put myself glasses on. We got untied and I stood up. It was weird to control such a lean body. I looked over to my real body, laying unconscious in the seat. I missed it already but that it was unconscious was better than someone else walking around as me. Last time I switched bodies for work it was with a 70 year old man. My body was sticky when I got it back and my bathroom and some of my clothes were full with cum. So disgusting to think of someone jerking off in my body. Especially when it was a 70 year old.

In the evening I got driven to the school where I should arrest Kenny and Dan.

Two days later I finished the mission and got driven back to the police station. I entered the room with the machine again and saw my old body still laying there as if it wasnt moved. I was so happy to see it again. I sat down on the seat, closed my eyes and counted to 3. I felt my real body again. The warm leather jacket, my tight pants and shirt on my muscles. I wiggled my toes in my leather boots. It felt so great not wearing those Chucks anymore.

I opened my eyes to see that I was still tied to the machine.

“You can untie me now, guys.”, I said. It was so great to hear my deep voice again.

Only now I noticed that something wasnt right. The only person with me and Eric in the room was my boss. Normally, multiple people would operate the machine.

I looked at my boss who was talking to Eric. Both whispered.

“Is everything alright?”, I asked.

Both of them looked at me and Eric chuckled.

“My nephew said that you were quiet cocky in his body. You made nasty remarks about his clothes, his looks and so on. As compensation, he’ll use your body for some time”, my boss said.

I was shocked. I never thought something like this would happen.

“Wait, no. This is not true!”, I shouted. “I never said something like this.”

But it was to late. My boss pressed the button again and I felt how Erics soul entered my body. It was a cold feeling, causing me to shiver. I tried to push him back into his own body but through the help of the machine he overpowered me. I felt how I lost control of my limbs, my muscular body.

Its a pleasure to use this body, I heard Erics voice in my head.

My boss looked at me with a dark grin as he said:“Codename.”

“Exodus”, I heard myself answer.

“Good it worked.”, my boss said as he untied my body.

I had no control over my body as it stood up and my arms started to touch my body. Eric took off my leather jacket and sniffed it. He let out a moan and grabbed my dick. I felt how my dick raised and I couldnt do anything.

“You have 30 minutes for yourself in the bathroom. Here are some clothes we took from his home.”, my boss said as he took out a black sportsbag. He opened it to give us a look.

“I see you in 35 minutes in my bureau, Mark.”, he said leaving the room.

Eric grabbed the bag and went through the other door into the bathroom. We were alone.

He started to sniff my sweaty armpits and to lick my biceps. He rubbed my cock in my jeans while flexing my muscles in the mirror.

I felt how pre-cum started to drip into my jockstrap and I couldnt do anything against it.

Eric opened my belt and took my dick out of my jockstrap. He wanked it off but he didnt manage to shoot my load. He wanked so hard that he started to stumble. He looked down at my feet. At my black leather boots.

I always wanted to wear boots like this, even though I have to learn how to properly walk in them, his thoughts said.

Eric sat down on a toilet seat and pulled both boots off. He wiggled with my toes in my gold toe socks as he raised the first boot to my nose and put my dick into the second. I could smell the warm, worn leather and the sweat and I felt how that turned Eric on.

I felt how he pressed the top of my dick against the sole of my boot right as my body shot my first load. Eric opened my mouth and let out a loud moan. I was deeply embarrassed.

He switched boots so that I could smell the sweet cum inside my boot which caused me to shoot my second load right into my other boot.

He took off my Red shirt and wrapped it around my dick.

“Watch this.”, he said.

He put both boots, with the cum inside, back on. I felt how my socks started to soak it up, it felt disgusting. Like wet socks. But this caused me to shoot my last load and probably the biggest I’ve ever had into my shirt.

Satisfied with what he did he looked at my watch.

10 minutes left. Time to dress up again, he thought.

He took my jockstrap and my pants off while walking back to the bag.

He looked inside and took a black jeans, jockstrap and a blue shirt out. He put the shirt on, letting my fingertips glide over my abs. He lifted my booted foot to put on my new jockstrap when I heard his thoughts. I dont need this, the jeans will feel great too. So he grabbed my black jeans and put it on. He put on my belt, my gun and my badge. At last he lifted my leather jacket from the bag, sniffed it one last time and put it on. He stuffed the old clothes into the bag and left the bathroom.

He walked into the bureau of my boss.

“Looking good, my son.”, my boss said.

“Mark. We’re not alone.”, Eric answered. He crossed his arms. “What now?”

“First, we just got called to a crime scene. Ready up, we’re driving in 5 minutes.” He made a sign to come closer and Eric walked around the desk to stand next to him.

“After that, we’ll test that body to the max at home.”, my boss whispered.

“Sounds good.”, Eric answered.

The whole trip to the crime scene was torture. I had to see Erics thoughts about my naked body and the one of my boss. So gross. He also looked through my memories. I tried to stop him but I was too weak.

Arriving at the crime scene I felt how my heart started to beat faster. Eric was nervously looking through my memories how to act as me. I didnt bother to stop him as I got weaker every time I tried and as I had to think about what gruesome night stood before me. I had to make peace that he will be me forever.


This story as a commission from a friend.

Officer Jake

I always had a thing for men in uniform. Maybe its because my fit uncle wore his police uniform every day when I was litte and I could see his muscle flex underneath. Since that time I always wanted to wear one too. After I graduated I applied for becoming a police officer but they told me things that I’ve heard way too often: I’m too small, I’m not fit enough and so on.

I tried to fix the latter and applied again, still didnt get the job. So I became janitor at the police station.

Fast forward 30 years and I loved every day of working there. I installed small cameras everywhere overnight. I could watch them undress, shower, put on the uniform and so on. I loved seeing the hunks in uniform every day. I somewhat became family for some of them as they always greet me but even all of that is nice I still have the fantasy to wear one myself.

