#boku no hero academia


Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima relationship angst :’)

Just some angst/problems that might come up with dating these guys. By the way, this is by no means an attempt to ruin your comfort characters! These are just some ideas on maybe parts of a relationship they wouldn’t be so good at. No one is perfect,either in a relationship or as an individual, and I still really like these characters overall :)))

warnings: trauma, minor angst, slightly unhealthy habits

-Todoroki Shoto-

  • Understandably… anything regarding physical contact is a bit of a weird subject
  • He had pretty mixed feelings about it at first and the two of you agreed to avoid it. Eventually, he started to get more comfortable with it, and the two of you began doing things like hold hands, hug, and cuddle a bit
  • No matter how gentle you are, he tenses upon the initial contact and then slowly relaxes
  • He’s so softwhen you touch him. He wraps his limbs around you, buries his head in the crook of your neck, and blushes softly as he drinks in all the physical contact he never got
  • Sometimes he thanks you for really random stuff, like remembering how he likes his soba. Asking specific questions about his day/how he’s feeling. Letting him talk about his interests. And it isn’t an idle “thx btw” it’s a sincere “thank you, so, so much for doing that, I truly appreciate it” and it kind of breaks your heart how low his standards are for how people treat him
  • The only reason he’s been seriously addressing his trauma is not that he’s upset about it, but because you’re upset he isn’t upset
  • The “meet the family” conversation was avoided for so long. If you both have bad home lives, you probably avoid it indefinitely
  • If you have a good family though, while Todoroki probably had a great time spending time with your family, he probably felt guilty that he couldn’t offer the same to you
  • He makes up a lot of excuses to his family to avoid putting you in a weird situation. He worries his sister would use you as proof that the family was healing, his brother would probably try to make you side against Endeavor, Endeavor might try to get you to talk to Todoroki for him… no way is he putting you through that
  • He wasn’t the best at expressing affection at first, but as he began to realize that “wow, you aren’t going to hurt me or try to use me :)” he became more open

-Iida Tenya-

  • Iida holds himself to SUCH high standards and can be really uptight, and I don’t just mean in terms of his hero work and academics, but in terms of being a boyfriend too
  • He wants to be the model boyfriend: strong, supportive of you, protective, encouraging, funny, charming, good at planning dates, romantic, calm and cool, etc
  • Sometimes the of you can laugh about it — Iida’s bad flirty lines, Iida’s list of your likes/dislikes, how dramatic he is about little things
  • Other times… you can’t laugh. Depending on the type of person you are, you might like how organized and list-based Iida’s dates are, or at least appreciate the work that goes into them. Or, you might be annoyed out of your mind, wondering why the two of you can’t just say “hey let’s hang out” without Iida making an itinerary
  • If he ever forgot an important relationship-related event like an anniversary, birthday, or Valentines Day, he would feel AWFUL and completely freak out about it. Dozens of apologies, trying to act perfect for days on end to make up for it, being especially uptight… you get the idea
  • Even when he doesn’t mess up, it’s difficult for Iida to really relax into a relationship. After you’ve been dating for a few months, he’s still quite stiff with affection — not because he’s unaccustomed to it, he’s just a naturally tense person
  • Veryguilty of being a bit of a workaholic and making you feel like… yes, he’s physically there, but he’s not there,like when you finally convinced him to watch your favorite movie, only to see him reviewing notes the entire time
  • And thinking about the “wow, I saw Iida’s to-do list for today and I’m literally nothing but a box for him to check off” can lead to some real FUN arguments
  • Sometimes when you cuddle his grip on you is just a little too tight because he’s so worried about something happening to you

