#bokuto x reader


“their s/o paints their nails”

bokuto x reader, suna x reader, kyotani x reader

tbh i think all the characters would let their s/o paint their nails :)


  • he was waiting for you to ask him first bc he was too scared to ask himself
  • but when you do he’s ecstatic, his eyes are practically glowing at the different options
  • he’s probably want you to paint his nails the fukurodani colours and you happily agree
  • “kou~ hold still or ill get it all over your fingers!”
  • bokuto tries his best to be patient while you paint, doing his best not to squirm and mess you up
  • also, he really enjoys that you two are able to just have this quality time to do something a little bit silly
  • call him pretty after painting his nails and watch how he blushes


  • never really wanted to get his nails painted but at the end of the day he wasn’t opposed to the idea
  • “hey rin, do you mind if i paint your nails?” he looks at you with a neutral expression, seeing how excited the thought made you he shrugged. “have at it.”
  • he sits so still for you, heck he almost falls asleep during the process
  • you wanted to be all cute so you matched his nails with your own, (while his nails were all black expect for his pinky which was pink yours were pink except for your pinky which was black… if ykyk)
  • suna manages to take so many pictures: before, during and even after
  • his favourite this is of you, pairing his thumb with your tongue sticking out in concentration


  • he would paint his nails on his own and honestly enjoys having polish on his nails even if he only wears black
  • so when you ask him if he’d let you of course he’d say yes!
  • he gives you soft looks during the whole thing and if anyone from the team were to see him being so smiley he’d die
  • if it’s you painting his nails he doesn’t really care the colour, but would prefer something on the darker side yknow to match his whole aesthetic.
  • kiss his knuckles when your done and he’ll have melted in your hands
  • as he’s waiting for them to dry he’ll hug you as like a ‘thank you’ but he’d stand in a way that puts him at a perfect height to massage his head

“KISS ME MORE!” pt. 2 

⇢ sakusa kiyoomi, bokuto kotaro, miya osamu, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsuro x f!reader

part 1 

synopsis: the one in which you ask him to please kiss you more

ʚɞ SAKUSA Kiyoomi | collapses next to you on the sofa after a long day at practice. Your fingers weave through his curls, hands gently massaging his scalp as he melts into your touch. He peeks up at you tiredly, “thank you, my love. what can I ever do to repay your kindness?” He smiles gently, a rhetorical question that expected no answer. So imagine the surprise on his face when you responded with a “well, you could kiss me more…” He looks at you and sees the seriousness in your eyes. Your husband laughs, suddenly reenergized. He pats his laps invitingly, which you gladly accepted. “are you comfortable?” he murmurs, lips brushing against yours. “mmhm.” His fingers playfully tugs at the hem of your shirt, “you’re a little brat you know that?” “your little brat.” “mmhm.”

ʚɞBOKUTO Kotaro | is the happiest man when you ask him for a favor like this. “Baby Ko!” You open your arms wide as he happily jumps into them. “Baby y/n!” He mimics you, “how’s my pretty wife doing?” You press a light kiss on his nose, “better now that you’re here.” He hums happily, strong arms engulfing you as he wraps himself around your waist and pulls you in close to him. “what are you thinking about?” “about how you should kiss me more.” Bokuto snaps his head up to look at you, a shock look in his eyes before breaking out into a goofy smile. “oh?” He raises a brow before kissing you on your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, then finally your lips. He giggles as you giggle. “more!” “alright, another round of kisses for my princess!”

ʚɞMIYA Osamu | You watch as your husband wipe down the kitchen counter and prepped the ingredients needed for the restaurant tomorrow. He smiles as he feels your stares, “’m almost done, princess and then we can do whatever ya want, sound good?” You walk over gleefully and wrap your arms around him, peeking up to look at him. “anything I want?” Samu nods, smiling down at you. “what if I want you to kiss me more?” Osamu doesn’t answer, but you suddenly find yourself spun around, your back gently hitting the counter as his face inches closer to yours before pressing a light kiss on your lips. “well I did say anything ya want. Yer wish is my command.”

ʚɞKOZUME Kenma | “kenma!” “yes?” He sets down his cup of coffee and looks up at you as you stand before him, arms crossed. “What flavor is your coffee?” Kenma looks down at the cup before looking up at you, confused. “what do you mean? its coffee? um…vanilla I guess. It’s just the one you got yesterday.” “can I have a taste?” He lifts up his cup to you invitingly but you shake your head. “why don’t you show me the flavor another way?” you winked suggestively. Kenma blushes a deep shade of red but nonetheless opens his arms invitingly as you sink down onto the sofa. “you’re very creative…” he whispers just before leaning in. “did you get a good taste?” You giggle and shake your head no. He sighs playfully, “looks like I have no choice but to kiss you again.” yes please!