Of course I wont be able to do this anytime soon as I got chubby again and I still didnt grew 8ver the past decades but my fate was different.

One evening when I started to clean the hallways as every cop was already gone I heard how someone entered the building. I turned around getting ready to fight someone as I saw a beautiful cop with a arrested drug dealer. I admired his chiseled jaw, his muscles flexing underneath his black shirt, his uniform, his combat boots.

“Good to see you here.”, the officer said to me.“Could you watch him as I have to get some papers?”

“Of course.”, I answered. This was thrilling. Being part of an arrestment.

The cop pushed the dealer towards a bank where he sat down. I had to watch him as the cop ran up the stairs towards the bureaus. I watched that twink of a dealer. He looked at his dirty shoes when he suddenly starts to talk to me.

“Arent you bored of this job?”, he says.

“No, this is my first time doing something like this.”, I answered.

“I mean being a janitor. Dont you want a better life? More action? I could give it to you. You’d deserve it.”

I thought about his offer, it sounded too good to be true.

“What do you mean by that?”, I asked.

“I could give you the life of that cop that arrested me. I saw how you looked at him. All of him could be yours. His muscles, his beard, his private life… oh, I think he has a really active private life. Just look at that beautiful hunk.”

“Why wouldnt you swap with him yourself? ”

“Well, I like my body as it is. If I give you his, I want something in return.”

“And that is?”

“In return you let me go and this arrest never happened.”

I really thought about it. I always wanted to be in that uniform. I think he saw it in my eyes as he started to smile.

“Do we have a deal?”, he asked.


“Good. In my front left pocket is a small pill. Take it.”

I pushed my hand inside his pocket, grabbing the pill. As I took it out, I saw a blue and red colored pill.

“Twist it. You have to swallow the blue part and push the red part inside the ass of the person you want to be.”, he said.

“You have to be kidding me. I’ll never push it into his ass.”

“I’m not kidding. Would I do something like this right before I get into prison? I dont think so.”

I had no choice than to trust him. I twisted the pill and swallowed the blue part just in time as we heard the cop coming down the stairs.

“I’m back. You can go back to whatever you were doing.”, the cop said to me.

He walked past me as if I was thin air towards the dealer. This was my chance.

I pushed the cop with his abs against the wall right next to the dealer and pulled his pants down. I squeezed the pill between his ass cheeks before he could even react.

He pushed me to the ground and pulled his pants back up. The dealer laughed.

“You find this funny?!”, the cop screamed towards him.

“No. I find it funny what happens next.”, je said.

I didnt feel a change. The dealer lied to me and now I’m getting arrested too. I had to think of this…

“And you. That was it. I’m going to arrest you too.”, the cop said to me.

He came towards me as I got up from the ground but then he suddenly stopped. His eyes rolled back, revealing the white. He fell over backwards against the wall. He looked he was sleeping.

I took a step towards him as I passed out too.

The first thing I noticed was that something heavy laid on my rock hard dick. As I opened my eyes I saw my old bodies face right on my crotch. I lifted my arms to see the cops muscled arms and gloves. I was speechless, the pill worked. I pushed my old body aside and stood up. I admired and touched my new body.

I started to open my belt to see what I have down there as I heard the dealer. I totally forgot about the dealer.

“Looks like it worked. Now get me out of here.”, he said.

“Yeah….yes…yes! Wait the key has to be here somewhere.”, I answered.

I closed the belt again and started to search for the key in my pocket as a memory from where the cop put the key flashed through my mind.

“I have his memories? ”, I shouted out loud.

“Of course. Now get me out of here.”

I took the key out of my pocket and opened his handcuffs.

“Thanks, officer.”, he said with a smirk.

“No, I have to thank you!”, I said. “But I still have a question. What do we have to do with him?”

I point at my old body.

“Nothing. He wont remember the last30 minutes. He will live your life as if he always had it.”, the dealer said and left.

I left too. I drove to my new home and had the best night ever.

I admired my muscular body and with the stamina of this body I jacked off to my uniform hanging on my wardrobe almost half of the night.

After that I looked through his memories, learning that I’m now officer Jake Pecker, best of my year. I also learned that Jake is gay, has a thing for uniforms and looks for a daddy to have a great evening.

Every now and then when I’m at work I can see my old body sometimes looking at me. I know what he wants. Maybe I hook up with him for a night so that he can live his fantasy once.

‘Why didnt I thought of this…’ I said to myself. I forgot to refuel my motorcycle… now I sit here and my tank is empty.

I got off and started pushing it down the street. Still 147 miles to the next gas station.

After some time I’ve heard a truck coming closer. It stopped next to me and the window got let down. A fat man with beard revealed himself.

“Everything okay?”, he asked.

“My tank is empty.”, I replied.

“I was on my way to the next gas station. Hop in, I can take you with me.”, he said smiling.

I was a bit hesitant.

“What about my bike?”, I asked.

“We can secure your motorcycle in the trailer.”

“That would be great!”

“Allright, you can meet me at the parking spot in front of us.”

He drives away and parks about 150 meters in front of me. I push my bike towards it. The trailer is already open as I arrive and the driver gets out of his cabin.

He was a head shorter and definitely older than me.

We stowed my bike and entered the driver cabin again.

“Thank you for taking me with you.”, I said when he started the truck.

“It’s always a pleasure to help young men in dificult situations.”, he replied.

What a wierd response, I thought.

We drove a short time when he started to do small talk.

“I’m Pete. What is your name?”, he asked.

“I’m Jordan.”, I replied.

“Nice to meet you Jordan. May I ask if you are from around here? I dont see people on a bike her often. Oh, and how old are you? You seem pretty young.”