-Kirishima Ejiro-

  • Similar to Iida, Kirishima also puts a lot of pressure on himself to be a good boyfriend
  • But unlike Iida who gets so worked up that it’s obvious he’s upset, Kirishima is waytoo good at hiding the strain he puts on himself
  • He could’ve just had the crappiest day of his life, but he’ll force a smile for you, offer to help with your homework, and get you something to drink
  • He goes so far out of his way to do things for you to show how much he loves you — carrying your books and backpack on top of his, even when his arms are shaking from being overworked; staying up late to talk to you without mentioning that he promised to wake up early to help Bakugou train; letting you have some of his lunch even though he forgot breakfast and will probably end up giving part of his dinner to Kaminari
  • It isn’t toxic masculinity because Kirishima is certainly still soft on you and in touch with his emotions, but his standards for himself are definitely too high
  • Part of him knew this wasn’t healthy, but the other, unconfident part of himself convinced him it was worth it every time you bragged to the others about how amazing your boyfriend is
  • When you realized what Kirishima was doing to himself, you were honestly devastated with yourself for not realizing sooner
  • And when you confronted Kirishima about it he reacted like a hurt puppy because he thought you were going to break up with him
  • You two had a long, long chat about communicating boundaries and such
  • Aside from that, Kirishima is like,,, really, really good with relationships??? He communicates well, is flexible, understanding, etc. Sometimes he does push himself a bit too hard in training or doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for you, but you’re there to cheer him up :)
Here’s a preview of my piece for the @yearonezine !! Pre-orders are open and everything looks so goo

Here’s a preview of my piece for the @yearonezine !! Pre-orders are open and everything looks so good!! To purchase the zine and extra bundles go to https://yearonezine.bigcartel.com/products 


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Preview of my piece for @bnhabigthreezine !!!I had so much fun drawing Miss Nejire in a Fantasy AU s

Preview of my piece for @bnhabigthreezine!!!

I had so much fun drawing Miss Nejire in a Fantasy AU setting

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My piece for the @bnharpgzine !!I had a wonderful time working on this daily-life kind of piece, sho

My piece for the @bnharpgzine!!

I had a wonderful time working on this daily-life kind of piece, showing the beginning of Bakugo’s day with his dragon

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This was my piece for the @bnhafoodzine!!! I had a lot of fun drawing pikaburger and the oversized p

This was my piece for the @bnhafoodzine!!! I had a lot of fun drawing pikaburger and the oversized pikachu that is Kaminari!!

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Starting the spooky month, this is a preview of my piece for the Halloween Mini-zine Bonus Book of t

Starting the spooky month, this is a preview of my piece for the Halloween Mini-zine Bonus Book of the @bnhavillainzine!!

I had a ton of fun painting a very spooky Chisaki, and I really hope I did his evil some justice (aha) 

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 Thank you guys for all the support! Honestly I still have a long way to go but every comment, like,

Thank you guys for all the support! Honestly I still have a long way to go but every comment, like, rt and follow means the world to me

I drew this precious Prince Todoroki for all of you. Hopefully, many more drawings to come!

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A sneak peak of my piece for @bnharpgzine!! I’m really happy to have been able to work on this piece

A sneak peak of my piece for @bnharpgzine!! I’m really happy to have been able to work on this piece, I really enjoy this style of illustration!

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A small preview of my piece for @bnhafoodzine !!I had a lot of fun experimenting with textures this

A small preview of my piece for @bnhafoodzine!!

I had a lot of fun experimenting with textures this time!

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 I continue the background offline, I think this week gonna be really busy so I might not able to Li

I continue the background offline, I think this week gonna be really busy so I might not able to Livestream or if there is time I can just focus on the character more.


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“Shoutout to aros with mad hoes(me)”

RedbubbleCommissions,DNI proshippers/antiantis/queerphobes/etc in link, Hawks said Happy Pride to aros, specifically×

It’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And thIt’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And thIt’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And thIt’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And thIt’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And thIt’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And thIt’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!I had a really good time working on them! And th

It’s finaly here!! My #SixFanarts for the challenge!

I had a really good time working on them! And these are characters from some of my fave media content out there! Do you like any of theses?

[Speedpaint HERE][Find me here too!]

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My piece for the lovely @bnhacatcafeThe main idea is that cats love Todoroki for some reason <3 T

My piece for the lovely @bnhacatcafe

The main idea is that cats love Todoroki for some reason <3 This was so fun to work on!

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