ʚɞKUROO Tetsuro | stands up to stretch, holding out his hand to you. You look at his invitation before looking away. Your husband looks down at you, amusement dancing in his eyes. “what’s wrong, pretty face?” “it’s just…” another sigh as you begin to quote Doja Cat, “we hug. And yes, we make love. Then we always just say good night.” Kuroo sits back down, ready to entertain your antics. He’s absolutely aware you’re quoting Doja cat, after all, this song has been on replay for you this entire week. “oh yeah? and you don’t like that?” He inquires. “no I do but…” He grabs your chin, tilting you up to look at him. “but you want me to kiss you more?” Before you could respond, Kuroo presses his lips into yours before pulling away, leaving you slightly dazed. You pout as he laughs, “what? you want more? okay, I’ll kiss you more any time, y/n.” 

reblogs are greatly appreciated <3 

main masterlist|haikyū masterlist


warnings: smut, bi threesome
characters: kotaro bokuto and keiji akaashi x reader
request from @bj4ndr3a

if anyone had told you before this moment that you’d be laying in your best friend’s bed, legs spread and trembling while his tongue works wonders around your clit all whilst his boyfriend was expertly deep throating him, you probably would have referred them to the nearest therapist. but insanely enough, that’s the current situation you guys are in. there’s always been an awkward tension between you and the two guys but you never thought it meant anything serious. especially nothing serious enough for you to be lying here fully naked in front of them as an oral frenzy takes place, but here you are.

it all started with a simple question.

“have you guys ever had a threesome?” you asked nonchalantly as you scrolled past some twitter porn that someone had retweeted on your timeline, hence what sparked your question.

“no, why?” bokuto responds, completely unbothered by the question. this was a normal conversation for you guys. after knowing him for so many years, the two of you had built a comfortability with each other that makes even the most abnormal conversations seem mundane.

“just saw a video of one on my twitter timeline and was curious is all.” you shrug, continuing to scroll and like a tweet that makes you laugh.

“oo, let me see.” bokuto says, perking up at your statement from his end of the couch.

“i wanna see too.” akaashi says, lifting his head from bokuto’s chest to look in your direction. you had gone over to their apartment to help bokuto study for his upcoming bio exam, but that was immediately forgotten and you all ended up migrating to the couch to watch a movie. the movie is over now, but you’re procrastinating going back to your own apartment and attending to responsibilities you need to complete. you stand up and move towards your friends, scrolling up to find the video once more.

“there.” you say, showing them the screen.

“mm two guys one girl action, looks fun.” bokuto hums.

“that’s hot.” akaashi states, eyeing the video with full intrigue.

“i was thinking the same thing.” you agree, glancing at the screen too. you watched as one of the guys in the video began helping the girl give the second guy a blowjob. it was truly arousing and you couldn’t help but imagine yourself being the girl in that situation. your heart dropped when you imagined the two guys being bokuto and akaashi though. you choked at the thought, your throat suddenly losing every last drop of moisture within it.

“you ok?” akaashi asks, eyes averting from your phone screen to your face and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.

“yeah, i’m fine.” you say, pulling your phone away from their view.

“hey, it was just getting to the good part!” bokuto pouts and you roll your eyes, sitting back down on the couch.

“i’m not gonna sit here and hold the phone while you watch the whole porn weirdo.” you laugh.

“what was the point in showing me then? now i’m horny.” bokuto frowns, crossing his arms dramatically. now akaashi rolls his eyes and you just chuckle to yourself.

“maybe you should go take care of that then.” you shrug, reinvesting yourself into your twitter timeline.

“maybe i should. and maybe you two should join me, we can remake that video.” bokuto smirks and you choke again, completely thrown off by the statement.

“funny joke.” you say sarcastically, trying your hardest to pretend the words that just left your best friend’s mouth did not affect you.

“i’m not joking.” bokuto says, tone assertive and lacking any sense of humor. yours and akaashi’s head both snap in bokuto’s direction in unison, confusion plastered on both of your guys’ faces.

“what? why are you guys looking at me like that? don’t pretend you didn’t both just say that video was hot.” bokuto huffs, throwing his hands up in defense. you look at akaashi who looks just as much at a loss for words as you feel.