I was getting suspicious of him. Who would ask such things a stranger? Maybe he just doesnt like silence. I shrug.

My testicle started to itch, what an inopportune time, I thought. Maybe I shouldnt have worn my jockstrap today. I pulled on the tight leather around the area to stop the itching.

From the corner of my eye I saw how he was watching me. To distract him I answered.

“No, I’m not from around here. I’m driving through the whole country right now. And I’m 26.”

“You could be my son with that age. I’m twice as old as you.”, he said and chuckled. “So you’re doing a roadtrip. Alone?”

“I started with a friend but he left. Now I’m doing it alone.”


Some minutes of silence again. I enjoyed it.

“You can put your feet up if you want.  Or take your boots off if they are too uncomfortable or too warm.”, he said out of nowhere.

That was strange, but a nice offer.

“Thanks, but they are in fact really comfortable.”, I answered.

Silence again, I hope this time for longer.

His phone rang and he picked it up. From his responses it sounded like it was a friend.

“Is it okay for you if we do a small stop soon? I have to pick up a friend?”, he asked me after hanging up.

I looked around to find out where he should fit in this cabin. Pete noticed that.

“If you pull the curtains behind you to the side you can see a bed. It would be nice if you stay there until I put him down again.”, he said.

“Alright, I’ll do it.”, I answered.

I pulled the curtains to the side and a gross looking bed got revealed. It had so many stains and chips leftovers. I took a step towards it as I thought that it wouldnt take long but then I felt a sting in my right ass cheek. As I turn around I see how Pete empties a syringe into my butt. I tried to get away but I already started to stumble and fell mostly onto the bed.

Pete parked the truck at the side of the road and closed the window curtains.

“I’m sorry Jordan, but you are really my type.”, he said with a dark grin.

I tried to move but I couldnt. i tried to scream but I could only get out a whimper.

“I injected you with my own creation. It paralyzes every muscle except the heart.”, he said.

He now took my legs and put them onto the bed so that I laid straight on it. He run his fingers all over my body. From my pecks to my feet. He took the zipper from my one-piece-racing-suit and pulled it down till he reached my belly button. He stared for a long time at my abs and then he started to massage and lick them. It kinda felt good, I didnt had such intimate body contact in a long time. I tried to imagine my girlfriend licking my six pack instead of an old creepy guy but it didnt really work.

As he was finished he grabbed my left foot and pulled my boot off. It kinda turned me on. The second it came off I could smell my feet and it was a strong smell. Hey, I never took them or the suit off the whole last week as they were super comfortable and the motels I stayed at never had a shower.

He raised it to his nose and took some deep breaths. I noticed how his dick raised in his jeans and he noticed too. Ho opened his pants and put his dick out. It was pretty small.

“I’ll clean it up. I promise.”, he said as he took my gloved hand to wank while sniffing my boot. He shot his load all over my abs. When he finished he took a wet warm rug to clean my body. It felt great. Then he put my boot back on. I hoped that he would make me able to move again as he pulled out another syringe.

“You know Jordan, now that I played with and observed your body,  I came to the conclusion that you’ll be the new me.”, he said.

I was shocked. What does he want? Does he have a body swap machine somewhere? Dear god, I hope not.

“You’ll be my first body suit. I got this serum from the black market.”, he told me. I tried to move but nothing even twitched. He put the syringe on my neck and with the other hand pressed my cock the last time.

“Dear god, thats huge!”, he shouted as he emptied the syringe.

He took a step back to look at me nervously.

I started to feel my body tingle and then it started. I saw how my chest started to deflate, followed by my legs, arms and head. Pete cheered.

As the transformation finished he lifted me, well my empty skin from the bed, causing my biker clothes to slip completely off.

He sniffed my armpit and groaned. After that he took his clothes of and started to feel for my asshole. He went head first into me. At first it hurt but it felt good shortly after. I felt how his chubby legs filled out my muscular legs, how his fat belly pressed against my well formed abs, how his small dick grew to fill up my huge cock and how his beard tingled for a short time as he slipped his head inside mine.

As he finished he let out a loud moan, but it was my voice.

“I cant wait to put all of this on. I’m sorry Jordan that you had to be it but you were totally my type: tall, good looking, muscular and wearing a racing suit.”, I heard my voice saying.

So he knew that I’d be conscious after he put me on. I dont want this life as a suit.

He took my jockstrap and my thick wool socks and put them on. The socks were wet and cold. Probably because I wore them non stop even at these high temperatures. He took the suit and put it on. After that he lifted my, now his feet, to smell them one last time before he put my boots on. He finished with my gloves and went back behind the steering weel.

He drove close to the gas station, took my bike, filled it up and drove as myself away.

Now almost 2 months later, I almost got used to being worn. At first it felt really weird, as if I’m the boot but after a while I enjoyed it. I had no duties anymore. Pete only took me off once since that day and I can feel how he enjoys being inside me. He loves wearing my clothes, especially the racing suits and normal suits. He loves driving with the motorcycle through the whole country.

Sometimes, when he feels alone he even talks to me. He knows that I cant answer but he just wants to get things off his chest while knowing that someone is listening.

He took me off at my birthday, maybe because of sympathy or because he didnt know how to act that day if he would’ve met someone from my old life that day.

Now he is making money off of instagram by posting pictures of him in my body suit to finance his motorcycle trips.

Jimmy’s pov

I tried to change, I really did. But it just never worked. I tried to do more sports, eat healthier and so on but it didnt show any results so I had to change my plan.

My old doctor told me that I wouldnt have long to live if I dont do anything. I was overweight, had skin problems and almost an organ failure.

I tried a new lifestyle and I failed so new plan.

