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April 2022 wrapupApril featured so many average reads - only a few reads stood out as being very gooApril 2022 wrapupApril featured so many average reads - only a few reads stood out as being very goo

April 2022 wrapup

April featured so many average reads - only a few reads stood out as being very good and only a few were really disappointing. I mean, it could be worse, but I hope to get some really good reads in next month.  

favorite of the month: Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt

nonfiction reads (1):Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

classics (1):Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy

poetry (1): Where Hope Comes From by Nikita Gill

graphic novel (1): Lighter Than My Shadow by Katie Green 

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Time is a Mother by Ocean Vuong


A beautifully crafted elegy of grief and how we live with it. Ocean Vuong never misses. Each poem is real, sometimes painfully so. He weaves words together that are satisfying to say out loud.

If you liked any of his other writings (Night Sky With Exit Wounds; On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous) then you’ll love this one.

My favorite poems in this collection were “Rise & Shine” and “Not Even”.


You know ya girl loves a good portal fantasy.


You may be wondering: wow, Godzilla, is Watership Down really your favorite book?

Easy answer: yes.

Complicated answer: my favorite book always fluctuates on the period of life I’m in or what I’m reading at the moment and how it entertains or affects me.

Watership Down has had a place in my life ever since I was 13. I read it consistently. Once I finish it, I wait a few months to a year, and then I start the adventure all over again.

Also, I’m crazy about this book. I’ve read the book. I own the original movie. I collect different editions of the book. I may sound crazy, but I even have an El-ahrairah tattoo on my arm. That’s how much I love this book and how meaningful it is to me as a person. P.S. my rabbit is named after the main character, Hazel.

I have never been good with change. In the last 5 years, a lot of change has happened and in the next 5 years even more change will occur.

Watership Down has been my rock and steady companion. No matter what changes, I find comfort in a story that doesn’t change. Like Richard Adams said when asked if his book had any special meaning or allegory, “It’s just a story I told my kids.” (I’m paraphrasing here)

Thanks for listening


Shelf-Confidence BPC January 2022 | 14. Chapter Titles


Heartstopper Vol. 1 by Alice Oseman

Now that Heartstopper has dropped on Netflix, I thought it was about time I actually read the books. I didn’t know much about the story but I did know that people were crazy for it. I just finished the first volume and all I have to say is I NEED the next book ASAP.

The longing! The pining! The confusion and the miscommunication! Everything about it draws you in. I’m so deep now that I’ll probably go to a bookstore tomorrow just to get volume 2! Alice Oseman is amazing. You can tell she loves her characters.

hey everyone!! i’m a bit late (as always) but i’m finally posting my owlcrate unboxing this month’s theme was head over heels, so basically everything romance, and i love romance! the first item is this super cool keychain from bookworm boutique! the quote is from simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda (i think), but i really love the back of the keychain! the design is seriously so cool the next…

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overview this month has been pretty crazy! it started off super chill with spring break, then really ramped up and now it’s already ap testing. i’ve been pretty busy lately, and i’ve also been feeling kinda meh since i’ve had a few problems with some of my friends. books yay for spring break! i got a pretty decent amount of reading done and finally finished rereading harry potter. i also reread…

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