“that doesn’t mean we want to have a threesome together?” you say, failing to sound convincing in any way. you know you don’t mean what you just said, not in the slightest.

“oh come on. don’t make me seem weird right now. i know you guys both feel this weird ass sexual tension whenever the three of us hang out. i know it’s not just me.” bokuto admits. there’s a pause of silence before akaashi speaks.

“i mean, i guess he has a point.” akaashi stares blankly at you, waiting for your response.

“you guys are fucking with me right now, right?” you question. disbelief is an understatement for what you’re currently feeling.

“i’m so serious. i’ve noticed it for awhile now but could never find the confidence to bring it up.” bokuto explains.

“same here, i thought it was just me.” akaashi chimes in.

you look back and forth between them, feeling as though a camera crew was about to pop out of nowhere and reveal that this is all some kind of strange prank. but it never happens and you realize that your friends are fully serious.

“so you guys actually wanna have a threesome?” you swallow harshly. are you actually considering this right now?

“i think it’d be good to finally relieve this weird tension.” bokuto shrugs.

“i don’t see why not.” akaashi states.

“wow, ok. um well, if you guys are down, i am too i guess.” you try not to sound too excited.

“alright, we should take this to the bedroom then.” bokuto smiles.

a rush of both nerves and excitement flow through you as you enter the shared bedroom of the two men in front of you. it feels awkward for a moment but bokuto instructs you to lie down on the bed, which you immediately comply to.

“this is gonna be so hot.” bokuto mumbles, almost more to himself than anyone else, before bending down to interlock his lips with yours. the act catches you off guard but you immediately melt into this kiss. bokuto’s lips are soft. extremely soft. and he’s gentle with you. the complete opposite of what you expected from him. you hear a low hum of content from akaashi who you can’t see since your eyes are closed, but you’re assuming he’s watching the two of you right now. the thought of it causes you to let out a quiet moan into the kiss, to which bokuto smirks at. he’s guiding the kiss with ease, gradually applying more pressure. his hand is now snaking behind your head to grasp the hair at the nape of your neck. he tugs it gently, your head tilting back ever so slightly but allowing him more leverage over the kiss. he takes this opportunity to lick your bottom lip which you take as a request for access. you open your mouth a bit more, letting his tongue explore you. you feel your body temperature begin to rise as the kiss gets more intense and you hear rustling coming from where akaashi was kneeling on the bed. what was he doing? touching himself? while he watched you guys? again the thought makes you moan, this time a bit louder than the first. bokuto moans back against your lips and your heat pulses at the sound of it. just as you were about to become fully intoxicated by the kiss, bokuto pulls away and it takes a lot for you not to whine. he looks unreal when he pulls back. hair messy where you were tugging on it, lips swollen, and a deep red tint dusting his cheeks. you almost moan just from looking at him and almost moan again when you look over at akaashi who is in nothing but his boxers, hand palming his growing erection. so that’s what the rustling was.

“kiss her, she’s so fucking good at it.” bokuto instructs akaashi and he does not hesitate to do as told. you giggle at how easily the two of you follow bokuto’s orders, but your laugh is cut short when akaashi’s lips attach to yours. if you thought bokuto’s lips were soft, you were completely mistaken. akaashi’s were impossibly softer and you didn’t think anyone could be more gentle than bokuto had been, but akaashi does not fail to prove you wrong. your brain is in a complete haze while he kisses you. the only thought occupying your mind is how you feel like you could kiss him forever and never get tired of it. he uses his thumb and forefinger to grab your chin, slowly deepening this kiss. before you know it, his tongue is gliding against your own and you can’t help the whimpers that are escaping your lips.

“fuck, i’m getting so hard.” bokuto groans which causes you and akaashi to smile against each other. he disconnects the kiss, leaving you feeling drowsy.

“tell me about it.” akaashi sighs, peeking down at the tent in is boxers. you follow his gaze, the bulge you saw earlier now scarily bigger. your eyes widen, the curios urge to learn how big he is begins to overwhelm you.

“you wanna see it? ask him then.” you hear from beside you. you snap out of your haze to look up at bokuto who was now only in his boxers as well. you felt uncomfortably overdressed.

“what?” you ask, not having fully grasped what he said.

“staring isn’t gonna do anything. ask him to show you how big it is.” bokuto smirks. you switch your gaze from bokuto’s golden eyes to akaashi’s deep brown ones shyly.

“can i see it?” you ask, your voice coming out much quieter than you intended it to.

“you’re adorable” akaashi chuckles “of course you can.” he slides his boxers down his body revealing a hard, throbbing cock that almost looked disproportionate in comparison to his slender frame.