I moved cities and tried to look for a new body. I knew the ritual through my granny, she teached me it some time before she ‘died’. In reality she swapped bodies and lives a new life on Hawaii.

After some days I found my victim. I had to choose carefully as this ritual only works once in a lifetime. I chose this good looking doctor from the hospital I newly went to.

I observed him for some time to learn his daily routine and then I started to get into his life.

I started to appear at the hospital more frequently so he’d start noticing me. I went to the park where he would go jogging and so on.

One day at the hospital we got into a conversation. We talked about our interests and because I knew what he was doing all the time I managed to brown-nose him. I learned that his name is Mike. It went so far that we exchanged numbers.

I was one step closer to my new life.

We spoke often after that, even met after his workshifts, we sort of became friends. He even tried to help me with my body, he wrote down a diet and what sports I should do. He was so generous and I started to feel bad for him. But I still wanted to commence further with my plan.

One evening, when I knew that he had the night shift all alone, I baked special muffins. They contained sleeping pills. A dose that could almost kill small people, but definitely not that hunk of a man.

So I appeared at his work with those nice muffins. He was oleasantly surprised but to my surprise he ate almost two whole muffins before he fell unconscious.

I dragged him into an empty room and prepared the ritual. I undressed both of us, laid him in the middle of the room and surrounded him with leaves and candles. I took a small bottle with a steong smelling liquid out of my pocket which will be the main part of the ritual but it was missing just one more ingredient. HIS liquid. I started to rub his thick cock. While doing so I admired his muscular body covered in tattoos.

He shot his load and I catched it with my bottle. I was disgusted and turned on at the same time by the fact that I had to drink that. I poured it down and started to feel dizzy. I had no control over my body anymore and I fell down right next to Mike. The last thing I saw before falling unconscious was that Mikes body started to shake and change.

When I woke up I was laying at the same place as before but I wasnt looking at Mike anymore. Well, technically I was but now he looked like my old self. I was thrilled. Looking down at my new body I felt a rush through my body causing my now massive cock to harden. I put Mikes jockstrap and his work clothes on which fitted tight around his muscles. I pulled out my phone and took a quick selfie. I just noticed that that was my old phone. I took out the pin so that Mike as the old me could use it later before grabbing his phone and taking a mirror selfie.

I cleaned up the room and forced Mike to swallow two more sleeping pills just to make sure that he’ll stay unconscious until the morning before I put him in the back of my new car.

I waited until my workshift was over before driving to my old home where I heaved Mike into my old bed. After that I drove to my new home to write a resignation for this hospital and applications for others. I dont want to loose this body as I’ll have a lot of fun with it.


Mike’s pov

This is me but I never took this picture. Well, it was me.

I always wanted to help people so I became a doctor. I always ate healthy and did sports to maintain fit.

That picture was on the phone I found after waking up in Jimmy’s body. It was a horrible experience. Waking up, seeing an unknown ceiling, feeling an unknown bed and then seeing Jimmy’s fat body in the mirror.

I met Jimmy at the hospital I worked at. The first couple of times I saw him, he was a bit creepy. I often caught him staring at me and then he acted as if he never looked at me. After some days seeing him in the hospital I walked towards him. He looked nervous but we had a great chat as we had the same interests. Now after searching through his phone I know that he followed me daily. He didnt have the same interests as me, he just wanted to get closer to me.

My naiv self back then didnt noticed that so we hang out. He may have been creepy at first and not the best looking guy but he had a good heart. At least he made it look like that.

The evening I lost my real body he came to me at work. I had a night shift and he brought muffins with him. He must’ve known that I couldn’t resist muffins. I ate some and then everything went dark. The next morning I woke up as him. I tried to find him at the hospital I worked at to force him to change us back but he resigned that same day.

Now I have to live in this bidy for the rest of my life. I already started to eat healthy and do more sports as if I dont do that I’ll die soon.

This was the last time someone bullied me for being tall and skinny. My teammates always make fun of me, that I wouldnt be a real man even with my attempt of a beard. I would always look like a tall child they said. Now it’s time to change something.

I’ve researched multiple times on how to become manlier and I’ve found a kinda shady looking website. The slogan was:

Come in as a youngster and walk out like a real man.

The adress wasnt far so I thought I should try it. I drove there right after soccer practice. I went into the building. The receptionist looked at me and said:“ You are here to become a real man, am I right?”

I nodded.

“Good, follow me.”

He walked towards a door and I followed him. Behind the door was a small room in it a small glass box.

“Sit down in that box.”, he said.

“This will be a painless transformation. We will pour the serum over you and it will then move into your skin. It will feel warm and good.” I was so nervous. I took one last look in the mirror in front of me.

They started to pour the goo over me. At first it was really cold but it took only seconds until it felt really warm and energizing. I couldnt see as the goo ran down my face and body but I could feel how I started to change. I started to feel how my chest and arms pressed against my jersey or how my socks streched as my legs became bigger.

I sat still until i felt that almost nothing of the goo was left on my body.

I opened my eyes and saw the new me. Muscles, chiseled jaw and everything. I couldnt believe it.

Now its my turn to bully my teammates and I cant wait to do so.

I think you should go out yourself

“You know, if you want one, you can always come to me. I’ve got plenty!”, my best friend Jean said.

“Thanks, I keep it in mind.”, I answered.

I thought about that conversation as I’m laying in my bed. He is talking about his bodysuit collection. In my opinion its kinda gross, keeping the skin of ither people to look like them, but I habe to admit tjat he probably has one of the best collections. Multiple skins of every body type, from fat to skinny to hunky. From bald and shaved to very hairy. From businessman to cop. One for every occasion. He even has a Henry Cavill look-a-like. At least I hope its a look-a-like.

He uses them for his many Grindr profiles, to satisfy his hunger for sex. For myself, I dont think that he needs them. He himself is a great looking guy! Dark hair, hairy body, great muscles, veins, beautiful beard and a small scar on his right eyebrow. So hot!

I always had a slight crush on him, who can blame me for that when he looks that good.

Now I know what I want to do, I want to wear him, not one of his bodysuits.

The next day I’m knocking on Jean’s door. He opens.

“Have you thought about my offer?”, he asked.

“Kind of.”, I answered. “Can we talk about it inside?”

He let me in and I sat down on his couch.

“So, which one do you want?”

“Not really on of yours,  to be honest.”

He looked confused.

“There is this guy at work that I admire. I’d like to wear him. Do you still have the serum?”, I asked. I lied about my coworker but I knew that Jean would believe me.

“Nice! Yeah, I still have some. Wait here, I’ll bring you a syringe.”

He left the room and came back with a small box, handing it to me. In it is the syringe.

“How do I use it?”, I asked.

“Well, you should try to inject it into his neck.”

“Where exactly?”

Jean turned around and pointed towards the back of his neck. That was my chance!

I took the syringe and rammed it into him.

He jumped up in pain.

“What did you do?”

In disbelief, he holds the empty syringe in his hand which I put in his neck. He took some steps backwards,  holding himself up through a shelf. His pants and jockstrap fell down because he started to deflate, revealing his massive hairy cock. He stumbled and fell to the ground.

“I’m sorry Jean. You were my best friend. This had to happen as I think you should go out yourself.”

He looked at me angrily until suddenly no more emotions were visible. Jean was completely turned into a bodysuit.

I lifted it from the ground and put it on. Head first through what once was his ass. Inside him I felt how my skinny body adapted to his muscled body.

Now I cant wait to start my life as Jean!

There was this new limited drug going around, giving you crazy powers. I think I got one if the best: I can possess bodies. At first it was painfull as my body began to crumble. My cells disolved and my soul possessed the nearest person to me. After that I had the power to possess bodies of the person I touch while thinking about it.

It was fun living all those different lives. A teacher, a politicians, I even tried the opposite gender and so much more.

My best possesion back then was Chris Hemsworth.

I managed to get his body on a red carpet. It took me some time to get the body of a security guard close to him but the time had come that day. He got out of his limousine when I hold out my hand to him, then a short moment of dizziness and after that I spent 3 years as the aussie himself: Chris Hemsworth. I even played Thor one time.

But after some time it became boring. I wanted some action in those lifes I’ve had.

I searched for my new victim and it was a dumb muscled cop.

His life was thrilling. Car chases, shootings, locking up criminals and while doing all of that I had this handsome face. But I still wanted more. I began to shoplift, robbing the police vault and even murder. It was such a rush and I managed to blurr my tracks. But after some years I became sloppy. They found clues that spoke against me and I got a new partner for patrols who should secretly spy on me so I made a plan. One evening only the two of us were on patrol and I possessed him.

Before my old self could even realise what I’ve done the last years in his body I knocked him out. He should be my last victim. I drove to an abandoned warehouse and made the scene of the crime beautiful. I layed his dead body on the ground and left. I knew that everything would point towards me, the new partner so I searched for the last body I will possess.

It took me a long time to find the final life I wanted to live. I had to hide often as I the police was searching for me worldwide but one day I saw him on the street. He is the CEO of a rising company. 300 days vacation every year, almost infinite money and every girlfriend/boyfriend I want.

There is this muscled hunk I’m watching since two months. He is my neighbor. He is also the dad of my best friend, Mr. Reid.

My best friend and I are both gay and I told him about my fantasies I want to have with his father. Of course He didnt take it well so I started to have secrets in front of him: I want to turn his father into a skinsuit if I cant sleep with him.

I started to observe the routines of his father and noticed that he goes for a walk from 11am till 12:30pm every day and after that he is alone at home for 1 hour. That is the time I’ll strike.

The day before I wanted to fullfill my plan I visited my best friend and left some of my things in his room so I have a reason to get in on the next day. The next day arrived and I was so aroused. I didnt go to school that day so I could fullfill my plan. I saw my upcoming victim leave his house at 11am and I waited until he came back at 12:25pm. I waited 10 minutes, left my house and knocked on his door.

Mr. Reid opened the door and looked slightly confused. I admired his beautiful grown beard, his short brown hair, his hairy arms and his muscly body. I had to recall my eyes as I noticed that he asked me something.

“I’m sorry, I didnt want to disturb.”, I said, hoping that he would repeat his question.

“It’s all good. What do you want.”, I saw his pecks move beneath his slightly unbuttoned shirt when he talked. He wiped sweat from his lips after he finished the sentence.

“I forgot some things here yesterday and I need them for a school project this afternoon”, I lied. “Could I come in and get them?”

He scratched his head for a short time and answered:“Ehm… yeah of course,  why not.”

He opened the door further and stepped aside, I walked past, he closed the door.

“So where did you leave-”, I pressed my lips against his when he turned around to talk to me. I wanted to feel them and his body in action before I would become them. I took the syringe I prepared with skinsuit serum and stabbed it in his butt.

He pushed me to the ground while he removed the syringe from his butt.

“What the f**k did you do?”, he said, starting to walk towards the bathroom holding his stomach as if he has to throw up when it started to happen.

His right foot deflated, followed shortly by his left one leaving two thick wool socks and a beautiful pair of brown leather boots on the floor. He fell down pulling with a slight scream, now pulling himself towards the bath.

I saw how his muscular legs started to deflate, leaving his brown cargo pants and to my surprise a jockstrap behind.

After that everything went so fast, both arms, his well build torso and his head deflated when a black, slimey goo crawled through his nose and face onto the ground. That was Mr. Reid. I took an empty jar from the kitchen and returned to the black goo laying next to the big pile of skin in a shirt. I scooped the goo into the jar and towards something more important: the skinsuit.