“holy shit.” you huff unintentionally but you are genuinely caught by surprise.

“i know right? i had the same reaction the first time i saw it. still do honestly.” bokuto says. sometime during that interaction, bokuto had taken his boxers off too and now both men are completely nude in front of you and you have no idea what to do with yourself. thankfully, bokuto is there to provide instruction for you.

“sit up.” he demands, and unsurprisingly, you do exactly that. once you’re sat upright, bokuto grabs the hem of your shirt, pulling the fabric over your head and off your body in one swift motion. akaashi helps with the next part, moving behind you to unclasp your bra. the material slides off your chest with your help, exposing your breasts to your best friend and his boyfriend.

“so pretty.” bokuto compliments and you feel your face grow hot.

he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, akaashi following suit with the other.

“oh my god.” you moan, watching as both guys pleasure your chest. you feel your underwear dampen, making you hyper aware that you are still wearing them. trying your best not to disrupt the men attached to you, you maneuvered your way out of your shorts and wet panties. now you’re all fully naked and you can’t imagine feeling any more turned on than you are right now. akaashi is the first to pull away and get a glimpse of your now naked figure. you don’t miss how his eyes linger on certain areas as he looks you over, his bottom lip absentmindedly tucked between his teeth as he does so.

“stunning.” he says in an almost whisper and your heart flutters a bit. his comment was loud enough for bokuto to hear, making the man curious to see what exactly was stunning. he finishes the hickey he was placing on your chest before his eyes rake up and down your body. you feel slightly insecure and extremely vulnerable with two pairs of eyes staring at your naked form, but the way bokuto’s darken with lust reassure you that they like what they see.

“fuck y/n, lay down.” bokuto groans. you lay back on the bed, back sinking into the cool sheets on the mattress. two large hands find their way to your inner thighs, spreading them apart borderline painfully wide. you shiver at the cool air hitting your swollen clit. you’re desperate for some form of contact, and bokuto gladly gives it to you. his tongue has no trouble finding it’s way to your clit, immediately circling the sensitive nub. your back arches and a broken moan tears from your throat.

mm” akaashi moans as he watches in awe. he’s stroking himself slowly, completely wrapped up in the pleasure of watching his boyfriend go down on you. though he’s not too wrapped up to notice his boyfriend’s tip leaking precum. his cock looks painfully hard, like it’s begging for release and what kind of boyfriend would akaashi be if he didn’t help his lover out. you watch as akaashi shifts down the bed, near bokuto’s dripping length. akaashi licks up the precum pooling on the bed, mostly for your amusement since he knows you’re watching. he then kitten licks the tip, testing for a reaction from bokuto. bokuto groans against your clit, the vibrations making you arch against his tongue. you look down at akaashi who looks extremely content with both of your reactions. they give him the motivation to swallow as much of bokuto as he can, which may as well be all of it. your eyes widen as you watch, you don’t think you could ever take that much of bokuto in your mouth. he is definitely above average not only in length, but girth, and akaashi takes it all like it’s nothing.

“holy fuck akaashi, just like that.” bokuto takes a break to moan, glaring down at his boyfriend. akaashi looks back up at him almost too innocently considering he has a whole dick shoved down his throat. bokuto gives one good thrust into akaashi’s mouth before tending back to your needs. his tongue effortlessly finds its way back to your clit, but this time he pushes a finger inside of you along with it.

nngh bokuto, fuck.” you breathe heavily. it’s just one finger but it somehow fills you up so well. the way he curves it inside of you at the same tempo that he’s moving his tongue against your clit is driving you insane.

“do you want more?” he asks, sounding just as breathless as you. you take a quick look down and see exactly why, he’s now gently face-fucking akaashi who is moaning around his cock while stroking his own. all you can do is nod ‘yes’ in response, completely unable to provide any verbal answer. but bokuto won’t accept that.

“i want to hear you say it, do you want more?” he says, pulling his finger out of you completely and leaving you with no more pleasure.

“yes, please bokuto. i need more.” you cringe at how needy you sound but every part of your body is aching for release right now.

“you sound so pretty all desperate like that.” he groans before placing two fingers at your entrance. he slides them in, curling them upward to hit the spot that has you gripping the sheets and calling out his name.

“so fucking hot.” he mutters, lowering his head to lick your clit once more. you were somewhat embarrassed about being the loudest one in the room until a loud, hoarse moan somewhat startled you. it came from bokuto you concluded, after looking down and seeing that akaashi’s throat had relaxed enough to take the last bit of bokuto that he couldn’t earlier. now bokuto’s entire length is fully down his throat with akaashi holding it there as if he doesn’t even know what the word gag reflex means.

shit..fuck akaashi. you’re gonna make me cum. please make me cum.” bokuto practically begs. he sounds so needy and fucked out, it makes your hole clench around his fingers. between that and akaashi taking his full length again, bokuto is completely done for. 

“ahh fuck i’m-nngh, gonna..’m cumming.” he can’t even complete his sentence before he’s spilling into akaashi’s mouth with such breathy noises. akaashi swallows all of it and it’s all just so much, too much. you grind yourself against bokuto’s fingers that are still resting inside you. he takes the hint and begins curling them to help, though his pace is much slower since he hasn’t yet fully regained his composure. akaashi moves toward you, placing his middle and index fingers on your clit and rubbing them against it. your vision goes blurry before you clench your eyes shut, back arching off the bed as your orgasm consumes you and you feel a rush of liquid escape your body.

“holy shit, did i just-“

“squirt? yeah. all over my face.” bokuto says and akaashi chuckles softly.

“oh my god, i’m so sorry.” you hide behind your hands, completely embarrassed.

“don’t be, that was the second hottest thing that’s happened to me today. first being my boyfriend deepthroating the hell out of me. where did that come from babe?”

“i don’t know. it was hot watching how good you made y/n feel, i wanted to do the same for you.” akaashi smiles.

“aww.” you coo at the cute remark.

“i love you.” bokuto coos too, placing a chaste kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. “and i think it’s time for us to finishing making you feel good.” he adds, attention shifting to akaashi’s still very hard member.

“i agree.” you chime in, moving closer to akaashi and positioning yourself in front of his length. you lick a stripe along the side of his shaft, looking over to bokuto, indicating for him to join in. he follows your lead, licking the opposite side.

“oh my, fuck.” akaashi moans. he begins playing with both of your guys’ hair, occasionally using it to guide your mouths across his shaft. he’s a moaning mess above you two and you’re positive he isn’t gonna last much longer. you readjust your position so you can take akaashi’s tip into your mouth, slowly sucking down the shaft until you reach about halfway. akaashi trembles at the sensation, mere seconds away from completely losing control in your mouth. but you want bokuto to be the one to make him cum so you pull off. bokuto somehow knows exactly what you expect of him. he takes your place, taking all of akaashi in his mouth with ease.

shit babe, i’m gonna cum. mm-“ akaashi’s whole body shakes with his orgasm. the low, broken moans ripping from his throat are something you want carved in your memory forever. 

there’s a short moment of silence with everyone coming back to their senses afterwards, but the silence is comforting.

“i can’t believe we really did that.” akaashi sighs after fully coming down from his high.

“i can’t believe how good everything felt.” bokuto adds.

“i can’t believe how good you guys are at sucking dick.” you say and the three of you start laughing. 

“am i the only one completely down to do that again?” bokuto asks after the laughter dies down.

“i’m very down.” akaashi says.

“round two?” you ask.


“yes please.”



what’s it: fluff
sugar level: 0.5k
allergen warning/s: n/a
featuring: suna! iwaizumi! ushijima! semi! bokuto!

bon appetit!



the moment you lay your head on top of his shoulder for the very first time, he completely freezes up in both surprise - but a good surprise!! -, happiness - he’s overjoyed that you feel so comfortable with him-, and simply because he didn’t want to disrupt you. sure, he couldn’t actually see your face in that position, but he knew that you looked as angelic as ever in that moment and why would he want to ruin that?? he’s your boyfriend and if his shoulder for a pillow you want, then it’s his shoulder for a pillow you get.

lowkey debating whether to whip out his phone and snap a picture of you


the moment you lay your head on his shoulder, he lays his head on top of yours nonchalantly. continuing to scroll on his phone or debating whether or not to post the hilarious photo he captured of atsumu during their high school reunion. the loves the fact that you were closer to each other - he’s affectionate, but don’t you dare let his teammates know - and it would be easier for him to show you memes he found funny. every now and then, whenever he does this, he’ll turn his head so he’ll be able to kiss your cheek which is the cutest thing ever.


the moment you lay your head on his shoulder, he asks you if you’re sleepy so you can sleep on his lap instead. he knew it was much more comfortable for you to be able to lean forward and hug him as you slept so he offered it to you. and he also knew how you loved to play with his hair as you drifted off to dreamland and having you face him while you slept would make that much, much easier. besides, it’s not like he’d mind having you sit on his lap and being able to hold you in his big arms.