I grabbed it and by the head and lifted it up from the ground. The feet still touched the ground as he was 6 inches toller than me. His shirt fell to the ground revealing his now deflated hairy chest. I turned it around, laid it onto a desk and stripped. I could already smell his sweat and that turned me on. I started to stretch his hole so I can get in, head first I had to wiggle a bit around to get confortable in my new body but shortly after everything sort of snapped into place. Looking through my new eyes I stood up from the table now towering at 6'2". I looked at the clock to see how much time I have to admire my new body but I had to find out shockingly that I only had 10 minutes until my best friend would be home. I quickly put the shirt back on, hid my boner in my jockstrap und put my pants back on followed by the thick socks and smelly boots.

I grabbed the goo from the jar and swallowed it to gain his memory. I saw his life running before my eyes, how his wife died, how he got closer to his son and that they sometimes fuck each other. Now I knew why my best friend thought so bad about my fantasies: he doesnt want his dead to fuck him and his jest friend.

I collected my old clothes and the syringe from the ground and threw them outside into the trash. Just in time because my best friend was just coming up the driveway.

He waved towards me as I shouted towards him:“Good afternoon son. How was school?”

“Not so good dad. Could we do our thing inside?”, he answered.

I knew what he wanted to do and I was all in for it. I was thrilled to test this incredible body and thick cock.

The payback

Because of the pandemic everything changed. Gladly I got to keep my job everyone had to work from home. That was my salvation from the comments of my hunk coworker Cole. I’m overweight, coming in on 350 pounds, now even more througg the pandemic. I have bad skin and have to wear baggy, worn out clothes.

The hunk of a coworker I have always made fun of my weight and appearence and I almost couldnt handle it anymore but the pandemic saved me.

Sadly now the company has decided that two employees should always be present. As it had to be I got paired with that hunk and I should work directly next to him for the next 3 months.

On the first day he already started again with his comments. He compared the two of us: He was muscular and well built, I was overweight, he always wore nice suits (even now when only I could see him), I wore baggy clothes. That evening, I decided that I want to get back on him. I searched the internet for body swap spells and hypnosys and I found good stuff.

He always listened to music while at work so I hacked his spotify account and put some hypno tracks in his playlist. After only 6 days he was completely servant.

The first days I had him under control, I often wanted to feel his massive cock in me or I wanted to get sucked by him. It was an incredible feeling, as if his dick and lips were made for those 2 things. Sadly that got boring after some weeks so I pulled out the body swap spell I looked up.

I made him suck my dick a last time, pulled my pants back up and I put him out of hypnosys.

He looked at me weird after he noticed that his head was on the same level of my dick. He got back into his seat and wanted to speak as I started to say the spell.

He stopped in the middle of his first word and his movements froze. I finished the spell and fell unconscious.

When I woke up I saw a 350 pounds man sitting in front of me who was watching his body in disbelief. He looked at me and started shouting:“ What did you do?! Change us back or I’ll tell everyone what you did!”

The way he talked, I knew that Cole Was in my old body.

“Who will believe you? You were always the weird one,  you know that, you always made fun of it.”, I answered with Cole’s deep and manly voice. I chuckled. This was better than everything I had dreamed of.

“I’m going home now fatass. I need to jerk off.”, I said making a hand gesture in front of my new dick. This new cocky attitude was new but I like it. I felt how my dick hardened and how I started to think about bad comments towards my old body as I left the company’s building.

The good teacher

This is my new gym teacher, Mr. Ben Ashford. Isnt he hot? He joined our school 4 months ago to bring us through our graduation and I have a crush on him since the first day I saw him.

He is a nice guy, he gave all of us good grades, well except for me and my friend. He says he isnt homophobic but he dislikes us after he found out that we’re gay. He gave both of us worse grades even though we are as good as the others, while being skinnier. He also embarrassed us in front of the class so hard that we were scared to go to the gym classes. We were looking for excuses to not be there until I found an ancient potionbook from my grandmother.

To his surprise we joined the gym classes again, after we missed it for 2 months. We were there to get the last ingredients for our spell: a piece of clothes and sweat from the person I want to become.

After the gym classes ended we saw him going into the teacher cabbin.

My friend and I looked at each other and nodded. We trained for this!

My friend knocked at the teacher’s locker and lured Mr. Ashford away. I sneaked into the locker and looked for freshly used clothes. I took a used sport shirt, a pair of used socks and underpants. Just to make sure that I have enough.

Back in the normal changing room, I pressed the sweat out of his shirt and put it into the already prepared potion.

I put on his clothes I just stole, performed a spell and drunk the potion. Just seconds after that I fell unconscious.

When I woke up I saw my friends face in front of me. He had a smirk on his face and I knew that the potion worked.

As I stood up I noticed my muscles twitching and I went to the bathroom with my friend to play with my new body. I stripped down until I only wore my underwear and I started flexing my muscles and touching my face. It was such a surreal experience.

My friend and I were both so turned on that we had a quick fuck in the school bathroom. Who else than him could now say that they got fucked by the hottest teacher of our school. Of course we had to keep it a secret but still.

We’ve put our clothes back on and went back to the normal locker. I saw my old skin completely deflated on the floor. I know that the spell was irreversible but it was still hard to see it laying there. I grabbed it and put it into my sports bag. I have to get rid of it sometime in the future. As the schoolday ended, I put on my new normal clothes and left towards my new home, starting to live my new life.

Fast forward 8 months, the prom is today and I’m celebrating my friends and students graduation. The last 8 months were great, I gave my friend good grades and I bullied the homophobic ones.

I had so many grindr dates with my new body that I lost count. It really is a dream come true.

But now I have to celebrate the graduation I should’ve been in.

Childhood love

There is this woman I like, Rosalind, and today is her wedding. She’ll marry my old roommate Dean and I’m pretty jealous. His body had great proportions and he managed to get quite some muscles in the last couple of years while I always was the short, chubby and shy guy.

Ros and I know each other since we were 5 years old. I always saw her as more than my best friend, while she saw me only as a best friend. Maybe she thought of me as a boyfriend but she never showed it and I was always to shy to tell her my feelings and now it’s too late.

As Ros best friend I was one of the groomsmen on her wedding even though Dean wasnt ever fond of me.

She told me and Dean that we should meet at the morning of the wedding to better bond together. That could be my chance to be her husband. I looked on the evening before the wedding through the internet in search of a body swap spell. I found a recipe and mixed the potion together.

On the morning of the wedding Dean and I met in my appartement, he already wore his wedding suit. I knew he wants to do this quick. I asked him if he wants something to drink and he said yes. I mixed the potion into his drink while I got it for him.

It looked like he was thirsty as he poured everything down in one sip. After a loud burp he told me that I should leave the city after the wedding, he wouldnt want to see-

He stopped in the middle of the sentence starting to hold his stomach. His face looked like if he has to throw up. I started to get goose bumps and with that I knew that the transformation began.

His body beneath the dark tight suit started to stretch while I saw him shrink in front of my eyes. I quickly grabbed a frying pan from my kitchen to hit him over the head so he couldnt flee from the swap. Lying unconscious on my floor his transformation endet and mine started. I felt how I grew, how I lost my fat around my waiste and I felt how my muscles grew. I saw his memories before me. When my transformation finished, I looked like Dean and he looked like me.

I stripped him of his now to big suit and put it on. After that I left my old appartement to drive to the wedding place. I hoped that the old Dean woke up in time for the wedding and thankfully he did. He behaved as if he was always my old self.

Ros and myself as Dean said yes to each other and now I’m celebrating my wedding with my childhood love in a new great body.

A wish to be him

The meeting went well. It was just announced that you are the successor of your boss, the CEO of the worlds third biggest company. The past years of overtime and ingratiating payed off.

You left the company’s building to start your break. You’re headed towards the big plaza in the middle of the city. When you arrived you’ve started leaning against a well as always.

You werent hungry but you loved to watch people. To see them talk, walk, eat and laugh. You wanted to know everything. Your eyes moved inquisitively from left to right and back. You noticed that many couples walked over the plaza at that time but then something catched your eye. On the opposite side, under the rusty metal stairs that led to the old warehouse, two bright blue eyes were looking at you. You crossed the plaza, walking towards the eyes. As you came closer you noticed that an old homeless man sat in the shadows beneath the stairs. His crystal blue eyes were hypnotizing.

Now standing about 15 feet away from him he said:“You look good young man. I was a good looking man once too…”

His voice made your skin crawl. It was a deep, soothing voice that gave you chills.

He continued:“Come with me, I want to show you something.” He stepped out of the shadows into the sunlight.

You started to see the deep wrinkles on his face, the grey stubbles that should become a beard and the bald head with some remaining hairs. You estimate him to be around 78 years old. He wore a trashbag as clothes and old dress shoes with holes that were tried to be plugged with tape.

He started to walk up the stairs and as if you couldn’t control your body you followed him. Both of you went inside the old warehouse.

He turned towards you and looked you deep into the eyes. At first you felt unsettled and wanted to turn around but his eyes were something special, you couldnt look away.

“You look good young man.”, he said again. “Like a nice guy who helps people in need.”

You started nodding, even though you didnt want to.

“Dont you want to help a homeless man who needs warm clothes and a job?”, he asked with a smirk.

“Of course!”, you answered not knowing what is happening. Still confused not being able to control your body, you started to forget your old life while taking of your expensive suit. Starting with the jacket and tie and finishing with your shoes and pants,  you handed the suit towards the homeless man. Now standing in front of him only wearing your underwear, your muscular body was exposed. You noticed how the homeless man drooled, staring at your abs and then at your suit in his hands.

“How should I wear the suit without any underwear.”, he said while nodding towards your bulge. You stripped out of your socks and underpants and handing them over.

He took of his trashbag, revealing his old, thin and wrinkled body. He put on your suit with a loud moan. He handed you his old shoes and the trashbag:“Dont you want to wear this? It would fit you as a homeless man.”

You grabbed it thankfully and put them on.

The man made a step towards you, putting his hands on both of your cheeks. He kissed you heartily and you felt how something is leaving your body, but you didnt care.

When you opened your eyes again, you wondered why this good looking, young man stood in front of you. He looked at you with a smirk and said:“Dont you want to go back to your place beneath the stairs?”

Of course you wanted to go back there. You loved sitting there watching happy people on the plaza. You and the handsome young man left the warehouse. You sat down beneath the stairs, watching the young man crossing the plaza to lean against a well.

You observed him every day since that moment in your life. Every time you saw him, your old wrinkled hands grabbed the air as if you could touch him. It felt as if you knew that guy in thlse expensive looking suits and you wished to know how it would be to live his life.

My friend John’s body

I’m straight. I recently broke up with my girlfriend. It was a hard time for me but my best friend John was at my side. We know each other since Kindergarten but since highschool something changed. I always felt better when he was near me. He was this good looking, muscular womanizer and I was the skinny guy. He always dressed nice: tight shirts, leather jacket and boots and so on. Something about it turned me on and he sometimes felt it. He joked about it, sometimes he jokingly said if I want to sniff him. Of course I said no as I’m straight but that moment never left my mind.

Now that I was in a bad mood because of my break up he came over to cheer me up but I had different plans.