also eita singing to you while you try to go to sleep AAAAAAAAH


the moment you lay your head on his shoulder, he doesn’t seem to have much of a reaction. his usually stoic face remains, well, stoic. he doesn’t even blink. but you, and only you (actually, maybe tendo too tbh), the person who is closest to him - in both a physical manner and in a mental/emotional manner - would be able to see his tells which were proof that internally, he was, in fact, freaking out. the way the sparkle in his intense olive eyes return and the oh so soft speckle of pink dusting his cheeks and if you were to hold his hands, it’d be cold and clammy.


the moment you lay your head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around your shoulder so you can snuggle into him further. he adores it when you he can feel your nose nuzzling into his neck and breathing in his perfume – it smells not only musky, but also of iwaizumiandhome,because home is where the heart is, and wherever hajime went, to tokyo for a major league basketball team, or to osaka for the msby black jackals, whereveriwaizumi had and will always carry your heart with him.


i get: reblog

you get: a balloon

do we have a deal?



what’s it? some nsfw & fluff
sugar level? 0.2k
allergen warning/s? n/a


immediately attacks your lips, kissable and pretty, it feels like it was made to be savored by him. he has a grip on your waist as he walks you backwards, leading you through the long hallways of your shared home and into his favorite room in the house: the bedroom. he continues to push you backwards until the back of your knees hit the bed though his lips has not left yours since he’s stepped foot through the front door. he’s been gone away for so so long and he’s been missing you dearly. he figures that there’s no better way to get reacquainted than this.

semi, SUNA, tsukishima

immediately lunges at you. you almost topple backwards, not just because of his momentum, but also because this man is huge.all muscle and all smiles for you, the person he’s lucky enough to call the love of his life. he bends down and nuzzles his face into your neck, then crushes you to his chest and you feel like you can’t breathe. it doesn’t matter though. you cannot get yourself to care. the only thing that matters is himis the fact that he’s homewith you. in his heart, he knows for sure that there’s no place he’d rather be.

BOKUTO!!, atsumu (he would deny it tho), HINATA

Bokuto X Thigh Riding

Genre: smut, friends with benefits??

Warning: Thigh Riding, light fingering and one pussy slap

Word Count: 1736

Summary: You’ve always been fascinated by Bokuto’s thighs and you’ve had thoughts, fantasies and dreams of riding his thighs but you didn’t want to make the amazing friendship between the two of you weird but what if your desire isn’t yours alone?

A/n: This is my first official fanfic and first official smut fanfic. Im using kinktober as a way to experiment and to improve. Hopefully you guys will all see the growth and can give me constructive criticism in a respectful way. Hope you all enjoy and yes this was posted later than i wanted it to be.

Second Person POV

You stood in the hallway talking to Akaashi about one of the questions on the homework your teacher just assigned when you felt muscular arms wrap around you tightly followed by a heavy head on your shoulder. You didn’t even have to turn around to know exactly who it was.

“Hey Ko! How was class?” Akaashi couldn’t help but shake his head at Bokuto’s childishness and at the way you played into it and babied him.

“It was boring without you two there. You know I don’t have any friends in that class.” You turned your head slightly to see his peppered hair had fallen and his pouty lips on full display. “I missed you, y/n. I wanna have a class with you and Akaashi too. It’s not fair that I’m left out.” He turned his head and mumbled into your neck sadly.

You looked over at Akaashi with a smile that held back the giggle you wanted to let out while he smiled back softly before giving Bokuto a stern look. “Bo, we live in the same apartment and you see y/n almost every single day. Isn’t that enough?”

Bokuto shakes his head as he pulls you closer, causing you to giggle softly and pat his head gently. “How about I hang out with you guys today? Would that make you feel better Bo?”

He lifts his head with a giant smile and nods his head enthusiastically. “Yeah, that would be awesome! Come on! Let’s go right now so we can have more time together.” He grabbed you and Akaashi’s hands and started to try pulling you guys away.

Akaashi pulled Bokuto to stop him from moving further as he sighed softly. “I can’t hang today, Kuroo and I have a project we have to work on and we have to get started today.”

You and Bokuto looked at Akaashi with such sad eyes as you pulled both boys into a hug, mumbling sadly. “We’re gonna miss you Keiji and it would’ve been fun with Tetsu there too.” He kissed your head gently and patted Bokuto’s back before he broke from the hug and left.

Bokuto held you in the hug a little longer before he let you go and grabbed your hand, basically dragging you back to his apartment. As soon as you guys got in, you changed clothes and got ready to have endless fun. You’ve been to their place so much that you had clothes for multiple occasions.

You guys tried weird food combinations, tried parkour at the park, left cute notes and candy in Akaashi’s room, ding dong ditched a few people, prank-called friends, and left random numbers weird text messages. You loved hanging with Bokuto because you could feel like a kid again and not be judged.

Now, you both calmed down and sat on the couch watching a new comedy that came out recently. You both shared a big fluffy blanket, your legs over his thighs and his hands on your thighs. You felt terrible because as Bokuto was so engrossed in the movie, all you could think about was his thighs that were right under yours.

You’ve always had a thing for thighs, especially Bokuto’s thighs which didn’t disappoint thanks to volleyball and all the workouts he does. Your eyes have lingered longer than they should’ve, your hands have touched more than the reasonable amount. If there is a reasonable amount for touching thighs. And your thoughts have run wilder than any animal could ever compare to.

You didn’t realize you were moving around until Bouto squeezed your thigh and looked at you concerned. “Y/n, are you okay? You keep moving around.” The worry in his eyes just made you feel guilty as you tried to quickly come up with an excuse.

“O-oh! I’m fine Bo. I’m just tryna get comfortable, that’s all.” you gave him a soft smile, hoping he would believe you because most people don’t seem to understand that Bokuto is pretty smart.

He looked at you for a bit, almost as if he was trying to see if you were telling the truth before he sighed softly and pulled you into his lap. He held you lightly as if he were scared to hurt you and leaned over close to your ear, whispering. “Is that better?” You truly couldn’t speak so you gave him a weak nod in response.

You ended up still moving a bit which led you to be in the position where you sat on his right thigh, both your legs on either side. If Akaashi were to walk in, he would think something was happening.

Your mind was running rampant and Bokuto wasn’t helping at all. He pulled you back against his chest with his hands wrapped around your abdomen and his head on your shoulder. Pulling you back basically, had you grind on his thigh which made you shiver slightly in pleasure. He must‘ve thought you were cold from his breath hitting your neck gently so he apologized in a soft voice.

You couldn’t help but slowly move your hips against his thigh. The pleasure you felt from it was unimaginable. You’ve never ridden thighs before but you always thought about it, especially with Bokuto’s thighs. You tried to be as subtle as you could so he wouldn’t notice and you even stopped every so often, no matter how much you wanted to keep going, just so you wouldn’t get caught.

There was a point where you got so lost in the pleasure that you didn’t even notice you were moaning softly but he could still hear them. You didn’t notice his hands moving to your hips. You didn’t notice that his eyes were glued to your hips as they moved back and forth and did small circles. You were going in and you didn’t know but you both were enjoying it immensely. He was enjoying it so much that his cock was hard against your back.

“Are you enjoying yourself, baby?” Your eyes opened wide as you stopped abruptly. “Oh don’t stop now, you seemed like you were enjoying yourself. Go on. Keep getting off on my thigh, love.”

“B-bokuto! It’s not- I know that’s- look I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have…” He slapped your pussy through your shorts which caused you to gasp in shock and pleasure.

“Just shut up and keep going.” He grinds himself against your back a few times so you can feel how aroused you made him. “You see what you did to me?” He put his hands in your shorts and touched the wet spot on your panties. “And see how you feel. At least finish what you started so you can feel good.”

“W-wait Bo! What about our friendship? I-i don’t want to make it weird and I love what we have..” You put your hand on his knee as he started moving your hips slowly.

“Just relax and feel good because you weren’t thinking about that when you started fantasizing about my thighs a while ago.” You froze and grabbed his hands tightly to stop his movements as you turned your head to look into his lust-filled eyes. “What? Is something wrong?”

“Bokuto… you knew?” You grabbed his face in your hands while he frowned slightly, confusion obvious on his face.

“Knew what? That you liked my thighs? Yeah, I realized it after a while but Kuroo was the one who explained it to me.” He shrugged as you put your face in your hands and groaned, thinking of all the ways to get back at Kuroo. “Do you wanna keep going? If you’re uncomfy we can stop. Wait, I know how to make you feel better.”

You loved how caring Bokuto was but you didn’t know what he meant until you felt him pulling down your shorts and underwear. You shivered from the sudden loss of clothes as he touched your pussy gently with two fingers. Feeling how wet you were made him buck up and groan, pulling you close into him. “You don’t understand how bad I wanna fuck you. But get off on my thigh first, I wanna see you cum from just my thighs and fingers.”