I opened the door after he knocked and let him in. Closing the door behind him, I grabbed the rag with chloroform from my back pocket and pushed it from behind onto his face. Totally shocked, he tried to push me away from him but I clinged onto him like a used gum to the sole of a boot. He went on his knees which caused his leather boots to creak.

I started to feel that he got weaker until he passed out. I didnt remove the rag for quiet some minutes to make sure that he really is unconscious. I pulled his limb body onto my bed and tied him up.

I never saw him sleeping so this was a new experience too. He looked so handsome passed out.

Even though I was able to grow a good beard I always were skinny and with that a bit jealous of my best friend John. I now knew the feelings I had when he was near me. I always wanted to be like him. Tall, muscular, good looking. I wanted to strip him and put on his clothes and he should be able to see every single step of it. Of course I dont want to loose him as a friend after this so I already bought a bottle of forgetful potion for him when I finished.

I waited for him to be awake again to start with my plan.

“Dennis! What did you do to me?”, John shouted after he noticed that I tied him up on my bed.

“I thought you wanted to cheer me up Jonathan.”, I answered. I saw in his eyes that he was scared, I never called him by his full name before.

I continued:“I want to feel good again. I love the way you look Jonathan! I’ll strip every single cloth off of you and I’ll put it on myself, starting with your boots. After that I want to have some fun with you…”

I looked at him with dead eyes as he tried to free himself, but he had no luck. When he looked back at me I saw the fear and sadness in his eyes.

I came closer to him and started to stroke his leg while I opened the first lace of his boots. I pulled them of his feet, closed my eyes and started to sniff them. The smell of sweat and warm leather turned me on. I noticed how my dick raised.

When I opened my eyes again I saw that John’s bulge has grown too.

“Looks like I’m not the only one who likes this.”, I commented while staring at his bulge.

He growled back and I saw a tear run from his left eye.

I turned back to his clothes pulling each wool sock from his feet. I knew that he was ticklish so I ran my fingers down the sole of his foot.

His body cramped and moved uncontrollably because he wanted to suppress his laughter. Satisfied with his feet, I began to undo his belt. He tried to fight back but he was without a chance. I pulled down his jeans to reveal that he wore a jockstrap. I let out a quiet laugh, I never thought he would wear something like this. I pulled it down too to reveal his massive cock. Satisfied with what I get to play with later I started to get into his clothes. I undressed completely and started to get into his jockstrap. It was to large for me so I had to hold it up until i put on his jeans and closed the belt. It felt So good to wear it I could smell his parfume and sweat, I was so turned on. I put on his thick wool socks he wore in his boots. They were cold as they were drenched in his sweat. I let out an uncontrolled moan and smiled at him.

“Looks like your feet were really hot in there.”, I said to him, lying on my bed, his lower half completely undressed and his cock standing at a right angle to his body.

His eyebrows drew together in an angry look. “I’ll kill you as soon as I’m free!”, John shouted. I belittled his words as I was so hyped to get into his boots!

They stood in front of me and as I grabbed the first one I felt my heart beating faster synched with my cock. I knew I’d cum as soon as I put them on and it was an honor for me to do it into John’s jockstrap. After I put on his first boot I felt something weird in my body. My blood felt warmer and I thought I grew a little bit. I dismissed it as an illusion and grabbed his second boot. As soon as I put it on I felt the same again. I looked at John and he was shocked as if he had seen a ghost. I looked down at myself and I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was John’s body. Everything was there from his muscles to his veins and I lost my chest hair. I ran to a mirror to take a selfie. I had to save this moment for myself.

When I came back to John it looked like he has made peace with the situtation he was in. I knocked him out again to strip him of his beautiful black leather jacket and his grey v-neck tshirt that defined his muscles.

I played with my new body until John was awake again so he could continue to put on the last parts of his clothes. I felt so good, strong and masculin now, I didnt want to change back to my old appearence.

“I think I’ll stay in your clothes for some days John. Dont you see how good it fits me?”, I said to him.

I crawled onto the bed kneeling now over him. I ran my, no, his fingers down his muscular body and stopped when they reached his hairy ballsack and huge cock.

“Let us see if you’re really straight John…”, I said while starting to stroke his dick. It got even harder than it was before and he started to get an orgasm and almost cum. It was so pleasing to be in this body, to have this clothes on to see that your love of your life is almost cumming while you stroke his dick.

I put his dick into my mouth. It was warm and pulsated in a rythm. I somehow knew I had to get him to cum into my mouth to get to my orgasm too. I played on his dick with my tongue and I started to suck really hard. John moaned and shot his first big load right into my throat. I felt how he started to climax and I sucked even harder as he shot his second load into my mouth. I started to notice that his cock started to feel smaller in my mouth. I looked at John and saw that his muscles started to deflate and that chesthair started to grow on him. When I saw his face I was shocked. I looked into my old face. I continued to suck until his dick was dry.

When I stood up in front of my bed I couldnt believe it. John took the appearence of my old body. He looked dazed.

“John?! Is everything okay?”, I asked him.

He looked at me and answered:“Johnathan, why are you calling me by your name. You know I’m Dennis.”

I was so happy. I freed him and ran to the bath. I took of the boots and to my surprise I didnt change back into my old body so I put them back on.

John, I mean now Dennis, stood in front of me as I opened the door again.

“Is everything okay John? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”, he said.

“Everything is fine. I have to go now.”, I mumbled.

I grabbed John’s, now my, car keys, said goodbye to Dennis and left his house.

That was three months ago. Dennis is now back together with his ex girlfriend, the reason for all of this.  I’m happy to be in this body and I dont want to switch back. I think I’m doing it more justice than the old John. I know have an incredible leather jacket and boot collection I can cum off of.

Dennis and I are still best friends as he doesn’t remeber what happened on that day and I’ll never tell him.