You were going to say something when he started bouncing his leg causing you to moan and hold his arm tightly. “So fucking wet baby. That pretty pussy dripping all over my thigh. Fuck I wanna taste you.” Your head was thrown back, eyes fluttering closed as he continued bouncing his thigh.

His words made you feel butterflies in your pussy and he must have known because he put his hands on your hips and moved them faster against his thigh. You let yourself fall back into it and started moving and circling your hips, moaning out for him. “That’s it baby owl. Lemme hear how good using my thigh to fuck yourself makes you feel.”

He flexed his thigh and started moving two rough fingers against your clit at the pace of your movements. This whole experience and feeling were so euphoric that you almost thought you were dreaming.

You felt yourself being pulled closer and closer as everything felt like it was going to crash down on you. You lean your head back against him and whine. “Bo please! W-wait wait!” He smirks as you try to stop his hand which he smacks out the way/

“I’m just helping you cum for me, baby. Don’t you wanna come for me?” You nod as moans fall from your lips. “That’s a good girl. See, you get to use me to get off and I get to see the pretty face you make when you cum. Open your eyes baby, I want the full experience.”

Hearing his encouragement made you cum with a loud moan of his name tumbling out your mouth messily. He pulls you into a deep kiss as he slowly rubs your clit to get you down from your high. “You enjoyed that?”

You leaned your head on his chest as you nod your head and give him a small smile. “I definitely enjoyed that Bo. but we should clean up before Keiji comes back.”

“How about I text him to come back tomorrow? I hate to be greedy but I need you tonight y/n!” He lifts you up and practically runs to his room.

“Wait, Bo! Text him before you start anything!”

how suna, bokuto and iwaizumi would react to you laughing in class

a/n:the way i’m trying to keep this shit up with what’s going on is immaculate BUT here’s content

Ship: Suna x Reader // Bokuto x Reader // Iwaizumi x Reader

Warnings: none. Genre: Crack. Masterlist

Rintaro Suna.

  • You’re sitting next to him and Suna apparently has one of those days where he’s EXTRA sarcastic to everyone
  • Especially teachers
  • Suna isn’t even trying to be funny AT ALL but his comments are so dry
  • like when a teacher he can’t stand asks rudely for y’all’s homework, he‘ll mock them
  • „It‘d be nice if you guys could get out your homework now“
  • „It‘d be nice if you could fuck off, but the world ain’t fair“
  • „Excuse me?“
  • Detention for both of you because you can’t stop wheezing <3
  • The Miya twins are SO SHOCKED because of Suna‘s attitude, its hilarious
  • One time during practice, Suna just looks straight in Atsumu‘s eyes, suddenly looks disgusted and turns away from him HSUJDFNBSIOENF

Koutarou Bokuto.

  • You don’t have a reason for laughing tbh, maybe just a dumb video crossed your mind
  • Will grin a bit and ask why you’re laughing bc pretty boy want to laugh along with you
  • When you just shrug your shoulders, he scoffs and tries to concentrate on the teacher
  • Like he’s looking at the teacher and hears a quiet tea kettle
  • Bokuto can’t help it and slowly begins to chuckle
  • That chuckle turns into giggling
  • BOTH OF YOU have tears in y’all’s eyes from laughing and when y’all are THIS CLOSE to calm down, you guys look at each other and it starts again
  • The teacher kicks both of you out

Hajime Iwaizumi.

  • Iwa really wants you to pay attention in class
  • and he helps you if you got any questions
  • we love a supportive ace
  • BUT paying attention in class might be difficult when the other third years decide to spam the groupchat, having a roast battle
  • that’s when you notice that iwaizumi has the gc muted
  • so youre just sort of grinning and giggling
  • ofc he notices
  • „hey, whats wrong?“
  • „nOtHiNg“
  • iwa TRIES to shrug it off, but he sees how you’re glancing to your phone all the time before you laugh a little more, before your face turns a tone deeper everytime
  • he starts to suspect something
  • iwa takes his phone out, opens the chat and
  • mf was right‍♀️
  • he thinks some of the messages are funny, but no one HAS to know that ok
  • y’all see iwaizumi typing and everyone JUMPS out of the groupchat let me tell you
  • you lay your phone face down on your table, still a bit laughing and make eye contact with iwaizumi
  • he just smiles which you can barely see atm bc i swear homeboy is related to mona lisa at you and shakes his head
  • don’t think iwa won’t make sure to go through all of that stuff you missed in this time after school though